* * $Id: dres.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:54 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: dres.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:54 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" #if defined(CERNLIB_OLDNAME) *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.42 by S.Giani *-- Author : *=== dres =============================================================* * * SUBROUTINE DRES ( M2, M3, T1, U, EREC, LOPPAR, JFISS ) #include "geant321/dblprc.inc" #include "geant321/dimpar.inc" #include "geant321/iounit.inc" * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * New version of DRES created by A.Ferrari & P.Sala, INFN - Milan * * * * Last change on 10-apr-93 by Alfredo Ferrari, INFN - Milan * * * * Dres93: Dres91 plus the RAL fission model taken from LAHET thanks * * to R.E.Prael * * Dres91: new version from A. Ferrari and P. Sala, INFN - Milan * * This routine has been adapted from the original one of the * * Evap-5 module (KFA - Julich). Main modifications concern * * with kinematics which is now fully relativistic and with * * the treatment of few nucleons nuclei, which are now frag- * * mented, even though in a very rough manner. Changes have * * been made also to other routines of the Evap-5 package * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Input variables: * * M2 = Mass number of the residual nucleus * * M3 = Atomic number of the residual nucleus * * T1 = Excitation energy of the residual nucleus before evaporation* * U = Excitation energy of the residual nucleus after evaporation * * Erec = Recoil kinetic energy of the residual nucleus * * The recoil direction is given by Coslbr (i) * * * * Significant variables: * * JA = Present mass number of the residual nucleus * * JZ = Present atomic number of the residual nucleus * * Smom1 = Energy accumulators for the six types of evaporated * * particles * * * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * !!!! Please note that the following variables concerning !!!! * * !!!! with the present residual nucleus must be set before!!!! * * !!!! entering DRES91: Ammres, Ptres !!!! * * !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C SUBNAME = DRES --- EVAPORATION C EVAPORATION DATA SHOUD BE READ ON INPUT STAGE C--------------------------------------------------------------------- C*****A LA EVAP III(TWA,8-68) #include "geant321/eva0.inc" #include "geant321/eva1.inc" #include "geant321/forcn.inc" #include "geant321/higfis.inc" #include "geant321/inpflg.inc" #include "geant321/labcos.inc" #include "geant321/nucdat.inc" #include "geant321/resnuc.inc" DIMENSION ZMASS (6), Z2MASS(6), C(3), Q(0:6), FLKCOU(6), CCOUL(6), & THRESH(6), SMALLA(6), R(6), S (6), SOS (6), STRUN(6), & EYE1 (6), EYE0 (6), SMOM1 (6), BNMASS(6) DIMENSION CORRRR(6) REAL RNDM(2) LOGICAL LOPPAR, PENBAR, LFIRST SAVE ZMASS, Z2MASS, EMHN, EMNUM, UM, AMUMEV, AMEMEV, QBRBE8, & BNMASS, IEVEVP, NBE8, NRNEEP, LFIRST DATA IEVEVP / 0 / DATA LFIRST / .TRUE. / * IEVEVP = IEVEVP + 1 C-------------------------------------- 1.ST CALL INIT IF ( LFIRST ) THEN LFIRST = .FALSE. FKEY = ZERZER NBE8 = 0 NRNEEP = 0 EXMASS(1) = 1.D+03 * ( AMNEUT - AMUAMU ) EXMASS(2) = ENERGY ( ONEONE, ONEONE ) EXMASS(3) = ENERGY ( TWOTWO, ONEONE ) EXMASS(4) = ENERGY ( THRTHR, ONEONE ) EXMASS(5) = ENERGY ( THRTHR, TWOTWO ) EXMASS(6) = ENERGY ( FOUFOU, TWOTWO ) ZMASS(1) = 1.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (1) ZMASS(2) = 1.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (2) ZMASS(3) = 2.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (3) ZMASS(4) = 3.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (4) ZMASS(5) = 3.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (5) ZMASS(6) = 4.D+03 * AMUAMU + EXMASS (6) BNMASS (1) = 0.D+00 BNMASS (2) = 0.D+00 BNMASS (3) = ZMASS (1) + ZMASS (2) - ZMASS (3) BNMASS (4) = TWOTWO * ZMASS (1) + ZMASS (2) - ZMASS (4) BNMASS (5) = ZMASS (1) + TWOTWO * ZMASS (2) - ZMASS (5) BNMASS (6) = TWOTWO * ( ZMASS (1) + ZMASS (2) ) - ZMASS (6) DO 1234 KK = 1,6 Z2MASS (KK) = ZMASS (KK) * ZMASS (KK) 1234 CONTINUE AMUMEV = 1.D+03 * AMUAMU AMEMEV = 1.D+03 * AMELEC QBRBE8 = ENERGY ( EIGEIG, FOUFOU ) - TWOTWO * EXMASS (6) EMN = 1.D+03 * AMNEUT EMH = ZMASS (2) TMP16 = 16.D+00 UM = AMUMEV + ENERGY ( TMP16, EIGEIG ) / 16.D+00 EMHN = EMH - EMN EMNUM = EMN - UM END IF * | End of initialization: * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* C --------------------------------- START OF PROCESS * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Initialize Npart and Smom if nothing has been already evaporated * | for this event IF ( JFISS .LE. 0 ) THEN DO 775 I=1,6 NPART(I) = 0 SMOM1(I) = ZERZER 775 CONTINUE END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* JA = M2 JZ = M3 U = T1 RNMASS = 1.D+03 * AMMRES + U * P2res and Ptres are the squared momentum and the momentum of the * residual nucleus (now in relativistic kinematics), Umo the * invariant mass of the system! UMO = RNMASS UMO2 = UMO * UMO ELBTOT = RNMASS + EREC GAMCM = ELBTOT / RNMASS ETACM = 1.D+03 * PTRES / RNMASS HEVSUM = ZERZER 1000 CONTINUE LOPPAR = .FALSE. * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check for starting data inconsistencies IF (JA-JZ .LT. 0) THEN WRITE(LUNOUT,6401) WRITE(LUNERR,6401) 6401 FORMAT('1 Dres: cascade residual nucleus has mass no. less', & ' than Z!!') RETURN * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Rough treatment for very few nucleon residual * | nuclei. The basic ideas are: * | a) as many as possible alpha particles are emitted * | b) particles are emitted one per time leaving a residual * | excitation energy proportional to number of nucleons * | left in the residual nucleus (so we deal only with * | two body kinematics) * | T A K E I N T O A C C O U N T T H A T T H I S * | T R E A T M E N T I S E X T R E M E L Y R O U G H * | T H E T A S K B E I N G O N L Y T O S U P P L Y * | S O M E T H I N G T O S H A R E E N E R G Y A N D * | M O M E N T U M A M O N G A F E W F R A G M E N T S ELSE IF ( JA .LE. 6 .OR. JZ .LE. 2 ) THEN * | 1000 continue moved above according to FCA suggestion *1000 CONTINUE JRESID = 0 IF ( JA .GT. 4 ) GO TO 2000 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | First check we are not concerning with a couple of neutrons or * | | protons IF ( JA .EQ. 2 .AND. JZ .NE. 1 ) THEN JEMISS = 1 + JZ / 2 JRESID = JEMISS RNMASS = ZMASS (JRESID) U = 0.D+00 DELTU = UMO - 2.D+00 * ZMASS (JEMISS) * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( DELTU .LE. 0.D+00 ) THEN IF ( DELTU .LT. - 2.D+00 * ANGLGB * UMO ) THEN WRITE ( LUNERR, * )' *** Dres: insufficient Umo for', & ' a nucleon couple', UMO, & 2.D+00 * ZMASS (JEMISS) END IF UMO = ( UMO + DELTU ) * ( 1.D+00 + ANGLGB ) END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 2500 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Then check we are not concerning with one of the six * | | standard particles DO 1700 J = 6, 1, -1 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( JZ .EQ. IZ (J) .AND. JA .EQ. IA (J) ) THEN HEVSUM = SMOM1(3) + SMOM1(5) + SMOM1(6) + SMOM1(4) GO TO ( 1100, 1100, 1600, 1500, 1400, 1300 ), J * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Proton or neutron, nothing can be done 1100 CONTINUE RETURN * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Alpha: 1300 CONTINUE DEUDEU = MAX ( ZERZER, U + TWOTWO * BNMASS (3) & - BNMASS (6) ) PROTRI = MAX ( ZERZER, U + BNMASS (4) - BNMASS (6) ) UEU3HE = MAX ( ZERZER, U + BNMASS (5) - BNMASS (6) ) QNORM = DEUDEU + PROTRI + UEU3HE * | | | | If we cannot split then return IF ( QNORM .LE. ZERZER ) RETURN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) V = RNDM (1) * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split or into two deuterons or a triton and a proton * | | | | | or a 3-He and a neutron: no account is made for * | | | | | Coulomb effects, probability is simply assumed * | | | | | proportional to reaction Qs IF ( V .LT. DEUDEU / QNORM ) THEN * | | | | | Two deuterons selected JEMISS = 3 JRESID = 3 RNMASS = ZMASS (3) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split into a triton and a proton ELSE IF ( V .LT. ( DEUDEU + PROTRI ) / QNORM ) THEN JEMISS = 2 JRESID = 4 RNMASS = ZMASS (4) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split into a 3-He and a neutron ELSE JEMISS = 1 JRESID = 5 RNMASS = ZMASS (5) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | 3-He: 1400 CONTINUE DEUPRO = MAX ( ZERZER, U + BNMASS (3) - BNMASS (5) ) PRPRNE = MAX ( ZERZER, U - BNMASS (5) ) QNORM = DEUPRO + PRPRNE * | | | | If we cannot split then return IF ( QNORM .LE. ZERZER ) RETURN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) V = RNDM (1) * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split or into a deuteron and a proton * | | | | | or into two protons and one neutron: no account is * | | | | | made for Coulomb effects, probability is simply assumed * | | | | | prportional to reaction Qs IF ( V .LT. DEUPRO / QNORM ) THEN * | | | | | A deuteron and a proton selected JEMISS = 2 JRESID = 3 RNMASS = ZMASS (3) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split into 2 protons and 1 neutron: part of the exci- * | | | | | tation energy is conserved to allow the further * | | | | | splitting of the deuteron ELSE JEMISS = 2 JRESID = 0 FACT = ONEONE * | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | | Loop to compute the residual excitation energy 1450 CONTINUE FACT = FACT * 0.6666666666666667D+00 * | | | | | | Erncm, Eepcm are the total energies of the residual * | | | | | | nucleus and of the emitted particle in the CMS frame U = FACT * PRPRNE + BNMASS (3) RNMASS = ZMASS (3) + U ERNCM = HLFHLF * ( UMO2 + RNMASS**2 & - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM IF ( EEPCM .LE. ZMASS (JEMISS) ) GO TO 1450 * | | | | | | * | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------* GO TO 2600 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Triton: 1500 CONTINUE DEUNEU = MAX ( ZERZER, U + BNMASS (3) - BNMASS (4) ) PRNENE = MAX ( ZERZER, U - BNMASS (4) ) QNORM = DEUNEU + PRNENE * | | | | If we cannot split then return IF ( QNORM .LE. ZERZER ) RETURN CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) V = RNDM (1) * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split or into a deuteron and a neutron * | | | | | or into two protons and one neutron: no account is * | | | | | made for Coulomb effects, probability is simply assumed * | | | | | proportional to reaction Qs IF ( V .LT. DEUNEU / QNORM ) THEN * | | | | | A deuteron and a proton selected JEMISS = 1 JRESID = 3 RNMASS = ZMASS (3) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split into 1 proton and 2 neutrons: part of the exci- * | | | | | tation energy is conserved to allow the further * | | | | | splitting of the deuteron ELSE JEMISS = 1 JRESID = 0 FACT = ONEONE * | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | | Loop to compute the residual excitation energy 1550 CONTINUE FACT = FACT * 0.6666666666666667D+00 * | | | | | | Erncm, Eepcm are the total energies of the residual * | | | | | | nucleus and of the emitted particle in the CMS frame U = FACT * PRNENE + BNMASS (3) RNMASS = ZMASS (3) + U ERNCM = HLFHLF * ( UMO2 + RNMASS**2 & - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM IF ( EEPCM .LE. ZMASS (JEMISS) ) GO TO 1550 * | | | | | | * | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------* GO TO 2600 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | Deuteron: 1600 CONTINUE * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Split into a proton and a neutron if it is possible IF ( U .GT. BNMASS (3) ) THEN JEMISS = 1 JRESID = 2 RNMASS = ZMASS (2) U = ZERZER GO TO 2500 * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | Energy too low to split the deuteron, return ELSE WRITE (LUNERR,*)' **Dres: energy too low to split', & ' a deuteron! M2,M3',M2,M3 RETURN END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 1700 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 2000 CONTINUE A = JA Z = JZ Q (0) = ZERZER ENERG0 = ENERGY (A,Z) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Note that Q(i) are not the reaction Qs but the remaining * | | energy after the reaction DO 2100 K = 1, 6 JJA = JA - IA (K) JJZ = JZ - IZ (K) JJN = JJA - JJZ IF ( JJN .LT. 0 .OR. JJZ .LT. 0 ) THEN Q (K) = Q (K-1) GO TO 2100 END IF DDJJA = JJA DDJJZ = JJZ Q (K) = MAX ( U + ENERG0 - ENERGY ( DDJJA, DDJJZ ) & - EXMASS (K), ZERZER ) + Q (K-1) 2100 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | If no emission channel is open then return IF ( Q (6) .LE. ZERZER ) THEN HEVSUM = SMOM1(3) + SMOM1(5) + SMOM1(6) + SMOM1(4) RETURN END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) V = RNDM (1) FACT = ONEONE * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | DO 2200 J = 1, 6 * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | IF ( V .LT. Q (J) / Q (6) ) THEN JEMISS = J JJA = JA - IA (JEMISS) JJZ = JZ - IZ (JEMISS) * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | DO 2150 JJ = 1, 6 * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* * | | | | | IF ( JJA .EQ. IA (JJ) .AND. JJZ .EQ. IZ (JJ) ) THEN JRESID = JJ RNMASS = ZMASS (JRESID) ERNCM = HLFHLF * ( UMO2 + Z2MASS (JRESID) & - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM U = ZERZER GO TO 2600 END IF * | | | | | * | | | | +-------------------------------------------------------* 2150 CONTINUE * | | | | * | | | +----------------------------------------------------------* AJJA = JJA ZJJZ = JJZ RNMAS0 = AJJA * AMUMEV + ENERGY ( AJJA, ZJJZ ) GO TO 2300 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* 2200 CONTINUE * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* WRITE ( LUNOUT,* )' **** error in Dres, few nucleon treatment', & ' ****' WRITE ( LUNERR,* )' **** error in Dres, few nucleon treatment', & ' ****' RETURN * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Loop to compute the residual excitation energy 2300 CONTINUE FACT = FACT * AJJA / A U = FACT * ( Q (JEMISS) - Q (JEMISS-1) ) * | | Erncm, Eepcm are the total energies of the residual * | | nucleus and of the emitted particle in the CMS frame RNMASS = RNMAS0 + U ERNCM = HLFHLF * ( UMO2 + RNMASS**2 & - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM IF ( EEPCM .LE. ZMASS (JEMISS) ) THEN IF ( Q (JEMISS) - Q (JEMISS-1) .GE. 1.D-06 ) GO TO 2300 * | +--<--<--<--<--<--< Loop back * | | Actually there is no excitation energy available! U = ANGLGB RNMASS = ONEPLS * RNMAS0 ERNCM = ONEPLS * RNMASS EEPCM = ONEPLS * ZMASS (JEMISS) END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* GO TO 2600 * | From here standard two bodies kinematics with Jemiss, Rnmass * | (new excitation energy is U) 2500 CONTINUE * | Erncm, Eepcm are the total energies of the residual * | nucleus and of the emitted particle in the CMS frame ERNCM = HLFHLF * ( UMO2 + RNMASS**2 - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM 2600 CONTINUE * | C(i) are the direction cosines of the emitted particle * | (Jemiss) in the CMS frame, of course - C(i) * | are the ones of the residual nucleus (Jresid if one of the * | standard partcles, say the proton) CALL RACO (C(1),C(2),C(3)) PCMS = SQRT ( EEPCM**2 - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) * | Now we perform the Lorentz transformation back to the original * | frame (lab frame) * | First the emitted particle: ETAX = ETACM * COSLBR (1) ETAY = ETACM * COSLBR (2) ETAZ = ETACM * COSLBR (3) PCMSX = PCMS * C (1) PCMSY = PCMS * C (2) PCMSZ = PCMS * C (3) ETAPCM = PCMSX * ETAX + PCMSY * ETAY + PCMSZ * ETAZ EPS = GAMCM * EEPCM + ETAPCM - ZMASS (JEMISS) PHELP = ETAPCM / ( GAMCM + ONEONE ) + EEPCM PLBPX = PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP PLBPY = PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP PLBPZ = PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP PHELP = SQRT (PLBPX * PLBPX + PLBPY * PLBPY + PLBPZ * PLBPZ) COSLBP (1) = PLBPX / PHELP COSLBP (2) = PLBPY / PHELP COSLBP (3) = PLBPZ / PHELP * | Then the residual nucleus ( for it c (i) --> - c (i) ): EREC = GAMCM * ERNCM - ETAPCM - RNMASS EKRES = 1.D-03 * EREC PHELP = - ETAPCM / ( GAMCM + ONEONE ) + ERNCM PXRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP ) PYRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP ) PZRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP ) P2RES = PXRES * PXRES + PYRES * PYRES + PZRES * PZRES PTRES = SQRT (P2RES) COSLBR (1) = PXRES / PTRES COSLBR (2) = PYRES / PTRES COSLBR (3) = PZRES / PTRES * | Score the emitted particle NPART (JEMISS) = NPART (JEMISS) + 1 SMOM1 (JEMISS) = SMOM1 (JEMISS) + EPS ITEMP=NPART(JEMISS) EPART(ITEMP,JEMISS)=EPS COSEVP(1,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(1) COSEVP(2,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(2) COSEVP(3,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(3) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Check if the residual nucleus is one of the emitted particles IF ( JRESID .GT. 0 ) THEN J = JRESID GO TO 6102 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* JA = JA - IA (JEMISS) JZ = JZ - IZ (JEMISS) * Umo is the invariant mass of the system!! UMO = RNMASS UMO2 = UMO * UMO ELBTOT = RNMASS + EREC GAMCM = ELBTOT / RNMASS ETACM = 1.D+03 * PTRES / RNMASS GO TO 1000 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Come to 23 at the beginning and after the end of a "normal" * evaporation cycle 23 CONTINUE A = JA Z = JZ IF(JA-8)8486,8488,8486 8488 CONTINUE IF(JZ-4)8486,1224,8486 8486 CONTINUE DO 2 K=1,6 IF((A-FLA(K)).LE.(Z-FLZ(K))) THEN Q(K)=99999.D0 GO TO 2 END IF IF(A-TWOTWO*FLA(K))2,727,727 727 CONTINUE IF(Z-TWOTWO*FLZ(K))2,728,728 728 CONTINUE Q(K) = QNRG(A-FLA(K),Z-FLZ(K),A,Z) + EXMASS(K) C 728 Q(K)=ENERGY(A-FLA(K),Z-FLZ(K))-ENERGY(A,Z)+EXMASS(K) 2 CONTINUE FLKCOU(1)=ZERZER FLKCOU(2)=DOST(1,Z-FLZ(2)) FLKCOU(3)=FLKCOU(2)+.06D+00 FLKCOU(4)=FLKCOU(2)+.12D+00 FLKCOU(6)=DOST(2,Z-FLZ(6)) FLKCOU(5)=FLKCOU(6)-.06D+00 CCOUL(1)=ONEONE CCOU2=DOST(3,Z-FLZ(2)) CCOUL(2)=CCOU2+ONEONE CCOUL(3)=CCOU2*1.5D0+THRTHR CCOUL(4)=CCOU2+THRTHR CCOUL(6)=DOST(4,Z-FLZ(6))*TWOTWO+TWOTWO CCOUL(5)=TWOTWO*CCOUL(6)-ONEONE SIGMA=ZERZER * Initialize the flag which checks for open particle decay with * zero excitation and pairing --> for particle unstable residual * nuclei LOPPAR = .FALSE. DO 33 J=1,6 IF(A-TWOTWO*FLA(J))5,725,725 725 CONTINUE IF(Z-TWOTWO*FLZ(J))5,726,726 726 CONTINUE MM=JA-IA(J) ZZ=Z-FLZ(J) AA=A-FLA(J) IF(AA.LE.ZZ)GO TO 5 * Energy threshold for the emission of the jth-particle THRESH(J)=Q(J)+.88235D+00*FLKCOU(J)*FLZ(J)* & ZZ/(RMASS(MM)+RHO(J)) LOPPAR = LOPPAR .OR. THRESH (J) .GT. ZERZER IAA = NINT(AA) IZZ = NINT(ZZ) NN = IAA - IZZ * The residual nucleus excitation energy ranges from 0 up * to U - Q (J) ILVMOD = IB0 UMXRES = U - THRESH (J) * This is the a lower case of the level density SMALLA (J) = GETA ( UMXRES, IZZ, NN, ILVMOD, ISDUM, ASMMAX, & ASMMIN ) CALL EEXLVL (IAA,IZZ,EEX1ST,EEX2ND,CORR) EEX1ST = 1.D+03 * EEX1ST EEX2ND = 1.D+03 * EEX2ND CORR = 1.D+03 * MAX ( CORR, ZERZER ) IF ( NN .EQ. 4 .AND. IZZ .EQ. 4 ) THEN IF ( U - THRESH (J) - 6.1D+00 .GT. ZERZER ) THEN CORR = SIXSIX ELSE TMPVAR = U-THRESH(J)-0.1D+00 CORR = MAX ( ZERZER, TMPVAR ) END IF END IF IF (NINT(FKEY).EQ.1) CORR=ZERZER CORRRR(J)=CORR * Standard calculation: ARG=U-THRESH(J)-CORR IF(ARG)5,4,4 5 CONTINUE R(J)=ZERZER S(J)=ZERZER SOS(J)=ZERZER GO TO 33 4 CONTINUE S(J)=SQRT (SMALLA(J)*ARG)*TWOTWO SOS(J)=TENTEN*S(J) 33 CONTINUE N1=1 SES = MAX (S(1),S(2),S(3),S(4),S(5),S(6)) DO 1131 J=1,6 JS = SOS(J) + ONEONE FJS = JS STRUN(J) = FJS - ONEONE IF ( S(J) .GT. ZERZER ) THEN MM = JA-IA(J) SAS = EXP (S(J)-SES) SUS = EXP (-S(J)) EYE1(J) = ( TWOTWO * S(J)**2 -SIXSIX * S(J) & + SIXSIX + SUS * ( S(J)**2 - SIXSIX ) ) & / ( EIGEIG * SMALLA(J)**2 ) IF ( J .EQ. 1 ) THEN EYE0(J) = ( S(J) - ONEONE + SUS ) / ( TWOTWO*SMALLA(J) ) * Standard calculation R (J) = RMASS(MM)**2 * ALPH(MM) * ( EYE1(J) + BET(MM) & * EYE0(J) ) * SAS ELSE R (J) = CCOUL(J) * RMASS(MM)**2 * EYE1(J) * SAS END IF R (J) = MAX ( ZERZER, R (J) ) SIGMA = SIGMA + R (J) END IF 1131 CONTINUE NCOUNT = 0 6202 CONTINUE IF(SIGMA)9,9,10 9 CONTINUE DO 6100 J = 1,6 IF(JA-IA(J))6100,6101,6100 6101 CONTINUE IF(JZ-IZ(J))6100,6102,6100 6100 CONTINUE GO TO 6099 6102 CONTINUE IF ( U .GT. ANGLGB ) GO TO 1000 JEMISS = J C*****STORE,RESIDUAL NUC IS OF EMITTED PARTICLE TYPE * If we are here this means that the residual nucleus is equal to * one of the six emitted particle (the j-th one). So give to it * all the energy, score it and return with 0 recoil and excitation * energy for the residual nucleus EPS = EREC NPART(JEMISS) = NPART(JEMISS)+1 ITEMP=NPART(JEMISS) NRNEEP = NRNEEP + 1 SMOM1(JEMISS) = SMOM1(JEMISS) + EPS ITEMP=NPART(JEMISS) EPART(ITEMP,JEMISS)=EPS COSEVP(1,ITEMP,JEMISS) = COSLBR(1) COSEVP(2,ITEMP,JEMISS) = COSLBR(2) COSEVP(3,ITEMP,JEMISS) = COSLBR(3) GO TO 8002 * *-->-->-->-->--> go to return 6099 CONTINUE IF(JA-8)72,51,72 51 CONTINUE IF(JZ-4)72,1224,72 * Come here for a "normal" step 10 CONTINUE LOPPAR = .FALSE. CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) URAN=RNDM(1)*SIGMA SUM = ZERZER DO 16 J=1,6 K = J SUM = R(J)+SUM IF ( SUM - URAN .GT. 0.D+00 ) GO TO 17 16 CONTINUE 17 CONTINUE JEMISS=K NPART(JEMISS) = NPART (JEMISS) + 1 JS = SOS (JEMISS) + ONEONE IF(JS-1000)4344,4345,4345 4345 CONTINUE RATIO2=(S(JEMISS)**3-6.D0*S(JEMISS)**2+15.D0* &S(JEMISS)-15.D0)/((2.D0*S(JEMISS)**2-6.D0*S(JEMISS)+6.D0)*SMALLA &(JEMISS)) GO TO 4347 4344 CONTINUE RATIO2=(P2(JS)+(P2(JS+1)-P2(JS))* &(SOS(JEMISS)-STRUN(JEMISS)))/SMALLA(JEMISS) 4347 CONTINUE EPSAV=RATIO2*TWOTWO * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Neutron channel selected: IF (JEMISS .EQ. 1) THEN MM=JA-IA(J) EPSAV=(EPSAV+BET(MM))/(ONEONE+BET(MM)*EYE0(JEMISS) & /EYE1(JEMISS)) * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Compute the fission width relative to the neutron one: * | | this part is taken from subroutine EMIT of LAHET IF ( IFISS .GT. 0 .AND. JZ .GE. 71 .AND. .NOT. FISINH ) THEN * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Compute the correction factor for the fission width: IF ( JZ .GT. 88 ) THEN AGOES = ONEONE * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | ELSE AGOES = MAX ( ONEONE, ( U-SEVSEV ) / ( EPSAV+SEVSEV ) ) END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Finally this is the relative fission width: * | | This is : Probfs = 1 / ( 1 + G_n / G_f ) PROBFS = FPROB ( Z, A, U ) / AGOES * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* * | | | Check if it will be fission: CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1) IF ( RNDM (1) .LT. PROBFS ) THEN FISINH = .TRUE. KFISS = 1 * | | | Undo the counting of the neutron evaporation NPART (JEMISS) = NPART (JEMISS) -1 GO TO 9260 END IF * | | | * | | +-------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 20 CONTINUE CALL GRNDM(RNDM,2) E1=-HLFHLF*LOG(RNDM(1)) E2=-HLFHLF*LOG(RNDM(2)) * Eps should be the total kinetic energy in the CMS frame * Standard calculation: EPS=(E1+E2)*EPSAV+THRESH(JEMISS)-Q(JEMISS) AR = A - IA(JEMISS) ZR = Z - IZ(JEMISS) * The CMS energy is updated IMASS = NINT (AR) IF ( IMASS .EQ. 8 .AND. NINT (ZR) .EQ. 4 ) THEN UNEW = U - EPS - Q(JEMISS) UMAX = U - THRESH(JEMISS) IF ( UNEW .GT. 6.D+00 ) THEN UMIN = 6.D+00 ELSE IF ( UNEW .GT. 4.47D+00 .AND. UMAX .GT. 6.D+00 ) THEN UMIN = 4.47D+00 UNEW = 6.D+00 ELSE IF ( UNEW .GT. 1.47D+00 .AND. UMAX .GT. 2.94D+00 ) THEN UMIN = 1.47D+00 UNEW = 2.94D+00 ELSE UMIN = -0.1D+00 UNEW = ANGLGB * 0.1D+00 END IF ELSE IF ( IMASS .LE. 4 ) THEN IPRO = NINT ( ZR ) INEU = IMASS - IPRO IF ( IMASS .EQ. 1 ) THEN * Be sure that residual neutrons or protons are not left excited UMIN = 0.D+00 UNEW = 0.D+00 EPS = U - Q(JEMISS) ELSE IF ( IPRO .EQ. 0 .OR. INEU .EQ. 0 ) THEN * Ipro protons or ineu neutrons arrived here! UMIN = CORRRR(JEMISS) UNEW = U - EPS - Q(JEMISS) ELSE IF ( IMASS .LE. 2 ) THEN * Be sure that residual deuterons are not left excited! UMIN = 0.D+00 UNEW = 0.D+00 EPS = U - Q(JEMISS) ELSE IF ( ABS ( INEU - IPRO ) .LE. 1 ) THEN * For the moment also residual 3-H, 3-He and 4-He are not left * excited ! UMIN = 0.D+00 UNEW = 0.D+00 EPS = U - Q(JEMISS) ELSE UMIN = CORRRR(JEMISS) UNEW = U - EPS - Q(JEMISS) END IF ELSE UMIN = CORRRR(JEMISS) UNEW = U - EPS - Q(JEMISS) END IF * Standard calculation IF(UNEW-UMIN)6200,6220,6220 6220 CONTINUE *or RNMASS = AR * AMUMEV + ENERGY (AR,ZR) RNMASS = AR * AMUMEV + ENERGY (AR,ZR) + UNEW UMIN2 = ( RNMASS + ZMASS (JEMISS) )**2 IF ( UMIN2 .GE. UMO2 ) THEN GO TO 6200 END IF U = UNEW * C(i) are the direction cosines of the evaporated particle in the CMS * frame, of course - C(i) are the ones of the residual nucleus CALL RACO(C(1),C(2),C(3)) * Erncm, Eepcm are the total energies of the residual nucleus and * of the evaporated particle in the CMS frame ERNCM = 0.5D+00 * ( UMO2 + RNMASS**2 - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) / UMO EEPCM = UMO - ERNCM PCMS = SQRT ( EEPCM**2 - Z2MASS (JEMISS) ) * Now we perform the Lorentz transformation back to the original * frame (lab frame) * First the evaporated particle: ETAX = ETACM * COSLBR (1) ETAY = ETACM * COSLBR (2) ETAZ = ETACM * COSLBR (3) PCMSX = PCMS * C (1) PCMSY = PCMS * C (2) PCMSZ = PCMS * C (3) ETAPCM = PCMSX * ETAX + PCMSY * ETAY + PCMSZ * ETAZ EPS = GAMCM * EEPCM + ETAPCM - ZMASS (JEMISS) PHELP = ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + EEPCM PLBPX = PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP PLBPY = PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP PLBPZ = PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP PHELP = SQRT (PLBPX * PLBPX + PLBPY * PLBPY + PLBPZ * PLBPZ) COSLBP (1) = PLBPX / PHELP COSLBP (2) = PLBPY / PHELP COSLBP (3) = PLBPZ / PHELP * Then the residual nucleus ( for it c (i) --> - c (i) ): EREC = GAMCM * ERNCM - ETAPCM - RNMASS EKRES = 1.D-03 * EREC PHELP = - ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + ERNCM PXRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP ) PYRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP ) PZRES = 1.D-03 * ( - PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP ) P2RES = PXRES * PXRES + PYRES * PYRES + PZRES * PZRES PTRES = SQRT (P2RES) COSLBR (1) = PXRES / PTRES COSLBR (2) = PYRES / PTRES COSLBR (3) = PZRES / PTRES * Check energy and momentum conservation !! IF (EREC .LE. 0.D+00) THEN PTRES = 0.D+00 EREC = 0.D+00 END IF * Umo is the invariant mass of the system!! UMO = RNMASS UMO2 = UMO * UMO ELBTOT = RNMASS + EREC GAMCM = ELBTOT / RNMASS ETACM = 1.D+03 * PTRES / RNMASS GO TO 76 6200 CONTINUE NCOUNT = NCOUNT + 1 IF ( NCOUNT .LE. 10 ) GO TO 20 SIGMA = SIGMA - R(JEMISS) * if we are here we have sampled for > 10 times a negative energy Unew NPART(JEMISS)=NPART(JEMISS)-1 R(JEMISS) = 0.D0 NCOUNT = 0 GO TO 6202 76 CONTINUE JAT=JA-IA(JEMISS) JZT=JZ-IZ(JEMISS) IF(JAT-JZT)9,9,77 77 CONTINUE JA=JAT JZ=JZT C*****STORE,END OF NORMAL CYCLE SMOM1(JEMISS)=SMOM1(JEMISS)+EPS ITEMP=NPART(JEMISS) EPART(ITEMP,JEMISS)=EPS COSEVP(1,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(1) COSEVP(2,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(2) COSEVP(3,ITEMP,JEMISS)=COSLBP(3) * The following card switch to the rough splitting treatment IF (JA .LE. 2) GO TO 1000 IF(JA-8)23,1223,23 1223 CONTINUE IF(JZ-4)23,1224,23 * If we are here the residual nucleus is a 8-Be one, break it into * two alphas with all the available energy (U plus the Q of the breakup) * , score them and return with 0 recoil and excitation energy 1224 CONTINUE LOPPAR = .FALSE. IF(U)1228,1229,1229 1228 CONTINUE EPS=0.D0 GO TO 1230 1229 CONTINUE 1230 CONTINUE NBE8=NBE8+1 * C(i) are the direction cosines of the first alpha in the CMS * frame, of course - C(i) are the ones of the other CALL RACO(C(1),C(2),C(3)) * Ecms is the total energy of the alphas in the CMS frame ECMS = 0.5D+00 * UMO PCMS = SQRT ( ECMS**2 - Z2MASS (6) ) * Now we perform the Lorentz transformation back to the original * frame (lab frame) * First alpha: ETAX = ETACM * COSLBR (1) ETAY = ETACM * COSLBR (2) ETAZ = ETACM * COSLBR (3) PCMSX = PCMS * C (1) PCMSY = PCMS * C (2) PCMSZ = PCMS * C (3) ETAPCM = PCMSX * ETAX + PCMSY * ETAY + PCMSZ * ETAZ EPS = GAMCM * ECMS + ETAPCM - ZMASS (6) PHELP = ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + ECMS PLBPX = PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP PLBPY = PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP PLBPZ = PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP PHELP = SQRT (PLBPX * PLBPX + PLBPY * PLBPY + PLBPZ * PLBPZ) * Store the first alpha!! SMOM1(6) = SMOM1(6) + EPS NPART(6) = NPART(6) + 1 ITEMP = NPART(6) EPART (ITEMP,6) = EPS COSEVP (1,ITEMP,6) = PLBPX / PHELP COSEVP (2,ITEMP,6) = PLBPY / PHELP COSEVP (3,ITEMP,6) = PLBPZ / PHELP * Then the second alpha ( for it c (i) --> - c (i) ): EPS = GAMCM * ECMS - ETAPCM - ZMASS (6) PHELP = - ETAPCM / (GAMCM + 1.D0) + ECMS PLBPX = - PCMSX + ETAX * PHELP PLBPY = - PCMSY + ETAY * PHELP PLBPZ = - PCMSZ + ETAZ * PHELP PHELP = SQRT (PLBPX * PLBPX + PLBPY * PLBPY + PLBPZ * PLBPZ) * Store the second alpha !! SMOM1(6) = SMOM1(6) + EPS NPART(6) = NPART(6) + 1 ITEMP = NPART(6) EPART (ITEMP,6) = EPS COSEVP (1,ITEMP,6) = PLBPX / PHELP COSEVP (2,ITEMP,6) = PLBPY / PHELP COSEVP (3,ITEMP,6) = PLBPZ / PHELP 8002 CONTINUE LOPPAR = .FALSE. EREC = ZERZER U = ZERZER EKRES = ZERZER PTRES = ZERZER 72 CONTINUE HEVSUM=SMOM1(3)+SMOM1(5)+SMOM1(6)+SMOM1(4) RETURN *....................................................................... *///// RAL FISSION ROUTINE ///// 9260 CONTINUE * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Record the direction cosines of the fissioning nucleus DO 9270 I=1,3 COSLF0 (I) = COSLBR (I) 9270 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* CALL FISFRA ( JA, JZ, U, EREC, UMO, GAMCM, ETACM ) * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | Check for fission failures!! IF ( .NOT. FISINH ) THEN PENBAR = .FALSE. GO TO 23 END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Do not pick up the fission fragments, rather go back to Evevap HEVSUM=SMOM1(3)+SMOM1(5)+SMOM1(6)+SMOM1(4) RETURN END #endif