* * $Id: evvini.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:56 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: evvini.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:56 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.42 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE EVVINI.FOR *COPY EVVINI * *=== evvini ===========================================================* * SUBROUTINE EVVINI (WHAT,SDUM) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Version march 1990 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan * * * * Last change on 20-apr-92 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan * * This subroutine initialises the quark model subroutines and the * * evaporation module (Evap5 from Hetc-Kfa). * * * * input variables: * * what has currently no meaning * * sdum = material name of a heavy ion beam * * * * output variables: none * * * * Common blocks: * * * * /print/ printing control for the nucevt package * * /inpdat/ parameters for the nucevt package * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * #include "geant321/inpdat2.inc" #include "geant321/parevt.inc" CHARACTER*8 SDUM DIMENSION WHAT(6) COMMON/FKPRIN/IPRI,INIT IF (.NOT.LEVPRT) LDEEXG=.FALSE. CALL DATAR3 CALL HADDEN CALL RCHANV CALL CHANWT ONEDUM = ONEONE ZERDUM = ZERZER NUD = NUDISV ( ONEDUM, 1, ZERDUM, ZERDUM, DPOWER, ZERDUM ) CALL BERTTP CALL INCINI IPRI=0 INIT=0 LTBAMJ=0 ASBAMJ = 0.5D+00 B8BAMJ = 0.4D+00 RETURN END