* * $Id: uglast.F,v 1.3 1996/03/15 15:50:07 japost Exp $ * * $Log: uglast.F,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/03/15 15:50:07 japost * Small corrections to Parallel code * * Revision 1.2 1996/03/13 17:30:33 ravndal * Modifications for parallel version testing included * c Revision 95/10/24 10:22:12 cernlib c Geant c * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/04 12/01/95 17.38.02 by S.Ravndal *-- Author : SUBROUTINE UGLAST C #include "geant321/gclist.inc" CHARACTER*(*) FILNAM, FSTAT INTEGER IDVEC(100),IDN INTEGER ENTR REAL MEAN,RMS REAL DEF(100,2) C C C Control values, which have been obtained C using: C HP 720 running HP-UX 9 C GEANT 3.21/02, CERNLIB release 94A C DATA ((DEF(I,J),J=1,2),I=1,6) + / -19.3125,22.4784, + 2.2500, 7.1458, + -.5000, 0.0000, + 15.7857,14.0277, + 1.5000, 7.4066, + -.5000, .0000/ C #if defined(CERNLIB_CRAY)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX)||defined(CERNLIB_VAX) PARAMETER (FILNAM='g_install3.dat') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_IBM) PARAMETER (FILNAM='/G_INSTALL3 DAT *') #endif * #if defined(CERNLIB_CRAY)||defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) PARAMETER (FSTAT='UNKNOWN') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAX)||defined(CERNLIB_IBM) PARAMETER (FSTAT='UNKNOWN') #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA) integer nsize, nrank, nleader #endif CALL GLAST C IF(NGET.NE.0.OR.NSAVE.NE.0) CALL GCLOSE(0,IER) C C C Create a output file on unit 99 for the default installation C test run C The test consists of 10 events of 10 GeV photons C OPEN(UNIT=99,FILE=FILNAM,STATUS=FSTAT,FORM='FORMATTED') C WRITE(99,15000) WRITE(99,15001) WRITE(99,15002) WRITE(99,15003) WRITE(99,15004) WRITE(99,15005) WRITE(99,15006) C CALL HID1(IDVEC,IDN) IF(IDN.GE.1.AND.IDN.LE.100) THEN C CALL HNOENT(1,ENTR) WRITE(99,20000) ENTR DO I=1,IDN MEAN = HSTATI(IDVEC(I),1,' ',0) RMS = HSTATI(IDVEC(I),2,' ',0) WRITE(99,20100) IDVEC(I) WRITE(99,20200) MEAN,RMS WRITE(99,20300) DEF(I,1),DEF(I,2) END DO END IF C CLOSE(99) C C #if !defined(CERNLIB_PARA) CALL HISTDO #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA) C Save histograms C c Gpsumhr is a replacement for hrput that saves histograms into a file, c summing the contribution from each node in the subdirectory 'totals', c and also storing each node's contribution separately elsewhere. c It has the same arguments as hrput: (histogramid, filename, options). c call gpsumhr(0,'gexam3.hist',' ') call gprocs( nsize, nrank, nleader ) if ( nrank .eq. nsize-1 ) then CALL HISTDO endif c The call to gplast will TERMINATE parallel GEANT. c It cleans up the parallel environment. c The program will not return from this call. call gplast #endif C RETURN 15000 FORMAT(/,' GEANT Installation control file') 15001 FORMAT(' _______________________________') 15002 FORMAT(/,'The default values were obtained using:') 15003 FORMAT(/,3X,'GEANT Version 3.21/02') 15004 FORMAT(3X,'CERNLIB release 94A') 15005 FORMAT(3X,'HP 720 running HP-UX 9') 15006 FORMAT(3X,'Date: 11 Oct 1994') 20000 FORMAT(/,1x,'Number of Entries ',I6,20X,'Mean',6X,'RMS') 20100 FORMAT(/,1x,'Histogram Id: ',I3) 20200 FORMAT(1X,'Mean Entry value/R.M.S :' + ,(5X,2F10.4)) 20300 FORMAT(1X,'Default values of GEANT 3.21/02 :' + ,(5X,2F10.4)) END