[0] Update Record
- Jun.29,1997 xhfs-1.17b compiled with tcl7.6jp_tk4.2jp
- Sep.29,1997 xhfs-2.0 compiled with jp-tcltk-7.6_4.2-1B with "kanji internalCode SJIS".
[1] Installation Instructions
To use precompiled binaries, you have to first set up shared libraries
coming with DR2.1update4.
To do this look at this and follow the instruction given there.
Now if you do not have a japanized version of tcl7.6/tk4.2, you have to
install it first:
- $ su
- # rpm -i jp-tcltk-7.6_4.2-1B.ppc.rpm
Otherwise, skip this step.
Then do
- # rpm -i jp-xhfs-2.0-1A.ppc.rpm
[2] Known Problems
As discussed in (mklinux-jp5342,5353,5356)
xhfs complains when it encounters any non-asicii
single byte character and fails to display subsequent file names in its list
window. Don't panic even if you don't see some file you expect to
see. It's there. Anyway you had better not trust this too much, when you
handle files with japanese names or names with trademarks, ...