Weekly JLC Physics Group Meeting
Place: 3F Bldg 3, KEK
Time: 10:30, 98/06/19
[0] Agenda
0.1) General Notifications
0.2) Travel Report
[1] General Notifications
[1-1] The ACFA HEP Server
The ACFA HEP server started its operation.
Its tentative home page is now accessible at
The home page's URL is not yet widely announced, but is linked from
the "International Cooperation" part of the JLC web pages.
Any comments or suggestions for possible improvement or correction
are welcome. Send them to "webmaster@acfahep.kek.jp".
The server is maintained by H.Sendai (web master), J.Fujiimoto, and
A.Miyamoto, the latter two being primarily responsible for contents
of the ACFA HEP pages.
[2] Travel Report (T.Matsui)
T.Matsui visited IHEP and Tsinghua University in China as a delegate
in the period of June 10-13. The following is his brief travel report:
Jun. 10:
Arrived at Beijing International Airport.
Jun. 11:
* Visited Tsinghua University, had a two-hour meeting with Prof. Yu Ping
Kuang and Dr. Quing Wang.
T.Matsui explained the milestones that led to the foundation of the
ACFA Joint Linear Collider Working Group and its urgent goals, in the
context of the currently conceived schedule: the facility construction
to start in 2003. He also stressed that Japan should host the facility
as clearly stated in the final report of the subcommittee on future
projects of high energy physics in Japan.
As for the WG goals, he proposed the thorough revision of
the JLC-I green book as a proposal to ACFA. Prof.Kuang and Dr.Wang
promised to do their best.
Prof.Kang suggested a possibility of having a local workshop for
linear collider physics in April. He implied that the workshop would
also serve as a spring school for young physicists.
* Luncheon with the department chair.
* Looked around accelerator division.
* Visited The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), had a discussion
with Profs.Zheng Zhi-Peng, Tao Huang, Guoling Tong, Xin-min Zhang, and
Young-sheng Zhu.
T.Matsui explained the same as in Tsinghua University.
On behalf of IHEP, they proposed to have the first ACFA Joint Linear
Collier Working Group Meeting in April, 1999 in Beijing.
T.Matsui agreed to the proposed place. Its schedule is to be fixed
later. Xin-min Zhang, the youngest in the party, was particularly
positive about the working group and emphasized the importance of
the earliest possible construction of a collider that covers the
energies up to just above the ttbar threshold.
* Luncheon with Director General.
* Looked around the Beijing Collider and spectrometer.
Jun 13:
* Back to Japan.