---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2018/06/14 K.Fujii v02-00-01 for MarlinTPC analysis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- URL: http://forum.linearcollider.org/index.php?t=msg&goto=2404 1) Install the required packages: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install mysql-devel imake gsl-devel gsl-static clhep geant4 root cernlib xerces-c cmake gcc libtool m4 autoconf automake poppler-devel libgcrypt-devel libptexenc-devel fastjet fjcontrib ocaml whizard boost-devel 2) Get the "ilcinstall" and its MacOSX patch $ sudo mkdir -p /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src/v02-00-01 $ sudo chown -R /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src/v02-00-01 # get the source files from the github above. $ ls CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-9-6.tar.gz HowToInstall.osx LP_Asian_GEM_Module.tar.gz bbq-v00-01-03.patch ced-v01-09-02.tar.gz dd4hep-v01-07.patch tpcinstall-v02-00-01-macosx10.13.patch ilcinstall-v02-00-01.tar.gz ilcutil-v01-05-macosx10.13.patch ilcutil-v01-05.tar.gz marlintpc-rootfileproc.patch marlintpc-v01-04-not0.patch 3) Install dependent libraries 3-1) ilcutil-v01-05 $ cd $ mkdir -p /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/ilcutil $ tar -zxvf ilcutil-v01-05.tar.gz -C /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/ilcutil $ pushd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/ilcutil/v01-05 $ patch -p1 -s < /ilcutil-v01-05-macosx10.13.patch $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ make install $ popd 3-2) ced-v01-09-02 $ mkdir -p /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CED $ tar -zxvf ced-v01-09-02.tar.gz -C /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CED $ pushd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CED/v01-09-02 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/ilcutil/v01-05 .. $ make $ make install $ popd 3-3) CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-9-6 $ mkdir -p /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CondDBMySQL $ tar -zxvf CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-9-6.tar.gz -C /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CondDBMySQL $ pushd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/CondDBMySQL/CondDBMySQL_ILC-0-9-6 $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -DILCUTIL_DIR=/proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/ilcutil/v01-05 .. $ make $ make install $ popd 4) Build and install the MarlinTPC $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ tar -zxvf /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/src/v02-00-01/ilcinstall-v02-00-01.tar.gz $ cd ilcinstall $ patch -p1 -s -b < ../src/v02-00-01/tpcinstall-v02-00-01-macosx10.13.patch $ ./ilcsoft-install -i releases/v02-00/release-osx.cfg ....... ... before compilation starts, apply the following patches in a new window: ... Open a new terminal and do the following $ pushd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/v02-00-01/DD4hep/v01-07 $ patch -p1 -s < /dd4hep-v01-07.patch $ popd $ pushd ../v02-00-01/bbq/v00-01-03 $ patch -p1 -s < /bbq-v00-01-03.patch $ popd $ pushd ../v02-00-01/MarlinTPC/v01-04 $ patch -p1 -s < /marlintpc-v01-04-not0.patch $ patch -p3 -s < /marlintpc-rootfileproc.patch $ popd # Note: # DD4hep: DDCore/src/NamedObject.cpp # commented out instantiation of dd4hep::Handle # : cmake/DD4hepBuild.cmake # replace -no-undefined by undefined,error # : to rebuild DD4hep with the existing source tree, remove the contents of the lib directory # : to make "listcomponents" work. # PandrawPFANew: PandoraSDK-v03-02-01/src/Xml/tinyxmlparser.cc # [[fallthrough]]; # bbq: v00-01-03/src/TBBQManager.cxx # avoid comparison of pointer with logical -------------------------------------------------------------- To rebuid a package $ cd $ touch .install_failed.tmp ---------------------------------------------------- 5) Then build and install MarlinTPC If you have libjpeg-devel and libtiff-devel installed, uninstall them since they conflict with the system provided libraries: $ rpm -e libjpeg-devel libtiff-devel Then build MarlinTPC: $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC $ tar -zxvf src/r3390.tar.gz $ cd r3390 $ tar -zxvf ../src/analysis.tar.gz $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake -C /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/v01-17-04/ILCSoft.cmake .. $ make install $ cd .. $ tar -zxvf ../src/LP_Asian_GEM_Module.tar.gz -C examples 7) You can also try CEDViewer In order to use CEDViewer, you need to start a CED server, glced, first. $ source /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/v01-17-04/init_MarlinTPC.sh $ glced -world_size=100. Then open a new termnal window and type $ cd /proj/cdc/soft/MarlinTPC/r3390/examples/LP_Asian_GEM_Module $ Marlin reconstructLCTPCRawData.xml Hit "h" in the viewer window for "help".