* * $Id: erup.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:55 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: erup.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:55 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_OLDNAME) *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.42 by S.Giani *-- Author : *=== erup =============================================================* * * SUBROUTINE ERUP (JFISS) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Created on 15 may 1990 by Alfredo & Paola Sala * * INFN - Milan * * Last change on 10-apr-93 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN-Milan * * * * Derived from the ERUP routine of EVAP-V, HERMES, KFA-Julich * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * C*****MODIFIED TO OBTAIN APR,ZPR AFTER CAS + EVAP (8-68,T.W.A.) #include "geant321/eva1.inc" #include "geant321/forcn.inc" #include "geant321/inpflg.inc" #include "geant321/hetc5.inc" #include "geant321/hetc7.inc" #include "geant321/hettp.inc" #include "geant321/higfis.inc" * COMMON / AZ / LOWAZ LOGICAL LOPPAR DIMENSION FPART (6) C -------------------------------------- CHECK PARAMETER FISINH=.FALSE. * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check the excitation energy IF ( EX .LE. ZERZER ) THEN * | No excitation energy: IF ( JFISS .LE. 0 ) THEN DO 201 I=1,6 NPART(I)=0 201 CONTINUE HEVSUM = ZERZER END IF * UU = ZERZER UU = EX RETURN * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Positive excitation energy: ELSE * | Try evaporation M2 = NINT (APR) M3 = NINT (ZPR) 8801 CONTINUE CALL FKDRES (M2,M3,EX,UU,EREC,LOPPAR,JFISS) FPARTT = ZERZER * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | No previous evaporation for this event IF ( JFISS .LE. 0 ) THEN DO 801 I=1,6 FPART(I) = NPART(I) FPARTT = FPARTT + FPART (I) 801 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Other evaporation trials already performed for this event ELSE DO 802 I=1,6 FPART(I) = NPART(I)-NPARTF(I,JFISS-1) FPARTT = FPARTT + FPART (I) 802 CONTINUE END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | No particle evaporated and pairing corrections accounted for IF ( FPARTT + FKEY .LT. ANGLGB ) THEN IF ( .NOT. LOPPAR ) GO TO 8802 FKEY = ONEONE GO TO 8801 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 8802 CONTINUE FKEY = ZERZER ZPR = ZPR - FPART(2) - FPART(3) - TWOTWO * ( FPART(5) & + FPART(6)) - FPART(4) APR = APR - FPART(1) - FPART(2) - TWOTWO * FPART(3) & - THRTHR * ( FPART(4) + FPART(5) ) - FOUFOU * FPART(6) IF (IANG .GT. 0) THEN ELSE DO 440 K=1,6 NP = NPART(K) IF ( JFISS .GT. 0 ) THEN NP0 = NPARTF(K,JFISS-1) + 1 ELSE NP0 = 1 END IF DO 410 J=NP0,NP CALL RACO(COSEVP(1,J,K),COSEVP(2,J,K),COSEVP(3,J,K)) 410 CONTINUE 440 CONTINUE END IF END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN *=== End of subroutine Erup ===========================================* END #endif