* * $Id: cghshi.F,v 1995/10/24 10:19:44 cernlib Exp $ * * $Log: cghshi.F,v $ * Revision 1995/10/24 10:19:44 cernlib * Geant * * #include "geant321/pilot.h" *CMZ : 3.21/02 29/03/94 15.41.31 by S.Giani *-- Author : SUBROUTINE CGHSHI(NSIZE,NFACE,NEDGE,IHIDE,IFACE,IPFACE) ************************************************************************ * * * Name: CGHSHI * * Author: E. Chernyaev Date: 07.08.88 * * Revised: * * * * Function: Shift face array and set pointers to faces * * * * References: * * * * Input : NSIZE - size of IHIDE array (in INTEGER*2 words) * * Output: NFACE - number of faces before and after shift * * NEDGE - number of edges before and after shift * * IHIDE(*) - old face array * * IFACE(*) - new face array * * IPFACE(*) - pointers to faces beginings in IFACE * * * * Errors: none * * * ************************************************************************ *SG INTEGER IHIDE(*),IFACE(*) INTEGER IPFACE(*) *SG *- NF = 0 NE = 0 JHIDE = NSIZE - (NFACE+NEDGE*2) + 1 JFACE = 1 DO 200 NNF=1,NFACE IE = 0 IEDGE = IHIDE(JHIDE) JHIDE = JHIDE + 1 JWF = JFACE + 1 DO 100 NNE=1,IEDGE N1 = IHIDE(JHIDE) N2 = IHIDE(JHIDE+1) JHIDE = JHIDE + 2 IF (N1 .EQ. N2) GOTO 100 IFACE(JWF) = N1 IFACE(JWF+1) = N2 JWF = JWF + 2 IE = IE + 1 100 CONTINUE IF (IE .EQ. 0) GOTO 200 NF = NF + 1 NE = NE + IE IFACE(JFACE) = IE IPFACE(NF) = JFACE JFACE = JWF 200 CONTINUE NFACE = NF NEDGE = NE RETURN END