---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2022/04/04 K.Fujii v01-06 with iLCSoft-v02-02-03 now using clang and clang++ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: https://github.com/iLCSoft?page=1 1) Install ilcsoft Follow the instruction in HowToInstall.osx.{arm64,x64} from https://www-jlc.kek.jp/~fujiik/macosx/12.X/HEPonX/src/ilcsoft/v02-02-03/ and install ilcsoft. 2) Get the MarlinTPC source files from HEPonX $ sudo mkdir -p /Users/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src/12.X/v02-02-03 $ sudo chown -R /Users/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ cd /Users/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src/12.X/v02-02-03 # download the source files from HEPonX: https://www-jlc.kek.jp/~fujiik/macosx/12.X/HEPonX/src/marlintpc/v02-02-03 $ ls HowToInstall.osx LP_Asian_GEM_Module.tar.gz marlintpc-v01-06-lctpcj.tar.gz 4) Then install MarlinTPC: $ cd /Users/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ tar -zxvf src/12.X/v02-02-03/marlintpc-v01-06-lctpcj.tar.gz ....... $ cd v01-06 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ cmake -C /Users/proj/soft/ilcsoft/v02-02-03/ILCSoft.cmake .. $ make $ make install $ cd ../examples $ tar -zxvf ../../src/12.X/v02-02-03/LP_Asian_GEM_Module.tar.gz $ cd LP_Asian_GEM_Module 5) Test run I had to add all the relevant lib directories to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH in init_ilcsoft.sh, which is available in LP_Asian_GEM_Module directory in the MarlinTPC's exapmles directory. I also had to reboot the system with Cmd+R (or Opt+Cmd+R or whatever to get into the recovery mode), open a terminal window, and do the following to allow DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH: # csrutil disable Then reboot to enter the normal mode. $ cd /Users/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/v01-06/examples/LP_Asian_GEM_Module $ bash # init script does not work in zsh. $ source init_ilcsoft.sh $ sh manyrun.sh 2000 $ mkdir Data $ mv r19* Data $ mv r20* Data $ cd Analysis $ root -l GMResol.C --> OK!