%ifnos darwin %define __cp_a cp -a %define __o -o %define __rootgrp root %define __ldlibpath LD_LIBRARY_PATH %else %define __cp_a cp -RPp %define __o > %define __rootgrp wheel %define __ldlibpath DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH %endif %define enable_japanese 1 %define ptex_src_ver %define ptex_texmf_ver 2.3 %define pdvipsk_ver p1.7 %define mendexk_ver 2.6b %define desktop_file_utils_version 0.9 Summary: The TeX text formatting system. Name: tetex Version: 3.0 Release: 4b License: distributable Group: Applications/Publishing %ifnos darwin Requires: tmpwatch, dialog, ed %else Requires: nkf, ed %endif Prereq: /sbin/install-info /usr/bin/env ##### # Source0-99: main sources ##### Source0: ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/%{version}/distrib/tetex-src-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source1: ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/systems/unix/teTeX/%{version}/distrib/tetex-texmf-%{version}.tar.bz2 Source10: tetex.cron # Filter out bad requirements (bug #59819). Source99: tetex-filter-requires.sh %define __perl_requires %{SOURCE99} ##### # Source100-200: teTeX extension styles ##### Source100: envlab.tar.bz2 ##### # Source900-999: Japanization related ##### Source900: ftp://ftp.ascii.co.jp/pub/TeX/ascii-ptex/tetex/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver}.tar.bz2 Source901: ftp://ftp.ascii.co.jp/pub/TeX/ascii-ptex/tetex/ptex-texmf-%{ptex_texmf_ver}.tar.bz2 # platex209: real platex 2.09 Source902: ftp://ftp.ascii.co.jp/pub/TeX/ascii-ptex/platex/platex209.tar.bz2 Source910: ftp://ftp.ascii.co.jp/pub/TeX/ascii-ptex/dvips/dvipsk-jpatch-%{pdvipsk_ver}.tar.bz2 Source911: dvipsk-jfontimage.tar.bz2 Source913: vfontmap # mendexk: makeindex for Japanese Source950: ftp://ftp.ascii.co.jp/pub/TeX/ascii-ptex/mendex/mendexk%{mendexk_ver}.tar.bz2 ###### # Red Hat-specific teTeX configuration patches ###### Patch0: tetex-1.0-varconfig.patch Patch1: tetex-3.0-texmfcnf.patch Patch2: tetex-3.0-fmtutil.patch Patch3: tetex-texmf-dvipsgeneric.patch Patch4: tetex-3.0-texdoc-defaults.patch Patch5: tetex-3.0-browser.patch ###### # teTeX patches ###### Patch10: tetex-2.0.2-dvipdfm-security.patch Patch11: tetex-3.0-makej.patch Patch12: tetex-3.0-badscript.patch Patch13: tetex-3.0-marvosym-rightarrow.patch Patch14: tetex-3.0-dcb314.patch ###### # Japanization patches ###### Patch100: dvipsk-jpatch-pdvips.patch Patch101: tetex-3.0-reautoconf.patch # based on http://prdownloads.sourceforge.jp/xdvi/14145/xdvik-22.84.8-20050405-jp.diff.gz Patch102: xdvik-22.84.8-jp_for_tetex.diff Patch103: tetex-3.0-pxdvi.patch Patch104: tetex-3.0-jp-platex209.patch URL: http://www.tug.org/teTeX/ BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root Requires: tetex-fonts = %{version} Obsoletes: tetex-texmf-src %if %{enable_japanese} Obsoletes: pTex, pTex-MetaFont, pTeX-MetaPost %endif BuildPreReq: bison flex perl libpng-devel ncurses-devel zlib-devel BuildPreReq: xorg-x11-devel %ifnos darwin BuildPreReq: w3c-libwww-devel freetype-devel openmotif-devel textutils gd-devel BuildPreReq: desktop-file-utils >= %{desktop_file_utils_version} PreReq: desktop-file-utils >= %{desktop_file_utils_version} %else BuildPreReq: w3c-libwww-devel freetype-devel openmotif-devel gd-devel %endif BuildPreReq: autoconf213 BuildPreReq: ed %description TeTeX is an implementation of TeX for Linux or UNIX systems. TeX takes a text file and a set of formatting commands as input and creates a typesetter-independent .dvi (DeVice Independent) file as output. Usually, TeX is used in conjunction with a higher level formatting package like LaTeX or PlainTeX, since TeX by itself is not very user-friendly. Install tetex if you want to use the TeX text formatting system. If you are installing tetex, you will also need to install tetex-afm (a PostScript(TM) font converter for TeX), tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX), and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X). Unless you are an expert at using TeX, you should also install the tetex-doc package, which includes the documentation for TeX. %package latex Summary: The LaTeX front end for the TeX text formatting system. Group: Applications/Publishing Requires: tetex = %{version}, tetex-dvips = %{version} Requires: netpbm-progs BuildRequires: ghostscript netpbm-progs %if %{enable_japanese} Obsoletes: pLaTeX2e, pLaTeX2e-pLaTeX209, pLaTeX2e-tfms %endif %description latex LaTeX is a front end for the TeX text formatting system. Easier to use than TeX, LaTeX is essentially a set of TeX macros which provide convenient, predefined document formats for users. If you are installing tetex, so that you can use the TeX text formatting system, you will also need to install tetex-latex. In addition, you will need to install tetex-afm (for converting PostScript font description files), tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X). If you are not an expert at TeX, you should also install the tetex-doc package, which contains documentation for TeX. %package xdvi Summary: An X viewer for DVI files. Group: Applications/Publishing Requires: tetex-dvips = %{version} %ifnos darwin PreReq: desktop-file-utils >= %{desktop_file_utils_version} %endif %if %{enable_japanese} Obsoletes: xdvik Requires: fonts-japanese >= 0.20050222-2 %endif %description xdvi Xdvi allows you to preview the TeX text formatting system's output .dvi files on an X Window System. If you are installing tetex, so that you can use the TeX text formatting system, you will also need to install tetex-xdvi. In addition, you will need to install tetex-afm (a PostScript font converter for TeX), tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), and tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX). If you are not a TeX expert, you will probably also want to install the tetex-doc package, which contains documentation for the TeX text formatting system. %package dvips Summary: A DVI to PostScript converter for the TeX text formatting system. Group: Applications/Publishing Requires: tetex-fonts = %{version} Requires: psutils %description dvips Dvips converts .dvi files produced by the TeX text formatting system (or by another processor like GFtoDVI) to PostScript(TM) format. Normally the PostScript file is sent directly to your printer. If you are installing tetex, so that you can use the TeX text formatting system, you will also need to install tetex-dvips. In addition, you will need to install tetex-afm (for converting PostScript font description files), tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX), and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X). If you are installing TeX and you are not an expert at it, you should also install the tetex-doc package, which contains documentation for the TeX system. %package afm Summary: A converter for PostScript(TM) font metric files, for use with TeX. Group: Applications/Publishing %description afm Tetex-afm provides afm2tfm, a converter for PostScript font metric files. PostScript fonts are accompanied by .afm font metric files which describe the characteristics of each font. To use PostScript fonts with TeX, TeX needs .tfm files that contain similar information. Afm2tfm will convert .afm files to .tfm files. If you are installing tetex in order to use the TeX text formatting system, you will need to install tetex-afm. You will also need to install tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX), and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X). Unless you are an expert at using TeX, you should also install the tetex-doc package, which includes documentation for TeX. %package fonts Summary: The font files for the TeX text formatting system. Group: Applications/Publishing %if %{enable_japanese} Obsoletes: pTeX-jtfms, pTeX-tfms %endif %description fonts The tetex-fonts package contains fonts used by both the Xdvi previewer and the TeX text formatting system. You will need to install tetex-fonts if you wish to use either tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files in X) or the tetex package (the core of the TeX text formatting system). %package doc Summary: The documentation files for the TeX text formatting system. Group: Documentation %description doc The tetex-doc package contains documentation for the TeX text formatting system. If you want to use TeX and you are not an expert at it, you should install the tetex-doc package. You also need to install the tetex package, tetex-afm (a PostScript font converter for TeX), tetex-dvips (for converting .dvi files to PostScript format for printing on PostScript printers), tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX), and tetex-xdvi (for previewing .dvi files). %prep %setup -q -n tetex-src-%{version} mkdir texmf bzip2 -cd %{SOURCE1} | tar xf - -C texmf # Needed for installing other files in texmf (bug #89478). rm -f texmf/ls-R ###### # Red Hat-specific teTeX configuration patches ###### %patch0 -p1 -b .varconfig %patch1 -p1 -b .texmfcnf %patch2 -p1 -b .fmtutil %patch3 -p1 # Update texdoc default helper applications (bug #55874) %patch4 -p1 -b .texdoc-defaults # Use htmlview first %patch5 -p1 -b .browser ###### # teTeX patches ###### # Don't use tmpnam() in dvipdfm. %patch10 -p1 -b .dvipdfm-security # Fix parallel builds. %patch11 -p1 -b .makej # Don't use PID for temporary file names in scripts (bug #41269) %patch12 -p1 -b .badscript # Fix marvosym.sty (bug #58025) %patch13 -p1 -b .rightarrow # Fix usage of uninitialized variable (bug #149212) %patch14 -p1 -b .dcb314 %if %{enable_japanese} mkdir texmf/ptex-texmf tar xfj %{SOURCE901} -C texmf/ptex-texmf for i in doc fonts jbibtex ptex ; do %{__cp_a} texmf/ptex-texmf/${i} texmf/ done mkdir -p texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-texmf for i in COPYRIGHT COPYRIGHT.jis Changes.txt README.txt ; do %{__cp_a} texmf/ptex-texmf/${i} texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-texmf/ done rm -rf texmf/ptex-texmf tar xfj %{SOURCE900} -C texk/web2c/ mkdir texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-src %{__cp_a} texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver}/COPYRIGHT texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-src/ # Convert Japanese documents to UTF-8 %ifnos darwin iconv -f iso-2022-jp -t utf-8 \ %else nkf -w \ %endif texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver}/COPYRIGHT.jis \ %{__o} texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-src/COPYRIGHT-ja for i in README.txt Changes.txt ; do %ifnos darwin iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 \ %else nkf -w \ %endif texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver}/${i} \ %{__o} texmf/doc/ptex/ptex-src/${i} done # Prepare platex209 tar xfj %{SOURCE902} -C texmf/ptex cat > texmf/ptex/platex209/plplain.ini << EOF \input plplain.tex \dump EOF pushd texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver} %patch104 -p1 popd # set up Japanese dvips (separately, bug #46785) mkdir pdvipsk tar xfj %{SOURCE910} -C pdvipsk mkdir texmf/doc/pdvipsk for i in ChangeLog.jpatch README.jpatch ; do %{__cp_a} pdvipsk/${i} texmf/doc/pdvipsk/ done %ifnos darwin cp -lR texk/dvipsk texk/pdvipsk %else # cp -lR does not work on darwin:-( mkdir -p texk/pdvipsk (cd texk/pdvipsk for i in `(cd ../dvipsk; find . -type d)`; do mkdir -p $i; done for i in `(cd ../dvipsk; find . -type f)`; do ln ../dvipsk/$i $i; done ) %endif patch -d texk/pdvipsk -p1 < pdvipsk/dvipsk-%{pdvipsk_ver}.patch %{__cp_a} texmf/dvips texmf/pdvips patch -d texmf/pdvips/pstricks -p0 < pdvipsk/PSTricks.patch %patch100 -p1 -b .pdvips mkdir texmf/fonts/map/pdvips ln -s dvips.1 texk/pdvipsk/pdvips.1 # set up Japanese xdvi %{__cp_a} texk/xdvik texk/pxdvik # Recreated configure script with autoconf 2.13 for libwww detection %patch101 -p1 pushd texk/pxdvik %patch102 -p3 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-src-%{version}/texmf/doc/pxdvi/READMEs # Convert documents to UTF-8 for i in CHANGES.xdvik-jp README.xdvik-jp READMEs/* ; do %ifnos darwin iconv -f euc-jp -t utf-8 \ %else nkf -w \ %endif ${i} %{__o} $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-src-%{version}/texmf/doc/pxdvi/${i} done popd %patch103 -p1 -b .pxdvi install -m 644 %{SOURCE913} texk/pxdvik/vfontmap.sample # set up mendexk tar xfj %{SOURCE950} -C texk %endif # Substitute non-ASCII characters in man pages pushd texk/tetex for i in fmtutil.man texlinks.man thumbpdf.man; do mv -f ${i} ${i}.orig sed -e 's/\xa9/(C)/' ${i}.orig > ${i} rm -f ${i}.orig done popd %build set -x unset TEXINPUTS || : unset HOME || : sh ./reautoconf # like libtoolize, but different for file in config.sub config.guess ; do for place in `find . -type f -name $file` ; do cp -f /usr/share/libtool/$file $place done done export CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" %configure \ %ifos darwin --enable-shared \ %endif --with-system-ncurses \ --with-system-zlib \ --with-system-pnglib \ --with-system-gd \ --with-system-wwwlib --with-libwww-include=%{_includedir}/w3c-libwww \ --disable-multiplatform \ --without-dialog --without-texinfo --without-texi2html \ --with-mf-x-toolkit=yes \ --with-xdvi-x-toolkit=motif \ --datadir=%{_datadir} --enable-freetype %if %{enable_japanese} # configure pxdvi with more options pushd texk/pxdvik sh `grep "# ./con" config.status |sed -e s/^#\ //` --program-prefix=p --with-default-dvips-path=pdvips popd %endif # Avoid pollution from internal libraries. rm -rf ./libs/{ncurses,zlib,libpng,libwww} # XXX Hacks to avoid accidental version clashs with system libraries. mkdir -p ./libs/zlib ln -s /usr/include/{zconf,zlib}.h ./libs/zlib mkdir -p ./libs/libpng ln -s %{_includedir}/{png,pngconf}.h ./libs/libpng make %{?_smp_mflags} %if %{enable_japanese} pushd texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver} %ifnos darwin ./configure EUC %else ./configure SJIS %endif # needs HOME to build tetex w/o texmf installed HOME=`(cd ../../..; pwd)` make #make texmf=../../../texmf popd # mendexk build pushd texk/mendexk%{mendexk_ver} %ifnos darwin ./configure EUC %else ./configure SJIS %endif make popd %endif %install unset TEXINPUTS || : unset HOME || : rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} rm -f filelist.* # Make sure the shared libs be seen. export %{__ldlibpath}=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir} # Make sure the tex commands be seen. export PATH=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}:${PATH} mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_var}/lib/texmf tar cf - texmf | tar xf - -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir} mkdir ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf-var \ ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf-config export TEXMFSYSVAR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf-var export TEXMFSYSCONFIG=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf-config %makeinstall \ texmf=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf \ texmfmain=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf \ vartexfonts=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_var}/lib/texmf %if %{enable_japanese} pushd texk/web2c/ptex-src-%{ptex_src_ver} %makeinstall prefix=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_prefix} \ texmf=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf \ texmfmain=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf \ vartexfonts=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_var}/lib/texmf popd mkdir tmp tar xfj %{SOURCE911} -C tmp pushd tmp/usr/share tar cf - texmf | tar xf - -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir} popd # mendexk install pushd texk/mendexk%{mendexk_ver} install -m 755 mendex ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir} mv mendex.1 mendex.1.eucjp %ifnos darwin iconv -f EUC-JP -t UTF-8 mendex.1.eucjp %{__o} mendex.1 %else nkf -w mendex.1.eucjp %{__o} mendex.1 %endif mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/ja/man1 install -m 644 mendex.1 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/ja/man1 mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/doc/mendexk install -m 644 COPYRIGHT* ChangeLog README ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/doc/mendexk popd %endif # install envlab package mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/misc tar xfj %{SOURCE100} -C ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/misc pushd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/misc/envlab (export TEXMF=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/share export TEXMFMAIN=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/share %if %{enable_japanese} platex envlab.ins %else latex envlab.ins %endif ) rm -f envlab.log mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/doc/envlab mv elguide.tex readme.v12 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/doc/envlab popd # Create symlinks for Euler fonts (#9782) pushd ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/amsfonts for i in ex f r s ; do ln -sf ueu${i}.fd Ueu${i}.fd done popd # Don't ship CVS internal files (bug #60055). rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf/ptex/platex/base/.cvsignore # Try to fix up pdftex.map a little (bug #60164). # .. properly (bug #1126311). perl -pi -e 's/^rtxphvbo.*$/rtxphvbo Helvetica-BoldOblique <8r.enc/; s/^rtxphvro.*$/rtxphvro Helvetica-Oblique <8r.enc/; s/^rtxptmro.*$/rtxptmro NimbusRomNo9L-Regu "0.167 SlantFont" texmf.cnf.darwin mv texmf.cnf.darwin texmf.cnf ) # Fix vfontmap in case %{_datadir} is not /usr/share (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/texmf/pxdvi sed -e 's;/usr/share;%{_datadir};' vfontmap > vfontmap.darwin mv vfontmap.darwin vfontmap ) ### Files list find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -type f -or -type l | \ sed -e "s,${RPM_BUILD_ROOT},,g" | \ grep -v "^%{_sysconfdir}" | grep -v ".orig$" | \ sed -e "s,.*\.\(cnf\|cfg\)$,%config(noreplace) &," \ -e "s,.*ls-R$,%ghost &," \ -e "s,^%{_usr}/share/texmf/p\?dvips/config/config\.\(generic\|pdf\|ps\|www\)$,%config(noreplace) &," \ -e "s,^%{_usr}/share/texmf/xdvi/XDvi,%config(noreplace) &," \ -e "s,^%{_usr}/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/.*,%config(noreplace) &," \ -e "s,^.*/updmap$,%config(noreplace) &," \ > filelist.full find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/texmf -type d | \ sed "s|^${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}|\%attr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) \%dir |" >> filelist.full echo "%dir %{_includedir}/kpathsea" >> filelist.full # subpackages grep -v "/doc/" filelist.full | grep latex | grep -v "/fonts/" > filelist.latex grep 'bin/pstoimg$' filelist.full >> filelist.latex || : grep 'bin/texexpand$' filelist.full >> filelist.latex || : # Xdvi goes into a separate package, except for its app-default file # which texconfig apparently needs. grep -v "/doc/" filelist.full | grep xdvi | grep -v /XDvi | \ grep -v "%{_usr}/share/texmf/tex" > filelist.xdvi grep -v "/doc/" filelist.full | grep dvips | \ grep -v 'xdvipaper\.dvips' | \ grep -v "%{_usr}/share/texmf/tex" > filelist.dvips echo "%{_bindir}/dvi2fax" >> filelist.dvips echo "%{_bindir}/dvired" >> filelist.dvips echo "%{_mandir}/man1/dvi2fax.1.gz" >> filelist.dvips echo "%{_mandir}/man1/dvired.1.gz" >> filelist.dvips grep -v "/doc/" filelist.full | grep -v afm | \ grep "%{_usr}/share/texmf/fonts" > filelist.fonts.tmp %if !%{enable_japanese} # Filter out doubles with uniq later grep "%{_usr}/share/texmf/fonts/tfm/jp" filelist.full >> filelist.fonts.tmp grep "%{_usr}/share/texmf/fonts/vf/ptex" filelist.full >> filelist.fonts.tmp %endif echo "%{_bindir}/fmtutil" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/gftodvi" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/gftopk" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/gftype" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/gsftopk" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpseaccess" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpsepath" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpsestat" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpsetool" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpsewhich" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/kpsexpand" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mf" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mf-nowin" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mft" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mktexfmt" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mktexlsr" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mktexmf" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mktexpk" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/mktextfm" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/ps2pk" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_bindir}/texhash" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/info/kpathsea.info.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/info/web2c.info.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktex.cnf" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/cyrplain/config/cyrtex.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/babel/frenchb.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/babel/hyphen.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/config/fontmath.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/config/fonttext.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/generic/config/preload.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/lambda/base/omarab.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/lambda/base/omlgc.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/xdvi/XDvi" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%config(noreplace) %{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/updmap.cfg" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mf.pool" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktex.opt" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktexdir" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktexdir.opt" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktexnam" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktexnam.opt" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_datadir}/texmf/web2c/mktexupd" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/fmtutil.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/gftodvi.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/gftopk.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/gftype.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/gsftopk.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpseaccess.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpsepath.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpsestat.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpsetool.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpsewhich.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/kpsexpand.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/mft.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/mktexlsr.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/mktexmf.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/mktexpk.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/mktextfm.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/ps2pk.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man1/texhash.1.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_mandir}/man5/fmtutil.cnf.5.gz" >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%ghost %{_usr}/share/texmf/ls-R" >> filelist.fonts.tmp # (lib)kpathsea not really necessary, but -fonts is now central package grep %{_datadir}/texmf/fonts/map/fontname filelist.full >> filelist.fonts.tmp echo "%{_libdir}/libkpathsea.a" >> filelist.fonts.tmp grep %{_includedir}/kpathsea filelist.full >> filelist.fonts.tmp cat filelist.fonts.tmp | sort | uniq -u > filelist.fonts grep -v "/doc/" filelist.full | grep afm > filelist.afm grep "/doc/" filelist.full > filelist.doc echo "%attr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %dir %{_datadir}/texmf/doc" >> filelist.doc # now files listed only once are in the tex package cat filelist.full filelist.latex filelist.xdvi filelist.dvips \ filelist.afm filelist.fonts filelist.doc | \ sort | uniq -u > filelist.tex # desktop entry things cat > xdvi.desktop < \ ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_var}/lib/texmf/ls-R %clean rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} rm -f filelist.* # make sure ls-R used by teTeX is updated after an install %post [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %post latex /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/latex.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir [ -x %{_bindir}/texconfig ] && %{_bindir}/texconfig-sys init >/dev/null 2>&1 [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon -R %{_usr}/share/texmf/ 2> /dev/null exit 0 %post xdvi [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null %ifnos darwin /usr/bin/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications %endif exit 0 %post dvips /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/dvips.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon -R %{_usr}/share/texmf/ 2> /dev/null exit 0 %post fonts /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/kpathsea.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/web2c.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null [ -x /sbin/restorecon ] && /sbin/restorecon -R %{_usr}/share/texmf/ 2> /dev/null exit 0 %post afm [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %postun [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %postun latex [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %postun xdvi [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null %ifnos darwin if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then /usr/bin/update-desktop-database %{_datadir}/applications fi %endif exit 0 %postun dvips [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %postun fonts [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %postun afm [ -x %{_bindir}/texhash ] && /usr/bin/env - %{_bindir}/texhash 2> /dev/null exit 0 %preun fonts if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/web2c.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/kpathsea.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir fi %preun dvips if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/dvips.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir fi %preun latex if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/latex.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir fi %files -f filelist.tex %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %files -f filelist.latex latex %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %files -f filelist.xdvi xdvi %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %ifnos darwin %{_datadir}/applications/* %endif %files -f filelist.dvips dvips %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %files -f filelist.fonts fonts %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %attr(1777,root,%{__rootgrp}) %dir %{_var}/lib/texmf %attr(644,root,%{__rootgrp}) %verify(not size md5 mtime) %{_var}/lib/texmf/ls-R %ifnos darwin %config %{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/tetex.cron %else %exclude %{_sysconfdir}/cron.daily/tetex.cron %endif %files -f filelist.afm afm %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %files -f filelist.doc doc %defattr(-,root,%{__rootgrp}) %changelog * Tue May 24 2005 Keisuke Fujii - 3.0-4b - 2nd build with openmotif on MacOS X 10.4. * Sat May 20 2005 Keisuke Fujii - 3.0-4a - 1st build on MacOS X 10.4. * Wed May 4 2005 Jindrich Novy 3.0-4 - add envlab package (#149212) - fix usage of uninitialized variable in ttf2afm.c (#149212) * Mon Apr 25 2005 Jindrich Novy - add Requires: fonts-japanese >= 0.20050222-2 to xdvi subpackage when Japanese is enabled - switch from /usr/share/fonts/ja to /usr/share/fonts/japanese (#155880) * Mon Apr 25 2005 MATSUURA Takanori - use htt as input method for pxdvi - update pxdvi to 22.84.9 j1.22 - fix pxdvi installation - update to ptex-src-, dvips-jpatch-p1.7, mensexk-2.6a - delete japanese.map, now included in dvipsk-jpatch-p1.7 * Mon Feb 28 2005 Jindrich Novy 3.0-3 - repack sources from gz -> bz2 (reduces srpm size of about 10M) - add $RPM_OPT_FLAGS to CFLAGS - replace obsolete --with-x-toolkit with --with-mf-x-toolkit and --with-xdvi-x-toolkit * Fri Feb 18 2005 Jindrich Novy 3.0-2 - update dvipsk-5.95a-p1.6a.tar.gz and dvipsk-jpatch-p1.6a1-pdvips.patch because of portability problems (#148947) * Thu Feb 10 2005 Jindrich Novy 3.0-1 - drop CAN-2004-1125 patch, applied upstream - drop CAN-2004-0064 patch, CAN-2004-0888 fixed sufficiently upstream - drop xaw3d (use Motif intead), nostrip, old (>65 limitation in latex.ltx), xdvik-xdvi-resources - keep marvosym-rightarrow patch (not fixed yet) - update Source0, Source1, drop Source13 (varioref fixed) - sync with spec for 3.0 suggested by MATSUURA Takanori (#147668) - don't ship log files in %{_datadir}/texmf-var/web2c/*.log * Wed Feb 2 2005 MATSUURA Takanori - - update to 2.99.11-20050131b - update Japanese support (Japanese -> UTF-8 conversion, cleanup of patches, spec update) - add support for firefox, mozilla, htmlview (first), w3m browsers for xdvik (browser patch) - suggest to drop CAN*, xaw3d, nostrip (fixed), old, xdvik-xdvi-resources, marvosym-rightarrow - suggest separation of latex2html and texi2html (new packages) from tetex package - delete support for latex2html, texi2html from spec - fix %post phase in latex subpackage * Fri Dec 3 2004 Jindrich Novy 2.0.2-26 - Convert archives to bz2 to save some space - Update to ptex-src-3.1.4, ptex-texmf-2.2, mendexk to 2.5a, pdvipsk to 5.94a-1.6a (bug #138444) * Tue Dec 3 2004 MATSUURA Takanori - Announced updates of pTeX to 3.1.4 (ptex-src-3.1.4, ptex-texmf-2.2), mendexk to 2.5a, pdvipsk to 5.94a-1.6a - Fix spec: + Install documents in ptex-texmf, ptex-src, pdvips, and pxdvi properly + Delete ptex-3.1.2-prerq patch and fix preparation of ptex stuff + latex2html is now non-JA-patched version. JA-patched latex2html is renamed to jlatex2html. recommended by the author of JA patch. * Wed Dec 1 2004 Dan Walsh 2.0.2-25 - Fix security context after install * Mon Nov 22 2004 Jindrich Novy 2.0.2-24 - Fix man pages (bug #139341) * Mon Nov 1 2004 Jindrich Novy 2.0.2-23 - Fix xdviprint temp file creation from PID and replace it by mktemp (bug #137748) - Uncomment lines in xdviprint to fix bug #131915 - Fix badscript patch * Mon Oct 25 2004 Jindrich Novy 2.0.2-22 - Add xpdf overflow security patch (CESA-2004-007) - Convert Japanese files Changes.txt, README.txt to unified encoding iso-2022-jp and rename them to *.jis to let it be apparent (bug #136276) * Thu Sep 30 2004 Christopher Aillon 2.0.2-21 - Prereq desktop-file-utils >= 0.9 * Tue Sep 14 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-20 - Update desktop database for XDvi (bug #131627). - Fix xdvi.desktop file (bug #131627). * Fri Sep 10 2004 Tim Waugh - Fix /usr/bin/xdviprint (bug #131915). * Tue Aug 3 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-19 - Enable latex2html on all architectures. * Thu Jul 29 2004 Tim Waugh - Install mendex man page in correct encoding and location (bug #128783). * Thu Jul 7 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-18 - Fixed ambiguous sed expressions (bug #127377). * Thu Jul 1 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-17 - Rebuilt. * Thu Jul 1 2004 Leonard den Ottolander - Minor other file moves * Thu Jul 1 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-16 - Rebuilt. * Wed Jun 30 2004 Ed Hill - english (not japanese) default lang for latex2html * Mon Jun 28 2004 Leonard den Ottolander - Move some font utilities, font sources and other relevant files to tetex-fonts. - Clean up inter-dependencies (bug #11721). * Fri Jun 25 2004 Tim Waugh - Fix pdftex.map (bug #126311). * Thu Jun 24 2004 Tim Waugh - tetex-xdvi requires tetex until it can be fixed properly (bug #11721). * Wed Jun 23 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-15 - Rebuilt. * Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee 2.0.2-14 - rebuilt * Fri Mar 26 2004 Tim Waugh - Update varioref (bug #118821). * Thu Mar 25 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-13 - Fix parallel builds. - Remove install path from cfgcache.pm (bug #119104). * Fri Mar 19 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-12.2 - Rebuilt. * Fri Mar 5 2004 Tim Waugh - XDvi desktop file fix (bug #117549). * Tue Mar 02 2004 Elliot Lee 2.0.2-12.1 - rebuilt * Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee - rebuilt * Fri Jan 30 2004 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-11 - Updated LaTeX2HTML Japanese patch (bug #114630). - Updated pTeX to 3.1.3 (bug #114630). * Wed Dec 3 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-10 - Fix bad C code (bug #111278). * Fri Nov 21 2003 Tim Waugh - Build requires ed (bug #110571). * Fri Nov 7 2003 Tim Waugh - Better resources for XDvi (bug #102311). - Add missing listings.sty (bug #108425). * Wed Sep 10 2003 Dan Walsh 2.0.2-9 - Bump number to get it to build on 4.0E * Fri Aug 8 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-8 - Fix pdvips (bug #101951). Patch from MATSUURA Takanori. - Fix pxdvi (bug #101954). Patch from MATSUURA Takanori. - Build requires autoconf213 (bug #101338). * Wed Jul 30 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-7 - Mark *.cfg as config files (bug #84780). - Put '.' back into TEXCONFIG (bug #98185). * Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee 2.0.2-6 - rebuilt * Wed May 21 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-5 - Fixes from bug #89478. - The latex subpackage requires dvips (bug #90827). * Thu May 1 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-4 - Allow build directory to contain '_'. - Ship l2hconf.pm (bug #87900). - Updated pxdvi patch (bug #89478). No longer need crash, 58256 patches. - Use Xaw3d (bug #86561). * Thu Apr 24 2003 Tim Waugh - Fix dvipdfm tmpfile patch (bug #88842). * Thu Mar 13 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-3 - Use _smp_mflags, except for pTeX. - Add japanese.map back in, and integrate it into pdvips/config/*.map. - Make updmap use 'mktemp -d'. - Fix pdvips config file search path in texmf.cnf. * Wed Mar 12 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-2 - Updated latex2html. - Renumber sources and patches. - Make dvipdft use 'mktemp -d', and don't use tmpnam() in dvipdfm. - Apply badscriptj patch again. - Don't need extra texconfig init now. - Clean up %%prep section. - No longer need protos patch. - Make marvosym-rightarrow.patch apply with -p1. - Updated ptex. - Adapted dvipsk-jdvips, pxdvi, prerq patches. - Dropped japanese-psfonts patch; no longer seems to apply. - No longer need xdvik-dot, ptex-target patches. - No need to update ConTeXt, epsf.tex, pdftex.def, epstopdf, fancybox.sty. - Remove dvi-to-ps.fpi, testpage.dvi. - Don't strip binaries in 'make install'. - Ported badscript patch, adding xdvizilla fix. * Sun Mar 9 2003 Tim Waugh 2.0.2-1 - 2.0.2. - No longer need dvips security, R0 patches. - Disable Japanese support for now. - Don't patch language.dat (need a better way of doing that anyway). - Don't update pdftex. - No longer need teTeX-texmf-pdftex.diff, arch, tektronix, acrobat-subr, xaw3d, thumbpdf, images, man-typo, thumbpdf, bison patches. - Don't apply badscript patch for now (needs adapting). - Port texdoc-defaults, fmtutil patches. - No longer need to update texinfo.tex or marvosym.sty. - Avoid using subshells in %%build. - Don't run updmap (no longer needed?). * Tue Feb 18 2003 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-66 - Really don't ship readlink(1) (bug #84200). * Tue Feb 18 2003 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-65 - Don't ship printconf test page for DVI. - Don't ship readlink(1), now that it's in the coreutils package (bug #84200). * Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers 1.0.7-64 - rebuilt * Sat Jan 4 2003 Jeff Johnson 1.0.7-63 - use internal dep generator. * Fri Dec 13 2002 Tim Powers 1.0.7-62 - don't use internal dep generator (for now) * Mon Nov 25 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-61 - Use Guiseppe Ghibò's texmf-gg archive version 1.0.3k/1.0.2k. - No longer need cx, Z patches. - Remove backup file. * Mon Nov 25 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-60 - Fix bison patch. * Thu Nov 7 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-59 - Revert 'dvips assumes -R' for now (dvips-secure, dvips-output). - Fix bison error. - Own more directories (bug #73978). * Thu Oct 24 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-58 - Tweak file list counts. - Don't install files not packaged. - Own another directory (bug #73978). - Fix 'dvips -R0' (bug #71650). - Send dvips output to default location (bug #71650). * Mon Sep 23 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-57.1 - Prevent insecure use of system() in dvips. * Thu Aug 29 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-57 - Remove the print filter for DVI; it can't work for included images anyway. * Sat Aug 10 2002 Elliot Lee 1.0.7-56 - rebuilt with gcc-3.2 (we hope) * Tue Jul 23 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-55 - Desktop file fixes (bug #69509). * Mon Jul 15 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-54 - Use desktop-file-install. * Wed Jul 10 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-53 - Reintroduce LaTeX life-extension. - Adjusted file list counts. * Mon Jul 8 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-52 - Remove --insecure option from dvips since -R0 already does it. - Fix another pxdvi crash (bug #63996). * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers 1.0.7-51 - automated rebuild * Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-50 - Don't ship unneeded log files (bug #65689). - Fix pxdvi crash (bug #63996). - Adjust file lists. * Tue May 28 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-49 - Make dvips assume -R by default. - Don't make dvilj package any more. Use dvips and ghostscript instead (bug #65391). - Don't require gimp-print to build (any more). - File list tweaking. * Mon May 27 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-48 - Change tetex-doc group to Documentation (bug #63049). - Fix some man pages (bug #63537, bug #63538). - Increase memory limit for xmltex (bug #64752). - pdftex: thumbpdf patch. - Updated pdftex.def (bug #63712). - Updated epstopdf (bug #65021). - Updated fancybox.sty (bug #65394). - Add ghostscript, gimp-print to tetex-latex build requires list (shouldn't need to list gimp-print explicitly really). - Add netpbm-progs to tetex-latex build requires and requires lists. * Fri Apr 12 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-47 - Apply changes from Tom Moertel (bug #63257): - Added patch that works around font (printing) bug in Acrobat Reader 5. * Tue Apr 9 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-46 - Fix bug #62285. - Don't strip binaries explicitly (bug #62568). - Only ship xdvipaper.dvips in one package (bug #62754). - Adjust file list counts. * Thu Mar 21 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-45 - Updated texinfo.tex (bug #60968). - Updated latex2html. - JA patch for latex2html (bug #61136). * Tue Feb 26 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-44 - Hopefully fix bug #60164 completely. * Mon Feb 25 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-43 - Run 'texconfig init' in an appropriate %%post script (bug #59950). - Don't ship CVS internal files (bug #60055). - Try to fix up pdftex.map a little (bug #60164). * Tue Feb 19 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-42 - Updated ConTeXt to more useful/stable version 2002-01-28 (bug #59390). - Unset HOME before building (bug #59932). - Use generalized latex2html build-or-not macros (bug #59940). - Adjust file list counts for sanity check. * Thu Feb 14 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-41 - Filter out bad requires (bug #59819). - Put pstoimg and texexpand in tetex-latex where they belong. - Adjust file list counts for sanity check accordingly. * Tue Feb 12 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-40 - Mark XDvi noreplace (bug #59636). - Set xdvi wwwBrowser resource to mozilla instead of netscape (bug #59636). - Mark files in /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/config/ %%config(noreplace) (bug #59615). - New pdfetex now also generated from pdftex 0.14h source (bug #59390). - Adjust file list counts for sanity check. * Wed Jan 16 2002 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-39 - Updated marvosym.sty (bug #58025). - Updated latex2html (bug #58199). - Ship xdviprint and xdvipaper.dvips (bug #58256). - Fix latex2html not to use DB_File. * Tue Dec 11 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-38.2 - Build in Red Hat Linux 7.2 environment. - Put TEXMFLOCAL in the search path. * Thu Dec 6 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-38 - Rebuild with new gcc. - Don't specify system include directories explicitly. * Mon Nov 12 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-37 - Update texdoc default helper applications (bug #55874). - Make pxdvi generate fonts when they're missing (bug #55883). - Mention 'texconfig' in main package %%description. - Mark dvips config.* noreplace. - Mark pdvips config files %%config(noreplace). - Sanity check the file lists. - Set TEXMFLOCAL. - Fix comment in tetex.cron (bug #56115). - Adjust unused font removal time to 180 days (bug #56115). - Add comment in texmf.cnf about how to use HOMETEXMF (bug #57063). * Mon Nov 5 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-36 - Rebuild in sane build environment (bug #54961). - Enable HOMETEXMF (bug #55286). - More texmf.cnf modifications for xmltex. * Fri Oct 12 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-35 - Set up TEXINPUTS for pdfxmltex. - Own more directories (bug #51381, bug #54527). * Tue Oct 9 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-34 - Adjust resource limits for pdfxmltex. * Sun Oct 7 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-33 - Move XDvi app-defaults file to main package (bug #45865). - Rebuild to fix bug #54336. * Tue Sep 25 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-32 - Fix up configure scripts for libwww detection in pxdvik. * Mon Sep 17 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-31 - Choose a package for files owned by multiple packages (bug #51584). - Updated pTeX to 2.1.11, using patch from MATSUURA Takanori (bug #51817). - Updated pdftex to 0.14h (bug #48261, bug #46067, bug #52902). - Run texconfig init again at the end of installation, to take account of things installed by hand (like pdftex). - Don't run reautoconf; it shouldn't be needed anyway. - Fix build problems arising when Japanese is disabled. * Fri Sep 7 2001 Tim Powers 1.0.7-30 - rebuild to see if that tempfile in /usr/bin doesn't go away (possible build anomoly that can't be reproduced) * Mon Sep 3 2001 Jens Petersen 1.0.7-29 - fix dvipsk-j Makemake.in so that prologues install in right place (#52490) * Tue Aug 21 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-28 - Don't ship backup file texmf.cnf.pdvips (bug #52174). - Actually ship the patched texmf.cnf file (bug #48842). - Japanese xdvik patch version 1.04. - Build Japanese-patched xdvik as 'pxdvik' bug (bug #52089). * Tue Aug 7 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-27 - updmap is a config file (bug #50854). - Use a different config.ps for pdvips (bug #48842). - Run updmap in dvips/config and pdvips/config (bug #37513). - Put pdvips-specific settings in texmf.cnf (various, incl. bug #48842). * Fri Aug 3 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-26 - Don't put texi2html.html in /usr/html (bug #50643). - Newer Japanese dvipsk patch (bug #46785). - Build Japanese-patched dvipsk as 'pdvips' like SuSE (bug #46785). - Don't apply patch 46, and hopefully fix bug #48842. * Tue Jul 24 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-25 - Build requires Xaw3d-devel (bug #49718). * Fri Jul 6 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-24 - Change Copyright: to License:. * Fri Jun 15 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-23 - Spec file clean-ups (texmf-gg includes LaTeX 01/06/2000). * Wed Jun 13 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-22 - XDvi resources: mfmode back to cx (bug #44182). - Patch from Oliver Paukstadt : - ported to IBM zSeries (s390x, 64 bit) * Mon Jun 11 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-21 - Use Guiseppe Ghibò's texmf-gg archive. * Fri Jun 8 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-20 - LaTeX 01/06/2000. * Fri May 25 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-19 - Revert 'Run updmap to get psfonts.map updates', it breaks dvips completely (bug #42255). * Fri May 18 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-18 - Don't use PID in temporary file names for scripts (bug #41269). * Tue May 8 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-17 - More backup files not to ship (bug #35801). - Remove the ^Z from picins.sty (bug #36497). - Run updmap to get psfonts.map updated (bugs #17333, #37513). * Mon Apr 9 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-16 - Updated texinfo translation files (bug #8682). - Make tetex-dvips require psutils (bug #13216). - Don't ship backup file from cx patch. - Make japanese.map work (bug #32134). - Make xdvi prettier (bug #17415). - Fix PDF images (bug #32703). * Tue Mar 27 2001 Crutcher Dunnavant 1.0.7-15 - add PAGEsize to mf40-tetex_filters * Mon Mar 19 2001 Tim Waugh 1.0.7-14 - Update dvipsk-jpatch to p1.5d (fixes bug #32121). * Tue Feb 6 2001 Tim Waugh - Turn on Japanese changes (bug #26249). - Japanese support clashed with xaw3d patch; fixed up. - Replace dvi-to-ps (rhs-printfilters) with mf40-tetex_filters (printconf). Create testpage.dvi (from tex/latex/base/testpage.tex). - Default to lj instead of cx in gray.mf and black.mf (bug #25988). - Build requires VFlib2-devel. * Wed Jan 24 2001 Tim Waugh - Update tetex-dvilj description. - Patch latex2html to support tabularx environments better (bug #24852). - Make xdvi work with files that end in '.' (bug #11478). - Mark ls-R as %%ghost (bug #12275). - Build requires w3c-libwww-devel. * Fri Dec 29 2000 Jeff Johnson - sync with Mandrake version. - Revert gcc296 patch, no longer needed. - Enable i18n hyphenation for several languages (#11570,#17040). - jadetex hash is now 50000 (#9092) - create symlinks for Euler fonts (#9782). - correct comment tetex.cron (#10022). - unset TEXINPUTS in %%build/%%install (#10412). - use Xaw3d rather than Xaw (#17415). - insert thumbnails into pdflatex correctly (#19278). - update to texi2html-1.64 (#20604). - add latex2html (but not on ia64) (#16966). - hacks to avoid accidental version clash with system libraries (#21263). - rebuild with gcc-2.96-69 so that latex.fmt is built (#22838). * Thu Oct 19 2000 Jeff Johnson - merge japanese changes (disabled for now, per msw@redhat.com). - add support for Icelandic (Richard Allen ). * Thu Aug 29 2000 ISHIKAWA Mutsumi - rebuilt on RedHat7.0 again * Mon Aug 28 2000 Masato Taruishi - Fixed xdvik-ja to work in 1.0.7 correctly. - Added a Japanese fontdata for a Japanized dvipsk. * Fri Aug 25 2000 Giuseppe Ghibò 1.0.7-8mdk - increased trie size for allowing more hyphenation patterns (i18n). * Thu Aug 24 2000 ISHIKAWA Mutsumi - Japanese enbaled * Wed Jul 19 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrød - fix man pages in man, not man1 - use %%{_tmppath} * Wed Jul 12 2000 Prospector - automatic rebuild * Tue Jul 2 2000 Jakub Jelinek - Rebuild with new C++ * Thu Jun 22 2000 Preston Brown - use _infodir * Wed Jun 21 2000 Preston Brown - noreplace *.cnf * Fri Jun 02 2000 Giuseppe Ghibò 1.0.7-7mdk - updated the LaTeX hyperref package to version 6.70f for getting jadetex working. - added support for spanish, portuguese and sweden pattern hyphenation in the default LaTeX format files (hope trie values are enough...). * Wed May 31 2000 Matt Wilson - patched for NORETURN functions in gcc 2.96, rebuilt against new libstdc++ * Wed May 5 2000 Bill Nottingham - remove explicit xpm-devel prereq (subsumed into XFree86) - fixes for ia64 * Sat Apr 29 2000 Giuseppe Ghibò 1.0.7-5mdk - changed arrays texmf.cnf the array value for jadetex, pdfjadetex, according to the Christoph, Rahtz, Pepping's "Installing JadeTeX" document. * Mon Mar 20 2000 Jeff Johnson - Sync with Mandrake (tetex-1.0.7-2mdk). - update to teTeX-texmf-1.0.2.tar. * Tue Mar 7 2000 Jeff Johnson - rebuild for sparc baud rates > 38400. * Fri Feb 11 2000 Giuseppe Ghibò - updated to version 1.0.7. - merged k6 and arm patches into teTeX-1.0-arch.patch - sligtly increased internal array main_memory, so that latex doesn't have problems with big macro packages such as pstricks or Xy-TeX. - integrate teTeX-1.0-tektrokix.patch (fixes a typo) from Jeff Johnson . * Wed Feb 09 2000 Preston Brown - wmconfig entry gone. * Mon Feb 7 2000 Jeff Johnson - compress man pages. * Sat Jan 15 2000 Jeff Johnson - build for Red Hat 6.2 (and sync with Mandrake tetex-1.0.6-6mdk). - always apply AMD K6 patch; won't hurt, and removes platform dependency. - spelling correction (#7085). * Wed Dec 08 1999 - David BAUDENS - AMD K6 is not an i686 processor (another) - Replace $RPM_ARCH by %%{_target_cpu} * Thu Nov 11 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - mark also config.pdf, config.www and config.generic as %config. - added BuildPreReq. * Fri Sep 3 1999 Jeff Johnson - mark /usr/share/texmf/dvips/config/config.ps as %config (#4842). * Fri Sep 3 1999 Jeff Johnson - Create tetex-fonts to remove dependendency of xdvi on main tetex package. * Mon Aug 30 1999 Jeff Johnson - Integrate Giuseppe's latest. Thanks for the fixes! * Thu Aug 26 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - fine tuning subpackage package list. - added teTeX dependence to package xdvi (it cannot works without fonts). * Wed Aug 25 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - cleaned %clean. Now spec file support buildroot. - added support for 'resolution' in dvi-to-ps.fpi as well as the config.generic file. - fixed a problem in manpage links (reported by Dusan Gabrijelcic ). * Tue Aug 17 1999 Jeff Johnson - move /usr/bin/mfw to tetex-xdvi to remove tetex dependence on XFree86. * Sun Aug 15 1999 Jeff Johnson - rebuild with VARTEXFONTS configured correctly. * Thu Aug 12 1999 Jeff Johnson - update to 1.0.6. - merge in Giuseppe Ghibò changes from mandrake package. - dvi-to-ps.fpi: read postcript configuration settings (#3379). * Wed Aug 04 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - fixed VARTEXFONTS path in config file. * Sat Jun 26 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - mandrake adaptions. - speed up TEXMFCNF path. * Fri Jun 25 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - fixed new bugs reported by Thomas Esser (included patch 1.0.5-1.0.6-pre). - added amstex, bamstex and bplain to the list of format files to build. * Wed Jun 23 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - fixed and removed unneeded things in teTeX-1.0-texmfcnf.patch, according to Thomas Esser suggestions. * Sun Jun 20 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - upgraded to teTeX 1.0.5. - merged .spec file with Jeff Johnson's 1.0.1 .spec file from rawhide. * Sun Jun 13 1999 Giuseppe Ghibò - upgraded to teTeX 1.0 final. - removed texmf.cnf external config file, and provided as patch. - removed ``texconfig init'' (now it's included into 'make install'). - moved texmf unpacking to buildroot before 'make install'. - added italian hyphenation. * Tue Jun 8 1999 Jeff Johnson - upgrade to 1.0.1. - add buildroot translated texmfmain for install (#1719) - mark /usr/share/texmf/xdvi/XDvi as %config (#1067) - generate texmf.cnf and then merge in old conventions * Thu Jun 03 1999 Kayvan A. Sylvan - upgraded snapshot - Fixed PATH setting for ``texconfig init''. As it was, you could not build a working teTeX on a machine with tetex installed. * Thu Apr 01 1999 Cristian Gafton - upgraded snapshot * Tue Mar 23 1999 Erik Troan - set limits for jadetex * Tue Mar 23 1999 Cristian Gafton - I think I have got the buildroot problems right this time - auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 15) * Fri Mar 19 1999 Cristian Gafton - fix buildroot problems * Mon Mar 15 1999 Michael Maher - fixed BUG: 978 * Thu Mar 11 1999 Cristian Gafton - slight changes in the packaging (unpack texmf directly into the buildroot and build it there) - added texmfsrc source tarball to comply with the license * Mon Mar 07 1999 Michael Maher - updated package * Mon Jan 11 1999 Cristian Gafton - add patch to make it compile on the arm (RmS) - build for glibc 2.1 - use tar hack instead of the cp -a to overcome cp's brokeness re: symlinks handling * Sat Oct 10 1998 Cristian Gafton - strip binaries - enable italian formatting * Mon Oct 05 1998 Cristian Gafton - requires ed - Fixed obsoletes line - credted the doc subpackage - fully buildroot - require dialog in the main package - add support for wmconfig in for the xdvi package * Fri Sep 11 1998 Cristian Gafton - upgrade to 0.9 - texmf-src package is gone - use /var/lib/texmf instead of /var/tmp/texmf * Sat Aug 22 1998 Jeff Johnson - make sub-packages depend on teTeX (problem #214) * Fri Aug 21 1998 Jeff Johnson - eliminate environment when running texhash (problem #849) * Mon Aug 17 1998 Jeff Johnson - build root * Thu May 07 1998 Prospector System - translations modified for de, fr, tr * Thu Feb 5 1998 Otto Hammersmith - added install-info support (dvips, fontname and kpathsea) - combined the two changelogs in the spec file. * Tue Oct 14 1997 Michael Fulbright - Fixed dvi-to-ps.fpi to create temp files more safely. * Thu Jul 10 1997 Erik Troan - built against glibc * Tue Apr 8 1997 Michael Fulbright - Removed afmdoit from file list (mistakenly added in release 3 rpm) * Mon Mar 24 1997 Michael Fulbright - Upgraded to tetex-lib to 0.4pl8 and fixed cron tmpwatch entry to not delete /var/lib/texmf/fonts and /var/lib/texmf/texfonts * Fri Mar 07 1997 Michael Fulbright - Upgraded to 0.4pl7. * Mon Feb 17 1997 Michael Fulbright - Upgraded to 0.4pl6, and fixed file permissions on /var/lib/texmf/texfonts so normal users could create fonts on demand.