* * $Id: v3_16,v 1995/10/24 10:19:49 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: v3_16,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:49 cernlib * Geant * * *CMZ : 29/03/94 15.41.41 by S.Giani *-- Author : * *::> VERSION 3.16/00 07/12/93 14.39.16 * ************************************************************************ * * * The GEANT-FLUKA interface * * * * Since version 3.15, GEANT includes an interface with some * * FLUKA [1,2,3,4,5] routines. This part has been updated and * * extended in subsequent releases. * * * * FLUKA is a standalone code with its own life. Only a few * * parts have been included into GEANT, namely the ones dealing * * with hadronic elastic and inelastic interactions. * * * * The implementation of FLUKA routines in GEANT does not * * include any change, apart from interface ones and those * * agreed by the FLUKA authors. Whenever different options are * * available in FLUKA, the one suggested by the authors have * * been retained. Nevertheless the results obtained with FLUKA * * routines inside GEANT could not be representative of the * * full FLUKA performances, since they generally depend on * * other parts which are GEANT specific. * * * * The routines made available for GEANT have been extensively * * tested and are reasonably robust. They usually do not * * represent the latest FLUKA developments, since the policy is * * to supply for GEANT well tested and reliable code rather * * than very recent developments with possibly better physics * * but also still undetected errors. * * * * It is important that GEANT users are aware of the conditions * * at which this code has been kindly made available: * * * * o relevant authorship and references about FLUKA * * [1,2,3,4,5] should be clearly indicated in any * * publication reporting results obtained with this code; * * * * o the FLUKA authors reserve the right of publishing about * * the physical models they developed and implemented * * inside FLUKA, GEANT users are not supposed to extract * * from the GEANT - FLUKA code the relevant routines * * running them standalone for benchmarks; * * * * o more generally, FLUKA routines contained in the GEANF * * file are supposed to be included and used with GEANT * * only: any other use must be authorised by the FLUKA * * authors. * * * * [1] A.Fasso, A.Ferrari, J.Ranft, P.R.Sala, G.R.Stevenson and * * J.M.Zazula. FLUKA92. In Proceedings of the Workshop on * * Simulating Accelerator Radiation Environments, Santa Fe, * * USA, 11-15 January 1993. * * * * [2] A.Fasso, A.Ferrari, J.Ranft, P.R.Sala, G.R.Stevenson and * * J.M.Zazula, "A Comparison of FLUKA Simulations with * * measurements of Fluence and Dose in Calorimeter * * Structures", Nuclear Instruments & Methods A, 332, 459 * * (1993), (also CERN divisional report CERN/TIS-RP/93-2/PP * * (1993)). * * * * [3] A.Ferrari and P.R.Sala, "A New Model for hadronic * * interactions at intermediate energies for the FLUKA * * code", presented at the MC93 Int. Conf. on Monte-Carlo * * Simulation in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics, * * Tallahassee, Florida, 22-26 february (1993), Proceedings * * in press. * * * * [4] P.A.Aarnio, A.Fasso, A.Ferrari, J.-H.Moehring, J.Ranft, * * P.R.Sala, G.R.Stevenson and J.M.Zazula, "FLUKA: hadronic * * benchmarks and applications", presented at the MC93 Int. * * Conf. on Monte-Carlo Simulation in High-Energy and * * Nuclear Physics, Tallahassee, Florida, 22-26 february * * (1993), Proceedings in press. * * * * [5] P.A.Aarnio, A.Fasso, A.Ferrari, J.-H.Moehring, J.Ranft, * * P.R.Sala, G.R.Stevenson and J.M.Zazula, "Electron-photon * * transport: always so good as we think? Experience with * * FLUKA", presented at the MC93 Int. Conf. on Monte-Carlo * * Simulation in High-Energy and Nuclear Physics, * * Tallahassee, Florida, 22-26 february (1993), Proceedings * * in press. * * * ************************************************************************