* * $Id: rakekv.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:58 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: rakekv.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:58 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.44 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE RAKEKV.FOR *COPY RAKEKV * * *=== rakekv ===========================================================* * * SUBROUTINE RAKEKV ( IT, EXSOP, BBTAR, TKIN, TSTRCK, PSTRCK, & ARECL, TKRECL, EFERMI, CDE, SDE ) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * version by Alfredo Ferrari * INFN - Milan * last change 03 january 93 by Alfredo Ferrari * INFN - Milan * * To be called from the high energy production * * this is a subroutine of fluka to sample intranuclear cascade * particles: it is based on the old Rakeka from J. Ranft * * input variables: * it = type of the secondary requested; 1=proton, 2=neutron * bbtar = atomic weight of the medium * * output variables: * tkin = kinetic energy of the secondary in GeV before applying * the nuclear well (and eventually the Coulomb barreer) * tstrck= kinetic energy of the secondary in GeV * pstrck= momentum of the secondary in GeV/c * cde,sde = cosine and sine of the angle between the * directions of the primary * and secondary particles * ********************************************************************* * #include "geant321/nucdat.inc" #include "geant321/parevt.inc" COMMON / FKNUCO / HELP (2), HHLP (2), FTVTH (2), FINCX (2), & EKPOLD (2), BBOLD, ZZOLD, SQROLD, ASEASQ, & FSPRED, FEX0RD COMMON / FKCASF / PKFRMI, COSTH, PKIN DIMENSION EXSOP (2) REAL RNDM(4), RNGSS, DUMNOR * In this version the low energy component has been suppressed, since * they are now produced by the evaporation model, A. Ferrari. * The parameters needed for the sampling have been already set in * Corrin EXSOP (IT) = 0.D+00 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | 100 CONTINUE * | Sample the Fermi momentum CALL GRNDM(RNDM,4) PKFRMI = PFRMMX (IT) * MAX ( RNDM (1), RNDM (2), & RNDM (3) ) PKFRSQ = PKFRMI * PKFRMI TKIN = - ESLOPE (IT) * LOG ( EXMNNU (IT) - RNDM (4) * ( & EXMNNU (IT) - EXUPNU (IT) ) ) TKRECL = 0.5D+00 * PKFRSQ / ( AMUC12 * ARECL ) * ( 1.D+00 - & 0.25D+00 * PKFRSQ / ( ARECL**2 * AMUCSQ ) ) EFERMI = SQRT ( AMNUSQ (IT) + PKFRSQ ) TSTRCK = EFERMI + TKIN - AMNUCL (IT) - V0WELL (IT) - TKRECL - & EBNDNG (IT) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Record the energy spent without emitting nucleons IF ( TSTRCK .LE. VEFFNU (IT) - V0WELL (IT) ) THEN * | | Reduce that energy according to Fspred: EXSOP (IT) = EXSOP (IT) + TKIN * FEX0RD GO TO 100 * +-<|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* PSTRCK = SQRT ( TSTRCK * ( TSTRCK + 2.D+00 * AMNUCL (IT) ) ) * Sample the angle between the incident particle and the Fermi * momentum * Solution assuming that the momentum transfer is equal to the * the momentum loss of the projectile for the energy loss Tkin, * roughly given by Tkin again. Use this with the "usual" eventv PKIN = TKIN PKIN2 = PKIN * PKIN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) COSTH = 2.D+00 * RNDM (1) - 1.D+00 COSDE2 = PKFRMI * COSTH + PKIN CSIGN = SIGN ( ONEONE, COSDE2 ) COSDE2 = COSDE2 * COSDE2 / ( PKIN2 + PKFRSQ + & 2.D+00 * COSTH * PKIN * PKFRMI ) CDE = CSIGN * SQRT ( COSDE2 ) * Original SDE0 = MAX ( ONEONE - CDE, ANGLGB ) SDE1 = SDE0 FCORR0 = 0.10D+00 TMPSDE = 3.5D+00 * SDE0 FCORR = ATO1O3 * MIN ( FCORR0, TMPSDE ) 2000 CONTINUE CALL GRANOR ( RNGSS, DUMNOR ) SDE = SDE0 + FCORR * RNGSS CDE = 1.D+00 - SDE IF ( ABS ( CDE ) .GE. 1.D+00 ) GO TO 2000 SDE = SQRT ( ( 1.D+00 - CDE ) * ( 1.D+00 + CDE ) ) RETURN END