CERNLIB, Dis45, and TDR on MacOS X

Of course, you need to install X11 (XFree86 or Xtools) beforehand.

Preparation: libdl (dlopen, ...) by Christoph Pfisterer

MacOS X does not support SysV style dynamic loading facility like dlopen, etc. A wrapper called "dlcompat" for SysV compatibility has been developed and is maintained by Peter O'Gorman (see Notice also that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. One thus needs to install the lapack and blas libraries, too:

# rpm -ivh dlcompat-20021001-1a.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh lapack-3.0-12b.ppc.rpm
# rpm -ivh blas-3.0-12b.ppc.rpm

If you just want to use precompiled binary packages, go directly to  Installation subseciton.

CERNLIB-2002 Building Procedure

Compilation Conditions
 MacOS X Release 10.1
Notice that as of CERNLIB v.2001, lapack routines have been removed from mathlib. One thus need to install the lapack and blas libraries as indicated above.

[0] Preparation

# cd /
# rm cern
# ln -s /Users/cernlib cern
# cd /cern
# for i in `ls <somewhere>/src_*.tar.gz`; do tar -zxvf $i; done

The following trick was necessary, because HFS+ is a case-insensitive file system:-(

# pushd 2003/src/mclibs/pdf/spdf
# for i in ctq4* ; do new=`echo $i | tr [A-Z] [a-z] | sed -e 's;\.f;.F;'`; if [ $new != $i ]; then mv $i $new; fi; done
# popd

# cp <somewhere>/Imakefile 2003/src
# ln -s 2003 new
# ln -s 2003 pro
# mkdir -p 2003/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2003/work
# chown fujiik:jlc 2003
# cd 2003/src
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2003-macosx.patch
# patch -p1 -s < <somewhere>/cernlib-2003-macosx.patch4
# exit

[1] Build

$ cd /cern/2003/
$ chown fujiik lib

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/liblapack.a lib/liblapack3.a

$ ln -s /usr/local/lib/libblas.a lib/.

$ cd work

$ export CVSCOSRC=/cern/2003/src
$ mkdir ../bin

$ cp $CVSCOSRC/scripts/cernlib ../bin/
$ $CVSCOSRC/config/imake_boot
$ mkdir ../logs

$ make tree HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/tree.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/tree.log
$ pushd packlib/kuip/programs/kuipc
$ make
$ make install.bin
$ popd
$ make HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../logs/make.log &

$ tail -f ../logs/make.log
$ cd packlib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/packlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.bin.log
$ cd ../pawlib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/pawlib.bin.log
$ cd ../graflib

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/graflib.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/graflib.bin.log
$ cd ../scripts

$ make install.bin HAVE_MOTIF='YES' >& ../../logs/scripts.bin.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/scripts.bin.log
$ cd ..
$ make install.include CERN_INCLUDEDIR=/cern/new/include \
  >& ../logs/install.include.log &
$ tail -f ../logs/install.include.log

[2] Tests

$ cd packlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/packlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/packlib.test.log
               ALL TESTS PASSED!
$ cd ../mathlib
$ make test >& ../../logs/mathlib.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mathlib.test.log
       ALL TESTS but C327 PASSED!
$ cd ../graflib/higz/examples
$ make higzex
$ ./higzex
$ cd ../../../../src/pawlib/paw/demo
$ paw all.kumac
$ cd ../../../../work/mclibs
$ make test >& ../../logs/mclibs.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/mclibs.test.log
$ cd ../phtools
$ make test >& ../../logs/phtools.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/phtools.test.log
$ cd ../geant321
$ make test >& ../../logs/geant321.test.log &
$ tail -f ../../logs/geant321.test.log
                ALL TESTS PASSED!

[3] Aftermath

# cd /home/cernlib
# chown -R root:wheel *
# mkdir 2003/tgz
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-bin.tar.gz 2003/bin
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-lib.tar.gz 2003/lib
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-include.tar.gz 2003/include
# tar -zcvf 2003/tgz/cernlib-2003-share.tar.gz 2003/share

Installation of Binary Packages


To install, just expand the tarballs in whatever directory you want, for instance:

# ls <somewhere>
# mkdir /cern
# for i in <somewhere>/*; do tar -zxpvf $i -C /cern; done
# ln -s 2003 /cern/pro


# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/dis45-1.36-3c.ppc.rpm


# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/tdr-1.7-2b.ppc.rpm


# rpm -ivh <somewhere>/topdraw-1.4c-1c.ppc.rpm

Back to Keisuke Fujii's HEP on X Page October16, 2002