[0] Update Record
- Nov.27,1997 gs5.10+VFlib2.22 (ghostscript-5.10jp-1A)
- with official jp patch by Tanaka:
- Sep. 1,1997 gs5.03+VFlib2.22
- with official jp patch by Tanaka:
- Aug.11,1997 gs5.03+VFlib2.22
- Aug. 7,1997 gs5.02+VFlib2.22
[1] Installation Instructions
To use precompiled binaries, you have to first set up shared libraries
coming with DR2.1update4.
To do this look at this and follow the instruction given there.
Then do
- $ su
- # rpm -i libpng-0.96-1A.ppc.rpm
- # rpm -i ghostscript-5.10jp-1A.ppc.rpm
If you have any previous version with gs (typically gs4.03+vflib by Yasutome),
you are basically done.
If you don't, you need to install fonts:
- # rpm -i ghostscript-fonts-5.10jp-1A.ppc.rpm
and VFlib by Uchiyama:
- # tar -zxvf VFlib2.22pl9.bin.+zeit_font.tar.gz -C /