Weekly JLC Physics Group Meeting
Place: 3F Bldg 3, KEK
Time: 10:30, 98/06/05
[0] Agenda
0.1) General Notifications
0.2) Gamma-Gamma Collider WG Status
[1] General Notifications
[1-1] ACFA News Update (H.Sendai)
The ACFA Server arrived and is being set up by Sendai.
[1-2] Network Security (A.Miyamoto)
Unauthorized accesses to computers in the KEK site were detected.
In spite of systematic defense actions being taken on the basis
of the KEK domain, frequent password updates are recommended to
individual users.
[1-3} JLC Pamphlet (T.Tauchi)
A new JLC pamphlet is almost ready: the text part has been
[2] Gamma-Gamma Collider WG Status (T.Tauchi)
A regular gamma-gamma WG meeting was held on May 25 at KEK.
T.Tauchi reported the highlights from the meeting:
Masukado at Hiroshima Univ. reported the status of nonlinear
Compton experiments.
Tauchi presented feasibility studies on Higgs factory
experiments. Some of the topics include:
(a) photon linear polarizations
Orthogonal combination: CP=-1
Parallel combination: CP=+1
---> controlling the CP of the s-channel Higgs!
(b) triple Higgs coupling
(c) FCNC
I.Watanabe discussed top and SUSY physics
He demonstrated the usefulness of helicity controlling of
the initial gamma-gamma state for selecting the final-state
t-tbar helicity combinations.
There had been a secret topic discussed at the meeting but
by definition was not presented here.