---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2011/07/14 K.Fujii ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Install the required packages: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install MySQL-devel imake gsl-devel clhep lcio geant4 root cernlib cmake 2) Get the "ilctools" and its MacOSX patch $ cd /proj/soft/ilcsoft/src $ ls ilctools-v01-11.tar.gz ilctools-v01-11-macosx10.6.patch 3) Build and install the ilcsoft $ cd /proj/soft/ilcsoft $ tar -zxvf src/ilctools-v01-11.tar.gz $ cd v01-11 $ patch -p1 -s -b < ../src/ilctools-v01-11-macosx10.6.patch $ ./ilcsoft-install -i releases/v01-11/release-osx.cfg ... 4) Get the "MarinTPC", "altro2lcio", and their MacOSX patches $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src $ ls altro2lcio-v999-macosx10.6.patch altro2lcio-v999.patch altro2lcio-v999.tar.gz r2556.tar.gz To get the head version do the following, instead: $ svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlintpc/trunk 5) Then build and install MarlinTPC If you have libjpeg-devel and libtiff-devel installed, uninstall them since they conflict with the system provided libraries: $ rpm -e libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel Then build MarlinTPC: $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ tar -zxvf src/r2556.tar.gz $ cd r2556 $ patch -p1 -s < ../src/r2556-macosx10.6.patch $ mkdir build $ cd build $ export CXX=g++-32 $ export CC=gcc-32 $ export FC=gfortran-32 $ cmake -C /proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-11/ILCSoft.cmake .. $ make install $ cd .. $ tar -zxvf ../src/LP_JGEM_Module.tar.gz -C examples 6) Optionally you can build altro2lcio $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ tar -zxvf src/altro2lcio-v999.tar.gz $ cd altro2lcio/v999 $ patch -p1 -s < ../../src/altro2lcio-v999.patch $ patch -p1 -s < ../../src/altro2lcio-v999-macosx10.6.patch $ source /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/r2556/build_env.sh $ make $ cd altro/lcio-plugin $ make $ cd ../lcio-converter $ make $ cd .. $ ls bin/altro2lcio.exe bin/altro2lcio.exe* 7) You can also try CEDViewer $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer $ tar -zxvf src/cedv-r2273.tar.gz $ cd r2273 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ CXX=g++-32 cmake -C /proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-11/ILCSoft.cmake -D MarlinTPC_DIR=/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/r2556 .. $ make $ make install In order to use CEDViewer, you need to start a CED server, glced, first. $ source /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer/src/init_ilcsoft.sh $ glced -world_size=100. Then open a new termnal window and type $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/CEDViewer/r2273/ $ tar -zxvf ../src/example_jgem.tar.gz $ cd example_jgem $ Marlin reconstructLCTPCRawData.xml Hit "h" in the viewer window for "help". 8) Or you may want to use BBQ $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/BBQ $ tar -zxvf src/bbq-115.tar.gz $ cd r115 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ CXX=g++-32 cmake -C /proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-11/ILCSoft.cmake -D ROOT_DIR=/proj/soft/ilcsoft/v01-11/root/root_v5.30.00-macosx10.6-i386 .. $ make $ make install To run BBQ do the following $ source /proj/cdc/soft/BBQ/src/init_bbq.sh $ bbq In order to get trunk version of ilcsoft, first get the trunk version of ilcinstall by typing $ svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/ilctools/ilcinstall/trunk