### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ### Popups (TkDesk Configuration File) ### ### This file defines the file-specific popup-menus that are accessed ### by pressing the right mouse button in any of TkDesk's file lists. ### ### *** Press F5 to save changes and reload this file into TkDesk, ### *** F6 to do the same plus to close this window. ### ### ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### In this file three Tcl lists are defined: One for directories, one for ### executables and one for all other files. ### Definition of Popup-Menus: ### The Popup-Menus are defined by the elements of a Tcl list. ### (In the following I try to explain its structure, although it will ### probably best to just have a look at the example definition below.) ### Each element of the list is again a Tcl list, whose first element ### contains a list of "glob" patterns. If a file matches any of these ### patterns, this entry will be used for its popup menu. The second ### element defines the entries of the popup menu, by a set of (usually) ### 2-element lists. The first element is the entry's label, while the ### second contains a Tcl script to execute when this menu entry is ### invoked. Cascaded menus are currently not possible. ### The first menu entry of each popup menu defines the default action, ### which will be invoked when a matching file is double-clicked. ### ### TkDesk commands that can be used in the list definition: ### (Only the most common ones are listed here. For a complete overview ### and a detailed explanation refer to the User's Guide.) ### ### dsk_exec cmd ... : Executes shell command cmd in background. ### dsk_path_exec path cmd ... : Execute cmd in path. ### dsk_view cmd ... : Executes cmd, displays output in Editor window. ### dsk_open_dir path : Opens a new file list for directory path. ### dsk_open_browser path : Opens a new file browser for directory path. ### dsk_edit file : Edits file. ### dsk_print file : Prints file. ### dsk_cd path : Changes directory of browser to path. ### dsk_du path : Displays disk usage of directory path. ### dsk_periodic cmd seconds : Executes cmd every x seconds. ### dsk_confirm text script : Executes script when confirmation was positive. ### dsk_read_string label script : Executes script when entered string is ### not empty. "label" will be displayed in the dialog. ### dsk_sound id : Plays sound id (defined in config-file Sounds). ### dsk_cbhelp file regexp : Invokes TkDesk's help system on file. ### dsk_ask_exec : Asks for a command to execute. ### dsk_ask_dir : Asks for a directory to open. ### dsk_save_config : Saves window layout, history, bookmarks etc. ### dsk_exit ?ask? : Quits TkDesk. "ask" may be one 1 or 0. ### ### Abbreviations that will be replaced with file names etc.: ### ### %s : Full pathname of the first selected file. ### %f : Its filename only. ### %b : "Basename": just the filename without extension. ### %d : Its directory only. ### %B : Same as %A, but will be replaced with "" if no files are selected. ### %A : List containing full pathnames of all selected resp. dropped files. ### %D : Directory of last "active" viewer. ### %x : Current X selection. ### ### The very first Button provides access to a few functions of TkDesk, ### like history menus, configuration menu etc. Its labels are mostly ### "internally reserved" keywords. ### The second button is only defined by the magic word "date" which inserts ### TkDesk's date display at that place into the AB. ### ### Definition of Popup-Menus for Directories: ### (You should better not change the first, i.e. default entry...!) set tkdesk(popup,directories) { {{*} { {{Open} {dsk_cd %s}} {{New Window} {dsk_open_dir %s}} {{New Browser} {dsk_open_browser %s}} - {{Disk Usage} {dsk_du %s}} {{Start XTerm here} { cd %s exec xterm & cd ~ ;# this is the standard workdir of TkDesk }} {{Make tar.gz} {dsk_exec tar cf - -C %d %f | gzip >%s.tar.gz}} }} } ### Definition of Popup-Menus for Executables: ### (If the label of one of the entries is "Edit" it will only be added to the ### menu if the executable is script, ie. the first two characters are #!. ### If you want an "Edit" entry for all executables just change "Edit" to ### anything else, e.g. "Do Edit" or "Edit the file!".) set tkdesk(popup,executables) { {{*} { {{Execute} {dsk_exec %s}} {{Execute in Xterm} {dsk_exec xterm -sb -T %f -n %f -e pauseme %s}} {{View Output} {dsk_view %s}} - {{Strip} {dsk_exec strip %s}} {{Libraries} {dsk_view ldd %s}} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} } ### ### Definition of Popup-Menus for "Regular" (and other) Files: set tkdesk(popup,regulars) { {{*-HOWTO} { {{View (cbhelp)} {dsk_cbhelp %s howto}} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{*.tex} { {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} {{Print} {dsk_print %s}} {{LaTex} {dsk_exec kterm -sb -sl 1000 -km euc -e latex %s}} }} {{*.dvi} { {{View} {dsk_exec xdvi -paper a4 -s 6 %s}} {{Print} {dsk_print %s}} {{-> Postscript } {dsk_exec dvips %s -o %b.ps}} }} {{{*.gif} {*.jpg} {*.jpeg} {*.pcx} {*.p?m} {*.rle}} { {{View (xv)} {dsk_exec xv %s}} {{Background (xv)} {dsk_exec xv -root -quit %s}} }} {{{*.html} {*.htm}} { {{Netscape ("smart")} {dsk_netscape file %s}} {{Netscape (new window)} {dsk_netscape file %s window}} {{Lynx} {dsk_exec xterm -e lynx %s}} {-} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} {{XEmacs} {xemacs_load %s}} {{Other Window} {xemacs_load %s other}} {{Other Frame} {xemacs_load %s frame}} }} {{{*.man} {*.[1-8n]}} { {{View} {dsk_view groff -Tascii -mandoc %s | col -b}} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{{*.mpg} {*.mpeg}} { {{View} {dsk_exec mpeg_play %s 2>/dev/null}} {{View (big)} {dsk_exec mpeg_play -dither 2x2 %s 2>/dev/null}} {{View (gray)} {dsk_exec mpeg_play -dither gray %s 2>/dev/null}} }} {{{*.ps} {*.eps} {*.epsf}} { {{View (ghostview)} {dsk_exec ghostview -a4 -magstep -2 %s}} {{Print} {dsk_print %s}} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{{*.tdr}} { {{View (tdr)} {dsk_exec tdr -v X %s}} {{PS} {dsk_exec tdr -v psl %s}} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{{*.ps.gz} {*.ps.Z} {*.eps.gz} {*.epsf.gz}} { {{View (ghostview)} { dsk_exec gzip -cd %s | ghostview -a4 -magstep -2 - }} {{Print} {dsk_exec gzip -cd %s | $tkdesk(cmd,print)}} - {{Uncompress} {dsk_exec gzip -d %s}} }} {{*.tar} { {{List Contents} {dsk_view tar tvf %s}} {{Short Listing} {dsk_view tar tf %s}} - {{Extract} {dsk_exec tar xf %s}} {{Extract to /} {dsk_exec tar xf %s -C /}} {{Extract to /usr/tmp} {dsk_exec tar xf %s -C /usr/tmp}} }} {{{*.tar.z} {*.tar.gz} {*.tgz} {*.tar.Z} {*.taz} {*.t.Z}} { {{List Contents} {dsk_view gzip -cd %s | tar tvf -}} {{Short Listing} {dsk_view gzip -cd %s | tar tf -}} - {{Extract} {dsk_exec gzip -cd %s | tar xf -}} {{Extract to /} {dsk_exec gzip -cd %s | tar xf - -C /}} {{Extract to /usr/tmp} {dsk_exec gzip -cd %s | tar xf - -C /usr/tmp}} }} {{*.url} { {{Netscape ("smart")} {dsk_netscape url [exec cat %s]}} {{Netscape (new window)} {dsk_netscape url [exec cat %s] window}} {{Lynx} {dsk_exec xterm -e lynx [string trimleft [exec cat %s] file:]}} {-} {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{{*.voc} {*.wav} {*.au}} { {{Play } {exec play %s &}} {{Stop!} {catch {exec killall play}}} }} {{*.xbm} { {{View (xv)} {dsk_exec xv %s}} {{Edit (bitmap)} {dsk_exec bitmap %s}} {{Edit ASCII} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{*.xpm} { {{View (sxpm)} {dsk_exec sxpm %s}} {{View (xv)} {dsk_exec xv %s}} {{Edit (pixmap)} {dsk_exec pixmap -filename %s}} {{Edit ASCII} {dsk_edit %s}} }} {{{*.gz} {*.z} {*.Z}} { {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} {{Uncompress} {dsk_exec gzip -d %s}} }} {{*} { {{Edit} {dsk_edit %s}} {{XEmacs} {xemacs_load %s}} {{Other Window} {xemacs_load %s other}} {{Other Frame} {xemacs_load %s frame}} - {{Print} {dsk_print %s}} }} }