* * $Id: geafit.F,v 1996/03/06 15:36:26 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: geafit.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 15:36:26 mclareni * Add geane321 examples * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.50 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE GEAFIT * * stearing routine for trak fitting using GEANE * * * #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" * * PARAMETER (NPLAN = 8, NSTOP = NPLAN-1, NSTOP5 = 5*NPLAN ) COMMON /GCFIT/ + CSIX(6,0:NSTOP),CSIY(6,0:NSTOP),CSIZ(6,0:NSTOP) + ,WW(5,5,0:NSTOP),DDT(5,5,0:NSTOP) + ,VV(5,5,0:NSTOP),SS(5,5,0:NSTOP) + ,CHI2,CHI2N,CHI2T,CHI2M + ,PLANI(3,4,0:NSTOP) DOUBLE PRECISION + CSIX ,CSIY ,CSIZ + ,WW ,DDT + ,VV ,SS + ,CHI2,CHI2N,CHI2T,CHI2M * * CSIZ measured values * CSIY predicted values * CSIX fitted values * * VV Weight on CSIZ * WW tracking Weight * SS fit covariance * * DDT trasport matrix (transpose) * * CHI2 first chi2 * CHI2N estimated new chi2 * CHI2T estimated new chi2 due to tracking * CHI2M estimated new chi2 due to measurements * COMMON /COORD/CTRU(6,10),NMEA(10),charg * REAL XMEA(3,10) * double precision ssi(5,5),dd(5),chi2f,chi2ft * Parameter (NDAT = 8*(6+5+5+1)+1) REAL XNTP(NDAT) * save ifail data ifail/0/ * data sigmay/0.02/ data sigmaz/0.05/ cc data sigmay/0.07/ cc data sigmaz/0.10/ * DATA FIELDM/20.0/ * *_____________________________________________________________________ * * if (ifail.ne.0) then print *,' previous fit failed ' idebug=2 CALL GPRINT('VERT',0) CALL GPRINT('KINE',0) CALL GPRINT('JXYZ',0) endif * * start with simulating a position measurement in y and z * with resolution sigmay,sigmaz * DO IPLAN = 1,NPLAN IF (NMEA(IPLAN).GT.0) THEN CTRU(1,IPLAN) = CTRU(1,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) CTRU(2,IPLAN) = CTRU(2,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) CTRU(3,IPLAN) = CTRU(3,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) CTRU(4,IPLAN) = CTRU(4,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) CTRU(5,IPLAN) = CTRU(5,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) CTRU(6,IPLAN) = CTRU(6,IPLAN)/NMEA(IPLAN) XMEA(1,IPLAN) = CTRU(1,IPLAN) call rannor(ry,rz) XMEA(2,IPLAN) = CTRU(2,IPLAN) + ry*sigmay XMEA(3,IPLAN) = CTRU(3,IPLAN) + rz*sigmaz ELSE PRINT *, 'no measurement at plane ',Iplan GO TO 999 ENDIF ENDDO IF (IDEBUG.GE.1) THEN PRINT *,' GEAFIT,XMEA' WRITE(6,'(I4,3E15.5)') (I,(XMEA(J,I),J=1,3),I=1,8) ENDIF * ** tracking versus 0 = FORWARD 1 = BACKWARD * IVER = MOD(ISWIT(3) - 15,2) * ** compute a starting point trajectory parameters * * get helix crossing three points * circle is parameterized as: * C*[(X-Xp)**2+(Y-Yp)**2] - 2*alpha*(X-Xp) - 2*beta*(Y-Yp) = 0 * Xp,Yp is a point on the track; * C = 1/r0 is the curvature ( sign of C is charge of particle ); * alpha & beta are the direction cosines of the radial vector at Xp,Yp * i.e. alpha = C*(X0-Xp), * beta = C*(Y0-Yp), * where center of circle is at X0,Y0. * Slope dy/dx of tangent at Xp,Yp is -alpha/beta. * X1P = XMEA(1,1)-XMEA(1,4) Y1P = XMEA(2,1)-XMEA(2,4) D12 = X1P**2 + Y1P**2 X3P = XMEA(1,8)-XMEA(1,4) Y3P = XMEA(2,8)-XMEA(2,4) D32 = X3P**2 + Y3P**2 DET = D12*Y3P-D32*Y1P TOP = (X1P*Y3P-Y1P*X3P) ! top also gives correct sign for CT CT = TOP/DET SN = SIGN(1.,TOP*CT) ST2 = (D12*X3P-D32*X1P)/DET SEQ = 1.+ST2**2 AL2 = SN/SQRT(SEQ) BE2 = -ST2*AL2 CT = 2.*CT*AL2 ST1 = -(BE2-CT*Y1P)/(AL2-CT*X1P) ST3 = -(BE2-CT*Y3P)/(AL2-CT*X3P) * IF ( IVER.EQ.0) THEN dydx = 1./ST1 ELSE dydx = 1./ST3 ENDIF dzdx = (xmea(3,8)-xmea(3,1))/(xmea(1,8)-xmea(1,1)) OVERP = CT/(0.29979251E-3*FIELDM*SQRT(1.+(dzdx*BE2)**2)) * * ** start to load parameters * IF (IVER.EQ.0) THEN I1 = 1 INC = 1 ELSE I1 = NPLAN INC = -1 ENDIF CALL VZERO(VV,50*NPLAN) CALL VZERO(CSIZ,12*NPLAN) CALL VZERO(PLANI,6) PLANI(2,1,0) = 1. PLANI(3,2,0) = 1. CALL CROSS(PLANI(1,1,0),PLANI(1,2,0),PLANI(1,4,0)) IC = I1 DO IP=0,NSTOP IF (IP.GT.0) CALL UCOPY(PLANI(1,1,0),PLANI(1,1,IP),12) PLANI(1,3,IP) = XMEA(1,IC) PLANI(2,3,IP) = XMEA(2,IC) PLANI(3,3,IP) = XMEA(3,IC) CSIZ(4,IP) = XMEA(2,IC) CSIZ(5,IP) = XMEA(3,IC) CSIZ(6,IP) = XMEA(1,IC) VV(4,4,IP) = 1.d0/sigmay**2 VV(5,5,IP) = 1.d0/sigmaz**2 IC = IC + INC ENDDO * initial parameters CSIX(1,0) = OVERP CSIX(2,0) = dydx CSIX(3,0) = dzdx CSIX(4,0) = XMEA(2,I1) CSIX(5,0) = XMEA(3,I1) CSIX(6,0) = XMEA(1,I1) CC CSIX(4,0) = CC + PLANI(1,1)*XMEA(1,I1)+PLANI(2,1)*XMEA(2,I1)+PLANI(3,1)*XMEA(3,I1) CC CSIX(5,0) = CC + PLANI(1,2)*XMEA(1,I1)+PLANI(2,2)*XMEA(2,I1)+PLANI(3,2)*XMEA(3,I1) CC CSIX(6,0) = CC + PLANI(1,4)*XMEA(1,I1)+PLANI(2,4)*XMEA(2,I1)+PLANI(3,4)*XMEA(3,I1) CALL VZERO(DDT(1,1,0),50) CALL VZERO(WW(1,1,0),50) DO I=1,5 DDT(I,I,0) = 1.D0 ENDDO print *,'fitting starting point ',csix(6,0),csix(4,0),csix(5,0) + ,csix(1,0),csix(2,0),csix(3,0) print *,'starting momentum ',1./csix(1,0) * ** call the chosen fitting algorithm * if (ISWIT(3).LE.16) THEN CALL GFITMI(iver,ifail) elseif (ISWIT(3).LE.18) THEN CALL GFITKF(iver,ifail) endif print *,'fitpoint ',csix(6,0),csix(4,0),csix(5,0) + ,csix(1,0),csix(2,0),csix(3,0) print *,'fit momentum ',1./csix(1,0) if (ifail.ne.0) then print *,' Fit failed ',ifail go to 999 endif * ** fill histos * p = charg/sqrt(ctru(4,1)**2+ctru(5,1)**2+ctru(6,1)**2) d = (csix(1,I1-1)-p)/p call hfill(1,d,0.,1.) p = ctru(5,1)/ctru(4,1) d = csix(2,I1-1)-p call hfill(2,d,0.,1.) p = ctru(6,1)/ctru(4,1) d = csix(3,I1-1)-p call hfill(3,d,0.,1.) d = csix(4,I1-1)-ctru(2,1) call hfill(4,d,0.,1.) d = csix(5,I1-1)-ctru(3,1) call hfill(5,d,0.,1.) IC = I1 chi2ft = 0.d0 intp = 0 do ip=0,nstop c print *,' ' C write(6,'(1X,6E15.5)') (ctru(i,IC),i=1,6) C write(6,'(1X,6E15.5)') (csix(i,ip),i=1,6) C write(6,'(1X,5E15.5)') (sqrt(ss(i,i,ip)),i=1,5) call ucopy(ctru(1,ic),xntp(intp+1),3) p = charg/sqrt(ctru(4,IC)**2+ctru(5,IC)**2+ctru(6,IC)**2) d = charg*(csix(1,ip)-p)/sqrt(ss(1,1,ip)) dd(1) = csix(1,ip)-p call hfill(1+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) xntp(intp+4) = p xntp(intp+7) = csix(1,ip) xntp(intp+7+5) = sqrt(ss(1,1,ip)) p = ctru(5,IC)/ctru(4,IC) d = (csix(2,ip)-p)/sqrt(ss(2,2,ip)) dd(2) = csix(2,ip)-p xntp(intp+5) = p xntp(intp+8) = csix(2,ip) xntp(intp+8+5) = sqrt(ss(2,2,ip)) call hfill(2+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) p = ctru(6,IC)/ctru(4,IC) d = (csix(3,ip)-p)/sqrt(ss(3,3,ip)) dd(3) = csix(3,ip)-p call hfill(3+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) xntp(intp+6) = p xntp(intp+9) = csix(3,ip) xntp(intp+9+5) = sqrt(ss(3,3,ip)) d = (csix(4,ip)-ctru(2,IC))/sqrt(ss(4,4,ip)) dd(4) = csix(4,ip)-ctru(2,IC) call hfill(4+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) d = (csix(4,ip)-csiz(4,ip))/ + sqrt(max(sigmay**2-ss(4,4,ip),1.e-18)) call hfill(6+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) xntp(intp+10) = csix(4,ip) xntp(intp+10+5) = sqrt(ss(4,4,ip)) d = (csix(5,ip)-ctru(3,IC))/sqrt(ss(5,5,ip)) dd(5) = csix(5,ip)-ctru(3,IC) call hfill(5+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) d = (csix(5,ip)-csiz(5,ip))/ + sqrt(max(sigmaz**2-ss(5,5,ip),1.e-18)) call hfill(7+10*(IC),d,0.,1.) xntp(intp+11) = csix(5,ip) xntp(intp+11+5) = sqrt(ss(5,5,ip)) do i=1,5 call hfill(1010+i,float(ic)-.5,sngl(sqrt(ss(i,i,ip))),1.) enddo call ucopy(ss(1,1,ip),ssi,50) call dsinv(5,ssi,5,ierr) chi2f = 0.d0 do i=1,5 do j=1,5 chi2f = chi2f + dd(i)*ssi(i,j)*dd(j) enddo enddo chi2ft = chi2ft + chi2f call hfill(10*ic,prob(sngl(chi2f),5),0.,1.) xntp(intp+17) = prob(sngl(chi2f),5) IC = IC + INC intp = intp + 17 enddo call hfill(1000,prob(sngl(chi2ft),5*NPLAN),0.,1.) xntp(intp+1) = prob(sngl(chi2ft),5*NPLAN) call hfn(999,xntp) * 999 CONTINUE * CALL VZERO(CTRU,70) * END