#define IHaveSubdirs #define PassCDebugFlags AllTarget(geant321) LIBDIRS= block cdf cgpack fiface fluka gbase gcons gdraw \ @@\ geocad ggeom gheisha ghits ghrout ghutils giface \ @@\ giopa gkine gphys gscan gstrag gtrak guser gxint \ @@\ miface miguti neutron peanut SUBDIRS= $(LIBDIRS) data examples gxuser geant321 #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) SUBDIRS+=gparal #endif TopOfPackage(geant321) MakeSubdirs($(SUBDIRS)) SubdirLibraryTarget(geant321,$(LIBDIRS)) InstallLibrary(geant321,$(CERN_LIBDIR)) InstallLibraryAlias(geant321,geant,$(CERN_LIBDIR)) SubdirDataFile($(LIBRARY),flukaaf.dat,data) InstallNonExecFileTarget(install.lib,flukaaf.dat,$(CERN_LIBDIR)) /* This will install the correct link for xsneut95.dat at CERN; * If you want a local copy of the file, just copy it there * GF, Jan 97 */ #if defined(CERNLIB_UNIX) install.lib:: $(CERN_LIBDIR)/xsneut95.dat $(CERN_LIBDIR)/xsneut95.dat: cd $(@D);$(LN) ../share/lib/$(@F) $(@F) #endif #if defined(CERNLIB_VAXVMS) install.lib:: $(CERN_LIBDIR)xsneut95.dat $(CERN_LIBDIR)xsneut95.dat: [.data]xsneut95.dat copy $< $@ purge/log $@ #endif InstallLibSubdirs(gxint) InstallIncludeSubdirs(geant321) TestSubdirs(examples) DoIncludePackage(geant321)