# The mount command complains about comment lines in this file if the # comment line contains a leading '#', and no other characters. # This problem can be resolved by including a 'space' character after # the leading '#'. # # To mount the Macintosh volume "my disk" on the path /mnt, # remove the leading '#', but leave the quotes in "my disk" #"my disk" /mnt ufs rw 0 0 #"LC-Fujii UD0" /mnt/UD0 ufs rw 0 0 "LC-Fujii UD1" /mnt/UD1 ufs rw 0 0 # # To mount the NFS disk "/export/macfiles" from the server "host" # on the local path "/usr/myname", remove the leading '#', and # don't use quotes. The path "/usr/myname" must be created first. #host:/export/macfiles /usr/myname nfs rw 0 0 # # If the "Power MachTen" CDROM is online when MachTen boots, or is # inserted when MachTen is running, mount it on the path /CDROM. #"Power MachTen" /CDROM ufs ro 0 0 "Ported Applications" /CDROM ufs ro 0 0