* * $Id: v_314.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:47 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: v_314.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:47 cernlib * Geant * * #include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h" #include "pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.18 by S.Giani *-- Author : C C C ************************************************ C * * C * G E A N T version 3.14.16 * C * * C * Official R e l e a s e * C * ============================== * C * * C ************************************************ C C C * The version 3.14 of GEANT is being released. Apart from a few * features, reported below, the new version is compatible with the * previous version 3.13. Substantial developments have taken place, * in particular in the physics and tracking areas. * * In addition to the GEANT team * (R.Brun:CERN/CN-AS, F.Bruyant:CERN/ECP-PI and M.Maire:LAPP), * many people have contributed to the new version, especially * - a large number of users of the previous version who reported * their experience, found bugs and suggested several improvements, * - the guinea-pigs of 3.14 who gave us essential comments during * our attempt to automatize computation of the tracking parameters. * ** A.Givernaud (UA1), F.Nessi, V.Vercesi(UA2/LHC) * ** The LHC proto collaborations * - H.Fesefelt(Aachen) has provided a new version of the GHEISHA * package with help from N.Van Eijndhoven (CERN/CN-AS) * - H.J Trost from ANL has reported problems in the muon-nuclear * interactions routines and provided the relevant corrections. * - P.Pedroni (Pavia) has implemented a new interface called * by GHEISHA for low-energy hadronic processes (See NUCRIN below). * - the contributors to the geometry package: * for the introduction of new shapes * ELTU by A.Solano (ZEUS) * HYPE by M.Corden (ALEPH and SSC) * CTUB by A.McPherson (CEBAF) * for systematic investigation of problems with the old shapes * R.Nierhaus (CERN/CN-AS) * - S.Egli (H1) has proposed an automatic optimisation for the * geometry at initialisation time. * - G.Lynch from Berkeley has investigated the multiple-scattering * various strategies and proposed a new algorithm. * - A.Rotondi and P.Montagna have proposed a new technique for the * fast generation of Vavilov distribution. * K.S.Koelbig (CERN/CN-AS) has implemented a new routine GVAVIV * based on their work. * - J.Salt (CERN/CN-AS) has implemented the graphics interface to the * CG package from Serpukhov with the help of E.Chernaev. * - The IBM team (C.Guerin, M.Roelisberger) have investigated how * to speed-up the program. Their work has been coordinated * by F.Carminati (CERN/CN-AS). * * GEANT3.14 documentation * ======================= * The printing of a new manual describing the new version is * scheduled for the end of this year. The CERN Program Library * will not distribute anymore the old document (version 3.11). * * * Important notice to GEANT users * =============================== * * Following the reorganisation of the CERN research divisions * in July 90, R.Brun is now in charge of the Application Software * group (AS) in the CN division and F.Bruyant is in charge of the * Production support and computers Infrastructure group (PI) in the * ECP division. They will nevertheless continue, with M.Maire, to be * actively involved in the development of GEANT. Federico Carminati * is the coordinator of a simulation software unit in the CN-AS group. * Users are strongly recommended to address their questions,etc * directly to him (email: FCA@CERNVM.CERN.CH on BITNET). In particular, * feedback from users making comparisons with real data will be most * appreciated. * * The simulation team is preparing the ground for the next version * of GEANT. In view of the proposed new accelerators, the following * items are considered with high priority: * - Parametrization techniques. A survey of the various methods * used in current experiments has been done and the implementation * of a new algorithm based on the GSCAN geometry + GFLASH (H1) * is in progress. * - Improvements in the geometry package. General shape definition, * surface based algorithms. * - Detector data structure and data base. Interface with CAD systems. * - Parallelism (at event level and below). * * *...................................................................... * * *** Compatibility with version 3.13 * =============================== * - If COMMON blocks GCMULO or/and GCJLOC were included in the * user code, the new GEANT sequences GCMULO and GCJLOC must be * inserted and the code recompiled. * - Initialisation data structures saved with the previous versions * cannot be read by the new version, because the binning for * the cross-sections and energy loss tables has been changed. * - The GCPHYS variables SOLOSS,STLOSS,SOMULS,STMULS are no more * defined (see comments below) * - The GCTRAK variable IDECAD is replaced by IGAUTO * * * *** MAIN CHANGES IN THE TRACKING PROCEDURES * ======================================= * * The tracking control routines GTGAMA,GTELEC,GTHADR,GTNEUT,GTMUON * have been largely rewritten to reflect the changes to the energy-loss * and multiple scattering processes. * * * *** The ENERGY RANGE of the cross section and energy loss tables can * be fixed by the user with the new data card : * 'ERANG' EKMIN EKMAX NKBIN * which defines nkbin bins from Ekmin to Ekmax in a logarithmic scale. * The default is, as before, 90 bins from 10 Kev to 10 Tev but in * logarithmic scale. NKBIN must be 50 3) inelastic * interactions from a few MeV/c up to about 4.5 GeV/c laboratory * momentum of the incoming particle. * NUCRIN is automatically called by the GHEISHA routine GHEISH * when the flag IHADR=3 (set by data card HADR). * It is assumed that these reactions are the superimposition of three * basic processes: * * (a) inelastic collision of the projectile hadron (allowed particles are : * p,pbar,n,nbar,pi0,pi+,pi-,k+,k-,k0,k0bar,lamda0,lamda0bar,sigma+, * sigma-,sigma0) with a target nucleon in the nucleus. * This interaction is simulated,taking into account of the nucleon * Fermi momentum, using HADRIN (see ref.2) program. * The corresponding physical model is based on the experimental evidence * that, in the selected momentum range,the inelastic cross section shows * the typical threshold and resonance behaviour of meson production: * the primary hadron-nucleon system is excited to an isobaric state * which then decays into hadrons or other resonances. * * If the interacting nucleus is hydrogen,HADRIN can also be used * in a separate way to simulate hadron-proton reaction. * * (b) induced intranuclear cascade with resulting proton and neutron * emission; * * (c) nuclear evaporation and deexcitation from residual nucleus. At the * output the total energy available for these processes is given as * "excitation energy". * * The mean excitation and cascade energies and the average multiplicities * of cascade particles are parametrized, according to experimental * distributions. * In each event their value are sampled from gaussian distribution: * if they fall in the permitted kinematical region, energy and types of * cascade nucleons are calculated and the remaining energy is assigned to * the incoming particle. * For hadron-nucleon interactions all relevant kinematic variables are * Lorentz-trasformed into the target nucleon rest system. If interaction * kinetic energy is greater than the total available collision energy * a new Fermi momentun is sampled, otherwise an event is generated with * HADRIN,in which decays modes of 107 particle and resonances into about * 450 different channels are tabulated and outgoing particle directions * and momenta are chosen to reproduced experimental momentum transfer * distributions. * Final state particles kinematical variables are transformed back into * laboratory system; reaction and sampled event energies are again compared: * if their difference is negative, energy is not conserved and generation * has to be started once more with a new Fermi momentum sampling or if it * is,on the contrary positive, particle momenta and energies are corrected * to reach conservation. * The sampled events conserve the energy, the momentum, the electric and * baryonic charge and the strangeness. * NUCRIN and HADRIN are initialised, by default, before event generation, * with a call to subroutines HADDEN and CHANWX which estabilish internal * weight tables and decay channels. * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * (1) K. Hanssgen, J. Ranft , Comp. Phys. Comm. 39, 53 (1986) * (2) K. Hanssgen, J. Ranft , Comp. Phys. Comm. 39, 37 (1986) * * * *** GEOMETRY PACKAGE: New shapes and many improvements * ================================================== * * Automatic optimisation of the geometry structure: * A new data card OPTI has been introduced (S.Egli H1). * OPTI -1 : disable optimisation * OPTI 0 : only volumes GSORDered are optimised (as in 3.13) * OPTI 1 : volumes GSORDered are optimised along the axis * specified. All the other volumes are automatically * optimised along the best axis (1 to 7). * OPTI 2 : All volumes are optimised along the best axis. * Volumes for which GSORD was called are also optimised. * The default value for OPTI is 0. * In case OPTI >0, the result of the optimisation is printed. * The automatic optimisation is done at initialisation time by * a new routine GGORDQ called by GGCLOS. * * * Most of the geometry routines have been revisited and consolidated. * The following new shapes are available. * * 'ELTU' is a cylinder with an elliptical section. * It has three parameters: the ellipse semi-axis in X, * the ellipse semi-axis in Y and the half length in Z. * Given the equation of the conical curve: * X**2/A**2 + Y**2/B**2 = 1, * describing the volume,then: PAR(1) = A * PAR(2) = B * PAR(3) = DZ * ELTU is not divisible. * * 'HYPE' is a hyperbolic tube, ie the inner and outer surfaces * are hyperboloids, as would be formed by a system of * cylindrical wires which were then rotated * tangentially about their centres. The 4 parameters * are the inner and outer radii, the half length in z, * and the "stereo angle" theta in degrees, such that * the hyperbolic surfaces are given by * r**2 = (z*tan(theta))**2 + (r at z=0)**2 * * 'CTUB' (for cut tube) is a TUBS whose end planes are not * perpendicular to the z axis. It has 11 parameters : * the 5 of the TUBS shape plus the components of the normal * to the end plane at the lower z (LXL,LYL,LZL) and * those at the higher z (LXH,LYH,LZH). * DZ means the half length in z for x = y = 0 * * * Bugs have been fixed in the routines GNPCON, GNPGON and GNOPGO. * * The new version of GNOTRP requires an extended parameter array. * In addition to the 11 specified parameters (of which 4 are * modified in subroutine GSVOLU or GSPOSP), the coefficients of * the implicit normalized plane equation for the 6 surfaces * of the hexahedron are stored. * * IMPORTANT NOTE concerning the TRAP shape * ======================================== * The Geant documentation describes the Geant shape TRAP as follows: * * TRAP is a general trapezoid, i.e. one for which the * faces perpendicular to z are trapezia and their * centres are not at the same x, y. It has 11 * parameters: Dz the half length in z, Th & Phi the * polar angles from the centre of the face at z=-Dz * to that at z=+Dz, H1 the half length in y at * z=-Dz, LB1 the half length in x at z=-Dz and y=low * edge, LH1 the half length in x at z=-Dz and y= * high edge, Th1 the angle w.r.t. the y axis from * the centre of the low y edge to the centre of the * high y edge, and H2, LB2, LH2, Th2 the * corresponding quantities to the 1s but at z=+Dz. * * This seems to describe a general hexahedron with 3 constraints: * 2 constraints follow from the fact that two faces are "trapezia". * (twice 2 edges parallel). * The 3rd constaint is that two faces are parallel, namely the "trapezia" * faces are both perpendicular to the Z-axis. * We will assume that shape TRAP is a hexahedron with 3 * constraints and direct our attention to the degrees of freedom * of such a shape. * The shape has 8 vertices and therefore 24 coordinates. * If we first consider a volume with 8 vertices and 6 surfaces, * but do not make the assumption that the surfaces are plane, * we see that this shape has 18 degrees of freedom. * We loose 3 coordinates because of the translational invariance * of the shape and 3 coordinates because of its rotational * invariance. * If we now assume that the shape is a hexahedron, that is * bounded by plane surfaces, we have 6 constraints, one for each * surface, and our hexahedron has 12 degrees of freedom. * Considering the 3 constraints mentioned in the beginning, * we conclude that our shape trapezohedron has 9 degrees of freedom. * It is however described by 11 parameters. * Therefore we must either drop our assumption that shape TRAP is * a hexahedron, that is bounded by parallel surfaces, or we must * request that the user specifies the 11 parameters with certain * constraints. * * To check that the user respected the constraints, we check the * coplanarity of the faces during the specification phase of shape TRAP. * We know the vertex coordinates, and we have the indices to the * vertices for each face. * Assuming that a face is tetrahedron, we compute its volume. * We divide by the surface of the base triangle, and get a measure * for the coplanarity of the face, which is actually a distance. * A warning message is printed in case of no-coplanar faces. * * GSORD problem * ============= * A bug has been found in GTNEXT (and alike) which is induced by a bug of * logic in GSORD/GGORD. User calls to GSORD, with ordering axis 4 (Rxy) * or 5 (Rxyz), may cause problems when the ordered contents are such that * one can jump from a given content to another one without crossing a * content which, along the given axis, occupies a position in between the * start and the end contents : e.g. coaxial TUBES with different Z-lengths * should not in general be ordered by GSORD along the axis IAX=4 (Rxy). * However, part of the information provided by such calls can still be * used, in the static context of GTMEDI for instance. Therefore, the * following convention has been introduced: If the user is sure that the * contents are positioned in such a way that the anomaly mentioned above * cannot occur, the call to GSORD can be modified by using IAX=14 (instead * of 4), or 15 (instead of 5), in which case the ordering techniques will * also be used in the dynamic context of GTNEXT. In case of doubt, the * user has better to keep the old code, with IAX=4 or 5. * * *** DRAWING PACKAGE: Interface to the CG package * ============================================ * * An interface to the CG (Combinatorial Geometry) package written * at Serpukhov by E.Cernaev et al is now available. The new package * is automatically called if the option 'HIDE' is selected. eg. * * CALL GDOPT('HIDE','ON') in a Fortran program * DOPT HIDE ON/OFF in the interactive version * * This new facility includes a hidden line and surface algorithm * which permits nice 3-D views of a detector. * In the frequent case of hermetic 4 PI detectors, a facility * to remove a box (The Cutting BOX) is also implemented. The Cutting BOX * specifies a region of the detector which must be Cut to see inside. * A new interactive command CBOX is available to specify the box limits. * * The CG system is part of the GEANG file (See Patches CGCDES,CGPACK) * To activate the CG package, +USE,CG,*GEANG. * * * *** The SCAN geometry * ================= * A new Patch,GSCAN has been introduced on a provisional basis in the GEANG * file. See discussion about SCAN below. * * *** GUPARA: Parametrization interface * ================================= * A new FFREAD data cards PCUT can be used to set parametrization cuts. * The first argument of the PCUT card is a integer flag which turns or * on off the parametrization mechanism. If the parametrization is turned on * and a particle falls below one of the 5 cuts specified by the PCUT card * (similar in kind to the cuts specified by the card CUTS), then the * routine GUPARA is called and tracking of the particle is abandoned. This * mechanism is provided for applying parametrization schemes which * replace a particle by a parametrized shower when it falls below * a certain threshold. * *............................................................................. * * * *** GXINT: Interactive version * ========================== * * New menu FORTRAN: CALL,FILE,CLOSE,FORTRAN * New menu HISTOGRAM: FILE,LIST,PLOT,DELETE,LEGO,HRIN,HROUT,PUT,GET * ZONE,SET,OPTION,NULL * New menu PICTURE: FILE,LIST,DELETE,SCRATCH,PLOT,RENAME,IZOUT,IZIN,IGSET * New menu SCAN: PHI,THETA,SLIST,VERTEX,SFACTORS,LSCAN,HSCAN * New menu PHYSICS: ANNI,BREM,COMP,DCAY,DRAY,HADR,LOSS,MULS,MUNU,PAIR, * PFIS,PHOT,RAYL,CUTS,PHYSI * * The menus FORTRAN,HISTOGRAM and PICTURE are subsets of the similar * menus in the PAW system. * * The menu PHYSICS gives the possibility to modify the run conditions. * In case physics conditions are changed (LOSS,DRAY,MULS,CUTS) it is * mandatory to call the command PHYSI (which calls GPHYSI) to recompute * the cross-section and/or energy loss tables. * * The menu FORTRAN is similar to the FORTRAN menu of PAW. It contains * in addition a new very important command FORTRAN which gives the * possibility to describe the geometry (UGEOM) in a Fortran routine * that can be edited interactively with the local editor and also * executed interactively under the control of the Fortran interpreter * COMIS. * * *** GEANT >FORTRAN FNAME * * The routines in the file FNAME will be compiled by COMIS. * If routines with names: UGEOM,GUKINE,GUOUT,UGLAST are found, * then they will be automatically called by GXINT instead of * the routines with the same names compiled with the standard * Fortran compiler and linked with the application. * The user callable routines from the GEANT library as well as * routines from PACKLIB (HBOOK,HPLOT,HIGZ,ZEBRA) may be called * from these user routines. All GEANT common blocks may be * referenced. * In case where the routine UGEOM is called several times, * it is important to DROP all the initialisation data structures * JVOLUM,JMATE,JTMED,etc already in memory by using the routine GIDROP. * * Example of an interactive session where the routine UGEOM is modified: * * GEANT > Edit ugeom.for * GEANT > Fortran ugeom.for * GEANT > Call GIDROP * GEANT > Call UGEOM * GEANT > Dtree * GEANT > Edit ugeom.for * GEANT > Fortran ugeom.for * GEANT > Call GIDROP * GEANT > Call UGEOM * GEANT > Dtree * * If FNAME='-', calls to user routines is reset and standard * routines called instead. * * *** Interface to CG * The command DOPT has a new option HIDE (DOPT HIDE ON/OFF) * Type DOPT without parameters to get the list of all currently * available options. * When this option is ON, the subsequent graphics commands DCUT/DRAW * will invoke the CG system for hidden line/surface removal. * This algorithm requires a lot of memory and time. It is recommended * to set the visibility attributes (SATT SEEN 0) for many of the * volumes in case the command aborts for lake of memory or time. * This option can also be used with the view banks mechanism (DOPEN) * * New command CBOX to specify the boundaries of the cutting box. * * *** PLMAT * * The existing command PLMAT offers the new possibility to plot * various physics parameters (cross-sections, energy-loss tables,etc) * in graphics format (via HPLOT) if MECAN=ALLG * The Keywords 'STEP' or 'RANG' may also be specified to produce * an alphanumeric output of the step-size and energy-range tables. * * PLMAT IMATE IPART MECAN [ IDM ] * * IMATE I 'Material number' * IPART I 'Particle number' * MECAN C 'Mechanism' * IDM I 'ID mode option' D=0 * * * *** New menu SCAN. The SCAN geometry * ================================ * * This new menu contains various commands for an interactive interface * to the SCAN geometry * The SCAN geometry algorithm has been designed as a tool to improve * the tracking speed. This new facility still requires substantial * developments in view of the new parametrisation algorithms which * are developed in collaboration between the CN/AS group and the * LEP/HERA/LHC/SSC and other interested groups. * The SCAN facility is being introduced in the version 3.14 on a trial * basis to familiarise potential users with the concept. * The SCAN geometry data structure JSCAN is automatically generated * either by calling the GSCAN routine in the PATCH,GSCAN of GEANG * or interactively by using the commands in the new menu SCAN. * Starting from the normal geometry data structure created by GSVOLU, * GSPOS,GSDVN,etc, the detector may be divided into a simpler geometry * structure (theta,phi) or (eta,phi). * Geantinos are tracked starting from a VERTEX position through * the NPHI,NTETA divisions. For each division, the SCAN procedure * will insert into the JSCAN data structure the following information * for every main detector component specified in the SLIST command * in the spherical R direction: * Total number of radiation lengths up to entry in each R * Total number of absorption lenghts * Detector identifier * When the interactive command TRIGGER is entered, the number of * Geantinos specified as parameter will be tracked. In case the * data structure JSCAN is not empty, the program will automatically * start with the first PHI,TETA division not yet filled. As the * number of Geantinos to be tracked can be very large (depending * on the granularity) this gives the possibility to fill the JSCAN * data structures in several passes. * * * New menu SCAN: PHI,TETA,SLIST,VERTEX,SFACTORS,LSCAN,HSCAN * * ==> /SCAN/PHI NPHI [ PHIMIN PHIMAX ] * * NPHI I 'Number of PHI divisions' D=90 * PHIMIN R 'Minimum PHI in degrees' D=0 * PHIMAX R 'Maximum PHI in degrees' D=360 * * To specify number of divisions along PHI. * * * ==> /SCAN/TETA NTETA TETMIN TETMAX [ DIVTYP ] * * NTETA I 'Number of TETA divisions' D=90 * TETMIN R 'Minimum value of TETA' D=0 * TETMAX R 'Maximum value of TETA' D=180 * DIVTYP I 'Type of TETA division' D=1 R=1:2 * * To specify number of divisions along TETA. * If DIVTYP=1 divisions in degrees following the THETA angle. * If DIVTYP=2 divisions in pseudo-rapidity ETA. * * * ==> /SCAN/SLIST LIST * * LIST C 'List of master volumes' * * Only boundary crossings of volumes given in LIST * will be seen in the SCAN geometry. * * * ==> /SCAN/VERTEX VX VY VZ * * VX R 'Scan vertex origin' D=0 * VY R 'Scan vertex origin' D=0 * VZ R 'Scan vertex origin' D=0 * * All Geantinos tracked will start from position VX,VY,VZ. * * * ==> /SCAN/SFACTORS FACTX0 FACTL FACTR * * FACTX0 R 'Scale factor for SX0' D=100 * FACTL R 'Scale factor for SL' D=1000 * FACTR R 'Scale factor for R' D=100 * * Set scale factors for SX0,SL and R. The given scale factors must be * such that: * * SX0*FACTX0 < 2**15-1 (32767) * SL*FACTL < 2**10-1 (1023) * SR*FACTR < 2**17-1 (131071) * * * ==> /SCAN/LSCAN ID [ VOLUME CHOPT ] * * ID I 'Lego plot identifier' D=2000 * VOLUME C 'Volume name' D='XXXX' * CHOPT C 'List of options' D='OPX' R=' ,O,P,I,X,L' * * Generates and plot a table of physics quantities such as * the total number of radiation lengths or interaction lengths * in function of the SCAN parameters TETA,PHI. * * CHOPT='O' table is generated at Exit of VOLUME. * CHOPT='I' table is generated at Entry of VOLUME. * CHOPT='X' radiation lengths * CHOPT='L' Interaction lengths * CHOPT='P' Plot the table * * If VOLUME='XXXX' Mother volume is used. * * * ==> /SCAN/HSCAN IDPHI [ VOLUME CHOPT ] * * IDPHI I 'Histogram/phi identifier' D=1000 * VOLUME C 'Volume name' D='XXXX' * CHOPT C 'List of options' D='OPX' R=' ,O,P,I,X,L' * * Generates and plot an histogram of physics quantities such as * the total number of radiation lengths or interaction lengths * in function of the SCAN parameter TETA for a given value of PHI. * * CHOPT='O' histogram is generated at Exit of VOLUME. * CHOPT='I' histogram is generated at Entry of VOLUME. * CHOPT='X' radiation lengths * CHOPT='L' Interaction lengths * CHOPT='P' Plot the histogram * * If VOLUME='XXXX' Mother volume is used. * The histogram identifier IDPHI is used to also identify which * PHI division to plot. IPHI=MOD(IDPHI,1000). * If IPHI=0, then all PHI divisions are generated (not plotted) * with histogram identifiers IDPHI+PHI division number. * * * * * * * *** New commands FILE,REND,MDIR,CDIR,IN,OUT in the RZ menu. * ======================================================= * * * ==> RZ/FILE LUN FNAME [ CHOPT ] * * LUN I 'Logical unit number' * FNAME C 'File name' * CHOPT C 'Options' D=' ' R=' ,U,N,I,O' * * Open a GEANT/RZ file. Call GRFILE (See below). * * CHOPT=' ' readonly mode * CHOPT='U' update mode * CHOPT='N' create new file * CHOPT='I' Read all structures from existing file * CHOPT='O' Write all structures on file * * * ==> RZ/OUT OBJECT [ IDVERS ] * * OBJECT C 'Structure name' * IDVERS I 'Version number' D=1 * * Write data structure identified by OBJECT,IDVERS to RZ file. * Call GROUT (See below) * * MATE write JMATE structure * TMED write JTMED structure * VOLU write JVOLUM structure * ROTM write JROTM structure * SETS write JSET structure * PART write JPART structure * SCAN write JSCAN structure * * write all structures * * ==> RZ/IN OBJECT [ IDVERS ] * * OBJECT C 'Structure name' * IDVERS I 'Version number' D=1 * * Read data structure identified by OBJECT,IDVERS into memory. * Call GRIN (See below) * * MATE read JMATE structure * TMED read JTMED structure * VOLU read JVOLUM structure * ROTM read JROTM structure * SETS read JSET structure * PART read JPART structure * SCAN read JSCAN structure * * read all structures * * * * * *** New routines for direct access I/O in the GIOPA package * ======================================================= * * ==> SUBROUTINE GRFILE(LUN,CHFILE,CHOPT) *. *. Routine to open a GEANT/RZ data base. *. *. LUN logical unit number associated to the file *. *. CHFILE RZ file name *. *. CHOPT is a character string which may be *. 'N' To create a new file *. 'U' to open an existing file for update *. ' ' to open an existing file for read only *. 'Q' The initial allocation (default 1000 records) *. is given in IQUEST(10) *. 'I' Read all data structures from file to memory *. 'O' Write all data structures from memory to file *. *. Note: *. If options 'I' or 'O' all data structures are read or *. written from/to file and the file is closed. *. See routine GRMDIR to create subdirectories *. See routines GROUT,GRIN to write,read objects *. *. *. *. ==> SUBROUTINE GROUT(CHOBJ,IDVERS,CHOPT) *. *. Routine to write GEANT object(s) in the RZ file *. at the Current Working Directory (See RZCDIR) *. Input is taken from the data structures in memory *. (VOLU,ROTM,TMED,MATE,SETS,PART,SCAN) *. *. CHOBJ The type of object to be written: *. MATE write JMATE structure *. TMED write JTMED structure *. VOLU write JVOLUM structure *. ROTM write JROTM structure *. SETS write JSET structure *. PART write JPART structure *. SCAN write LSCAN structure *. INIT write all initialisation structures *. *. IDVERS is a positive integer which specifies the version *. number of the object(s). *. *. CHOPT List of options (none for the time being) *. *. Note that if the cross-sections and energy loss tables *. are available in the data structure JMATE, then they are *. saved on the data base. *. *. *. The data structures saved by this routine can be retrieved *. with the routine GRIN. *. *. Before calling this routine a RZ data base must have been *. created using GRFILE. *. The data base must be closed with RZEND. *. Ex: if LUN=1 CALL RZEND('LUN1') *. *. The RZ data base can be transported between different *. machines in using the ZEBRA RZ utility RZTOFZ. *. *. The interactive version of GEANT provides facilities *. to interactively update, create and display objects. *. *. Example. *. *. CALL GRFILE(1,'Geometry.dat','N') *. CALL GROUT('VOLU',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('MATE',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('TMED',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('ROTM',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('PART',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('SCAN',1,' ') *. CALL GROUT('SETS',1,' ') *. *. The same result can be achieved by: *. CALL GRFILE(1,'Geometry.dat','NO') *. *. *. *. ==> SUBROUTINE GRIN(CHOBJ,IDVERS,CHOPT) *. *. Routine to read GEANT object(s) fromin the RZ file *. at the Current Working Directory (See RZCDIR) *. The data structures from disk are read in memory *. (VOLU,ROTM,TMED,MATE,SETS,PART,SCAN) *. *. CHOBJ The type of object to be read: *. MATE read JMATE structure *. TMED read JTMED structure *. VOLU read JVOLUM structure *. ROTM read JROTM structure *. SETS read JSET structure *. PART read JPART structure *. SCAN read LSCAN structure *. INIT read all initialisation structures *. *. IDVERS is a positive integer which specifies the version *. number of the object(s). *. *. CHOPT List of options (none for the time being) *. *. *. The RZ data base has been created via GRFILE/GROUT *. *. *. Example. *. *. CALL GRFILE(1,'Geometry.dat',' ') *. CALL GRIN ('VOLU',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('MATE',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('TMED',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('ROTM',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('PART',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('SCAN',1,' ') *. CALL GRIN ('SETS',1,' ') *. *. The same result can be achieved by: *. CALL GRFILE(1,'Geometry.dat','I') *. *. *. * ==> SUBROUTINE GRMDIR(CHDIR,CHOPT) *. *. *. Routine to create a subdirectory *. *. CHDIR Subdirectory name *. *. CHOPT is a character string which may be *. ' ' To create a subdirectory *. 'S' To create a subdirectory and set the new *. Current Directory to this directory. *. *.