* * $Id: eventv.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:55 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: eventv.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:55 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.42 by S.Giani *-- Author : *$ CREATE EVENTV.FOR *COPY EVENTV * *=== eventv ===========================================================* * SUBROUTINE EVENTV ( IJIJ, POO, EKE, TXI, TYI, TZI, WE, IMAT ) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Created on 7 september 1989 by Alfredo Ferrari * * INFN - Milan * * * * Last change on 15 april 1993 by Alfredo Ferrari * * * * This routine is a strongly modified and improved version of the * * original Eventq routine of the Fluka package: it requires modified * * versions of many other routines * * * * Eventv90: new version by A. Ferrari, INFN-Milan and CERN-SPS, 7-9-89* * main modifications: * * - new treatment for hydrogen (following Moehring's * * suggestion) * * - new commons and coding for energy, momentum, * * electric and baryonic charge conservation * * - new correlations both in the "low" (p < 5 GeV/c) * * and in the "high" energy models * * - complete revision of kinematics for both models * * - tentative treatment for Lambdas, Sigmas with the * * "high" energy model down to 2.5 GeV/c to overcome * * the impossibility of Hadrin to treat these parti- * * cles * * - tentative introduction of Xsi0, Xsi-, Omega and * * their antiparticles and of Sigmabars's * * - complete new treatment of cascade nucleons * * - accurate treatment of binding energy effects, * * using atomic mass tables and the proper isotopic * * composition of elements * * - possibility to use an evaporation module (derived * * from the Hetc-Kfa one) after the interaction * * - possibility to use a nuclear gamma deexcitation * * module (written by P.Sala, INFN-Milan) to produce * * deexcitation gammas after the evaporation step * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * PARAMETER ( COS45 = 0.7071067811865475D+00 ) PARAMETER ( SIN30 = 0.5D+00 ) PARAMETER ( COS30 = 0.8660254037844387D+00 ) PARAMETER ( CSNPRN = 50.D+00 * CSNNRM ) #include "geant321/balanc.inc" #include "geant321/corinc.inc" #include "geant321/depnuc.inc" #include "geant321/fheavy.inc" #include "geant321/finlsp3.inc" #include "geant321/finuc.inc" #include "geant321/hadflg.inc" #include "geant321/hadpar.inc" #include "geant321/isotop.inc" #include "geant321/mapa.inc" #include "geant321/nucdat.inc" #include "geant321/nucpar.inc" #include "geant321/part.inc" #include "geant321/parevt.inc" #include "geant321/resnuc.inc" COMMON / FKCASF / PKFRMI, COSTH, PKIN COMMON /FKEVNT/ LNUCRI, LHADRI LOGICAL LNUCRI, LHADRI, LINCCK, LACCEP, LCHTYP REAL RNDM(1) * Note Pthrsh is also in Ferevv!! DIMENSION SOPPP(2),EXSOP(2),PTHRSH(39),IJNUCR(39) * Use this "save" if common dbgdbg is commented SAVE PTHRSH, IPRI, IEVT, IJNUCR DATA PTHRSH / 16*5.D+00,2*2.5D+00,5.D+00,3*2.5D+00,8*5.D+00, & 9*2.5D+00 / DATA IJNUCR / 16*1,2*0,1,3*0,8*1,9*0 / DATA IPRI / 0 / DATA IEVT / 0 / * * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Heavy ions are treated in eventa: now switched off!! IF (IJIJ .EQ. 30) THEN STOP 'HEAVY ION' END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * First of all: get the "part" index of the incoming "paprop" ijij IJ = IPTOKP (IJIJ) IEVT = IEVT + 1 AMCHCK = 0.5D+00 * ( POO * POO - EKE * EKE ) / EKE AHELP = ABS ( AMCHCK - AM ( IJ ) ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( AHELP .GT. ANGLGB * AM ( IJ ) ) THEN POO = SQRT ( EKE * ( EKE + 2.D+00 * AM (IJ) ) ) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Variable initialization for conservation checks * PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI ICHTAR = NINT(ZTAR(IMAT)) ICHTOT = ICHTAR + ICH(IJ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Choice of the mass number of the target nucleus: use the input * | one if any IF ( MSSNUM (IMAT) .GT. 0 ) THEN IBTAR = MSSNUM (IMAT) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Choice of the mass number of the target nucleus according * | to the natural isotopic composition of element ichtar ELSE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) RNDISO = RNDM (1) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Loop on the stable isotopes DO 25 IS = ISONDX (1,ICHTAR), ISONDX (2,ICHTAR) - 1 RNDISO = RNDISO - ABUISO (IS) IF ( RNDISO .LT. 0.D+00 ) GO TO 30 25 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* IS = ISONDX (2,ICHTAR) 30 CONTINUE IBTAR = ISOMNM (IS) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IBTOT = IBTAR + IBAR(IJ) BBTAR = IBTAR ZZTAR = ICHTAR ZTO103 = ZZTAR**0.3333333333333333D+00 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( IBTAR .EQ. 1 ) THEN ITTA = 8 - 7 * ICHTAR ETTOT = AM (ITTA) + EKE + AM(IJ) AMNTAR = AM (ITTA) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | The following should be done with the proper mass of the nuclide ELSE * AMNTAR = BBTAR * AMUC12 AMMTAR = BBTAR * AMUAMU + 0.001D+00 * FKENER ( BBTAR, ZZTAR ) AMNTAR = AMMTAR - ZZTAR * AMELEC + ELBNDE ( ICHTAR ) ETTOT = AMNTAR + EKE + AM (IJ) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Kaon-short and kaon-long are transformed into a kaon0 or a * | kaon0-bar IF (IJ .EQ. 12 .OR. IJ. EQ. 19) THEN IJ = 24 CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF (RNDM(1) .GT. 0.5D0) IJ = 25 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Pi0 quark configurations are selected according to 50% uubar and * | 50% ddbar ELSE IF ( IJ .EQ. 23 .OR. IJ .EQ. 26 ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. 0.5D+00 ) THEN IJ = 23 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IJ = 26 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* ETEPS = MAX ( 1.D-10 * EKE, 1.D-10 ) 50 CONTINUE *-->-->-->-->--> Come here for resampling * Reset all the accumulators NP = NP0 NPHEAV = 0 LRNFSS = .FALSE. LEVDIF = .FALSE. LHADRI = .FALSE. ICHTOT = ICHTAR + ICH(IJ) TV = 0.D+00 TVRECL = 0.D+00 TVHEAV = 0.D+00 TVCMS = 0.D+00 EOTEST = ETTOT LRESMP = .FALSE. LLASTN = .FALSE. LLAST1 = .FALSE. EUZ = 0.D+00 PUX = 0.D+00 PUY = 0.D+00 PUZ = 0.D+00 TVEUZ = 0.D+00 ICU = 0 IBU = 0 EINTR = 0.D+00 PXINTR = 0.D+00 PYINTR = 0.D+00 PZINTR = 0.D+00 ICINTR = 0 IBINTR = 0 ENUCR = 0.D+00 PXNUCR = 0.D+00 PYNUCR = 0.D+00 PZNUCR = 0.D+00 ICNUCR = 0 IBNUCR = 0 EFRM = 0.D+00 PXFRM = 0.D+00 PYFRM = 0.D+00 PZFRM = 0.D+00 PSEA = 0.D+00 TVGRE0 = 0.D+00 TVGREY = 0.D+00 IGREYP = 0 IGREYN = 0 KTARP = 0 KTARN = 0 IEVAPL = 0 IEVAPH = 0 IEVPRO = 0 IEVNEU = 0 IEVDEU = 0 IEVTRI = 0 IEV3HE = 0 IEV4HE = 0 IDEEXG = 0 ANOW = BBTAR ZNOW = ZZTAR DSOPP = 0.D+00 NNHAD = 0 RN1GSC = -1.D+00 RN2GSC = -1.D+00 IF ( POO .GE. PTHRSH (IJIJ) ) GO TO 200 * Below 5 GeV/c use Nucrin: 100 CONTINUE ANCOLL = 1.D+00 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check for Hydrogen IF ( IBTAR .NE. 1 ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Steering for Peanut: very temporary * | | Protons and Neutrons below 260 MeV: IF ( EKE .LT. 0.260D+00 .AND. ( IJ .EQ. 1 .OR. IJ .EQ. 8 ) & .AND. IBTAR .GT. 4 ) THEN CALL PEANUT ( IJ, EKE, POO, TXI, TYI, TZI, WE ) IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 RETURN * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Stopping pi-s: ELSE IF ( IJ .EQ. 14 .AND. EKE .LT. 2.D+00 * GAMMIN .AND. IBTAR & .GT. 4 ) THEN CALL PEANUT ( IJ, EKE, POO, TXI, TYI, TZI, WE ) IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 RETURN END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | Now at first we sample the number of interactions CALL CORRIN ( ZZTAR, BBTAR, IJ, POO, EKE ) END IF LNUCRI = .TRUE. NP = NP0 ELAB = EKE + AM(IJ) * Redefinition of particle types: the recovery of proper charge and * strangeness conservation after the interaction is not yet implemented KPROJ = IJ LCHTYP = .FALSE. * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( KPROJ .LE. 30 ) THEN GO TO ( 2017, 2018, 2999, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2999, 2999, 2999, & 2026 ), KPROJ - 16 GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ELSE GO TO ( 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039 ), & KPTOIP (KPROJ) - 30 GO TO 2999 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Lambdas are considered as neutrons: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi- --> K-, or an eventual neutron into * | a Sigma0/Lambda, * | (we must flip a d quark into an s quark), or a pi0 --> K0bar, * | or a p --> Sigma+ 2017 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 8 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for lambdas (now n) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Alambdas are considered as antineutrons : after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi+ --> K+, or an eventual neutronbar into a * | Lambdabar, (we must flip a dbar quark into an sbar quark), * | or a pi0 --> K0, or a pbar --> Sigma+bar (ASigma-) ( there * | are also possible ways through eta, rho and omega mesons ) 2018 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 9 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for alambdas (now an) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Sigma-s are considered as neutrons : after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi+ --> K0bar, or an eventual neutron into a Sigma-, * | (we must flip a u quark into an s quark), or a pi0 --> K-, * | or a p --> Sigma0/Lambda 2020 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 8 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT + 1 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Sigma-s (now n) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Sigma+s are considered as protons : after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi- --> K-, or an eventual proton into a Sigma+, * | (we must flip a d quark into an s quark), or a pi0 --> K0bar, * | or a n --> Sigma0/Lambda 2021 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 1 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Sigma+s (now p) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Sigma0s are considered as neutrons: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi- --> K-, or an eventual neutron into * | a Sigma0/Lambda, * | (we must flip a d quark into an s quark), or a pi0 --> K0bar, * | or a p --> Sigma+ 2022 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 8 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Sigma0s (now n) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Pi0 must be 23 for Nucrin 2026 CONTINUE KPROJ = 23 GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ASigma-s are considered as pbars: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi+ --> K+, or an eventual pbar into a ASigma-, * | (we must flip a dbar quark into an sbar quark), or a pi0 --> K0, * | or a nbar --> ASigma0/ALambda 2031 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 2 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for ASigma-s (now pbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ASigma0s are considered as nbar: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi+ --> K+, or an eventual nbar into * | a ASigma0/ALambda, * | (we must flip a dbar quark into an sbar quark), or a pi0 --> K0, * | or a pbar --> ASigma- 2032 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 9 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for ASigma0s (now nbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ASigma+s are considered as nbar : after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip a pi- --> K0, or an eventual nbar into a ASigma+, * | (we must flip a ubar quark into an sbar quark), or a pi0 --> K+, * | or a pbar --> ASigma0/ALambda 2033 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 9 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT - 1 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for ASigma+s (now nbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Xsi0s are considered as neutrons: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip an eventual neutron into a Xsi0, * | or a proton --> Sigma+ and a pi- --> K- (or a pi0 --> K0bar) etc. * | (we must flip two d quarks into s quarks) 2034 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 8 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Xsi0s (now n) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | AXsi0s are considered as nbars: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip an eventual nbar into a AXsi0, * | or a pbar --> ASigma- and a pi+ --> K+ (or a pi0 --> K0) etc. * | (we must flip two dbar quarks into sbar quarks) 2035 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 9 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for AXsi0s (now nbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Xsi-s are considered as protons: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip an eventual proton into a Xsi-, * | or a neutron --> Sigma- and a pi+ --> K0bar (or a pi0 --> K-) etc. * | (we must flip two u quarks into s quarks) 2036 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 1 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT + 2 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Xsi-s (now p) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | AXsi+s are considered as pbars: after the interaction * | a possible way to recover strangeness and charge conservation * | is to flip an eventual pbar into a AXsi+, * | or a nbar --> ASigma+ and a pi- --> K0 (or a pi0 --> K+) etc. * | (we must flip two ubar quarks into sbar quarks) 2037 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 2 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT - 2 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for AXsi+s (now pbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Omega-s are considered as protons: after the interaction there * | are many possible ways to recover strangeness and charge * | conservation (we must flip a d quark into an s quark and two u * | quarks into s quarks). 2038 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 1 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT + 2 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for Omega-s (now p) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Omegabar+s are considered as pbars: after the interaction there * | are many possible ways to recover strangeness and charge * | conservation (we must flip a dbar quark into an sbar quark and * | two ubar quarks into sbar quarks). 2039 CONTINUE LCHTYP = .TRUE. KPROJ = 2 * | The following card must be commented following the strangeness * | and charge conservation recovery implementation ICHTOT = ICHTOT - 2 * | Adjusting mass and momentum for AOmega+s (now pbar) POO = SQRT ( ( ELAB + AM(KPROJ) ) * ( ELAB - AM(KPROJ) ) ) PTTOT = POO PXTTOT = PTTOT*TXI PYTTOT = PTTOT*TYI PZTTOT = PTTOT*TZI GO TO 2999 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 2999 CONTINUE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check for hydrogen!!!! IF ( IBTAR .EQ. 1 ) THEN TV = 0.D+00 NP = NP0 ITTA = 8 - 7 * ICHTAR IF ( KPROJ .EQ. 14 .AND. EKE .LT. 2.D+00 * GAMMIN ) THEN CALL PMPRAB ( KPROJ, EKE, POO, TXI, TYI, TZI, WE ) RETURN END IF * | Set a flag to avoid elastic collision in Hadrin IELFLG = +1 * | Set a flag to fully exploit charge exchange ICXFLG = 0 CALL HADRIV ( KPROJ, POO, ELAB, TXI, TYI, TZI, ITTA ) IELFLG = -1 ICXFLG = -1 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( IH .LE. 1 ) THEN * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( ITH (1) .EQ. KPROJ ) THEN IH = IH + 1 ITH (2) = 1 CXH (2) = TXI CYH (2) = TYI CZH (2) = TZI PLH (2) = 0.D+00 ELH (2) = AM (1) * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE IF ( ITH (1) .EQ. 1 ) THEN IH = IH + 1 ITH (2) = KPROJ CXH (2) = TXI CYH (2) = TYI CZH (2) = TZI PLH (2) = 0.D+00 ELH (2) = AM (KPROJ) * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Looping over the particles produced in hadrin DO 110 J=1,IH NP = NP + 1 TKI(NP) = ELH(J) - AM(ITH(J)) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( TKI(NP) .GE. 0.D+00 ) THEN KPART(NP) = ITH(J) CXR(NP) = CXH(J) CYR(NP) = CYH(J) CZR(NP) = CZH(J) PLR(NP) = PLH(J) WEI(NP) = WE * | | | Updating conservation counters ENUCR = ENUCR + ELH(J) PXNUCR = PXNUCR + PLR(NP)*CXR(NP) PYNUCR = PYNUCR + PLR(NP)*CYR(NP) PZNUCR = PZNUCR + PLR(NP)*CZR(NP) ICNUCR = ICNUCR + ICH(KPART(NP)) IBNUCR = IBNUCR + IBAR(KPART(NP)) * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE IF ( ABS ( TKI (NP) ) .LE. ANGLGB ) THEN * | | | Updating conservation counters ENUCR = ENUCR + ELH(J) ICNUCR = ICNUCR + ICH(ITH(J)) IBNUCR = IBNUCR + IBAR(ITH(J)) NP = NP - 1 * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE NP = NP - 1 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 110 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* KTARP = 1 ANOW = 0.D+00 ZNOW = 0.D+00 ICRES = 0 IBRES = 0 ERES = 0.D+00 EOTEST = EOTEST - ENUCR * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( ABS (EOTEST) .GT. ETEPS ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: eotest failure with Hadrin', & EOTEST LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 * | * +-<|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN END IF * | end hydrogen check * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Now calling Nucrin to produce secondary particles, which are put * into the /Finuc/ common * CALL NUCRIV ( KPROJ, ELAB, TXI, TYI, TZI, BBTAR, & ZZTAR, RHO(IMAT) ) IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 *--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling if something was wrong TVGRE0 = TV - TVGREY TVEUZ = 0.D+00 TVTENT = TV TV = 0.D+00 IF (NP .GT. MXP) GO TO 400 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Looping over the particles produced in nucrin * | No need for Nucrin produced particles to * | change the numbering DO 101 I=NP0+1,NP I1 = KPART(I) WEI(I) = WE TKI(I) = TKI(I) - AM(I1) TXYZ = CXR (I)**2 + CYR (I)**2 + CZR (I)**2 IF ( ABS (TXYZ-1.D0) .GT. CSNPRN ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* ) & ' **** Bad normalized cosines from Nucriv!!!',I,TXYZ,CXR(I), & CYR(I),CZR(I) TXYZ = TXYZ - 1.D+00 TXYZ = 1.D+00 - 0.5D+00 * TXYZ + 0.375D+00 * TXYZ * TXYZ CXR (I) = CXR (I) * TXYZ CYR (I) = CYR (I) * TXYZ CZR (I) = CZR (I) * TXYZ TXYZ = CXR (I)**2 + CYR (I)**2 + CZR (I)**2 IF ( ABS (TXYZ-1.D0) .GT. CSNPRN ) THEN LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 END IF END IF IF (TKI(I) .GE. 0.D+00) GO TO 101 TKI(I) = 0.D+00 PLR(I) = 0.D+00 101 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 500 C C******************************************************************** C GENERATE FIRST THE LOW ENERGY NUCLEONS FROM THE INTRANUCLEAR C CASCADE - CHECK IF ACCEPTABLE. C NOTE THAT AINEL AND RAKEKA ARE USING THE OLD PARTICLE NUMBERING C******************************************************************** C 200 CONTINUE NP = NP0 LNUCRI = .FALSE. * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check for hydrogen!!!! IF ( IBTAR .EQ. 1 ) THEN ANCOLL = 1.D+00 NHAD = 0 KPROJ = IJ KTARG = 1 EPROJ = EKE + AM (KPROJ) UMO = SQRT ( AM (1)**2 + AM (KPROJ)**2 + 2.D+00 * AM (1) * & EPROJ ) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Now diffractive events are taken into account for projectile * | | -proton collisions!!! A. Ferrari and J. Ranft, 25-3-90 IF ( LDIFFR (KPTOIP(KPROJ)) ) THEN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. FRDIFF ) THEN IF ( POO .GT. PTHDFF ) THEN LEVDIF = .TRUE. CALL DIFEVV ( NHAD, KPROJ, KTARG, POO, EPROJ, UMO ) ELSE CALL HADEVV ( NHAD, KPROJ, KTARG, POO, EPROJ, UMO ) END IF ELSE CALL HADEVV ( NHAD, KPROJ, KTARG, POO, EPROJ, UMO ) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE CALL HADEVV ( NHAD, KPROJ, KTARG, POO, EPROJ, UMO ) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Loop over particles produced in hadevt/difevt DO 207 J=1,NHAD NP = NP + 1 CFE = 1.D+00 SFE = 0.D+00 * | | Get the "paprop" index KPART(NP) = KPTOIP (NREH(J)) IF ( KPART (NP) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*) & ' **** Charmed particle produced in Hadevv/Difevv', & NREH(J),HEPH(J),AMH(J),' ****' KPART (NP) = NREH (J) END IF PLR(NP) = SQRT ( PXH(J)**2 + PYH(J)**2 + PZH(J)**2 ) PTH = SQRT( PXH(J)**2 + PYH(J)**2 ) CDE = PZH(J) / PLR(NP) SDE = PTH / PLR(NP) IF (SDE .GE. ANGLGB) THEN CFE = PXH(J) / PTH SFE = PYH(J) / PTH END IF CALL TTRANS ( TXI, TYI, TZI, CDE, SDE, SFE, CFE, & CXR(NP), CYR(NP), CZR(NP) ) TKI(NP) = HEPH(J) - AMH(J) WEI(NP) = WE * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Updating conservation counters IF ( TKI(NP) .GT. 0.D+00 ) THEN EUZ = EUZ + HEPH(J) PUX = PUX + PLR(NP)*CXR(NP) PUY = PUY + PLR(NP)*CYR(NP) PUZ = PUZ + PLR(NP)*CZR(NP) ICU = ICU + ICH(NREH(J)) IBU = IBU + IBAR(NREH(J)) * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE NP = NP-1 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 207 CONTINUE * | | end loop * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* ANOW = 0.D+00 ZNOW = 0.D+00 KTARP = 1 ICRES = 0 IBRES = 0 ERES = 0.D+00 EOTEST = EOTEST - EUZ * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( ABS (EOTEST) .GT. ETEPS ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: eotest failure with', & ' Hadevt/Diffevt',EOTEST END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN END IF * | end hydrogen check * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Now at first we sample the number of interactions CALL COREVT ( ZZTAR, BBTAR, IJ, POO, EKE ) * * First decide how much energy will go into the intranuclear cascade * EKIN = EKE * Here starts the cascade particle production module!!! SOPPP (1) = EINCP SOPPP (2) = EINCN ARECL = MAX ( ANOW - 1.D+00, 1.D+00 ) KREJE = 0 NGREYT = NGREYP + NGREYN TVTENT = ANCOLL * ( AV0WEL - AEFRMA ) + TVGRE0 TMP015 = 0.15D+00 EEXTRA = 2.D+00* MIN ( TWOTWO * ( EKUPNU (1) + EKUPNU (2) ) & , TMP015 * & ( EKE - EINCP - EINCN - TVTENT ), EINCP + EINCN ) EEXTRA = MAX ( EEXTRA, EKUPNU (1), EKUPNU (2) ) LINCCK = .FALSE. PXCASC = 0.D+00 PYCASC = 0.D+00 PZCASC = 0.D+00 PTXINT = 0.D+00 PTYINT = 0.D+00 PPINTR = 0.D+00 EKRECL = 0.D+00 IEXTRN = 0 IEXTRP = 0 LACCEP = .FALSE. IGREYT = 0 IF ( NGREYT .EQ. 0 ) GO TO 206 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Now looping until we reach the correct number of cascade * | nucleons 205 CONTINUE IGREYT = IGREYP + IGREYN DSOPP = SOPPP (1) + SOPPP (2) * | Now it is not possible to reduce too heavily the available energy IF ( EKIN - TVGRE0 .LT. 0.5D+00 * EKE .OR. PZCASC .GE. & 0.5D+00 * POO ) GO TO 206 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( IGREYT .GE. NGREYT ) THEN AEXTRA = 2.D+00 * DSOPP / ( EKINAV (1) + EKINAV (2) & + ESWELL (1) + ESWELL (2) ) & / ( IGREYT - NGREYT + 1 ) CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) RNDUMO = RNDM (1) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( RNDUMO .LT. AEXTRA .AND. LACCEP .AND. NINT (ANOW) & .GT. 0 ) THEN REJE = ZNOW / ANOW * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. REJE ) THEN IEXTRP = MIN ( 1, NINT (ZNOW), NGREYP / 2 ) IF ( NGREYP + IEXTRP - IGREYP .LE. 0 ) GO TO 206 * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | ELSE * IEXTRN = MIN ( IEXTRN + 1, NINT (ANOW - ZNOW), 2 ) IEXTRN = MIN ( 1, NINT (ANOW - ZNOW), NGREYN / 2 ) IF ( NGREYN + IEXTRN - IGREYN .LE. 0 ) GO TO 206 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE GO TO 206 * | | | * | | |-->-->-->-->--> We have finished particles!! END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IF ( DSOPP .LE. - EEXTRA ) THEN GO TO 206 * | | * | |-->-->-->-->--> We have finished energy END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* LACCEP = .FALSE. * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Check how many nucleons are still available for cascade IF ( ANOW .LT. 1.5D+00 ) THEN * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if at least two high energy collisions are foreseen * | | | if yes the proper energy / momentum balance for the last * | | | two nucleons will be done inside Ferevv IF ( ANCOLL .GT. 1.5D+00 ) THEN * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Only the valence collision is foreseen: we are forced * | | | to perform here the balance for the 2 last nucleons! * | | | (One might be used here for cascading, the other * | | | will be used by Hadevv / Difevv) ELSE LLASTN = .TRUE. KTLAST = IJTARG (1) AMLAST = AM ( KTLAST ) * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF ( NINT ( ZNOW ) .GT. 0 ) THEN KTINC = 1 IGREYP = IGREYP + 1 * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | ELSE KTINC = 8 IGREYN = IGREYN + 1 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* AMINC = AM (KTINC) UMIN2 = ( AMLAST + AMINC )**2 DSOPP = MAX ( DSOPP, AV0WEL - AEFRMA ) 216 CONTINUE EKIN = EKIN - DSOPP * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Check if we can get enough invariant mass IF ( EKIN .LE. 0.2D+00 * EKE ) THEN WRITE ( LUNOUT, * ) & ' *** Eventv: impossible to get enough invariant', & ' mass for the last two nucleons! ****' WRITE ( LUNERR, * ) & ' *** Eventv: impossible to get enough invariant', & ' mass for the last two nucleons! ****' LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 * | | | |---<---<---< Go to resampling END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* ELEFT = ETTOT - EINTR - EKIN - AM (IJ) PLA = SQRT ( EKIN * ( EKIN + 2.D+00 * AM (IJ) ) ) PXLEFT = PXTTOT - PXINTR - PLA * TXI PYLEFT = PYTTOT - PYINTR - PLA * TYI PZLEFT = PZTTOT - PZINTR - PLA * TZI * | | | Now we will divide Eleft and Pleft between the two * | | | left nucleons! UMO2 = ELEFT**2 - PXLEFT**2 - PYLEFT**2 - PZLEFT**2 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF ( UMO2 .LE. UMIN2 ) THEN * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | IF ( KTINC .EQ. 1 ) THEN EINCP = EINCP + DSOPP * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | ELSE EINCN = EINCN + DSOPP END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 216 END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* UMO = SQRT ( UMO2 ) ELACMS = 0.5D+00 * ( UMO2 + AMLAST**2 - AMINC**2 ) & / UMO EINCMS = UMO - ELACMS PCMS = SQRT ( ELACMS**2 - AMLAST**2 ) GAMCM = ELEFT / UMO ETAX = PXLEFT / UMO ETAY = PYLEFT / UMO ETAZ = PZLEFT / UMO CALL RACO ( CXXINC, CYYINC, CZZINC ) PCMSX = PCMS * CXXINC PCMSY = PCMS * CYYINC PCMSZ = PCMS * CZZINC * | | | Now go back from the CMS frame to the lab frame!!! * | | | First the inc nucleon: ETAPCM = PCMSX * ETAX + PCMSY * ETAY + PCMSZ * ETAZ NP = NP + 1 IF (NP .GT. MXP) GO TO 400 KPART(NP)= KTINC WEI (NP) = WE TKI (NP) = GAMCM * EINCMS + ETAPCM - AMINC PHELP = ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + EINCMS CXXINC = PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP CYYINC = PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP CZZINC = PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP * | | | Updating conservation counters EINTR = EINTR + TKI(NP) + AMINC PXINTR = PXINTR + CXXINC PYINTR = PYINTR + CYYINC PZINTR = PZINTR + CZZINC ICINTR = ICINTR + ICH (KPART(NP)) IBINTR = IBINTR + IBAR (KPART(NP)) PLR (NP) = SQRT (CXXINC * CXXINC + CYYINC * CYYINC + & CZZINC * CZZINC) CXR (NP) = CXXINC / PLR (NP) CYR (NP) = CYYINC / PLR (NP) CZR (NP) = CZZINC / PLR (NP) * | | | Now the high energy collision nucleon EKLAST = GAMCM * ELACMS - ETAPCM - AMLAST PHELP = - ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + ELACMS PXLAST = - PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP PYLAST = - PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP PZLAST = - PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP * | | | Now we perform a Lorentz transformation to the rest fra- * | | | me of the "last" nucleon, with the projectile momentum * | | | along the +z axis AMPROJ = AM (IJ) EPROJ = EKIN + AMPROJ ECHCK = EPROJ + AMLAST + EKLAST PXCHCK = PLA * TXI + PXLAST PYCHCK = PLA * TYI + PYLAST PZCHCK = PLA * TZI + PZLAST UMO = SQRT ( ECHCK**2 - PXCHCK**2 - PYCHCK**2 - & PZCHCK**2 ) EPROJX = 0.5D+00 * ( UMO**2 - AMPROJ**2 - AMLAST**2 ) & / AMLAST PPROJX = SQRT ( EPROJX**2 - AMPROJ**2 ) ETOTX = EPROJX + AMLAST * | | | Now set the parameters for the Lorentz transformation AAFACT = ECHCK + ETOTX BBFACT = PPROJX - PZCHCK DDENOM = ETOTX * AAFACT - PPROJX * BBFACT GAMTRA = ( ECHCK * AAFACT + PPROJX * BBFACT ) / DDENOM ETAZ = - BBFACT * AAFACT / DDENOM ETAX = PXCHCK * ( GAMTRA + 1.D+00 ) / AAFACT ETAY = PYCHCK * ( GAMTRA + 1.D+00 ) / AAFACT PLABS = PPROJX ELABS = EPROJX * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF ( .NOT. LDIFFR (KPTOIP(IJ)) .OR. PLABS .LE. PTHDFF ) & THEN RUUN = 1.D0 * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | ELSE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) RUUN = RNDM (1) END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* NHAD = 0 * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Diffractive event IF ( RUUN .LE. FRDIFF ) THEN LEVDIF = .TRUE. CALL DIFEVV ( NHAD, IJ, KTLAST, PLABS, ELABS, UMO ) * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Usual event ELSE CALL HADEVV ( NHAD, IJ, KTLAST, PLABS, ELABS, UMO ) END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Now we have the particles in the nucleon rest frame, * | | | transform back in the lab frame * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Looping over the produced particles DO 236 I = 1, NHAD NP = NP + 1 IF (NP .GT. MXP) GO TO 400 CALL ALTRA ( GAMTRA, ETAX, ETAY, ETAZ, PXH (I), & PYH (I), PZH (I), HEPH (I), PLR (NP), & CXR (NP), CYR (NP), CZR (NP), ELR ) * | | | | Updating conservation counters EUZ = EUZ + ELR PUX = PUX + CXR (NP) PUY = PUY + CYR (NP) PUZ = PUZ + CZR (NP) KPART (NP) = KPTOIP ( NREH (I) ) IF ( KPART (NP) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*) & ' **** Charmed particle produced in Hadevv', & NREH(I),ELR,AMH(I),' ****' KPART (NP) = NREH (I) END IF ICU = ICU + ICH (NREH(I)) IBU = IBU + IBAR (NREH(I)) CXR (NP) = CXR (NP) / PLR (NP) CYR (NP) = CYR (NP) / PLR (NP) CZR (NP) = CZR (NP) / PLR (NP) TKI (NP) = ELR - AMH (I) WEI (NP) = WE 236 CONTINUE * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Now perform the standard tests for energy and momentum * | | | conservation ERES = ETTOT - EUZ - ENUCR - EINTR PXRES = PXTTOT - PUX - PXNUCR - PXINTR PYRES = PYTTOT - PUY - PYNUCR - PYINTR PZRES = PZTTOT - PUZ - PZNUCR - PZINTR ICRES = ICHTOT - ICU - ICNUCR - ICINTR IBRES = IBTOT - IBU - IBNUCR - IBINTR PTRES = MAX ( ABS (PXRES), ABS (PYRES), ABS (PZRES) ) * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | IF ( IBRES .NE. 0 .OR. ICRES .NE. 0 .OR. ABS (ERES) & .GT. 1.D-10*EPROJ .OR. PTRES .GT. 1.D-10*PTTOT ) & THEN WRITE ( LUNERR, * ) & ' Eventq: last nucleon failure!!', ICRES, & IBRES, REAL (ERES), REAL (PXRES), & REAL (PYRES), REAL (PZRES) LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 * | | |--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* PTRES = 0.D+00 RETURN END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( NINT ( ANOW - ZNOW ) .LE. 0 ) THEN REJE = 1.D+00 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE REJE = MAX ( ZNOW * ( NGREYP + IEXTRP - IGREYP ), & ZERZER ) HELP = REJE + ( ANOW - ZNOW ) * ( NGREYN + & IEXTRN - IGREYN ) IF ( HELP .GT. 0.D+00 ) THEN REJE = REJE / HELP ELSE REJE = 1.D+00 WRITE(LUNERR,*)' EVENTV: HELP=0, ANOW,ZNOW',ANOW,ZNOW & ,' NGREYN,IGREYN,IEXTRN', & NGREYN,IGREYN,IEXTRN, & ' NGREYP,IGREYP,IEXTRP', & NGREYP,IGREYP,IEXTRP END IF END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. REJE ) THEN ILO = 1 ILLO = 2 KP = 1 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE ILO = 2 ILLO = 1 KP = 8 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* CALL RAKEKV ( ILO, EXSOP, BBTAR, TKIN, TSTRCK, PLA, ARECL, & TKRECL, EFERMI, CDE, SDE ) IF ( EKIN - TKIN .LT. 0.5D+00 * EKE ) GO TO 206 * |--|--<--<--<--<--< avoid to deplete too much the energy * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Now check if the nucleon energy is acceptable: IF ( SOPPP (ILO) .LT. TKIN ) THEN * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( TKIN - SOPPP (ILO) .LT. SOPPP (ILLO) + 1.5D+00 * & EEXTRA ) THEN SOPPP (ILLO) = SOPPP (ILLO) + SOPPP (ILO) - TKIN & - EXSOP (ILO) SOPPP (ILO) = 0.D+00 * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE KREJE = KREJE + 1 IF ( KREJE .GT. 10 ) GO TO 206 SOPPP (ILLO) = SOPPP (ILLO) + SOPPP (ILO) SOPPP (ILO) = 0.D+00 GO TO 205 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE SOPPP (ILO) = SOPPP (ILO) - TKIN - EXSOP (ILO) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* IF ( NINT ( ANOW ) .LE. 0 ) GO TO 206 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Update the current atomic and mass number IF ( ILO .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( NINT ( ZNOW ) .LE. 0 ) GO TO 206 IGREYP = IGREYP + 1 ZNOW = ZNOW - 1.D+00 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IGREYN = IGREYN + 1 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* ANOW = ANOW - 1.D+00 * | Now make the kinematical tests!! FRSURV = ARECL / BBTAR NP = NP + 1 IF ( NP .GT. MXP ) GO TO 400 EKIN = EKIN - TKIN * Note the change!! LINCCK = ARECL .LT. 30.D+00 .AND. FRSURV .LE. 0.33D+00 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( .NOT. LINCCK ) THEN CALL SFECFE ( SFE, CFE ) * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IF ( CDE .GT. 0.D+00 ) THEN CDE = CDE * FRSURV / 0.33D+00 SDE = SQRT ( 1.D+00 - CDE**2 ) END IF CALL SFECFE ( SFE, CFE ) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* PTXINT = PTXINT + PLA * CFE * SDE PTYINT = PTYINT + PLA * SFE * SDE PPINTR = PPINTR + PLA * CDE CALL TTRANS ( TXI, TYI, TZI, CDE, SDE, SFE, CFE, & CXR (NP), CYR (NP), CZR (NP) ) * | Generated nucleon is acceptable - save it LACCEP = .TRUE. TVGRE0 = TVGRE0 + EXSOP (ILO) TVGREY = TVGREY + TKIN + TKRECL - TSTRCK - EBNDNG (ILO) EKRECL = EKRECL + TKRECL ARECL = MAX ( ARECL - 1.D+00, 1.D+00 ) KPART(NP)= KP WEI(NP) = WE TKI(NP) = TSTRCK PLR(NP) = PLA * | Updating the counters for spent momenta * | of the cascade nucleons (the momentum * | spent by the high energy particles) SINTH = SQRT ( 1.D+00 - COSTH * COSTH ) PLA = SQRT ( ( EFERMI + TKIN )**2 - AMNUSQ (ILO) ) PZLEFT = PLA * CDE - COSTH * PKFRMI IF ( PZLEFT + PZCASC .LT. EKE - EKIN + TVGRE0 ) THEN PZCASC = EKE - EKIN + TVGRE0 PXCASC = PXCASC + CFE * ( PLA * SDE - SINTH * PKFRMI ) PYCASC = PYCASC + SFE * ( PLA * SDE - SINTH * PKFRMI ) ELSE PZCASC = PZCASC + PZLEFT PXCASC = PXCASC + CFE * ( PLA * SDE - SINTH * PKFRMI ) PYCASC = PYCASC + SFE * ( PLA * SDE - SINTH * PKFRMI ) END IF * | Updating conservation counters EINTR = EINTR + TKI(NP) + AM (KPART(NP)) PXINTR = PXINTR + PLR(NP) * CXR(NP) PYINTR = PYINTR + PLR(NP) * CYR(NP) PZINTR = PZINTR + PLR(NP) * CZR(NP) ICINTR = ICINTR + ICH (KPART(NP)) IBINTR = IBINTR + IBAR (KPART(NP)) GO TO 205 * | * +--<--<--<--<--< go to sample another nucleon 206 CONTINUE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | First check charge and baryonic number conservation: IF ( IGREYP .NE. ICINTR .OR. ( IGREYP + IGREYN ) .NE. & IBINTR ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventq: charge or baryon number', & ' conservation failure in the Inc', & ' section!!', IGREYP, ICINTR, & IGREYP + IGREYN, IBINTR LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 *--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* TVTENT = TVGRE0 * Tvgrey is already inside Eincp and Eincn since Rakekv updates the * estimated excitation energy (and Tvgre0, Eincp, Eincn and the * Soppp array) EINCP = EINCP - SOPPP (1) EINCN = EINCN - SOPPP (2) EKIN = EKIN - TVTENT * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check if we have not spent too much energy!!! IF ( EKIN .LT. 0.5D+00 * EKE ) THEN LRESMP = .TRUE. WRITE ( LUNERR,* ) ' Eventq: Ekin after inc too low!! ', & EKIN, EKE, IJIJ END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 * *--<--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling if something was wrong * Here the modification to take into account properly the * cascade nucleon momenta * New version: rotate the spent momentum in the lab frame IF ( IGREYT .GT. 0 ) THEN PZCASC = MAX ( PZCASC, ZERZER ) PTH = PXCASC * PXCASC + PYCASC * PYCASC PLA = SQRT ( PTH + PZCASC * PZCASC ) PTH = SQRT ( PTH ) CDE = PZCASC / PLA SDE = PTH / PLA IF (SDE .GE. ANGLGB) THEN CFE = PXCASC / PTH SFE = PYCASC / PTH ELSE CFE = 1.D+00 SFE = 0.D+00 END IF CALL TTRANS ( TXI, TYI, TZI, CDE, SDE, SFE, CFE, & CXXINC, CYYINC, CZZINC ) PXCASC = PLA * CXXINC PYCASC = PLA * CYYINC PZCASC = PLA * CZZINC END IF PXLEFT = PXTTOT - PXCASC - TXI * TVGRE0 PYLEFT = PYTTOT - PYCASC - TYI * TVGRE0 PZLEFT = PZTTOT - PZCASC - TZI * TVGRE0 PLA = SQRT ( PXLEFT * PXLEFT + PYLEFT * PYLEFT + PZLEFT & * PZLEFT ) DEKVSP = PLA - EKIN - AM (IJ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check the momentum versus the total energy IF ( DEKVSP .GE. 0.D+00 ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | There are good reasons to believe that the following attempt * | | is dangerous rather than useful, leading to a Dp > DEk IF ( TVGRE0 .GT. 0.D+00 ) THEN TVTENT = TVTENT - TVGRE0 EKIN = EKIN + TVGRE0 TVGRE0 = 0.D+00 PXLEFT = PXTTOT - PXCASC PYLEFT = PYTTOT - PYCASC PZLEFT = PZTTOT - PZCASC PLA = SQRT ( PXLEFT * PXLEFT + PYLEFT * PYLEFT + PZLEFT & * PZLEFT ) IF ( EKIN + AM (IJ) .GT. PLA ) GO TO 300 * | | This part is new (1-10-91) DEEXTR = EKE - EKIN - EINTR + IGREYP * AM (1) & + IGREYN * AM (8) - 1.5D+00 & * (IGREYP+IGREYN) * EBNDAV IF ( DEEXTR .GT. 0.D+00 ) THEN EKIN = EKIN + 0.5D+00 * DEEXTR EINCP = EINCP - 0.5D+00 * DEEXTR EINCN = EINCN - 0.5D+00 * DEEXTR PXLEFT = PXTTOT - PXCASC + 0.5D+00 * TXI * DEEXTR PYLEFT = PYTTOT - PYCASC + 0.5D+00 * TYI * DEEXTR PZLEFT = PZTTOT - PZCASC + 0.5D+00 * TZI * DEEXTR PLA = SQRT ( PXLEFT * PXLEFT + PYLEFT * PYLEFT + PZLEFT & * PZLEFT ) IF ( EKIN + AM (IJ) .GT. PLA ) GO TO 300 END IF END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* IF ( PLA - EKIN - AM (IJ) .LE. 1.D-04 * PLA ) GO TO 300 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Printing condition relaxed, A.F., 23-12-92 IF ( PLA - EKIN - AM (IJ) .GT. 1.D-02 * PLA ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventv: ekin+am < pla,ij,igreyt', & EKIN+AM(IJ),PLA,IJ,IGREYT END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* PTH = PLA PLA = EKIN + AM(IJ) PXLEFT = PXLEFT * PLA / PTH PYLEFT = PYLEFT * PLA / PTH PZLEFT = PZLEFT * PLA / PTH END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 300 CONTINUE * end new version * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check if we have enough energy to enter the high energy module * | if not reset the accumulators and go to nucrin IF ( PLA .LT. PTHRSH (IJIJ) ) THEN PREF = 0.45D+00 * POO * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Check if the momentum is much smaller than the original one IF ( PLA .LE. PREF ) THEN * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( PLA .LE. 0.4D+00 * POO ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventv: Pla < 0.4 Poo',PLA,POO,IJIJ, & TKIN,IMAT LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* PREF = MAX ( PREF, TWOTWO ) PREF = MIN ( PREF, FOUFOU ) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Originally it was < 10, but with Fermi momentum sometimes * | | we were calling Hadrin with p > 10 GeV/c * IF ( POO .LE. 9.75D+00 ) THEN IF ( ( POO .LE. 9.75D+00 .AND. IJNUCR (IJIJ) .LE. 0 ) & .OR. PLA .LT. PREF ) THEN IGREYP = 0 IGREYN = 0 KTARP = 0 KTARN = 0 TVGRE0 = 0.D+00 TVGREY = 0.D+00 EINTR = 0.D+00 PXINTR = 0.D+00 PYINTR = 0.D+00 PZINTR = 0.D+00 ICINTR = 0 IBINTR = 0 ANOW = BBTAR ZNOW = ZZTAR IF ( IJ .EQ. 26 ) IJ = 23 GO TO 100 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* TXX = PXLEFT / PLA TYY = PYLEFT / PLA TZZ = PZLEFT / PLA ZTEMP = ZZTAR - IGREYP ATEMP = BBTAR - IGREYN ERES = ETTOT - EKIN - AM (IJ) - EINTR AMNRES = AMUAMU * ATEMP + 1.D-03 * FKENER ( ATEMP, ZTEMP ) - & ZTEMP * AMELEC + ELBNDE ( NINT (ZTEMP) ) C C******************************************************************** C FOR MOMENTA ABOVE 5.0 GEV/C USE NUCEVT C******************************************************************** C * * From here the high energy model.... * NNHAD = 0 CALL NUCEVV ( NNHAD, IJ, PLA, EKIN, TXX, TYY, TZZ ) IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 *--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling if something was wrong * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( LLASTN .AND. NINT ( ANOW ) .EQ. 1 ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( KTINC .EQ. 1 ) THEN IGREYP = IGREYP + 1 EINCP = EINCP + EKINC ZNOW = ZNOW - 1.D+00 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IGREYN = IGREYN + 1 EINCN = EINCN + EKINC END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* ANOW = ANOW - 1.D+00 NP = NP + 1 IF (NP .GT. MXP) GO TO 400 KPART(NP)= KPTOIP (KTINC) WEI (NP) = WE TKI (NP) = EKINC * | Updating conservation counters EINTR = EINTR + TKI (NP) + AMINC PXINTR = PXINTR + PXXINC PYINTR = PYINTR + PYYINC PZINTR = PZINTR + PZZINC ICINTR = ICINTR + ICH (KTINC) IBINTR = IBINTR + IBAR (KTINC) PLR (NP) = SQRT (PXXINC * PXXINC + PYYINC * PYYINC + & PZZINC * PZZINC) CXR (NP) = PXXINC / PLR (NP) CYR (NP) = PYYINC / PLR (NP) CZR (NP) = PZZINC / PLR (NP) END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Loop over particles produced in nucevt DO 301 I=1,NNHAD NP = NP+1 IF (NP .GT. MXP) GO TO 400 * | Get the "paprop" index for Nucevt produced particles KPART(NP) = KPTOIP (NRENU(I)) IF ( KPART (NP) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*)' **** Charmed particle produced in Nucevv', & NRENU(I),HEPNU(I),AMNU(I),' ****' KPART (NP) = NRENU (I) END IF PLR (NP) = SQRT ( PXNU (I)**2 + PYNU (I)**2 + PZNU (I)**2 ) CXR (NP) = PXNU (I) / PLR (NP) CYR (NP) = PYNU (I) / PLR (NP) CZR (NP) = PZNU (I) / PLR (NP) TKI(NP) = HEPNU(I) - AMNU(I) WEI(NP) = WE * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF (TKI(NP) .LE. 0.D+00) THEN * | | Is this the only check on the generated particle energy?? EUZ = EUZ - HEPNU(I) PUX = PUX - PXNU(I) PUY = PUY - PYNU(I) PUZ = PUZ - PZNU(I) ICU = ICU - ICHNU(I) IBU = IBU - IBARNU(I) WRITE (LUNERR,*) ' Eventq: Kin en. < 0 from nucevt',TKI(NP) NP = NP - 1 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 301 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 500 CONTINUE * * Now we have to compute the excitation energy: we have used Eincp and * Eincn for cascade protons and neutrons, Tvgre0 and Tvgrey have been * generated by cascade nucleons under threshold, Tveuz has been gene- * rated by the high energy collisions: however Tveuz and Tvgrey are * only approximate since they have been computed starting from an * average binding energy, furthermore Tvgrey is already accounted for * inside Eincp and Eincn. The actual energy spent inside high energy * collisions was Eke - Eincp - Eincn - Tvgre0 + Efrm, the one in ca- * scade nucleons (approximately) Eincp + Eincn - Tvgrey: so first * check the energy balance without excitation energy * and then compute Tv!!! * * Now the balance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * ERES = ETTOT - EUZ - ENUCR - EINTR PXRES = PXTTOT - PUX - PXNUCR - PXINTR PYRES = PYTTOT - PUY - PYNUCR - PYINTR PZRES = PZTTOT - PUZ - PZNUCR - PZINTR ICRES = ICHTOT - ICU - ICNUCR - ICINTR IBRES = IBTOT - IBU - IBNUCR - IBINTR * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( NINT (ZNOW) .NE. ICRES .OR. NINT (ANOW) .NE. IBRES ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( LNUCRI ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: charge/baryon conservation', & ' failure with Nucrin', & NINT (ZNOW), ICRES, NINT (ANOW), IBRES * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: charge/baryon conservation', & ' failure with Nucevt', & NINT (ZNOW), ICRES, NINT (ANOW), IBRES END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 * |--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( IBRES .GT. 0 ) THEN AMMRES = ANOW * AMUAMU + 0.001D+00 * FKENER ( ANOW, ZNOW ) AMNRES = AMMRES - ZNOW * AMELEC + ELBNDE ( ICRES ) * AMNRES = ANOW * AMUC12 EKR0 = ERES - AMNRES * | Now switch to atomic masses: ERES = ERES + AMMTAR - AMNTAR - ( ZZTAR - ZNOW ) * AMELEC EKRES = ERES - AMMRES TVTENT = TVGRE0 + TVGREY + TVEUZ TVCOMP = ERES - ANOW * AMUC12 IF ( LNUCRI ) TVCOMP = TVCOMP + ( AMNTAR - BBTAR * AMUC12 ) * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ELSE AMMRES = 0.D+00 AMNRES = 0.D+00 ERES = 0.D+00 EKR0 = 0.D+00 EKRES = 0.D+00 TVTENT = 0.D+00 GO TO 600 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check that the kinetic energy of the residual nuclei is not much * different from our prevision and kinematically consistent with * its momentum * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( EKRES .LE. 0.D+00 ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventq: negative kinetic energy for', & ' the residual nucleus!!',ICRES,IBRES, & REAL (EKRES), LNUCRI * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( EKRES .LT. -3.D-3 ) THEN LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 *--|--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* EKRES = 0.D+00 TVRECL = 0.D+00 AMSTAR = AMMRES TVCMS = 0.D+00 PTRES2 = 0.D+00 PXRES = 0.D+00 PYRES = 0.D+00 PZRES = 0.D+00 * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | ELSE PTRES2 = PXRES**2 + PYRES**2 + PZRES**2 AMSTAR = ERES**2 - PTRES2 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( AMSTAR .GE. AMMRES**2 ) THEN AMSTAR = SQRT ( AMSTAR ) TVCMS = AMSTAR - AMMRES * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | If the following condition is satisfied it is only * | | a rounding problem, set the excitation energy to 0 * | | and continue ELSE IF ( AMMRES**2 - AMSTAR .LT. 2.D+00 * AMSTAR * TVEPSI & ) THEN AMSTAR = AMMRES TVCMS = 0.D+00 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE IF ( AMSTAR .LE. 0.D+00 ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventq: immaginary mass for', & ' the residual nucleus!!',ICRES,IBRES, & REAL (AMSTAR) LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 *--|--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling * AMSTAR = AMMRES * TVCMS = 0.D+00 * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE AMSTAR = SQRT ( AMSTAR ) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | If the following condition is satisfied it is only * | | | a rounding problem, set the excitation energy to 0 * | | | and continue IF ( AMMRES - AMSTAR .LT. TVEPSI ) THEN AMSTAR = AMMRES TVCMS = 0.D+00 TVRECL = ERES - AMSTAR GO TO 550 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' Eventq: negative excitation energy for', & ' the residual nucleus!!',ICRES,IBRES, & REAL ( AMSTAR - AMMRES ), LNUCRI * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( AMSTAR - AMMRES .LT. -3.D-3 ) THEN LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 *--|--|--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* AMSTAR = AMMRES TVCMS = 0.D+00 AMSTAR = AMMRES TVCMS = 0.D+00 HELP = SQRT ( ( ERES - AMMRES ) * ( ERES + AMMRES ) & / PTRES2 ) PXRES = PXRES * HELP PYRES = PYRES * HELP PZRES = PZRES * HELP PTRES2 = PTRES2 * HELP * HELP END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* TVRECL = ERES - AMSTAR END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 550 CONTINUE * The following two cards are equivalent providing the kinematical * limits are ok and we use for both amnres or ammres! Now Tv is left * = 0 TV = 0.D+00 * TV = EKRES * TV = TVRECL + TVCMS * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( .NOT. LEVPRT .AND. ABS ( ( TVTENT - TVCOMP ) / TVCOMP ) & .GT. 30000000.D+00 ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( LINCTV ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR,* ) & ' Eventq: excitation energy very different', & ' from the approximate one!!', ICRES, IBRES, & REAL (TVTENT), REAL (TVCOMP), LNUCRI END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* EKRES = TVRECL 600 CONTINUE EOTEST = EOTEST - EUZ - ENUCR - EINTR - EKR0 - AMNRES * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | IF ( ABS (EOTEST) .GT. ETEPS ) THEN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | IF ( LNUCRI ) THEN WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: eotest failure with Nucrin', & EOTEST * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | ELSE WRITE (LUNERR,*)' Eventq: eotest failure with Nucevt', & EOTEST END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* LRESMP = .TRUE. GO TO 50 * |--|--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IF ( IBRES .EQ. 0 ) RETURN *-->-->-->-->--> Here for the evaporation step!!! * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check if the evaporation is requested IF ( LEVPRT ) THEN PTRES = SQRT ( PTRES2 ) CALL EVEVAP ( WE ) IF ( LRESMP ) GO TO 50 * *--|--<--<--<--<--<--< go to resampling * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | No evaporation ELSE TVHEAV = 0.D+00 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* IF (IPRI.NE.1) RETURN C C******************************************************************** C TEST PRINTOUT C******************************************************************** C WRITE(LUNOUT,590)NP-NP0,NNHAD,IJ,IMAT,POO,EKE,TXI,TYI,TZI,WE 590 FORMAT (4I7,6F12.6) DO 501 I=NP0+1,NP WRITE(LUNOUT,591)I,KPART(I),CXR(I),CYR(I),CZR (I),TKI(I),PLR (I), * WEI(I) 591 FORMAT (2I5,6F12.6) 501 CONTINUE RETURN C C******************************************************************** C FINUC FLOWS OVER - THIS IS FATAL - INCREASE THE SIZE OF IT C******************************************************************** C 400 CONTINUE WRITE(LUNOUT,490) 490 FORMAT(1X,'OVERFLOW IN EVENTQ - INCREASE THE SIZE OF THE', 1' COMMON BLOCK FINUC.') STOP END