* * $Id: shobuf.inc,v 1995/10/24 10:22:19 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: shobuf.inc,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:22:19 cernlib * Geant * * * * shobuf.inc * PARAMETER (NCELL=40,NWORD=2*NCELL,NBYTE=4*NWORD) C COMMON/SHOBUF/NXBIN,NYBIN,NZBIN,XBIN,YBIN,ZBIN, + NENERG,ESHOW(20),NSHOW(20),NFIRE(20),NRCOR(20), + XGENER,YGENER,ZGENER,CUTLOW, + IENERG,ISHOW,IRECOR, + IENBUF(NWORD),IBUF(NWORD) C DIMENSION ENBUF(NWORD),BUF(NWORD) EQUIVALENCE (ENBUF,IENBUF) , (BUF,IBUF) C C NCELL = number of cells per logical record C NWORD = number of words per logical record C NBYTE = logical record length in bytes C IENBUF= directory record for a given energy C IBUF = record of shower informations C C One must store at least 2 informations per cell fired : C - the cell number C - the energy deposited in the cell C