%ifarch ppc ppc64 %define __arch ppc %else %define __arch i386 %endif %define __version 01 %define __release 11 Summary: A persistency framework defining a data model for linear collider experiments Name: lcio Version: %{__version}.%{__release} Release: 10.5hepx1a Source0: localhost:/%{name}-v%{version}-macosx10.5-%{__arch}.tar.gz NoSource: 0 URL: http://lcio.desy.de/ Group: Development/Libraries License: Linear Collider Study Group %define __prefix /opt/lcio Prefix: %{__prefix} BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root %description LCIO is a persistency framework that defines a data model for linear collider detector studies. It is intended to be used in both simulation studies and analysis frameworks. Its light weight and portability makes it also suitable for use in detector R&D applications. It provides a C++ and a Java implementation with a common interface (API) - a Fortran interface to the C++ implementation also exists. Almost all groups involved in linear collider detector studies have their own simulation software framework. Using a common persistency scheme would allow to easily share results and compare pattern recognition algorithms. LCIO (Linear Collider I/O) is such a persistency framework. LCIO is used by one US group and will be the standard format for the european simulation applications, where others might join in the near future. The framework fulfills the requirements of the different groups today and is flexible enough to be adapted to future needs. %prep #%setup -c %{name}-%{version} rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix} %install tar -zpxvf $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/%{name}-v%{version}-macosx10.5-%{__arch}.tar.gz -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{__prefix} find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type d | sed -e "s;$RPM_BUILD_ROOT;%dir ;" \ | grep -ve '^%dir %{__prefix}$' \ | grep -ve '^%dir /[^/]*$' \ | grep -ve '^%dir $' > list.f find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f | sed -e "s;$RPM_BUILD_ROOT;;" >> list.f find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type l | sed -e "s;$RPM_BUILD_ROOT;;" >> list.f %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %changelog * Thu Jan 15 2009 Keisuke Fujii 01-11-10.5hepx1a - 1st build on MacOS X 10.5 for PPC Macs with clhep- * Tue Sep 23 2008 Keisuke Fujii 01-10-10.5hepx1b - 1st build on MacOS X 10.5 for PPC Macs with clhep- * Fri Jul 4 2008 Keisuke Fujii 01-10-10.5hepx1a - 1st build on MacOS X 10.5 for PPC Macs with clhep- * Thu Mar 27 2008 Keisuke Fujii 01-09-10.5hepx1b - 1st build on MacOS X 10.5 for PPC Macs with clhep- * Wed Mar 26 2008 Keisuke Fujii 01-09-10.5hepx1a - 1st build on MacOS X 10.5 for Intel Macs with clhep- #%files -f %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/list.f %files -f %{_builddir}/list.f %defattr(-,root,wheel)