/* $Id: Win32.cf,v 1.8 1999/05/07 16:09:39 mclareni Exp $ * * CERNLIB_MSSTDCALL cpp flag has been introduced * * $Log: Win32.cf,v $ * Revision 1.8 1999/05/07 16:09:39 mclareni * A cleanup of the compiler options. In particular, remove -D_NTSDK which stopped * cfstati.c working. Our tests and PAW work. * * Revision 1.7 1997/11/06 14:10:19 mclareni * Separate C optimisation from default options * * Revision 1.5 1997/09/01 15:52:28 mclareni * More NT corrections * * Revision 1.4 1997/07/15 17:44:34 mclareni * Nenads mods for Digital Fortran DF90 and Intel Fortran * * Revision 1.3 1997/04/22 14:13:22 mclareni * Change OptimisedFortranFlags from O2 to Ox for Microsoft Fortran * * Revision 1.2 1997/02/28 10:36:53 gunter * usable version, many mods * * Revision 1995/12/20 15:26:45 cernlib * X11R6 config files unmodified * * */ XCOMM platform: $XConsortium: Win32.cf,v 1.38 94/04/01 19:58:56 kaleb Exp $ #define IntelCPUFamily Pentium #define OSName Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 XCOMM operating system: OSName #define OSMajorVersion 4 #define OSMinorVersion 0 #define OSteenyVersion 0 #ifndef PCHostArchitecture #define PCHostArchitecture Intel #endif #define BootstrapCFlags -DWIN32 #define CPUType PCHostArchitecture #if PCHostArchitecture==Intel # define CpuDefines -D_X86_=1 /*# define CPUType i386*/ # ifndef IntelCPUFamily # define IntelCPUFamily i386 # endif # if IntelCPUFamily==i386 # define CCCPUOptimization -G5 # elif IntelCPUFamily==i486 # define CCCPUOptimization -G4 # elif IntelCPUFamily==Pentium # define CCCPUOptimization -G5 # elif IntelCPUFamily==PentiumPro # define CCCPUOptimization -G6 #else # undef CCCPUOptimization #endif #elif PCHostArchitecture==ALPHA # define CpuDefines -D_ALPHA_=1 #elif PCHostArchitecture==MIPS # define CpuDefines -D_MIPS_=1 #else # undef CpuDefines #endif CPU = i386 /* !include */ /* --- Some flags from Microsoft Win32.Mak file */ TARGETOS=BOTH /* binary declarations common to all platforms */ #ifdef _IRC_ cc = icl #else cc = cl #endif rc = rc link = link implib = lib hc = hcrtf -x /* declarations common to all compiler options ccommon = -D_NTSDK */ ifeq "$(CPU)" "i386" vc_cflags = $(ccommon) CpuDefines -DVISUAL_CPLUSPLUS scall = -Gz endif APPVER = 4.0 ifeq "$(APPVER)" "4.0" vc_cflags := $(vc_cflags) else ifeq "$(APPVER)" == "3.51" vc_cflags := $(vc_cflags) -DWINVER=0x0400 else vc_cflags := $(vc_cflags) -DWINVER=0x030A endif endif ifdef NO_ANSI noansi = -DNULL=0 endif /* for Windows applications that use the C Run-Time libraries */ cvars = -DWIN32 $(noansi) -D_WIN32 cvarsmt = $(cvars) -D_MT cvarsdll = $(cvarsmt) -D_DLL /* for compatibility with older-style makefiles */ cvarsmtdll = $(cvarsmt) -D_DLL /* for POSIX applications */ psxvars = -D_POSIX_ /* resource compiler */ rcflags = /r rcvars = -DWIN32 $(noansi) ifeq "$(APPVER)" "4.0" rcvars := $(rcvars) -DWINVER=0x0400 else rcvars := $(rcvars) -DWINVER=0x030A endif /* These CRT Libraries assume the use of Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0 on */ /* x86 and MIPS platforms. If you are using another Compiler product, */ /* change the libc* variable to correspond to your import library names.*/ ifeq ("$(CPU)","PPC") libc = libc.lib libcmt = libcmt.lib libcdll = crtdll.lib /* for POSIX applications */ psxlibs = libcpsx.lib psxdll.lib psxrtl.lib else libc = libc.lib oldnames.lib libcmt = libcmt.lib oldnames.lib libcdll = msvcrt.lib oldnames.lib /* for POSIX applications */ psxlibs = libcpsx.lib psxdll.lib psxrtl.lib oldnames.lib endif /* optional profiling and tuning libraries */ ifdef PROFILE optlibs = cap.lib else ifdef TUNE optlibs = wst.lib else optlibs = endif endif /* The PPC compiler currently requires a library for 64-bit integers. */ ifeq ("$(CPU)","PPC") int64lib = int64.lib else int64lib = endif /* basic subsystem specific libraries, less the C Run-Time */ baselibs = kernel32.lib $(optlibs) advapi32.lib winlibs = $(baselibs) user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib /* for Windows applications that use the C Run-Time libraries */ conlibs = $(libc) $(baselibs) conlibsmt = $(libcmt) $(baselibs) conlibsdll = $(libcdll) $(baselibs) guilibs = $(libc) $(winlibs) guilibsmt = $(libcmt) $(winlibs) guilibsdll = $(libcdll) $(winlibs) /* ----- end Win3.mak file ------ */ /* =============================== */ /* brain-damaged windows headers will not compile with -Za */ #define StandardDefines $(cvars) CpuDefines /* #define DefaultCCOptions -nologo -batch -G4 -W2 */ #define DefaultCCOptions -nologo CCCPUOptimization /Zd $(vc_cflags) -W2 #define StandardIncludes -I$(subst ;, -I,$(Include)) -I.\ #define PathSeparator $(subst u,\,u) /* strange way to get one '\' */ #define Win32Path(path) $(subst /,\,path) #define OptimizedCDebugFlags /O1 #define NoOpCDebugFlags /Od #define DebuggableCDebugFlags $(cdebug) #define DefaultCDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags #define ThreadedX YES #define CpCmd copy #define LnCmd copy #define MvCmd ren #define RmCmd del /* if you do not have deltree, substitute rd /s and suffer the prompts */ #define RmTreeCmd rmdir /S #define CcCmd $(cc) #define HasCplusplus YES #define CplusplusCmd $(cc) #define PreProcessCmd CcCmd -nologo /C -EP #define CppCmd CcCmd -nologo /C -E #define FortranCppCmd PreProcessCmd #define PatheticCpp YES #define ArCmdBase lib #define ArCmd ArCmdBase #define CplusplusCmd $(cc) #define MkdirHierCmd mkdir #define InstallCmd copy #define InstPgmFlags /**/ #define InstBinFlags /**/ #define InstUidFlags /**/ #define InstLibFlags /**/ #define InstIncFlags /**/ #define InstManFlags /**/ #define InstDatFlags /**/ #define InstallFlags /**/ /* #define ExtraLibraries $(conlibs) $(conlibsdll) wsock32.lib */ #define ExtraLibraries wsock32.lib #ifndef NMAKE #define MakeCmd make #else #define MakeCmd nmake #endif #define LdCmd $(link) #define MathLibrary #define HasSymLinks NO #define HasPutenv YES #define Osuf obj #define SetWin32ObjSuffix(objfilename) $(patsubst %.o,%.Osuf,objfilename) #define BuildServer NO #define ConnectionFlags -DTCPCONN #define StdIncDir /msdev/include #define LdPreLib /**/ #define LdPostLib /**/ #ifndef UseInstalled #define ImakeCmd $(IMAKESRC:/=\)\imake #define DependCmd $(DEPENDSRC:/=\)\makedepend #endif #define FilesToClean *.bak *.obj *.lib make.log #define ShLibDir $(BINDIR) #define ThreadsCompileFlags -D_MT #define ThreadsCplusplusCompileFlags ThreadsCompileFlags /* #define ExtraLoadFlags -link */ #define HasFortran YES #define FortranDoesCpp NO #define XFileSearchPathBase Concat4($(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;C,;S:$(LIBDIR)/;L/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;l/;T/;N;S:$(LIBDIR)/;T/;N;S) #define BuildFonts NO #define BuildFresco NO #define XawI18nDefines -DHAS_WCHAR_H #ifdef _DF90_ /* f77 DEC driver default options : -fpconstants -optimize=4 -altparam -intconstant /assume:byterecl */ # define DefaultFCOptions CCCPUOptimization /Zd /nologo /4Nportlib # define OptimisedFortranFlags -Ox # define NoOpFortranDebugFlags -Od /* # define DefaultFCOptions CCCPUOptimization /nologo /4Nportlib /GNl /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /iface:cref # define OptimisedFortranFlags /Zd /Ox /fast /fpe:3 /optimize:0 /iface:nomixed_str_len_arg /fpe:0 /recursive */ # define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_WINNT -DCERNLIB_UNIX -DCERNLIB_MSSTDCALL -DCERNLIB_QFMSOFT /* -CERNLIB_QFDEC -DCERNLIB_QXNO_SC -DCERNLIB_NOQUAD 13.08.97 vf */ #elif _IRC_ # define DefaultFCOptions CCCPUOptimization /nologo /4Nportlib # define OptimisedFortranFlags -Ox # define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_WINNT -DCERNLIB_UNIX -DCERNLIB_QFMSOFT # define CERNLIB_QFMSOFT #else # define DefaultFCOptions CCCPUOptimization /Zd /nologo /4Nportlib /* # define OptimisedFortranFlags /Zd -Ox 13.08.97 vf */ # define OptimisedFortranFlags /Ox /* flags to turn on debugging info This must be /Zd !!! */ # define DebuggableFortranDebugFlags -Zi /* flags NOT to turn on optimisation or debug*/ # define NoOpFortranDebugFlags /Od /* CERNLIB options */ # define CernlibSystem -DCERNLIB_WINNT -DCERNLIB_UNIX -DCERNLIB_QFMSOFT -DCERNLIB_MSSTDCALL # define CERNLIB_QFMSOFT # define CERNLIB_MSSTDCALL #endif #define CERNLIB_F90 #define CERNLIB_WINNT #define CERNLIB_UNIX colon=: indirectfile=@ #ifdef UseXargs #undef UseXargs #endif #ifdef CERNLIB_SHIFT #undef CERNLIB_SHIFT #endif #define UseXargs NO #define X11Includes