* * $Id: uginit.F,v 1.4 1996/03/15 17:36:06 japost Exp $ * * $Log: uginit.F,v $ * Revision 1.4 1996/03/15 17:36:06 japost * Small Parallel code correction * * Revision 1.3 1996/03/15 17:23:01 japost * Addition of parallel code * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/01 14:37:29 ravndal * Clean up of the repository * * Revision 1995/10/24 10:22:09 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.35 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE UGINIT C. C. * C. * C. * To initialise GEANT/USER program and read data cards C. * C. #include "geant321/gcunit.inc" #include "geant321/gclist.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "pvolum.inc" #include "celoss.inc" #if defined(CERNLIB_PARA) #if defined(MEIKO) c On the Meiko CS-2 reading from stdin-5 from multiple nodes c fails to give the same input: instead node 1 gets line 1, c node 2 gets line 2, and so on c c Reset the FFREAD Input unit to the one in ufiles ... c call ffset('LINP', 4 ) c ----------------- #endif #endif C. * * Open user files * CALL UFILES C. C Initialise GEANT C CALL GINIT IMAT=10 PKINE(1)=10. PKINE(2)=1. EINTOT=0. CALL VZERO(SEL1,640) NL=20 NR=20 CALL FFKEY('BINS',NL,2,'INTEGER') CALL FFKEY('MATE',IMAT,1,'INTEGER') CALL GFFGO CALL GZINIT CALL GPART C C Prints version number C WRITE(LOUT,10000) C C Geometry and materials description CALL UGEOM C CALL GLOOK('MATE',LPRIN,NPRIN,IM) CALL GLOOK('TMED',LPRIN,NPRIN,IT) CALL GLOOK('VOLU',LPRIN,NPRIN,IV) IF(IM.NE.0)CALL GPRINT('MATE',0) IF(IT.NE.0)CALL GPRINT('TMED',0) IF(IV.NE.0)CALL GPRINT('VOLU',0) C Energy loss and cross-sections initialisations CALL GPHYSI C Define user histograms CALL UHINIT 10000 FORMAT(/,' GEXAM1 VERSION 1.00 ',/) END