* * $Id: eufilv.F,v 1996/03/06 15:37:35 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: eufilv.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 15:37:35 mclareni * Add geane321 source directories * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.49 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE EUFILV (N, EIN, CNAMV, NUMV, IOVL) * C. ****************************************************************** C. * * C. * User routine to fill the input values of the commons : * C. * /EROPTS/, /EROPTC/ and /ERTRIO/ for CHOPT = 'V' * C. * N Number of predictions where to store results * C. * EIN Input error matrix * C. * CNAMV Volume name of the prediction * C. * NUMV Volume number (if 0 = all volumes) * C. * IOVL = 1 prediction when entering in the volume * C. * = 2 prediction when leaving the volume * C. * * C. * ==>Called by : USER (before calling ERTRAK) * C. * Author M.Maire, E.Nagy ********* * C. * * C. ****************************************************************** C. #include "geant321/ertrio.inc" DIMENSION EIN(15), NUMV(N), IOVL(N) CHARACTER * 4 CNAMV(N) * NEPRED = MIN0 (N, MXPRED) * CALL UCOPY (EIN(1), ERRIN(1), 15) DO I=1,NEPRED CALL UCTOH (CNAMV(I),NAMEER(I),4,4) ENDDO CALL UCOPY (NUMV(1),NUMVER(1),NEPRED) CALL UCOPY (IOVL(1),IOVLER(1),NEPRED) * * END EUFILV 99 END