How to install CEDViewer $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer $ tar -zxvf src/cedv-r2932.tar.gz $ cd r2932 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ CXX=g++-32 cmake -C /proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-13-01/ILCSoft.cmake -D MarlinTPC_DIR=/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/r2854 .. $ make $ make install In order to use CEDViewer, you need to start a CED server, glced, first. $ source /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer/src/ $ glced -world_size=100. Then open a new termnal window and type $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer/r2932/ $ tar -zxvf ../src/example_jgem.tar.gz $ cd example_jgem $ Marlin reconstructLCTPCRawData.xml Hit "h" in the viewer window for "help".