Descriptions of the Current Directory

Spice: A General-Purpose Circuit Simulation Program



This directory contains "spice" related files.
        README.html          : this file
        SOURCES              : patches
        SPECS                : spec file
        spice-3f4-4b.ppc.rpm : binary RPM
        spice-3f4-4b.src.rpm : source RPM


Additional patches were created:

to change the installation prefix to "/opt/spice" from "/usr", avoid some undefined references, and work around "segmentation fault".

How to Build Spice from SRC

The RPM building procedure is described in its spec file:

You can rebuild the RPM using its corresponding SRPM as:

# rpm --rebuild <somewhere>/spice-3f4-4b.src.rpm

How to Install Spice

# rpm -Uvh <somewhere>/spice-3f4-4b.ppc.rpm

How to Use Spice

Since the whole package resides /opt/spice, you need to add "/opt/spice/bin" to your PATH:
$ export PATH=$PATH:/opt/spice/bin
Now you can try some sample circuit examples in "/opt/spice/lib/spice":
$ spice3 -r < /opt/spice/lib/spice/diffpair.cir
This creates "rawspice.raw" which can be viewed as:
$ nutmeg rawspice.raw
Program: nutmeg, version: 3f4
Date built: Sat Jan 24 23:04:40 JST 1998
Type "help" for more information, "quit" to leave.
Loading raw data file ("diffpair.raw") . . . done.
Title: difpair ckt - simple differential pair
Name: Transient Analysis
Date: Sat Jan 24 23:16:00 1998
nutmeg 1 -> display
Here are the vectors currently active:
Title: difpair ckt - simple differential pair
Name: tran1 (Transient Analysis)
Date: Sat Jan 24 23:16:00 1998
V(1) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(2) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(3) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(4) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(5) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(6) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(7) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(8) : voltage, real, 59 long
V(9) : voltage, real, 59 long
q1#base : voltage, real, 59 long
q2#base : voltage, real, 59 long
q3#base : voltage, real, 59 long
q4#base : voltage, real, 59 long
time : time, real, 59 long [default scale]
vcc#branch : current, real, 59 long
vee#branch : current, real, 59 long
vin#branch : current, real, 59 long
nutmeg 10 -> plot vcc#branch
nutmeg 11 -> plot V(1)
nutmeg 12 -> quit
nutmeg-3f4 done

Take a look at help files for more information by typing help in "nutmeg" or "spice3" or in your shell:

$ help

Back to Keisuke Fujii's MkLinux Page Jun. 2, 1998