* * $Id: v_315.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:48 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: v_315.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:48 cernlib * Geant * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.18 by S.Giani *-- Author : * * * Maintenance and support for the GEANT MonteCarlo system * are performed by the Simulation Section of the CERN * Computing and Networks division. For any problem please * contact: * * Federico Carminati * CERN-CN * 1211 Geneva 23 * Tel: +41 22 767.4959 * Telefax: +41 22 767.7155 * E-mail: * BITnet/EARN: FCA@CERNVM * DECnet : VXCERN::FCA (Node 22.190) * Internet : fca@cernvm.cern.ch * * An electronic GEANT discussion list has been set up on CERNVM. * To be included in the mailing list it is enough to send the * following message: * * TELL LISTSERV AT CERNVM SUBSCRIBE LGEANT Firstname Lastname Inst * * People who do not dispose of a TELL (or equivalent) bitnet * command should send a mail to LISTSERV@CERNVM containing the * only line: * * SUBSCRIBE LGEANT Firstname Lastname Inst * *================================= History * *===> 20/NOV/1990 * * Current plans set the release of GEANT 3.15 around the third * quarter of 1991. * *===> 27/NOV/1990 * * Correction in GTRACK to set correctly the value of PREC * to match machine precision. Thanks to Stephan Egli and * M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 28/NOV/1990 * * Correction in GNTUBE to avoid square root of a negative * number. Thanks to M.Maire * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Eliminate TOFG=0 from GINIT, already done in GTRIGI * Thanks to F.Carminati * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 29/NOV/1990 * * UNIX and BSLASH flags correctly set inside *GEANT. * Thanks to A.Nathaniel * GPMATE now prints also the components in case of * mixtures. If NUMB is <0 then materials from 1 to * -NUMB are printed. Thanks to Stephan Egli. * * Corrections in GRGET (obsolete), GGET, GRIN to reset * correctly the number in GCNUM. Thanks to Stephan Egli * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 30/NOV/1990 * * New version of GNOELT and GNELTU, thanks to Yoshihisa Iga * and R.Nierhaus * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GTRAK, all mechanisms turned off in the * vacuum. Thanks to S.Egli * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * *===> 03/DEC/1990 * * New routine GXPICK for the interactive version (Command * DRAWING/PICK) to pick a point in a detector and return * volume/material characteristics. Thanks to S.Egli. * *===> 04/DEC/1990 * * MAXNOD from 2000 to 8000 in GDTR0. Suggestion by S.Egli. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Bug corrected in GGCLOS, do not touch ISEARC in case * of user search (ISEARC.GT.0). Thanks to D.Ward. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 05/DEC/1990 * * Correction in TWOB, get correctly Tmin and Tmax and * their distribution. Thanks to Marko Mikuz. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 06/DEC/1990 * * Correction in TWOCLU and GENXPT to improve energy * conservation. Thanks to S.Egli. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 11/DEC/1990 * * Generic function LOG introduced in GHFRAK. Generic * functions MAX and MIN introduced in several routines * in GGEOM (HYPE) and CGPACK. Generic SIN, COS, ATAN and * SQRT introduced in CGPACK. Thanks to Federico Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 13/DEC/1990 * * GTAU routine to be obsoleted. * * Supporting link for the LSCAN data structure mispelled * in several places. Corrected now. Thanks to Isabel Josa. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Unused variable IPOT eliminated from GHFFER. * * Changes in the interactive part for ATC GKS which does * not use FORTRAN unit for metafiles. (routines GXINT and * GXGCON). Thanks to W.Koellner * *===> 14/DEC/1990 * * REAL*8 changed to DOUBLE PRECISION in CGPACK. * Life of the D+/- mesons was 100 times too short. * Thanks to Cheng He Sheng. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 19/DEC/1990 * * Modification in GDRAW and GDSPEC to correct a bug. * Modifications in GLVOLU not to print a warning message * caused by drawing. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 20/DEC/1990 * * Correction in GRAYLI affecting Rayleigh effect in * mixtures. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Recode of GRAYLI and GHESIG to be safer with respect * to compiler optimization. * Thanks to Rafi Yaari. * *===> 8/JAN/1991 * * Corrections in GRGET, GGET, GRIN to set correctly * NPART, NTMED, NMATE, NVOLUM. Thanks to Lee Roberts. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * New meaning for ISVOL. If <0 the material is not a * a detector but the tracking parameters are the same * as in the case ISVOL>0 (sensitive medium). * Thanks to Michel Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 9/JAN/1991 * * TMAXFD not recomputed with IGAUTO=1 if the value given * by the user >= 0. Default value reset to 20. instead of * 60. degrees. Thanks to W.Mueller and M.Maire * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 10/JAN/1991 * * Corrections in GPFIS, GPFISI and GPHYSI for the fotofission * and fotoabsorbtion (Giant resonance) of photons on Uranium * and plutonium. Thanks to Harm Fesefeld. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GPHYSI in case ILOSS=2 and more than one * tracking medium with the same material number then a * spurious error message was printed. Thanks to Kevin Sparks * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Corrections in GENXPT, TWOCLU, TWOB, CINEMA and EXNU. * Thanks to Harm Fesefeldt. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 11/JAN/1991 * * Correction in GPPART in case of user words. Thanks to Walter * Mueller. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GSTMED to protect for EPSIL <=0. Thanks to * Michel Lefebvre. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 14/JAN/1991 * * Correction in GRGET to read the banks in the correct * division. Thanks to M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Improvement of GRIN, GROUT. New global keywords KINE and * TRIG can now be used. Thanks to Federico Carminati * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 17/JAN/1991 * * Correction in GSVOLU, GSDVN, GSDVN2, GSDVT, GSDVT2 not to * use uninitialized LINATT, set by GDINIT. This should take * care of the problem of empty drawings. Thanks to Simone Giani. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GPKINE to print correctly user words and vertex * information. Thanks to Kevin Sparks. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GPVERT to print correctly user words and vertex * information. Thanks to Soren G. Frederiksen. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 18/JAN/1991 * * Max. GCKING stack size parametrized. The actual value of the * stack is not changed (100), but can be redefined in the * sequence GCKMAX. Important for LHC studies. * Thanks to Harm Fesefeldt. * * Correction in GPRINT to call correctly GPDIGI and GPSETS. * Thanks to Michel Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 22/JAN/1991 * * New facilities of DZDOC introduced in the interactive menu. * Patchy flag (DZDOC) to assure backward compatibility. * Thanks to O.Schaile * *===> 31/JAN/1991 * * New facility using the JUMPT package to call user routines. * Patchy flag (USRJMP) to assure bacward compatibility. * Thanks to F.Carminati * *===> 05/FEB/1991 * * Correction in GINIT to print the level of the correction * cradle applied. Thanks to F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction Cradle 3.14/06 stamped and released. * *===> 06/FEB/1991 * * Introduction of the AIX370 flag in GEANX and GEANT. * Thanks to Roger Howard. * *===> 13/FEB/1991 * * Protection in GTRACK, GFTRAC and GLTRAC, do not update * pointers to cross section banks in the vacuum. * Thanks to C.Fuglesang, S.Banerjee, M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *???> Backward incompatibility * * GFDETH returns NAMESH as a character*4 array and * GFDETD returns NAMESD as a character*4 array. * Thanks to M.Maire. * * *===> 14/FEB/1991 * * Mods in GPMATE, GPPART, GPTMED, GSDK, GSMATE, GSMIXT, GSPART, * GSTMED, GSROTM, GPROTM * to warn against replacement of existing objects. Thanks to * Steve O'Neale. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Force load of user routines in GINIT. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 15/FEB/1991 * * GSDVN to notify correctly when mother volume does not exists. * Thanks to Victor Perevoztchikov. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 20/FEB/1991 * * Correction in GHEINI for the exponent range to be compatible * with IEEE machines. Original limits were for IBM/370. * Routine LIMDAT eliminated. Thanks to Hans-Jochen Trost. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *???> Backward incompatibility * * Parameter NAMATE returned from GFMATE now a CHARACTER*20 * variable. Thanks to Michel Maire. * * Monitoring introduced, flag MONITOR. Thanks to F.Carminati. * Mods in GXINT, GINIT, GLAST. Routine GEAMON introduced. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 22/FEB/1991 * * GWORK in GINIT was (DUMMY) called without arguments. * GUDTIM was (dummy) called as a routine and it is a * function. Thanks to F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * GUVIEW to specify 3rd argument as a character. Thanks to * Federico Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Call NUCRIN with the right number of arguments (the last * was not used anyway). Thanks to Federico Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 04/MAR/1991 * * Correction in GMUSIG to avoid division by zero. Thanks to * M.Verzocchi. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * *===> 20/MAR/1991 * * Corrections in GPRELM, muon e+e- soft radiation. Correction in * GDRELM for the ionization energy loss for muons. Thanks to * A.Nathaniel. Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 21/MAR/1991 * * Correction in GPHYSI to initialise the JMULOF bank even in * the case of vacuum. Electron tracking in vacuum was not taking * into account the TMAXFD parameter. Correction in GRANGI to set * the range to BIG in case of 0 energy loss tabulated in JLOSS. * Correction in GPHYSI to switch off all the mechanisms in the * vacuum but decay. The corresponding code in GTRACK has been * removed. The previous corrections for IUPD in GLTRAC, GFTRAC * and GTRACK have been removed as well. Thanks to D.Ward, R.Brun, * F.Carminati * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Corrections in GRANGI and in GTHADR to cure small steps in * tracking. Thanks to M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 25/MAR/1991 * *???> Backward incompatibility * * GFPART returns NAPART as a CHARACTER*20 array. Thanks to R.Rui * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 26/MAR/1991 * * GFTMAT will return the correct values for the vacuum, except * for hadrons. Thanks to P.Gumplinger. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GPCXYZ when the number of mechanisms is greater * than 6. Thanks to Y.Iga. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * *===> 27/MAR/1991 * * GDXYZ corrected to use HIGZ generic line types. Thanks to * M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in the CDF for RZ/IN and RZ/OUT. Thanks to * F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 04/APR/1991 * * For reasons of speed GKS-type lines are used now in * GDCXYZ, GDXYZ. Thanks to F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 18/APR/1991 * * Correction of the logic for TMAXFD. Now is: * * AUTO 1: 0 accepted * TMAXFD>20 --> set to 20 * TMAXFD<=0 --> set to 20 * * AUTO 0: TMAXFD>0 --> accepted * TMAXFD<=0 --> set to 20 * * Thanks to Gerry Lynch. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GMULOF. STMIN=BIG for the vacuum. Thanks * to F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GRFILE, GRIN called with IDVERS=0 and not * 999. Thanks to F.Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 22/APR/1991 * * Corrections in GPRELA, GMULOF, GPHYSI and GTNEXT. Now * STMIN is set to 0. for vacuum independly of the AUTO * flag. Thanks to M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Format correction in GSDVN. Thanks to Federico Carminati. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 23/APR/1991 * * Correction in GINIT to initialize LIN via IQTTIN if * different from 0. Thanks to F.Carminati * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 24/APR/1991 * * New routines GPLMAT, GPRMAT, GPGKIN from Michel Maire. * *===> 25/APR/1991 * * geant.metafile is not opened any more by default. * The METAFILE command now accepts the metafile name * for packages like ATC-GKS which do not use FORTRAN. * Thanks to W.Koellner. * *===> 01/MAY/1991 * * Problem corrected in GHEISH for neutron cascade. A neutron * undergoing an hadronic reaction could generate two recoil * protons. Thanks to Henk den Bok. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GNEXT/GTNEXT. STMIN not used anymore for * MANY volumes. Thanks to M.Maire. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 02/MAY/1991 * * Call to NVETIM routine removed from GHEISHA. Thanks to * F.Carminati. * *===> 07/MAY/1991 * * RNDM interactive command added to set the random number * generator seeds. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 08/MAY/1991 * * New routine GDTRAK introduced to draw a track and delete * it from the JXYZ buffer optionally. Thanks to R.Brun, * F.Carminati. * * Important correction in GTGAMA, GTNEUT to avoid problems * due to machine precision. When a push is made to cross a * volume boundary the condition that the change in coordinate * be not negligible is imposed. Thanks to F.Carminati, R.Brun. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 09/MAY/1991 * * Correction in GMGAUS due to G.Lynch. The sigma of the multiple * scattering in the gaussian approssimation was too small. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 14/MAY/1991 * * Corrections in GTELEC, GTHADR and GTMUON to introduce the * same boundary correction than in GTNEUT, GTGAMA. Thanks to * P.Gumplinger. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * New menu in GXINT to handle FZ files. Thanks to F.Carminati * *===> 17/MAY/1991 * * Correction in GHFHDN to reset to 0. TOFD. Thanks to * R.Rui. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 31/MAY/1991 * * Correction in GTRACK to allow PREC to decrease and avoid * problems when changing particle and position but not medium. * Thanks to R.Spiwoks. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 4/JUN/1991 * * New version of the hidden line removal, thanks to S.Giani. * New menu CVOL introduced to cut volumes and new SHIFT * command to shift volumes for drawing. * * Correction in GHEISH. The ENP parameters are reset to 0. * at the beginning of every event. Thanks to Henk den Bok. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 5/JUN/1991 * * Correction introduced in GPHYSI. JTM recalculated after * bank push. Thanks to K.Sparks. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 11/JUN/1991 * * Correction introduced in GTELEC, GTMUON, GTHADR. When the * energy loss is below machine precision, it is recalculated * via the De/Dx table. Thanks to H.Fesefeld and Ralf Spiwoks. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Booking of the bank IMAT-4 delayed till GPHYSI. Will save some * words in case of materials which are not inserted in a tracking * medium. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *???> Backward incompatibility * * The argument DMAXMS in the calling sequence of GSTMED, unused * in 314, will be called STEMAX and will assume the meaning of * maximum step allowed for a particle in the given material. * This will only affect people running with AUTO 0. In case of * automatic computation of the tracking media parameters, this * number will be set to BIG (=1.E10). * Thanks to F.Carminati, M.Maire. * *===> 12/JUN/1991 * * Corrections in GMUNU to allow the usage of a variable number of * energy bins. Corrections in PHASP and GMUSIG for very high * energies. Thanks to Hans-Jochen Trost. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GFLTHE to avoid division by 0. Thanks to * Roy Bossingham. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 13/JUN/1991 * * Correction in GINPGO and GINPCO to check correctly the PHI * limits. Thanks to R.Bossingham. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 19/JUN/1991 * * Correction in GMUNU to calculate correctly the angle of the * incoming muon. Thanks to H-J.Trost. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 20/JUN/1991 * * Corrections in GLANDZ for high energy to avoid numerical * problems. Thanks to H-J.Trost. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 26/JUN/1991 * * All the routines and the commons of the HADRIN/NUCRIN * package have been renamed. All routines begin now with * GHF and all commons with GCF. This to avoid interactions * with the interface with FLUKA. Thanks to F.Carminati * *===> 28/JUN/1991 * * New algorithm for pushing a view bank. Now push of the * max between MORGS and the 25% of the size of the view * bank. Thanks to S.Giani. * *===> 17/JUL/1991 * * Common HIATT of HIGZ removed from GXCONT and workstation type * retrieved in GXDZ from Workstation ID. Thanks to O.Couet. * * Modification in GMUSIG to protect against possible division * by zero. Thanks to M.Sarris. * * Correction in GDSHOW to recalculate COSPSI and SINPSI. Thanks * to M.Verzocchi. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 18/JUL/1991 * * Correction in GINVOL. When tracking in magnetic * field they could return the wrong volume. Thanks to D.Greiner. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 24/JUL/1991 * * Corrections in GRIN to allow tracking after reading a data * structure. Thanks to R.Brun. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Modifications in GXINT to allow running with the MOTIF * user interface. Thanks to R.Brun. * *===> 31/JUL/1991 * * INT=0 suppressed in GHEISH after nuclear fission. * Thanks to Kati Lassila. * *===> 01/AUG/1991 * * Protection introduced in GMUSIG. Thanks to Jochen Trost. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 02/AUG/1991 * * Correction in GHSTOP to fix the calculation of the time of * flight for stopping particles. Thanks to L.Roberts. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GNPGON not to calculate safety for the inner * radius when this is 0. Thanks to Andrei Nomerotsky. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GNOTRP to return the correct SNXT. Thanks to * V.Innocente. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Correction in GHSTOP not to discard hadrons at rest, they * may decay. Thanks to H.Fesefeld. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * * Modifications in GHSTOP and GHEISH to handle user defined * particles. Thanks to P.Gumplinger. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 12/AUG/1991 * * Call to GUINTI added in GINTRI to define user commands. Thanks * to V.Vercesi. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 21/AUG/1991 * * Modification in GTMED to print a warning when FIELDM .EQ. 0 * and IFIELD .NE. 0. Thanks to Federico Carminati * * Modification in GTHADR to set CFLD = BIG in case FIELDM=0. * Thanks to V.Vercesi. * Introduced in the 314 correction cradle. * *===> 27/AUG/1991 * * Call to C dummy routine to initialise X11 introduced in * GXINT for IBM/VM. Thanks to M.Marquina. * *===> 19/SEP/1991 * * Rayleigh effect now the default. IRAYL is set to 1 by default * in GINIT. Thanks to M.Maire * * Changes in the multiple scattering routines. GMOLI1 and GMOLI2 * suppressed and GMOLIO used instead. Corresponding changes in * GMULTS and GMULOF. The code of GMOLS has been put in line inside * GMOLIE and GMOLS is obsolete. GPOISS and GMCOUL modified for * performance reasons. * Gaussian scattering is now generated according to the Rossi * gaussian formula and there is no logarithmic term in the * sigma of the gaussian. This gives a distribution where the * tails are underestimated, but which is consistent over many * steps. * Moliere and single Coulomb scattering are chosen according to * the value of Omega in the Moliere formula. * The new meaning of IMULS is the following: * * IMULS = 0 No multiple scattering * IMULS = 1,2 Moliere or single Coulomb scattering * IMULS = 3 Gaussian scattering with Rossi formula * * Thanks to G.Lynch. * *===> 14/OCT/1991 * * New algorithm for calculation of energy loss. The stopping * range is now calculated with a parabolical interpolation * instead than with a linear one. This gives a dE/dx curve * which is a piecewise linear function and not a step function. * Thanks to F.Carminati. * * Modification of GNOPG1 taking care of the case of a particle * which is very near to the surface and it may appear inside due * to machine precision. This could cause the volume to be skipped. * Thanks to R.Nierhaus. * * Routine GNPGON rewritten for the calculation of SNXT. The * previous routine was returning wrong results. Thanks to * R.Nierhaus. * *===> 28/OCT/1991 * * Modifications in the routines GFLPHI and GFCOOR. The ordering * for TUBS in phi was wrong. Volumes could become invisible. * Thanks to F.Carminati. * * New routine GFVERT introduced. Retrieves the parameters of a * vertex. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 29/OCT/1991 * * Modification in NUCREC to zero the whole of the PV array * to prevent the use of uninitiated variables. Thanks to * F.Ranjard. Introduced in the 3.14 correction cradel. * *===> 1/NOV/1991 * * Useless code commented out in GTRAIN. Thanks to F.Carminati. * * GNCONE gone to double precision. Thanks to J.Toth. * *===> 5/NOV/1991 * * Variable USERW undefined in the RESULT common now set to * UPWGHT from GCTRAK common. Thanks to F.Ranjard. * * Type declarations for GCSTAK completed. Thanks to M.Battle. * *===> 5/DEC/1991 * * New calculation of the range table. Simpson integration rule * used. Modifications in GRANGI, GCOEFF. * *===> 10/DEC/1991 * * Protection introduced against the reading of a pre-315 data * structure. The value of STEMAX is set to BIG in this case. * Modification in GPHYSI. * * Better handling of version numbers in I/O operations. * Modifications in GPHYSI and GRIN. * *===> 08/JAN/1992 * * Correction in GLANDZ to avoid gaussian distribution for * very thin layers. The version of GEANT 3.13 has been * used for this. Thanks to F.Carminati and M.Maire. * * Corrections in GTNEXT, GINVOL and GTMEDI to protect against * wrong values of INGOTO when using MANY volumes. Thanks to * R.Brun. * *===> 15/JAN/1992 * *???> Backward incompatibility * * The random numbers seeds are stored at the end of every event * in the JRUNG bank at locations 19 and 20. If the JRUNG data * structure is read in and the data card RNDM or the interactive * command RNDM has not been issued (NRNDM(1), NRNDM(2) <> 0), * and if the words 19/20 are not 0, then the random number * generator is restarted with these seeds. Thanks to F.Carminati * * The RNDM command now reads the values of the seeds into * NRNDM(1) and NRNDM(2) in common GCFLAG. The values 0 0 * can be used for the random seeds. These values will not * alter the current status of the random number generator, * but zeroing the variables NRNDM(1) and NRNDM(2) will * allow them to be reinitialised with the values stored * in a data structure read from disk. Thanks to F.Carminati * * Routine GREND now needs an integer as input. This is to be * consistent with GRFILE. * *===> 27/JAN/1992 * * The following changes made to the names of FLUKA routines * to avoid clashes with ISAJET. Thanks to L.Roberts. * * Type Original name New name * Routine DECAY FKDECA * Routine FLAVOR FKFLAV * Routine SIGINT FKSIGI * *===> 31/JAN/1992 * * Corrections in GMEDIA in case of many volumes to avoid * program crash. Thanks to R.Jones. * * Change of logics in GRUN. Now if NEVENT is <= 0, no event * is processed. Thanks to B.Lockman. * * Common GCFLAX put in the GCFLAG sequence with the BATCH and * NOLOG variable from GXINT. Thanks to B.Cole. * * Problem corrected in GDECAY. The mass of the particle was * altered. If the next particle was the same, the mass was * not reset to its correct value. Thanks to S.Tonse. * * TIMINT is now really the time left after initiatlization * as is specified in the documentation and not the time * USED for initialization as it was till now. * Thanks to V.Ivanov. * * Corrections in GNPGON. Improvement of code safety under * optimization in GNOGO1, GNPGON, GNPCON. Thanks to Y.Iga. * *===> 4/FEB/1992 * * Corrections in GMULOF and GTHADR. SFIELD takes precedence * on STMIN in case IFIELD=1 to make sure that the Runge-Kutta * approssimation still works. Thanks to R.Hawkings. * *===> 10/FEB/1992 * * Correction in GDRAY to improve the precision in the calculation * of the angle. Thanks to F.Carminati & P.Lubrano. * * Change in GFKINE. The variable TOFG is not updated any more. * Thanks to F.Carminati * * New GMEDIA, GTMEDI, GINVOL to take care of the problems with * MANY volumes. Thanks to R.Jones. * *===> 14/FEB/1992 * * Bug corrected in GNPGON when the particle was exactly on the * wall of the last Z section. Thanks to V.Palichik. * *===> 17/FEB/1992 * * Updated routines GLUND, GLUNDI and new sequences LUDAT1, LUDAT3, * LUJETS. The data cards MSTE, KTYP, PMAS, PWID, IDB have been * removed because either obsolete or not aplicable. The new code * runs with JETSET 7.3 upward. Thanks to F.Carminati, T.Sjostrand. * * Update of GLUDKY to work with 7.3. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 23/FEB/1992 * * New subroutine GFIN to handle sequential input. Routine GGET * has been maintained for backward compatibility. * Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 01/MAR/1992 * * New Runge-Kutta integration routine for the tracking in * magnetic field. If the result of the stepping is not accurate, * the step is divided in 2 parts and the integration repeated * and so on. Thanks to V.Perevotchikov. * *===> 05/MAR/1992 * * Correction in GLTRAC. When the particle fetched has an entry * in JKINE the correct vertex number is calculated. Thanks to * Y.Foka. * *===> 06/MAR/1992 * * Correction in GTELEC. The calculated range may be slightly * larger than the maximum allowed range due to precision * problems and this was leading to very small negative steps. * Thanks to R.Brun. * *===> 08/MAR/1992 * * New GRKUTA, GHELIX, GHELX3 from V.Perevotchikov. * *===> 16/MAR/1992 * * ENERGY renamed to FKENER in FLUKA. Thanks to F.Carminati * *===> 17/MAR/1992 * * VERTEX->FKVERT, ZEROIN->FKZERO, ERROR->FKERRO in FLUKA. * Thanks to F.Carminati * * Corrections in PBANH. Thanks to M.Sasaki. * *===> 19/MAR/1992 * * Corrections in GFIN, GFOUT and GRIN, version 0 is now allowed * for a data structure in I/O. Thanks to B.Cole. * * Modification in GBREME to improve precision for small angles. * Thanks to F.Carminati. * * Inlining of rotation routines in GFTRAC, GINVOL, GTMEDI, * GTNEXT, GMEPOS, GMEDIA. Thanks to D.Kryn, F.Carminati. * * New routines GDLENS, GDPLST and GDPRTR in the drawing package. * New version of GDTREE. Thanks to S.Giani. * * Streamlining of GDTOM, GINROT, GITRAN, GMTOD, GRMTD, GRMUL, * GROT, GTRMUL and GTRNSF. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 23/MAR/1992 * *???> Backward incompatibility * Tracking medium name in GFTMED changed in CHARACTER variable. * Thanks to V.Perevotchikov. * * IMPULS renamed to FKIMPU * DRES renamed to FKDRES * ERUP renamed to FKERUP in FLUKA. Thanks to F.Carminati. * *===> 24/MAR/1992 * * COSI entry point renamed to FKCOSI * POLI renamed to FKPOLI in FLUKA. Thanks to F.Carminati * * Changes in GCOMP to increase the precision of the rotation * of the scattered photons and electrons in the reference * frame of the incoming particle. Thanks to F.Carminati * * New version of the routines GNOPG1 and GNPGO1. Speed up of * a factor two or more achieved. Thanks to F.Carminati, * M.Roethlisberger. * *===> 29/MAR/1992 * * Improvement of the routines GMEDIA, GTMEDI and GINVOL. A better * use is made of the variable INGOTO. Thanks to R.Jones, F.Carminati. * *===> 01/APR/1992 * * Modification in GTRACK. If a particle tries for more than 5 times * consecutively to exit a volume, the precision used for tracking is * multiplied by 5 and so on every fifth attempt. Thanks to * F.Carminati. * * Modification in FLUFIN to normalise in double precision the * direction cosines given to FLUKA. Thanks to A.Ferrari * * Modification in GLANDZ to avoid peaks in energy loss for very * light materials. Thanks to F.Carminati * * New routine GETVER to crack the title sequence and to return * the correct version number. Thanks to F.Carminati and M.Maire. *