13th General Meeting of the ILC Physics Subgroup Meeting
January 16 (Sat) at Room 425, Building 3, KEK
0) Attendants:
H.Ono (NDU)
T.Tanabe (ICEPP)
T.Suehara (CEPP)
Y.Takubo (Tohoku)
T.Saito (Tohoku)
H.Yamamoto (Tohoku)
Y.Okada (KEK)
J.Tian (Tsinghua)
Y.Kiyo (KEK)
K.Ikematsu (KEK)
F.Uchiyama (KEK)
K.Fujii (KEK)
R.Yonamine (Sokendai)
Reports from Subgroups
0) Opening Comments
1) ZH subgroup
- qqH: Ono
- nunuH : completed by Yoshida in LOI
- qqH : Wenbiao in LIO + this analysis
- llH : being looked at by Yoshida
1-1) qqH analysis (Reported by H.Ono)
- Common event selection criteria with SiD
-> efficiency = 53% (cc), 56% (bb), 44% (Higgs BG), 5% (SM BG)
- Template fitting
Investigating binning effect:
-> Try smoothing
-> Br(cc)/Br(bb) = 0.058 +/- 0.014 : 23.4% (12.3% before smoothing)
Next Step:
- Check the number of events in each bin and apply smoothing only where applicable
- Reconsider the original cuts to improve measurement accuracies
1-2) ZH -> nunuH followed by H->WW* (Reported by Y.Takubo)
N.Hodgkinson, N.Okada, K.Ikematsu, and K.Fujii
Looking for anomaly in the HWW vertex:
a/Lambda : HWW
b/Lambda : HW_{\mu\nu}W^{\mu\nu}
b~/Lambda : HW_{\mu\nu}~W^{\mu\nu}
Polarization: use (Pol_e-,Pol_e+)= (+80%, -30%) to suppress WW BG.
Event selection
7.5 sigma signal --> delta sigma_ZH * Br(H->WW*) = 13.3%(relative)
Jet angle in W rest frame.
- Looked at phi between two decay planes by IDing charm quarks (eff_c=0.5 purity_c=0.8)
--> Reconstructed phi distribution roughly reproduced the generated one
--> Reconstructed phi distributuion has a dip at phi = 0.
--> jet clustring bias?
Next Step:
- Investigate mis-ID effect of c
- Z->ll + W->l nu + W->c down
- Prepare a generator with anomalous couplings and see how reconstructed distributions respond to the change in the couplings
2) ZHH
ZHH -> qqHH : Takubo
ZHH -> llHH : Junping
2-1) ZHH -> ll(bb)(bb) and qq(bb)(WW*)(Reported by J.Tian)
sigma=152ab @ Ecm=500 GeV w/o beam polarization.
Mh = 120GeV
quick simulation.
Quick simulation
- Event Selection for llHH with MVA
--> S = 2.7, ZZZ BG = 0.48 --> significance 2.48 sigma
- ZHH -> qqbbWW* moe
WW* -->qqqq: 45%
Looked at ymax, Mh1, Mz, Mw1, Mh2
NN --> 1.0 signal 338 tt BG
- WW* -> lnuqq: 45 %
11.8 ZHH v.s. tt BG dominant : 4800
Full simulation
- Comparison with quick simulation results
Next Step:
- Convert more BG (3-4sec/event)
- Get used to Marlin framework
- Optimize lepton selection
- NN training for ZZZ BG
4) New physics subgroup
4-1) AMSB (Reported by T.Tanabe)
AMSB : breaking of superconformal symmetry
- Phenomenology
- delta chi_1 = m_chi^+_1 - m_chi^0_1 ~ m_pi
- Generator
Chi^+_1 decay in Geant4
--> helicity angle distribution is strange.
- Reconstruction
a) 2 chargino tracks
b) 1 chargino track + 1 pion track
c) 2 pion tracks --> 2-photon BG?
--> endpoint analysis
Next Step:
- BG from full SM sample + 2-photon pipi, beam induced BG
- Endpoint fit
--> How well can we determine mass, mass difference, ...
--> What about threshold scan?
--> X-section as a function of Ecm.
4-2) Model Discrimination @ 500 GeV (I) (Reported by T.Suehara)
Dark Matter Particle:
SUSY: R --> neutralino : J=1/2
LH : T --> heavy photon : J=1
Inert Doublet Model : Z2 --> dark H : J=0
Masses of DM and its parent X particle from E_W
Angular distribution of X produciton --> X spin
Full simulation @ 500 GeV
--> selection efficiency ~ 20%
Next Step:
- Mass fit
- Production angle (W charge targ?)
- Threshold scan.
--> Paper to be submitted before Beijing.
4-3) Model Discrimination @ 1 TeV (II) (Reported by T.Saito)
- Look at production angle distributions for different cases
--> |cos th1| vs |cos th2|
--> Template fitting
--> Possible to discriminate different models.
- Threshold scan
alpha = 1.5 (DH), 0.58 (SUSY), 1.60 (LHT)
--> Need to take into account errors
Next Step:
- Investigate the error on the threshold scan.
4-4) Right-handed Neutrino (Reported by T.Saito)
- Setup
NuR in the bulk
--> M_NuR = O(100GeV) and y = 0.1 possible.
- Created event generator --> physsim
--> t-channel diagram dominates.
--> Fixed the generator to take into accout the mass degeneracy of 3 flavors.
--> Only electron mode has large cross section.
--> Tau mode might be feasible.
- Event selection
*) e nu qq (1st KK: 100 GeV, 2nd KK: 300 GeV)
--> delta sigma/sigma = 5.6% (normal), 0.4% (inverted), 0.5% (degenerated) for 1st KK
--> delta sigma/sigma = 2.9% (inverted), 3.3% (degenerated) for 2nd KK
Next Step:
- Higher KK (3rd and 4th) modes @ 1TeV.
Q: Why mu and tau so small?
A: Because of the MNS matrix.
The slides shown at the meeting is available from
see them for details.
Discussions on future direction and mile stones
*) Next target is Beijing LCWS.
Meeting Schedule:
Next general meeting (2010/03/13 10:30)
LCWS in Beijing : March 26-30 2010
Working group web page:
Slides are available from http://ilcphys.kek.jp/meeting/physics/