* * $Id: ertest.F,v 1996/03/06 15:36:26 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: ertest.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 15:36:26 mclareni * Add geane321 examples * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.50 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE ERTEST * * Main routine for a call to geane tracking alone. * * Card 'kine' : itype momentum * #include "geant321/gcbank.inc" #include "geant321/gckine.inc" #include "geant321/gcflag.inc" #include "geant321/ertrio.inc" * REAL XXI(3), PII(3), XXO(3), PO(3), XIO(3),PIO(3) REAL RC(15), PLANI(3,2), PLANO(3,3,8) REAL PLAB(3) REAL XX(3,8),PP(3,8),DX(3),DP(3) REAL XST(5),XAR(5),YST(5),YAR(5),DEL(5),DIF(5) DOUBLE PRECISION TT(5,5) * character * 4 chopt, cnamv(10) * integer numv(10), ivol(10) * DATA XXI/-109.998,0.0,0.0/,PLAB/0.0,0.0,0.0/ * * JPA = LQ(JPART-IKINE) XMASS = Q(JPA+7) PLAB(1) = PKINE(1) PLAB(2) = .1*PLAB(1) PLAB(3) = .1*PLAB(1) EVERT = sqrt(dble(plab(1))**2+dble(xmass)**2) - xmass print *, 'particle ',ikine,' of momentum ',plab(1) overp = 1/sqrt(plab(1)**2+plab(2)**2+plab(3)**2) * CALL VZERO (RC,15) * CALL UCOPY(PLAB,PII,3) * IF (ISWIT(4).EQ.1) THEN CALL VZERO(PLANI,6) PLANI(2,1) = 1. PLANI(3,2) = 1. XP = -62. DO IP=1,8 CALL UCOPY(PLANI,PLANO(1,1,IP),6) XP = XP + 20. PLANO(1,3,IP) = XP PLANO(2,3,IP) = 0. PLANO(3,3,IP) = 0. ENDDO CALL EUFILP(8,RC,PLANI,PLANO) ELSE cnamv(1) = 'WBOX' numv(1) = 0 ivol(1) = 1 do i=2,10 cnamv(i) = ' ' numv(i) = 0 ivol(i) = 1 enddo CALL EUFILV(10,RC,cnamv,numv,ivol) ENDIF * IF (ISWIT(3).EQ.2.OR.ISWIT(3).EQ.5) XXI(1) = - XXI(1) * print *,'starting point ',xxi,pii IF (ISWIT(4).EQ.1) THEN chopt = 'EP ' IF (ISWIT(3).EQ.2.OR.ISWIT(3).EQ.5) chopt = 'EPB ' ELSE chopt = 'EV ' IF (ISWIT(3).EQ.2.OR.ISWIT(3).EQ.5) chopt = 'EVB ' ENDIF CALL ERTRAK(XXI,PII,XXO,PO,IKINE,CHOPT) print *,'arrival point ',xxo,po * IF (ISWIT(3).GT.3) THEN xst(1) = erpin(1) xst(2) = erpin(2) xst(3) = erpin(3) xst(4) = xxi(2) xst(5) = xxi(3) xar(1) = erpout(1,ilpred) xar(2) = erpout(2,ilpred) xar(3) = erpout(3,ilpred) xar(4) = xxo(2) xar(5) = xxo(3) call ucopy(erdtrp(1,1,ilpred),tt,50) ENDIF * print *, 'number of preditions ',ilpred do ip=1,ilpred print *, 'plane ',iepred(ip),' reached as ',ip print *,'position ' print '(3e15.5)',(erxout(i,ip),i=1,3) print *,'1/p, slopes ' print '(3e15.5)',(erpout(i,ip),i=1,3) print *,'arrival error ' print '(5e15.5)',(errout(i,ip),i=1,15) print *, 'transp matrix' print '(5e15.5)',((erdtrp(i,j,ip),i=1,5),j=1,5) if (iepred(ip).ne.0) then do i=1,3 xx(i,iepred(ip)) = erxout(i,ip) pp(i,iepred(ip)) = erpout(i,ip) enddo endif enddo * IF (ISWIT(3).EQ.3) THEN print *,'starting point ',xxo,po chopt = 'EPB ' CALL ERTRAK(XXO,PO,XIO,PIO,IKINE,CHOPT) print *,'arrival point ',XIO,PIO * print *, 'number of preditions ',ilpred do ip=1,ilpred print *, 'plane ',iepred(ip),' reached as ',ip print *,'position ' print '(3e15.5)',(erxout(i,ip),i=1,3) print *,'1/p, slopes ' print '(3e15.5)',(erpout(i,ip),i=1,3) print *,'arrival error ' print '(5e15.5)',(errout(i,ip),i=1,15) print *, 'transp matrix' print '(5e15.5)',((erdtrp(i,j,ip),i=1,5),j=1,5) if (iepred(ip).ne.0) then do i=1,3 dx(i) = xx(i,iepred(ip)) - erxout(i,ip) dp(i) = pp(i,iepred(ip)) - erpout(i,ip) enddo print *,'dx',dx print *,'dp',dp endif enddo ENDIF * IF(ISWIT(3).GT.3) THEN * DEL(1) = 0.0 DEL(2) = 0.0 DEL(3) = 0.0 DEL(1) = 0.3*overp DEL(2) = 0.1 DEL(3) = 0.1 DEL(4) = 1. DEL(5) = 1. * pmax = 300. * chopt = 'OP' IF (ISWIT(3).EQ.5) chopt = 'OPB ' * DO IE=1,NEVENT XXI(2) = DEL(4)*(2.*RNDM(XXI(2))-1.) XXI(3) = DEL(5)*(2.*RNDM(XXI(3))-1.) 10 p = 1/abs(overp + DEL(1)*(2.*RNDM(p)-1.)) if (p.gt.pmax) go to 10 PII(2) = p*(PLAB(2)*overp+DEL(2)*(2.*RNDM(PII(2))-1.)) PII(3) = p*(PLAB(3)*overp+DEL(3)*(2.*RNDM(PII(3))-1.)) p2 = p**2-pii(2)**2-pii(3)**2 if (p2.le.0) go to 10 PII(1) = sqrt(p2) CALL ERTRAK(XXI,PII,XXO,PO,IKINE,CHOPT) Yst(1) = erpin(1) Yst(2) = erpin(2) Yst(3) = erpin(3) Yst(4) = xxi(2) Yst(5) = xxi(3) Yar(1) = erpout(1,ilpred) Yar(2) = erpout(2,ilpred) Yar(3) = erpout(3,ilpred) Yar(4) = xxo(2) Yar(5) = xxo(3) call vzero(dif,5) do i=1,5 do j=1,5 dif(i) = dif(i) + tt(i,j)*(yst(j)-xst(j)) enddo dif(i) = Yar(i) - (xar(i)+dif(i)) call hfill(i,dif(i),0.,1.) call hfill(10+i,dif(i)/(yar(i)-xar(i)),0.,1.) call hfill(100*i,(yst(i)-xst(i)),0.,1.) enddo c print *,' dsta ',(yst(j)-xst(j),j=1,5) c print *,' darr ',(yar(j)-xar(j),j=1,5) c print *,' diff ',dif ENDDO ENDIF * END