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Element# : Equal to the track number.
TBPUT by : Hadronizer such as LUHADR.
Contents : Particles output by hadronizer, including stable and
unstable particles depending on the case.
Format : R*4, 20 words fixed.
RBUF(1)=Particle serial number
(2)=Particle ID (PDG Format).
(3-4)=Particle mass (GeV) and charge.
(5-8)=Í<>px, py, pz, and E (GeV)
(9-11)=Vertex coordinate, x, y, z (cm).
(12)=Number of daughter particle (=0 if stable. )
(13)=Pointer to the daughter
(14)=Pointer to the mother. If LT 0, equal to the element
number of SPRING:Parton_List corresponding to this particle.
(15)=trigger timing(nsec).
(16)=particle life time (c
nsec, =0. or negative for stable.)
(17)=decay length (cm, =0. for stable.)
Miyamoto Akiya