- 2004.Nov(?): 7th ACFA LC Workshop (Taiwan?)
- 2004.9.1-4:
2nd ECFA LC Workshop (Durham, UK)
- 2004.7.28-31:
North American LC Workshop (Victoria, Canada)
- 2004.4.19-23: LCWS2004 (Parris, France)
- 2004.2.16-20:
APPI 2004 Workshop (Appi, Iwate, Japan)
- 2004.1.7-10:
American Linear Collider Physics Group 2004 Winter Workshop (SLAC)
- 2003.12.15-19:
6th ACFA LC Workshop (Mumbai, India)
- 2003.11.13-16:
1st ECFA LC Physics/Detector Workshop (Montpellier, France)
- 2003. 9.15-19:
Vertex2003 (Windermere U.K.)
- 2003. 8.19: JLC Detector R&D Meeting (KEK)
- 2003. 7. 8: Machine Time at LNS (Tohoku U.)
- 2003. 2.25-28:
- 2003. 2.12:
ACFA LC Symposium (10:30~ Epocal Tsukuba)
- 2003. 2. 3: Extended High Energy Committee meeting (13:30~ KEK 3-goukan
Seminar Hall)
- 2002. 8.26-30 :
LCWS2002 at Jeju, Korea
- 2002. 7.10-12 : 5th ACFA LCWS (ICEPP, University of Tokyo)
- 2002. 2.13-16 :
APPI 2002
- 2001.10.31-11.2 :
4th ACFA LCWS at Tsinghua Univ., Beijing
- 2000.10.24-28 : LCWS2000 at Fermilab
- 2000. 8.9-11 :
3ed ACFA LCWS, joint with
APPC2000 (Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University, Taipei)
- 2000. 6.28 : JLC Vertex detector subgroup meeting at KEK
- 2000. 2-1-4 : APPI2000 (Appi, Iwate, Japan)
- 1999. 11.4-6 : 2nd ACFA LCWS (Seoul, Korea)
- 1999. 4.28-5.4: LCWS99 (Sitges, Spain)
- 1999. 3.20- : ECFA LC Meeting at Oxford, England
- 1999. 3.17-18: ACFA LC WG Meeting at KEK
- 1999. 3. 1- 4: APPI99 at Appi
- 1999. 1.25-28: ISG Meeting at SLAC
- 1998.12.4-6 : International Symposium on Solid State Detectors
for the 21st Century(@Nara).
- 1998.11.26-27:
The 1st ACFA Workshop on Physics/Detector at the
Linear Collider(Tsinghua Univ., Beijing)
- 1998.10.3-6.: JPS meeting at Akita Univ.
- 1998. 6. : CCD beam test at KEK PS T1 line.
- 1998. 1. : CCD beam test at KEK PS T1 line.
- 1997.10.30. : Vertex Detector Subgroup Meeting at KEK (19:30-).
- 1997. 6. : CCD beam test at KEK PS T1 line.
- 1997. 4.23 : Vertex Detector Subgroup Meeting at KEK.
- 1997. 3. 5. : Presentation for the results of 1996 KYODO-R&D
- 1996.12.4-5.: The 6-th workshop JLC.
- 1996.10.15-18.:ICFA Seminar '96.
- 1996.10. 8.: JLC Vertex detector subgroup meeting at Saga Univ.
- 1996.10.6-9.: JPS meeting at Saga.
- 1996. 9. 26.: Linear Collider R&D Report.