* * $Id: hadevv.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:56 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: hadevv.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:56 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.43 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE HADEVV.FOR *COPY HADEVV * *=== hadevv ===========================================================* * SUBROUTINE HADEVV ( NHAD, KPROJ, KTARG, PPROJ, EPROJ, UMO ) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Modified version of Hadevt created by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan * * * * Last change on 20-jun-93 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN - MIlan * * * * Hadevt90: kinematics completed revised by A. Ferrari, before it was * * always wrong every time the second jet to be sampled was * * a "parjet". A few other bugs corrected: maybe others are * * still in!!! * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * C C GENERATE HADRON PRODC C GENERATE HADRON PRODUCTION EVENT IN KPROJ - KTARG COLLISION C WITH LAB PROJECTILE MOMENTUM PPROJ C INCLUDING MESON MESON AND MESON ANTIBARYON COLLISIONS C C******************************************************************** C #include "geant321/auxpar.inc" #include "geant321/balanc.inc" #include "geant321/cmsres.inc" #include "geant321/finpar.inc" #include "geant321/hadpar.inc" #include "geant321/inpdat2.inc" #include "geant321/part.inc" #include "geant321/qquark.inc" COMMON /FKINVT/PNUC(3),INUCVT COMMON /FKPRIN/ IPRI, INIT REAL RNDM(2) LOGICAL LISSU, LQTARG, LQPROJ * SAVE UNON,UNOM,UNOMS DATA UNON/2.0D0/ DATA UNOM/1.5D0/ DATA UNOMS/0.5D0/ * C C*******************************************************************" C C KINEMATICS C C******************************************************************** C 8899 CONTINUE * Ijproj = paprop numbering IJPROJ = KPTOIP (KPROJ) IJTARG = KPTOIP (KTARG) AMPROJ = AM(KPROJ) AMTAR = AM(KTARG) * The usual gamma and sqrt[beta**2/(1-beta**2)]=eta=gamma*beta factors * for the CMS system * GAMCM = (EPROJ+AMTAR)/UMO BGCM = PPROJ / UMO C *or IF(IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,101)KPROJ,KTARG,PPROJ,AMPROJ,AMTAR, *or &EPROJ,UMO,GAMCM,BGCM *or 101 FORMAT(2I5,10F11.5) C C******************************************************************** C C SELECTION OF QUARK - DIQUARK - CHAINS C C******************************************************************** C * * Ibproj = baryonic charge of the projectile * IBPROJ = IBAR(KPROJ) * * Ibtarg = baryonic charge of the target nucleon * IBTARG = IBAR(KTARG) * * Ipq1,ipq2,ipq3 = quarks of the projectile * IQP1 = MQUARK(1,IJPROJ) IQP2 = MQUARK(2,IJPROJ) IQP3 = MQUARK(3,IJPROJ) * * Iqt1,iqt2,iqt3 = quarks of the projectile * IQT1 = MQUARK(1,IJTARG) IQT2 = MQUARK(2,IJTARG) IQT3 = MQUARK(3,IJTARG) *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) *or &WRITE(LUNOUT,102)IBPROJ, IQP1,IQP2,IQP3,IQT1,IQT2, *or &IQT3 *or 102 FORMAT(12I10) IF (IBPROJ) 11, 12, 13 11 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C SELECTION OF CHAINS C ANTIBARYON - BARYON COLLISION C C******************************************************************** C * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | The incoming projectile is an antibaryon!!! * | CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM1 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (111,112,113),ISAM1 111 CONTINUE IBF = IQP1 IFF1 = IQP2 IFF2 = IQP3 GO TO 114 112 CONTINUE IBF = IQP2 IFF1 = IQP1 IFF2 = IQP3 GO TO 114 113 CONTINUE IBF = IQP3 IFF1 = IQP1 IFF2 = IQP2 114 CONTINUE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM2 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (115,116,117),ISAM2 115 CONTINUE IBB = IQT1 IFB1 = IQT2 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 118 116 CONTINUE IBB = IQT2 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 118 117 CONTINUE IBB = IQT3 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT2 118 CONTINUE GO TO 14 * | Quark selection for incoming antibaryon has been completed * +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 14 continue 12 CONTINUE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | The incoming projectile is a meson!!! * | IF (IBTARG)712,812,912 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | The target nucleon is a baryon (meson projectile) * | | 912 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C SELECTION OF CHAINS C MESON - BARYON COLLISION C C******************************************************************** C CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM3 = 1.D0 + 2.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (121,122),ISAM3 121 CONTINUE IFF = IQP1 IBF = IQP2 GO TO 123 122 CONTINUE IFF = IQP2 IBF = IQP1 123 CONTINUE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM4 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (124,125,126),ISAM4 124 CONTINUE GO TO (1241,1242),ISAM3 1241 CONTINUE IBB = IQT1 IFB1 = IQT2 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 127 1242 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT2 IBB2 = IQT3 IFB = IQT1 GO TO 127 125 CONTINUE GO TO (1251,1252),ISAM3 1251 CONTINUE IBB = IQT2 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 127 1252 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT3 IFB = IQT2 GO TO 127 126 CONTINUE GO TO (1261,1262),ISAM3 1261 CONTINUE IBB = IQT3 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT2 GO TO 127 1262 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT2 IFB = IQT3 127 CONTINUE GO TO 14 * | | Quark selection for incoming meson and baryon target completed * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 114 continue * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | The target nucleon is a meson (meson projectile) * | | 812 CONTINUE C=============================================================== C C SELECTION OF CHAINS C MESON MESON COLLISIONS C C================================================================ CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM3 = 1.D0 + 2.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (1218,1228),ISAM3 1218 CONTINUE IFF = IQP1 IBF = IQP2 IBB = IQT1 IFB = IQT2 GO TO 1238 1228 CONTINUE IFF = IQP2 IBF = IQP1 IBB = IQT2 IFB = IQT1 1238 CONTINUE GO TO 14 * | | Quark selection for incoming meson and meson target completed * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 14 continue * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | The target nucleon is an anti-baryon (meson projectile) * | | 712 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C SELECTION OF CHAINS C MESON ANTIBARYON COLLISIONS C C================================================================== ISAM3 = 2 IFF = IQP1 IBF = IQP2 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM4 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (1247,1257,1267),ISAM4 1247 CONTINUE GO TO (12417,12427),ISAM3 12417 CONTINUE IBB = IQT1 IFB1 = IQT2 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 1277 12427 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT2 IBB2 = IQT3 IFB = IQT1 GO TO 1277 1257 CONTINUE GO TO (12517,12527),ISAM3 12517 CONTINUE IBB = IQT2 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT3 GO TO 1277 12527 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT3 IFB = IQT2 GO TO 1277 1267 CONTINUE GO TO (12617,12627),ISAM3 12617 CONTINUE IBB = IQT3 IFB1 = IQT1 IFB2 = IQT2 GO TO 1277 12627 CONTINUE IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT2 IFB = IQT3 1277 CONTINUE GO TO 14 * | | Quark selection for incoming meson and a-baryon target completed * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 14 continue * | * | end meson projectile * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | The incoming projectile is a baryon!!! * | 13 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C SELECTION OF CHAINS C BARYON - BARYON COLLISION C C******************************************************************** C CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM5 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (131,132,133),ISAM5 131 CONTINUE IBF = IQP1 IFF1 = IQP2 IFF2 = IQP3 GO TO 134 132 CONTINUE IBF = IQP2 IFF1 = IQP1 IFF2 = IQP3 GO TO 134 133 CONTINUE IBF = IQP3 IFF1 = IQP1 IFF2 = IQP2 134 CONTINUE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) ISAM6 = 1.D0 + 3.D0*RNDM(1) GO TO (135,136,137),ISAM6 135 CONTINUE IFB = IQT1 IBB1 = IQT2 IBB2 = IQT3 GO TO 138 136 CONTINUE IFB = IQT2 IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT3 GO TO 138 137 CONTINUE IFB = IQT3 IBB1 = IQT1 IBB2 = IQT2 138 CONTINUE * | | Quark selection for incoming baryon and baryon target completed * + |-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 14 continue 14 CONTINUE * | Quark selection completed * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,102)IFF,IBF,IFF1,IFF2,IFB1,IFB2, *or &IFB,IBB,IBB1,IBB2 C C******************************************************************** C C*** SAMPLING MOMENTUM FRACTIONS OF QUARKS AND DIQUARKS C C******************************************************************** C IXPXT = 0 25 CONTINUE IXPXT = IXPXT + 1 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Selection of xp and xt from beta distribution: * | xp and xt are then used to select the fraction of momentum and * | energy for each jet, according to the following relations: * | (where we assume to use xp, xt for the jet n. 1) * | * | xxp = 1 - xp * | xxt = 1 - xt * | Ech1 = umo * (xp + xt ) / 2 * | Ech2 = umo * (xxp + xxt) / 2 * | Pch1 = umo * (xp - xt ) / 2 * | Pch2 = umo * (xxp - xxt) / 2 * | Amch1 = umo * sqrt (xp * xt ) * | Amch2 = umo * sqrt (xxp * xxt) * | IF (IBPROJ) 21,22,23 21 CONTINUE * | Note for antibaryon projectile xp and xt are sampled from the * | same distribution, ===> no difference in exchanging them! UNO = UNON XP = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXP = 1.D0 - XP UNO = UNON XT = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXT = 1.D0 - XT GO TO 24 23 CONTINUE * | Note for baryon projectile xp and xt are sampled from the * | same distribution, ===> no difference in exchanging them! UNO = UNON XP = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXP = 1.D0 - XP UNO = UNON XT = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXT = 1.D0 - XT GO TO 24 22 CONTINUE * | Note for meson projectile xp and xt are not sampled from the * | same distribution, ===> difference in exchanging them! UNO = UNOM IF (IFF.EQ.3 .OR. IFF.EQ.-3) UNO = UNOMS XP = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXP = 1.D0 - XP IF (IBTARG .EQ. 0) GO TO 2288 UNO = UNON 2288 CONTINUE XT = BETARN(HLFHLF,UNO) XXT = 1.D0 - XT 24 CONTINUE * | Now xp and xt have been selected from the appropriate beta * | distributions, xxp and xxt are the complements to one of xp and xt * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | From here to 1124 it is likely to be obsolete (inucvt is now used * | nowhere in the code, the same for pnuc * | *or RNDMVV=RNDM(V) *or IF (INUCVT.EQ.0) GO TO 1124 *or IF (RNDMVV.LT.PNUC(1)) GO TO 1124 *or XT=2.D0*BETARN(0.5D0,UNO+6.D0) *or XXT=1.D0-XT *or IF (XXT.LE.0.D0) XXT=RNDM(V) *or IF (RNDMVV.LT.PNUC(2)) GO TO 1124 *or XT=3.D0*BETARN(0.5D0,UNO+12.D0) *or XXT=1.D0-XT *or IF (XXT.LE.0.D0) XXT=RNDM(V) *or 1124 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XP,XT,XXP,XXT *or 103 FORMAT (10F10.5) C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C C******************************************************************** C **** ****===================================================================* * | Now selecting the kinematical parameters for the two jets: * | * | amch1 = invariant mass of the 1st jet * | ech1 = total energy of the 1st jet in CMS * | pch1 = total momentum of the 1st jet in CMS (with sign) * | * | amch2 = invariant mass of the 2nd jet * | ech2 = total energy of the 2nd jet in CMS * | pch2 = total momentum of the 2nd jet in CMS (with sign) * | * | The following relations must be fulfilled: * | * | ech1 + ech2 = umo (energy in CMS = inv. mass of the system) * | ech1 = sqrt (pch1**2 + amch1**2) * | ech2 = sqrt (pch2**2 + amch2**2) * | pch1 + pch2 = 0 * | ****===================================================================* **** IF (IBPROJ) 31,32,33 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | antibaryon projectile!!! (note that only antibaryon projectile * | baryon target is allowed, antibaryon projectile meson target is * | considered as meson projectile antibaryon target) * | 31 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** ANTINUCLEON-NUCLEUON C*** LONG ANTIDIQUARK - DIQUARK CHAIN C C******************************************************************** C * | Ibb, ifb1, ifb2 contain the quark numbers of the target, ibf, * | iff1, iff2 the quark numbers of the projectile * | iff...= forward chain, forward quark (diquark) * | ifb...= forward chain, backward quark (diquark) * | ibf...= backward chain, forward quark * | ibb...= backward chain, backward quark * | By definition all i..f.. come from the projectile and all * | i..b.. from the target * | Of course, since we are treating an antibaryon projectile and * | a baryon target all i..f.. are antiquark and all i..b.. are * | quark * | Of course the two following cards are equivalent to * | IIFF1 = IABS (IFF1) ... IIFF1 = -IFF1 IIFF2 = -IFF2 IF (IIFF1 .EQ. IFB1) GO TO 3111 IF (IIFF1 .EQ. IFB2) GO TO 3112 IF (IIFF2 .EQ. IFB1) GO TO 3113 IF (IIFF2 .EQ. IFB2) GO TO 3114 * | Get the index and the mass of the pseudoscalar meson corre- * | sponding to the lowest energy for chain 2 ("b") IIBF = IABS(IBF) IBPS = IMPS(IIBF,IBB) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) * | ***************************************************************** * | New version: of course, as it is explained below it is not * * | correct to comment the "go to 3115", however it is not correct* * | also to use it in its original form, we need to compute a de- * * | tailed threshold, also for the Amff value: we can believe that* * | the lowest threshold is given by the two scalar mesons resul- * * | ting from the combinations of the 4 quarks (iff1,iff2,ibf1, * * | ibf2). Remember that the Imps(i,j) array gives the index of * * | the pseudoscalar meson with antiquark -i and quark j, the same* * | apply to the Imve array but for vector mesons * * | But, since bamjev it is likely to produce at least one baryon * * | and one antibaryon when called with Iopt=5 (since it hadroni- * * | zes a chain with a diquark and an anti-diquark at the extremi-* * | ties) a more realistic threshold could be to check for the * * | masses of the baryon-antibaryon combinations corresponding to * * | a uubar or a ddbar sea pair added to the original diquarks * * | ***************************************************************** * | Selection of the mass threshold from the two pseudoscalar mesons * IMPS11 = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB1) * IMPS21 = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB2) * IMPS12 = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB2) * IMPS22 = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB1) * | Amff is selected as the maximum of the two possible meson configu- * | rations, to be sure that no problem will result during frag- * | mentation * AMFF = MAX ( AM (IMPS11) + AM (IMPS21), AM (IMPS12) + * & AM (IMPS22) ) * | Of course at least two mesons must be produced * | First check that the total invariant mass is enough (it must * | be larger than the two meson masses and the pseudoscalar * | meson mass of the second chain) * AMFF = AMFF * | Selection of the mass threshold from the two baryon configura- * | tions CALL BKLASS (-1, IFF1, IFF2, IA1F8, IA1F10 ) CALL BKLASS ( 1, IFB1, IFB2, I1F8, I1F10 ) CALL BKLASS (-2, IFF1, IFF2, IA2F8, IA2F10 ) CALL BKLASS ( 2, IFB1, IFB2, I2F8, I2F10 ) AMFF = MIN ( AM (IA1F8) + AM (I1F8), AM (IA2F8) + AM (I2F8) ) & + 0.3D+00 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | New treatment: check the mass threshold IF ( AMFF + AMBPS .LT. UMO ) THEN XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ NNCH1 = 0 AMCH2 = UMO*UMO*XP*XT * | | +------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if we have enough energy for the "f" jet IF ( AMCH1 .LE. AMFF .OR. AMCH2 .LE. AMBPS * AMBPS ) THEN IXPXT = IXPXT + 1 IF ( IXPXT .LT. 5 ) GO TO 25 * | | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled, but if we are * | | | resampling too often force amch1 to be above * | | | the minimum required, anyway the kinematic region * | | | allowed for xp, xt seems to be marginal * | | *-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling XSQ1 = ( AMFF / UMO )**2 XSQ2 = ( AMBPS / UMO )**2 XXXMN = XSQ1 XXYMX = 0.5D+00 * ( 1.D+00 + XSQ1 - XSQ2 ) XXYMN = SQRT ( 1.D+00 - XSQ1 / ( XXYMX * XXYMX ) ) XXXMN = MAX ( XSQ1, XXYMX * ( ONEONE - XXYMN ) ) XXXMX = MIN ( 1.D+00, XXYMX * ( 1.D+00 + XXYMN ) ) * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | 3161 CONTINUE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) XXP = XXXMN + ( XXXMX - XXXMN ) * RNDM (1) XP = 1.D+00 - XXP XXYMN = XSQ1 / XXP XXYMX = 1.D+00 - XSQ2 / XP * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | IF ( XXYMN .GT. XXYMX ) THEN XXXMN = XXP GO TO 3161 * | | | |-<|--<--<--<--< no allowed interval for xxt, resample END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) XXT = XXYMN + ( XXYMX - XXYMN ) * RNDM (1) XT = 1.D+00 - XXT XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ NNCH1 = 0 END IF * | | | * | | +------------------------------------------------------------* IOPBAM = 5 GO TO 3116 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | We are in troubles: the selected quark combinations * | | for the two chains are unphysical since the invariant * | | mass is too low to produce the required three mesons * | | First try to change the quark combinations: ELSE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IRNDM = 1.D+00 + RNDM (1) LQPROJ = .FALSE. LQTARG = .FALSE. GO TO (3171,3181) IRNDM * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Try to change one of the projectile quarks in the * | | | first chain 3171 CONTINUE LQPROJ = .TRUE. * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | The third antibaryon quark can combine with the * | | | | first or/and the second quark of the target diquark IF ( -IBF .EQ. IFB1 .OR. -IBF .EQ. IFB2 ) THEN * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Make a random choiche of the quark to be substituted CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. 0.5D+00 ) THEN IBF0 = IBF IBF = IFF1 IFF1 = IBF0 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | ELSE IBF0 = IBF IBF = IFF2 IFF2 = IBF0 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 31 * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | No possibility to solve the situation changing one of * | | | | the projectile quarks inside the "f" chain, try with * | | | | the projectile quarks (if not yet tried) ELSE IF ( .NOT. LQTARG ) GO TO 3181 GO TO 3191 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Try to change one of the target quarks in the * | | | first chain (for uud and udd targets this is usually * | | | useless, but it has been included for the sake of * | | | completness ) 3181 CONTINUE LQTARG = .TRUE. * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | The third target quark can combine with the first * | | | | or/and the second quark of the projectile diquark IF ( IBB .EQ. -IFF1 .OR. IBB .EQ. -IFF2 ) THEN * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Make a random choiche of the quark to be substituted CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. 0.5D+00 ) THEN IBB0 = IBB IBB = IFB1 IFB1 = IBB0 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | ELSE IBB0 = IBB IBB = IFB2 IFB2 = IBB0 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 31 * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | No possibility to solve the situation changing one of * | | | | the target quarks inside the "f" chain, try with * | | | | the projectile quarks (if not yet tried) ELSE IF ( .NOT. LQPROJ ) GO TO 3171 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 3191 CONTINUE * | | If we are here we cannot perform an interaction conserving * | | all additive quantum numbers: ignore one (typically it is * | | strangeness) and go on WRITE (LUNERR,*) & ' *** Hadevv, impossible interaction, kp,kt, Umo', & KPROJ,KTARG,UMO WRITE (LUNOUT,*) & ' *** Hadevv, impossible interaction, kp,kt, Umo', & KPROJ,KTARG,UMO END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | Now we want to get the indexes of the pseudo-scalar and vector * | mesons which can be created from the first (forward) chain. * | Of course if one of the ff quark is the antiquark of one of * | fb quarks then the mesons are defined completely by the remaining * | two quarks: we have anyway to deal also with the situation * | were no ff quark is the antiquark of a fb quark (the goto 3115...) * | which clearly requires at least two mesons!!! So no Amfps and * | Amfv can be defined in this situation, and the "go to 3115" was * | really important to assure that we are not producing single * | particle jets which are not possible, we have only to substitute * | the 1.5 threshold with the proper threshold for the two * | mesons (at least the two scalar mesons): this is also true for * | the Amff value which of course should be equal to the sum * | of the two scalar mesons resulting from the combinations * | of the 4 quarks (see above) 3111 CONTINUE IIFF2 = IABS(IFF2) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB2) IAIFF = IFF2 IFB = IFB2 IFPS2 = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB1) IFV = IMVE(IIFF2,IFB2) GO TO 3117 3112 CONTINUE IIFF2 = IABS(IFF2) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB1) IAIFF = IFF2 IFB = IFB1 IFPS2 = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB2) IFV = IMVE(IIFF2,IFB1) GO TO 3117 3113 CONTINUE IIFF1 = IABS(IFF1) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB2) IAIFF = IFF1 IFB = IFB2 IFPS2 = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB1) IFV = IMVE(IIFF1,IFB2) GO TO 3117 3114 CONTINUE IIFF1 = IABS(IIFF1) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF1,IFB1) IAIFF = IFF1 IFB = IFB1 IFPS2 = IMPS(IIFF2,IFB2) IFV = IMVE(IIFF1,IFB1) 3117 CONTINUE * Amfps, amfv are the masses of the pseudoscalar and vector mesons * corresponding to the two unpaired quarks of the 1 (f) chain AMFPS = AM(IFPS) AMFV = AM(IFV ) AMFPS2= AM(IFPS2) NNCH1 = 0 C ATTENTION THIS MIGHT LEAD TO TOO LOW ANNIHILATION MULTIPLICITIES C AMFF = AMFV+0.3D0 * AMFF = 2.3D0 AMFF = MAX ( AMFV + 0.3D+00, AMFV + AMFPS2 + 0.1D+00 ) * | This expression for Amff0 (threshold for a complete diquark-diquark * | jet) is not correct: this jet will fragment at least into two * | hadrons corresponding to the lowest energy hadrons with respecti- * | vely the first and the second diquark. Of corse one will be an * | antibaryon. It must be checked that bamjet produces a baryon- * | antibaryon pair any time it is called with iopt = 5 (corresponding * | to the fragmentation of a complete diquark-antidiquark jet) * | It is also questionable if it is correct to call bamjet with * | iopt=5 whenever energetically possible: this clearly implies * | that no annihilation takes place (an antibaryon will emerge * | from the interaction). This is a question to be addressed * | to Hannes!! * AMFF0 = 2.D+00 * AMFF * | A tentative way could be to check for the masses of the * | baryon-antibaryon combinations corresponding to a uubar * | or a ddbar sea pair CALL BKLASS (-1, IFF1, IFF2, IA1F8, IA1F10 ) CALL BKLASS ( 1, IFB1, IFB2, I1F8, I1F10 ) CALL BKLASS (-2, IFF1, IFF2, IA2F8, IA2F10 ) CALL BKLASS ( 2, IFB1, IFB2, I2F8, I2F10 ) AMFF0 = MIN ( AM (IA1F8) + AM (I1F8), AM (IA2F8) + AM (I2F8) ) & + 0.3D+00 * | * | here xxt and xxp are used for the first jet * | XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AAPS = IFPS AAV = IFV *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2,AAPS,AAV, *or & AMFPS,AMFV * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMFPS) GO TO 25 * | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | *-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling * | Kinematical parameters xxp, xxt for the 1st jet IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFV ) GO TO 3151 C*** PRODUCE AMFPS AMCH1 = AMFPS NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMFPS/UMO * | | recalculating xxp, xp XXP = XSQ**2/XXT XP = 1.D0 - XXP GO TO 3153 3151 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 3153 C*** PRODUCE AMFV AMCH1 = AMFV NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMFV/UMO * | | recalculating xxp, xp XXP = XSQ**2/XXT XP = 1.D0 - XXP GO TO 3153 3153 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .LE. AMFF0) THEN IOPBAM = 3 ELSE IOPBAM = 5 END IF GO TO 3116 3116 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C ANTINUCLEON NUCLEON C*** SHORT ANTIQUARK - QUARK CHAIN C C******************************************************************** C IIBF = IABS(IBF) IBPS = IMPS(IIBF,IBB) IBV = IMVE(IIBF,IBB) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) AMBV = AM(IBV) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMBV + 0.3D0 AAPS = IBPS AAV = IBV * | +----------------------------------------------------------------*1 * | | * | | Now commented, is useless!!! * IF (XP .LE. 0.D0 .OR. XT .LE. 0.D0) GO TO 25 * | | resample xp and xt if one is negative or zero * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling * | Now xp and xt are used for the second jet XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMBPS,AMBV * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMBPS) THEN IXPXT = IXPXT + 1 GO TO 25 * | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | *-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBV ) GO TO 3121 C*** PRODUCE AMBPS * For Prof. Ranft: here there was a "large" mistake, amch2 = ambps * was missing AMCH2 = AMBPS NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMBPS/UMO *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3123 GO TO 31236 3121 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 3123 C*** PRODUCE AMBV AMCH2 = AMBV NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMBV/UMO *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3123 GO TO 31236 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | Now, chain 2 is a single particle jet, so we have to reset the * | | kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | 31236 CONTINUE XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | If also chain 1 is a parjet (nnch1 .ne. 0) then the paramet. * | | | to be recomputed are xp and xt, from alpha and beta, in * | | | such a way to conserve the original momentum direction * | | | IF (NNCH1 .NE. 0) THEN XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) & - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XXSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XP .GT. XT) THEN XP = ALPHA XT = BETA ELSE XT = ALPHA XP = BETA END IF XXP = 1.D0 - XP XXT = 1.D0 - XT * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | If chain 1 is not a parjet (nnch1 .eq. 0) then the paramet. * | | | xp, xt are to be recomputed in such a way to conserve the * | | | original momentum direction and modulus * | | | DDIFF = XP - XT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XXSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XXP = 1.D0 - XP XXT = 1.D0 - XT XSQ = SQRT (XXP * XXT) AMCH1 = XSQ * UMO END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | end kinematics correction * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 3123 CONTINUE C PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | end kin. sel. for antibaryon projectile * +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | baryon projectile!!! * | 33 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** NUCLEON - NUCLEON C*** FORWARD DIQUARK - QUARK CHAIN C C******************************************************************** C GO TO 332 * | * +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 1 to 332 * +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 3 * | 3310 CONTINUE CALL BKLASS (IFB,IFF1,IFF2,IF8,IF10) AMF8 = AM(IF8) AMF10 = AM(IF10) AMFF = AMF10 + 0.3D0 NNCH1 = 0 * | here xxp, xt are used for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(ABS(XXP*XT)) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AA8 = IF8 AA10 = IF10 *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AA8,AA10,AMF8,AMF10 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | This check added by A. Ferrari, to avoid negative x(x)p or * | | x(x)t !!!!!?????? Maybe also "go to 33366" if we want to create * | | the jet anyway * I (A. Ferrari) think this check was missing and is * actually needed, else we can get negative energies IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMF8) GO TO 25 * | | if amch1 < amf8 xp and xt are resampled * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMF10) GO TO 331 C*** PRODUCE AMF8 AMCH1 = AMF8 NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMF8/UMO GO TO 33366 331 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 333 C*** PRODUCE AMF10 AMCH1 = AMF10 NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMF10/UMO GO TO 33366 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to reset the * | | kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | 33366 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the paramet. * | | | to be recomputed are xxp and xt, from alpha and beta, in * | | | such a way to conserve the original momentum direction * | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) & - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XT = BETA ELSE XT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the paramet. * | | | xxp,xt have to be recomputed in such a way to conserve the * | | | original momentum direction and modulus * | | | DDIFF = XXP - XT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XXT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | end kinematics correction * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 333 CONTINUE * | we are using xp and xxt for chain 2 PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | end kin. sel. for baryon projectile * +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C NUCLEON NUCLEON C*** BACKWARD QUARK - DIQUARK CHAIN C C******************************************************************** C * +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from the previous jump # 1 * | 332 CONTINUE * | Starting from chain # 2!!! CALL BKLASS (IBF,IBB1,IBB2,IB8,IBIO) NNCH2 = 0 AMB8 = AM(IB8) AMB10 = AM(IBIO) AMBB = AMB10 + 0.3D0 * | here xp, xxt are used for the jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XXT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AAB8 = IB8 AAB10 = IBIO *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAB8,AAB10,AMB8,AMB10 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | This check added by A. Ferrari, to avoid negative x(x)p or * | | x(x)t !!!!!?????? Maybe also "go to 335" if we want to create * | | the jet anyway * I (A. Ferrari) think this check was missing and is * actually needed, else we can get negative energies IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMB8) GO TO 25 * | | if amch2 < amb8 xp and xt are resampled * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMB10) GO TO 334 C*** PRODUCE AMB8 AMCH2 = AMB8 NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMB8/UMO XP = XXSQ**2/XXT XXP = 1.D0 - XP GO TO 335 334 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 335 C*** PRODUCE AMB10 AMCH2 = AMB10 NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMB10/UMO XP = XXSQ**2/XXT XXP = 1.D0 - XP C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 C GO TO 335 335 CONTINUE GO TO 3310 * | * +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 3 to 3310 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | meson projectile!!! * | 32 CONTINUE C C******************************************************************** C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** MESON NUCLEON C C******************************************************************** C IF (IBTARG)3277,3288,3299 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | meson projectile, baryon target!!!! * | | 3299 CONTINUE GO TO (321,325),ISAM3 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | meson projectile, baryon target, isam3 = 1 * | | | 321 CONTINUE C*** MESON NUCLEON Q(XXP)-QQ(XXT)+AQ(XP-Q(XT) GO TO 322 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 4 to 322 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 5 * | | | 3259 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON NUCLEON C*** FIRST LONG Q(XXP)-QQ(XXT) CHAIN C C=================================================================== CALL BKLASS (IFF,IFB1,IFB2,IF8,IFIO) AMF8 = AM(IF8) AMF10 = AM(IFIO) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMF10 + 0.3D0 * | here xxp, xxt are used for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AA8 = IF8 AA10 = IFIO *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AA8,AA10,AMF8,AMF10 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMF8) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch1 < amf8 xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMF10) GO TO 3211 C*** PRODUCE AMF8 AMCH1 = AMF8 NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMF8/UMO GO TO 32136 3211 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 3213 C*** PRODUCE AMF10 AMCH1 = AMF10 NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMF10/UMO GO TO 32136 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32136 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xxt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XXT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XXT = BETA ELSE XXT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xxt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XXT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XXT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 3213 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | | | end kin. sel. for meson proj. (baryon target), isam3 = 1 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 4 * | | | 322 CONTINUE C=============================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON NUCLEON C*** SHORT AQ(XP)-Q(XT) CHAIN C C================================================================ IIBF = IABS(IBF) IBPS = IMPS(IIBF,IBB) IBV = IMVE(IIBF,IBB) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) AMBV = AM(IBV) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMBV + 0.3D0 * | here xp, xt are used for the jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AAPS = IBPS AAV = IBV *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMBPS,AMBV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMBPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < ambps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBV) GO TO 3221 C*** PRODUCE AMBPS AMCH2 = AMBPS NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMBPS/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3223 XXT = 1.D0 - XT GO TO 3223 3221 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 3223 C*** PRODUCE AMBV AMCH2 = AMBV NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMBV/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3223 XXT = 1.D0 - XT C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XXT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XXT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 C GO TO 3223 3223 CONTINUE GO TO 3259 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 5 to 3259 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | meson projectile, baryon target, isam3 = 2 * | | | 325 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** MESON NUCLEUS C*** FORWARD ANTIQUARK-DIQUARK CHAIN C C================================================================= GO TO 326 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 6 to 326 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 7 * | | | 3250 CONTINUE C*** MESON NUCLEON FORWARD AQ(XXP)-Q(XT) AND BACKWARD CHAINS Q(XP)-QQ( C*** XXT) CHAINS C===================================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON NUCLEON C*** FORWARD AQ(XXP)-Q(XT) CHAIN C C==================================================================== IIFF = IABS(IFF) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF,IFB) IFV = IMVE(IIFF,IFB) AMFPS = AM(IFPS) AMFV = AM(IFV) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMFV + 0.3D0 * | | | here xxp, xt are used for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AAPS = IFPS AAV = IFV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMFPS,AMFV * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMFPS) GO TO 25 * | | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFV) GO TO 3251 C*** PRODUCE AMFPS AMCH1 = AMFPS NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMFPS/UMO GO TO 32536 3251 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1.GT.AMFF) GO TO 3253 C*** PRODUCE AMFV AMCH1 = AMFV NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMFV/UMO GO TO 32536 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32536 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XT = BETA ELSE XT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XXT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 3253 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | | | end kin. sel. for meson proj. (baryon target), isam3 = 2 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 6 * | | | 326 CONTINUE C*** BACKWARD Q(XP)-QQ(XXT) CHAIN CALL BKLASS (IBF,IBB1,IBB2,IB8,IBIO) AMB8 = AM(IB8) AMB10 = AM(IBIO) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMB10 + 0.3D0 C=================================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON NUCLEON C*** BACKWARD QUARK -DIQUARK CHAIN C C==================================================================== * | | | here xp, xxt are used for the jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XXT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AA8 = IB8 AA10 = IBIO *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XXSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AA8,AA10,AMB8,AMB10 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMB8 ) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < amb8 xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMB10) GO TO 3261 C*** PRODUCE AMB8 AMCH2 = AMB8 NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMB8/UMO XXT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3263 XT = 1.D0 - XXT GO TO 3263 3261 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 3263 C*** PRODUCE AMB10 AMCH2 = AMB10 NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMB10/UMO XXT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 3263 XT = 1.D0 - XXT C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 GO TO 3263 3263 CONTINUE GO TO 3250 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 7 to 3250 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Meson projectile, meson target!!! * | | 3288 CONTINUE C================================================================ C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON MESON C C================================================================ CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF (RNDM(1) .LE. 0.5D0) GO TO 93288 XT = XXT XXT = 1.D0 - XT 93288 CONTINUE GO TO (3218,3258),ISAM3 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Meson projectile, meson target, isam3 = 1 * | | | 3218 CONTINUE C================================================================== C*** MESON MESON Q(XXP)-AQ(XXT)+AQ(XP)-Q(XT) C================================================================= GO TO 3228 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 8 to 3228 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 9 * | | | 32598 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON MESON C*** FIRST LONG Q(XXP)-AQ(XXT) CHAIN C C=================================================================== IIFB = IABS(IFB) IFPS = IMPS(IIFB,IFF) IFV = IMVE(IIFB,IFF) AMFPS = AM(IFPS) * | | | Of course AMPV seems to be a mistyping for AMFV * AMPV = AM(IFV) AMFV = AM(IFV) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMFV + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xxp, xxt for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AAPS = IFPS AAV = IFV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMFPS,AMFV * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMFPS) GO TO 25 * | | | if amch2 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFV ) GO TO 32118 C*** PRODUCE AMFPS AMCH1 = AMFPS NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMFPS/UMO GO TO 32133 32118 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 32138 C*** PRODUCE AMFV AMCH1 = AMFV NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMFV/UMO GO TO 32133 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32133 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xxt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XXT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XXT = BETA ELSE XXT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xxt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XXT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XXT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 32138 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 348 * | | | end kin. sel. for meson proj. (meson target), isam3 = 1 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 348 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 8 * | | | 3228 CONTINUE C=============================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON MESON C*** SHORT AQ(XP)-Q(XT) CHAIN C C================================================================ IIBF = IABS(IBF) IBPS = IMPS(IIBF,IBB) IBV = IMVE(IIBF,IBB) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) AMBV = AM(IBV) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMBV + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xp, xt for the jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AAPS = IBPS AAV = IBV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XXSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMBPS,AMBV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMBPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < ambps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBV ) GO TO 32218 C*** PRODUCE AMBPS AMCH2 = AMBPS NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMBPS/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32238 XXT = 1.D0 - XT GO TO 32238 32218 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 32238 C*** PRODUCE AMBV AMCH2 = AMBV NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMBV/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32238 XXT = 1.D0 - XT C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XXT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XXT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 C GO TO 32238 32238 CONTINUE GO TO 32598 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 9 to 32598 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Meson projectile, meson target, isam3 = 2 * | | | 3258 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** MESON MESON C*** FORWARD ANTIQUARK-DIQUARK CHAIN C C================================================================= GO TO 3268 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 10 to 3268 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 11 * | | | 32508 CONTINUE C=================================================================== C*** MESON MESON FORWARD AQ(XXP)-Q(XT) AND BACKWARD CHAINS Q(XP)-AQ( C*** XXT) CHAINS C==================================================================== C===================================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON MESON C*** FORWARD AQ(XXP)-Q(XT) CHAIN C C==================================================================== IIFF = IABS(IFF) IFPS = IMPS(IIFF,IFB) IFV = IMVE(IIFF,IFB) AMFPS = AM(IFPS) AMFV = AM(IFV) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMFV + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xxp, xt for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AAPS = IFPS AAV = IFV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMFPS,AMFV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMFPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFV) GO TO 32518 C*** PRODUCE AMFPS AMCH1 = AMFPS NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMFPS/UMO GO TO 32535 32518 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 32538 C*** PRODUCE AMFV AMCH1 = AMFV NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMFV/UMO GO TO 32535 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32535 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XT = BETA ELSE XT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XXT = 1.D0 - XT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XXT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 32538 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 348 * | | | end kin. sel. meson proj. (meson target), isam3 = 2 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 348 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 10 * | | | 3268 CONTINUE C*** BACKWARD Q(XP)-AQ(XXT) CHAIN IIBB = IABS(IBB) IBPS = IMPS(IIBB,IBF) IBV = IMVE(IIBB,IBF) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) AMBV = AM(IBV) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMBV + 0.3D0 C=================================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON MESON C*** BACKWARD QUARK -ANTIQUARK CHAIN C C==================================================================== * | | | here we are using xp, xxt for the jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XXT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AAPS = IBPS AAV = IBV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMBPS,AMBV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMBPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < ambps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBV) GO TO 32618 C*** PRODUCE AMBPS AMCH2 = AMBPS NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMBPS/UMO XXT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32638 XT = 1.D0 - XXT GO TO 32638 32618 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 32638 C*** PRODUCE AMBV AMCH2 = AMBV NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMBV /UMO XXT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32638 XT = 1.D0 - XXT C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 GO TO 32638 32638 CONTINUE GO TO 32508 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 11 to 32508 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 348 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XP,XT,XXP,XXT *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)AMCH1,AMCH2,PCH1,PCH2,ECH1, *or &ECH2,GAMCH1,GAMCH2,BGCH1,BGCH2 GO TO 34 * | | end kin. sel. meson proj. (meson target) * | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | meson projectile, antibaryon target!!! * | | 3277 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON ANTIBARYON C C=============================================================== C==================================================================== C==================================================================== C TO BE CORRECTED C C==================================================================== C`=================================================================== GO TO (3217,3257),ISAM3 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | meson projectile, antibaryon target, isam = 2 * | | | 3257 CONTINUE C*** MESON NUCLEON AQ(XXP)-AQAQ(XXT)+Q(XP)-AQ(XT) GO TO 3227 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 12 to 3227 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 13 * | | | 32597 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON ANTINUCLEON C*** FIRST LONG AQ(XXP)-AQAQ(XXT) CHAIN C C=================================================================== CALL BKLASS (IBF,IBB1,IBB2,IF8,IFIO) AMF8 = AM(IF8) AMF10 = AM(IFIO) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMF10 + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xxp, xxt for the jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AA8 = IF8 AA10 = IFIO *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AA8,AA10,AMF8,AMF10 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMF8) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch1 < amf8 xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMF10) GO TO 32117 C*** PRODUCE AMF8 AMCH1 = AMF8 NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMF8/UMO GO TO 32135 32117 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 32137 C*** PRODUCE AMF10 AMCH1 = AMF10 NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMF10/UMO GO TO 32135 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 1 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32135 CONTINUE XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 2 is a parjet (nnch2 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xxt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH2 .NE. 0) THEN XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XXT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XXT = BETA ELSE XXT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 2 is not a parjet (nnch2 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xxt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XXT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XXT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT XXSQ = SQRT (XP * XT) AMCH2 = XXSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 32137 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XXP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XXP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XP - XT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | | | end kin. sel. meson proj. (abaryon target), isam3 = 2 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * | | +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< here from jump # 12 * | | | 3227 CONTINUE C=============================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON ANTINUCLEON C*** SHORT AQ(XP)-Q(XT) CHAIN C C================================================================ IIFB = IABS(IFB) IBPS = IMPS(IIFB,IFF) IBV = IMVE(IIFB,IFF) AMBPS = AM(IBPS) AMBV = AM(IBV) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMBV + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xp,xt for jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XP*XT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AAPS = IBPS AAV = IBV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMBPS,AMBV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMBPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < ambps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBV) GO TO 32217 C*** PRODUCE AMBPS AMCH2 = AMBPS NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMBPS/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32237 XXT = 1.D0 - XT GO TO 32237 32217 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 32237 C*** PRODUCE AMBV AMCH2 = AMBV NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMBV/UMO XT = XXSQ**2/XP *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32237 XXT = 1.D0 - XT C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XXT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XXT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 C GO TO 32237 32237 CONTINUE GO TO 32597 * | | | * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> jump # 13 to 32597 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | meson projectile, antibaryon target, isam = 1 * | | | 3217 CONTINUE C================================================================= C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C*** MESON ANTINUCLEUS C*** BACKWARD QUARK- ANTIQUARK CHAIN C C================================================================= 32507 CONTINUE C===================================================================== C C MESON ANTINUCLEON C*** BACKWARD Q(XP)-AQ(XT) CHAIN C C==================================================================== IIBB = IABS(IBB) IFPS = IMPS(IIBB,IBF) IFV = IMVE(IIBB,IBF) AMFPS = AM(IFPS) AMFV = AM(IFV) NNCH1 = 0 AMFF = AMFV + 0.3D0 * | | | here we are using xp,xt for jet # 1 XSQ = SQRT(XP*XT) AMCH1 = UMO*XSQ AAPS = IFPS AAV = IFV *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AAPS,AAV,AMFPS,AMFV * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH1 .LT. AMFPS) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch1 < amfps xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFV) GO TO 32517 C*** PRODUCE AMFPS AMCH1 = AMFPS NNCH1 = -1 XSQ = AMFPS/UMO XP = XSQ**2/XT XXP = 1.D0 - XP GO TO 32537 32517 CONTINUE IF (AMCH1 .GT. AMFF) GO TO 32537 C*** PRODUCE AMFV AMCH1 = AMFV NNCH1 = 1 XSQ = AMFV/UMO XP = XSQ**2/XT XXP = 1.D0 - XP GO TO 32537 32537 CONTINUE GO TO 3267 3267 CONTINUE C***FORWARD AQ(XXP)-AQAQ(XXT) CHAIN CALL BKLASS(IFF,IFB1,IFB2,IB8,IBIO) AMB8 = AM(IB8) AMB10 = AM(IBIO) NNCH2 = 0 AMBB = AMB10 + 0.3D0 C=================================================================== C C*** KINEMATICAL PARAMETERS OF BOTH CHAINS IN CMS C MESON ANTINUCLEON C*** FORWARD ANTIQUARK -ANTIDIQUARK CHAIN C C==================================================================== * | | | here we are using xxp,xXt for jet # 2 XXSQ = SQRT(XXP*XXT) AMCH2 = UMO*XXSQ AA8 = IB8 AA10 = IBIO *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XSQ,AMCH1,AMCH2 *or & ,AA8,AA10,AMB8,AMB10 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF (AMCH2 .LT. AMB8 ) GO TO 25 * | | | | if amch2 < amb8 xp and xt are resampled * | | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> xp, xt resampling IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMB10) GO TO 32617 C*** PRODUCE AMB8 AMCH2 = AMB8 NNCH2 = -1 XXSQ = AMB8/UMO *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32637 GO TO 32636 32617 CONTINUE IF (AMCH2 .GT. AMBB) GO TO 32637 C*** PRODUCE AMB10 AMCH2 = AMB10 NNCH2 = 1 XXSQ = AMB10/UMO *or IF (INUCVT .EQ. 1) GO TO 32637 C PCH1=UMO*(XXP-XT)*.5D0 C ECH1=UMO*(XXP+XT)*.5D0 C GAMCH1=ECH1/AMCH1 C BGCH1=PCH1/AMCH1 * Here there was a "large" mistake in the old Hadevt!!! GO TO 32636 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Here adjusting kinematics!!!!! * | | | | Now, chain 2 is a single particle jet, so we have to * | | | | reset the kinematical parameters xp, xxp, xt and xxt * | | | | 32636 CONTINUE XXSQ2 = XXSQ * XXSQ * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If also chain 1 is a parjet (nnch1 .ne. 0) then the * | | | | | param. to be recomputed are xxp and xxt, from alpha * | | | | | and beta, in such a way to conserve the original * | | | | | momentum direction * | | | | | IF (NNCH1 .NE. 0) THEN XSQ2 = XSQ * XSQ HELP = XSQ2 * (XSQ2 - 2.D0) + XXSQ2 * & (XXSQ2 - 2.D0) - 2.D0 * XSQ2 * XXSQ2 DDIFF = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0) SSUM = SQRT (HELP + 1.D0 + 4.D0 * XXSQ2) ALPHA = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 BETA = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 IF (XXP .GT. XXT) THEN XXP = ALPHA XXT = BETA ELSE XXT = ALPHA XXP = BETA END IF XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* ELSE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | If chain 1 is not a parjet (nnch1 .eq. 0) then the * | | | | | paramet. xxp,xxt have to be recomputed in such a way * | | | | | to conserve the original momentum direction and * | | | | | modulus * | | | | | DDIFF = XXP - XXT SSUM = SQRT (4.D0 * XXSQ2 + DDIFF**2) XXP = (SSUM + DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XXT = (SSUM - DDIFF) * 0.5D0 XP = 1.D0 - XXP XT = 1.D0 - XXT XSQ = SQRT (XP * XT) AMCH1 = XSQ * UMO END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | end kinematics correction * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* 32637 CONTINUE PCH1 = UMO*(XP - XT)*.5D0 ECH1 = UMO*(XP + XT)*.5D0 GAMCH1 = ECH1/AMCH1 BGCH1 = PCH1/AMCH1 PCH2 = UMO*(XXP - XXT)*.5D0 ECH2 = UMO*(XXP + XXT)*.5D0 GAMCH2 = ECH2/AMCH2 BGCH2 = PCH2/AMCH2 GO TO 34 * | | | end kin. sel. meson proj. (abaryon target), isam3 = 1 * | | +-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->-->--> go to 34 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 34 CONTINUE * | end of kinematical selections!!!!!!!!! * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)XP,XT,XXP,XXT *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,103)AMCH1,AMCH2,PCH1,PCH2, *or &ECH1,ECH2,GAMCH1,GAMCH2,BGCH1,BGCH2 C C******************************************************************** C C*** MC SAMPLING OF FORWARD CHAIN C C******************************************************************** C IF (IBPROJ) 41,42,43 C================================================================== C FORWARD CHAIN OF ANTIBARYON BARYON C================================================================== 41 CONTINUE IF (NNCH1) 4111,4112,4113 4111 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFPS GO TO 4114 4113 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFV GO TO 4114 4112 CONTINUE IF (IOPBAM .EQ. 5) THEN IAIFF1 = IABS(IFF1) + 6 IAIFF2 = IABS(IFF2) + 6 *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1)WRITE(LUNOUT,991)IFB1,IFB2,IAIFF1 *or 991 FORMAT (' BAMJEV 4112',5I5) CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFB1,IFB2,IAIFF1,IAIFF2,AMCH1,5) ELSE IAIFF = IABS(IAIFF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFB,IAIFF,IFB,IFB,AMCH1,IOPBAM) END IF GO TO 4115 4114 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,992)ICH1 *or 992 FORMAT (' PARJET 4114 ',5I5) CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 4115 CONTINUE C C C C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 42 CONTINUE C===================================================================== C*** FORWARD CHAIN OF MESON NUCLEON C====================================================================== IF (IBTARG) 427,428,429 429 CONTINUE GO TO (421,422),ISAM3 421 CONTINUE IF (NNCH1) 4211,4212,4213 4211 CONTINUE ICH1 = IF8 GO TO 4214 4213 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFIO GO TO 4214 4212 CONTINUE CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFF,IFB1,IFB2,IFF,AMCH1,4) GO TO 4215 4214 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 4215 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 422 CONTINUE C*** IFA - IFB AQ - Q EXISTIERT NICHT IF (NNCH1) 4221,4222,4223 4221 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFPS GO TO 4224 4223 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFV GO TO 4224 4222 CONTINUE IAIFF = IABS(IFF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFB,IAIFF,IFB,IFB,AMCH1,3) GO TO 4225 4224 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 4225 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 C=================================================================== C C FORWARD CHAIN OF MESON MESON C C==================================================================== C===================================================================== 428 CONTINUE GO TO (4218,4228),ISAM3 4218 CONTINUE IF (NNCH1) 42118,42128,42138 42118 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFPS GO TO 42148 42138 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFV GO TO 42148 42128 CONTINUE IAIFB = IABS(IFB) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFF,IAIFB,IFB2,IFF,AMCH1,3) GO TO 42158 42148 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 42158 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 4228 CONTINUE C*** IFA - IFB AQ - Q EXISTIERT NICHT IF (NNCH1) 42218,42228,42238 42218 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFPS GO TO 42248 42238 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFV GO TO 42248 42228 CONTINUE IAIFF = IABS(IFF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFB,IAIFF,IFB,IFB,AMCH1,3) GO TO 42258 42248 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 42258 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 C================================================================ C C FORWARD CHAIN OF MESON ANTIBARYON C C================================================================== 427 CONTINUE C================================================================= C TO BE CORRECTED C================================================================= GO TO (4217,4227),ISAM3 4227 CONTINUE IF (NNCH1) 42117,42127,42137 42117 CONTINUE ICH1 = IF8 GO TO 42147 42137 CONTINUE ICH1 = IFIO GO TO 42147 42127 CONTINUE IAIBF = IABS(IBF) + 6 IAIBB1= IABS(IBB1) + 6 IAIBB2= IABS(IBB2) + 6 *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,994)IAIBF,IAIBB1,IAIBB2 *or 994 FORMAT(' BAMJEV 43147',5I5) CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IAIBF,IAIBB1,IAIBB2,IBB,AMCH1,4) GO TO 42157 42147 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,993)ICH1 *or 993 FORMAT (' PARJET 42147',5I5) CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 42157 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 4217 CONTINUE C*** IFA - IFB AQ - Q EXISTIERT NICHT IF (NNCH2) 42217,42227,42237 42217 CONTINUE ICH1 = IB8 GO TO 42247 42237 CONTINUE ICH1 = IBIO GO TO 42247 42227 CONTINUE IAIFF = IABS(IFF) + 6 IAIFB1= IABS(IFB1) + 6 IAIFB2= IABS(IFB2) + 6 *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,995)IAIFF,IAIFB1,IAIFB2 *or 995 FORMAT (' BAMJEV 42227',5I5) CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IAIFF,IAIFB1,IAIFB2,IFB,AMCH2,4) GO TO 42257 42247 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,996)ICH1 *or 996 FORMAT ('PARJET 42247',5I5) CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 42257 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 44 43 CONTINUE C================================================================== C*** FORWARD CHAIN OF NUCLEON NUCLEON C=================================================================== IF (NNCH1) 431,432,433 431 CONTINUE ICH1 = IF8 GO TO 434 433 CONTINUE ICH1 = IF10 GO TO 434 432 CONTINUE CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFB,IFF1,IFF2,IFB,AMCH1,4) GO TO 435 434 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH1) 435 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) 44 CONTINUE C*** TURN CHAINS AROUND IF NECESSARY IF (IBPROJ) 51,52,53 51 CONTINUE GO TO 55 52 CONTINUE C*** MESON NUCLEON GO TO (521,522),ISAM3 521 CONTINUE GO TO 54 522 CONTINUE C*** TURN JET GO TO 55 53 CONTINUE C*** NUCLEON-NUCLEON C*** TURN JET GO TO 55 55 CONTINUE C*** TURN JET AROUND DO 56 I=1,IHAD PZF(I) = -PZF(I) 56 CONTINUE 54 CONTINUE IIIHAD = IHAD C*** AND INT. CHAIN TRANSVERSE MOMENTA B3SAVE = B3BAMJ * This is consistent with b3bamj = 10 for an initial value of 6 B3BAMJ = 1.666666666666667D+00 * B3BAMJ * B3BAMJ = 5.D+00 / ( LOG10 ( 1.D+00 + ( UMO / E00 )**1.5D+00 ) * & + 1.D+00 ) CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) ES = -2.D0/(B3BAMJ**2)*LOG(RNDM(1)*RNDM(2)) B3BAMJ = B3SAVE * HPS = SQRT(ES*ES+2.D0*ES*AMCH1) HPS = SQRT(ES*ES+2.D0*ES*AM(1)) CALL SFECFE(SFE,CFE) * * tentative guess * PTXCH1 = HPS * CFE PTYCH1 = HPS * SFE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Loop to establish the transverse momentum GO TO 6171 6170 CONTINUE PTXCH1 = 0.75D0 * PTXCH1 PTYCH1 = 0.75D0 * PTYCH1 6171 CONTINUE IHAD = IIIHAD * | The following two cards provide momentum conservation for * | x and y components PTXCH2 = -PTXCH1 PTYCH2 = -PTYCH1 BGCH1X = PTXCH1/AMCH1 BGCH1Y = PTYCH1/AMCH1 ACH1 = BGCH1**2-(PTXCH1**2+PTYCH1**2)/AMCH1**2 IF (ACH1.LE.0.D0) GO TO 6170 * | * +--<--<--<--<--< if Pt is too large loop again on the forward jet BGCH2X = PTXCH2/AMCH2 BGCH2Y = PTYCH2/AMCH2 ACH2 = BGCH2**2-(PTXCH2**2+PTYCH2**2)/AMCH2**2 IF (ACH2.LE.0.D0) GO TO 6170 * | * +--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--<--< if Pt is too large loop again BGCH1Z = SQRT(ACH1) BGCH1Z = SIGN(BGCH1Z,BGCH1) BGCH2Z = SQRT(ACH2) BGCH2Z = SIGN(BGCH2Z,BGCH2) CALL LORTRA(IHAD,1,GAMCH1,BGCH1X,BGCH1Y,BGCH1Z) C============================================================== C C*** TRANSFORM FORWARD JET INTO CMS C C================================================================ IHAD = IIIHAD NAUX = IHAD C=============================================================== C C*** SAMPLING OF BACKWARD CHAIN C C=============================================================== IF (IBPROJ) 61,62,63 61 CONTINUE C================================================================ C BACKWARD CHAIN OF ANTINUCLEON NUCLEON C================================================================= IF (NNCH2) 6111,6112,6113 6111 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBPS GO TO 6114 6113 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBV GO TO 6114 6112 CONTINUE IAIBF = IABS(IBF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBB,IAIBF,IBB,IBB,AMCH2,3) GO TO 6115 6114 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 6115 CONTINUE C C C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 62 CONTINUE C================================================================ C*** BACKWARD CHAIN OF MESON - BARYON C================================================================== IF (IBTARG) 627,628,629 629 CONTINUE GO TO (621,622),ISAM3 621 CONTINUE IF (NNCH2) 6211,6212,6213 6211 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBPS GO TO 6214 6213 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBV GO TO 6214 6212 CONTINUE IAIBF = IABS(IBF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBB,IAIBF,IBB,IBB,AMCH2,3) GO TO 6215 6214 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 6215 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 622 CONTINUE IF (NNCH2) 6221,6222,6223 6221 CONTINUE ICH2 = IB8 GO TO 6224 6223 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBIO GO TO 6224 6222 CONTINUE CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBF,IBB1,IBB2,IBF,AMCH2,4) GO TO 6225 6224 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 6225 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 C================================================================== C C BACKWARD CHAIN OF MESON MESON C C=================================================================== C TO BE CORRECTED C=================================================================== 628 CONTINUE GO TO(6218,6228),ISAM3 6218 CONTINUE IF (NNCH2) 62118,62128,62138 62118 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBPS GO TO 62148 62138 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBV GO TO 62148 62128 CONTINUE IAIBF = IABS(IBF) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBB,IAIBF,IBB,IBB,AMCH2,3) GO TO 62158 62148 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 62158 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 6228 CONTINUE IF (NNCH2) 62218,62228,62238 62218 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBPS GO TO 62248 62238 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBV GO TO 62248 62228 CONTINUE IAIBB = IABS(IBB) + 6 CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBF,IAIBB,IBB2,IBF,AMCH2,3) GO TO 62258 62248 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 62258 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 C================================================================ C C BACKWARD CHAIN OF MESON ANTIBARYON C================================================================= C TO BE CORRECTED C================================================================= 627 CONTINUE GO TO(6217,6227),ISAM3 6227 CONTINUE IF (NNCH2) 62117,62127,62137 62117 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBPS GO TO 62147 62137 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBV GO TO 62147 62127 CONTINUE IAIFB = IABS(IFB) + 6 *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,997)IFF,IAIFB *or 997 FORMAT (' BAMJEV 62127',5I5) CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IFF,IAIFB,IBB,IBB,AMCH2,3) GO TO 62157 62147 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,998)ICH2 *or 998 FORMAT ('PARJET 62147',5I5) CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 62157 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 6217 CONTINUE IF (NNCH1) 62217,62227,62237 62217 CONTINUE ICH2 = IFPS GO TO 62247 62237 CONTINUE ICH2 = IFV GO TO 62247 62227 CONTINUE IAIBB = IABS(IBB) + 6 *or IF (IPR1.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,9911)IBF,IAIBB *or9911 FORMAT (' BAMJEV 62227',5I5) CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBF,IAIBB,IAIFB2,IBF,AMCH1,3) GO TO 62257 62247 CONTINUE *or IF (IPRI .EQ. 1) WRITE(LUNOUT,9912)ICH2 *or9912 FORMAT ('PARJET 62247',5I5) CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 62257 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) GO TO 64 63 CONTINUE C================================================================== C*** BACKWARD CHAIN OF BARYON BARYON C================================================================== IF (NNCH2) 631,632,633 631 CONTINUE ICH2 = IB8 GO TO 634 633 CONTINUE ICH2 = IBIO GO TO 634 632 CONTINUE CALL BAMJEV(IHAD,IBF,IBB1,IBB2,IBF,AMCH2,4) GO TO 635 634 CONTINUE CALL PARJET(IHAD,ICH2) 635 CONTINUE C CALL DECAY(IHAD,2) * * We arrive here after jet creation: created particles are in * /finpar/ common (there are ihad particles) * 64 CONTINUE C*** TURN CHAIN AROUND IF NECESSARY IF (IBPROJ) 71,72,73 71 CONTINUE GO TO 75 72 CONTINUE GO TO (721,722),ISAM3 721 CONTINUE C*** TURN JET GO TO 75 722 CONTINUE GO TO 74 73 CONTINUE C*** KEEP JET GO TO 74 75 CONTINUE C*** TURN JET AROUND DO 76 I=1,IHAD PZF(I) = -PZF(I) 76 CONTINUE 74 CONTINUE C================================================================ C C*** TRANSFORM BACKWARD JET INTO CMS C C================================================================= NAUX = NAUX+1 CALL LORTRA(IHAD,NAUX,GAMCH2,BGCH2X,BGCH2Y,BGCH2Z) NAUX = IHAD + NAUX - 1 DO 181 I=1,NAUX PXR(I) = PXA(I) PYR(I) = PYA(I) PZR(I) = PZA(I) AMR(I) = AMA(I) ICHR(I) = ICHA(I) ANR(I) = ANA(I) IBARR(I)= IBARA(I) NRER(I) = NREA(I) HER(I) = HEPA(I) 181 CONTINUE NRES=NAUX CALL DECAUX(NAUX,3) *or IF (IPRI.EQ.1) WRITE(LUNOUT,85)(I,NREA(I),ICHA(I),IBARA(I), *or &ANA(I)PXA(I),PYA(I),PZA(I),HEPA(I),AMA(I),I=1,NAUX) EVZ = 0.D0 PVX = 0.D0 PVY = 0.D0 PVZ = 0.D0 ICCU = 0 IBBU = 0 ISSU = 0 LISSU = .TRUE. C*** TRANSFORM INTO LABSYSTEM * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | particles from /auxpar/ common are transformed back in the lab * | system (which is actually the system of the target nucleon with * | the projectile along the z-axis) * | and put in /hadpar/ common * | * | The transformation is: * | Elab = Ecms * gamma + ETAzlab * Pzcms * | Pzlab = Pzcms * gamma + ETAzlab * Ecms * | note ETAzlab = -ETAzcms!!!! * | DO 81 I=1,NAUX HEPH(I) = GAMCM*HEPA(I) + BGCM*PZA(I) PZH(I) = GAMCM*PZA(I) + BGCM*HEPA(I) PXH(I) = PXA(I) PYH(I) = PYA(I) AMH(I) = AMA(I) ICHH(I) = ICHA(I) ANH(I) = ANA(I) IBARH(I)= IBARA(I) NREH(I) = NREA(I) EVZ = EVZ + HEPH(I) PVX = PVX + PXH(I) PVY = PVY + PYH(I) PVZ = PVZ + PZH(I) ICCU = ICCU + ICHH(I) IBBU = IBBU + IBARH(I) IJNREH = KPTOIP ( NREH (I) ) IF (IJNREH .LE. 0 .OR. IJNREH .GT. 39) THEN WRITE (LUNOUT,*)' Hadevt: Ijnreh = 0, > 39 after decay!!', & IJNREH,NREH(I),I,HEPH(I) WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Hadevt: Ijnreh = 0, > 39 after decay!!', & IJNREH,NREH(I),I,HEPH(I) LISSU = .FALSE. ELSE DO 8011 J=1,3 ISSU = ISSU + IQSCHR (MQUARK(J,IJNREH)) 8011 CONTINUE END IF 81 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* NHAD = NAUX ICHTOT = ICH(KPROJ) + ICH(KTARG) IBTOT = IBPROJ + IBTARG ISTOT = 0 DO 8111 J=1,3 ISTOT = ISTOT + IQSCHR(MQUARK(J,IJPROJ)) & + IQSCHR(MQUARK(J,IJTARG)) 8111 CONTINUE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF (ICCU .NE. ICHTOT) THEN * | write an error message and then resample!!! WRITE(LUNOUT,*)' Hadevt: charge conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT WRITE(LUNERR,*)' Hadevt: charge conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT LRESMP = .TRUE. ELSE IF (IBBU .NE. IBTOT) THEN * | write an error message and then resample!!! WRITE(LUNOUT,*)' Hadevt: baryon conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT WRITE(LUNERR,*)' Hadevt: baryon conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT LRESMP = .TRUE. ELSE IF (ISSU .NE. ISTOT .AND. LISSU) THEN * | write an error message and then resample!!! WRITE(LUNOUT,*)' Hadevt: strangeness conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT WRITE(LUNERR,*)' Hadevt: strangeness conservation failure: ', & ' ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT', & ICCU,ICHTOT,IBBU,IBTOT,ISSU,ISTOT LRESMP = .TRUE. ELSE END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* EPSEPS = MAX ( 10.D+00*ANGLGB, 1.D-12 ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF (ABS(EVZ-AMTAR-EPROJ)/(AMTAR+EPROJ) .GT. EPSEPS) THEN ELSE IF (ABS(PVX)/PPROJ .GT. EPSEPS) THEN ELSE IF (ABS(PVY)/PPROJ .GT. EPSEPS) THEN ELSE IF (ABS(PVZ-PPROJ)/PPROJ .GT. EPSEPS) THEN ELSE GO TO 90 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* C C******************************************************************** C C*** PRINT AND TEST ENERGY CONSERVATION C C******************************************************************** C *or PVZ = 0.D0 *or EVZ = 0.D0 *or PVX = 0.D0 *or PVY = 0.D0 *or ICCU = 0 *or IBBU = 0 *or DO 82 I=1,NHAD *or PVX = PVX + PXH(I) *or PVY = PVY + PYH(I) *or PVZ = PVZ + PZH(I) *or EVZ = EVZ + HEPH(I) *or ICCU = ICCU + ICHH(I) *or IBBU = IBBU + IBARH(I) *or 82 CONTINUE *or IF (IBTOT .NE. IBBU) GO TO 9999 *or IF (ICHTOT .NE. ICCU) GO TO 9999 *or IF (ABS(PVX).GE.0.01D0) GO TO 9999 *or IF (ABS(PVY).GE.0.01D0) GO TO 9999 *or IF ((PVZ.GT.1.02D0*PPROJ).OR.(PVZ.LT.0.98D0*PPROJ)) GO TO 9999 *or IF (IPRI.NE.1) GO TO 90 9999 CONTINUE * * If a failure occured the event is resampled!!! * GO TO 8899 *or IF (IPRI.EQ.0) GO TO 8899 *or WRITE(LUNOUT,83)NHAD,KPROJ,KTARG,PPROJ,EPROJ,PVX,PVY,PVZ,EVZ, *or &ICCU,IBBU,NHAD *or 83 FORMAT (3I5,6F12.6,3I5) *or DO 84 I=1,NHAD *or WRITE(LUNOUT,85)I,NREH(I),ICHH(I),IBARH(I),ANH(I),PXH(I), *or & PYH(I),PZH(I),HEPH(I),AMH(I) *or 85 FORMAT (4I5,A8,5F12.6) *or 84 CONTINUE * * If a failure occured the event is resampled!!! * *or IF (IPRI.EQ.0)GO TO 8899 90 CONTINUE RETURN END