Before entering in the event loop,
INUT = input unit (dummy) IOUT = output unit for job summary JAK1 = tau+ decay mode ID (0 for all modes) JAK2 = tau- decay mode ID (0 for all modes) ITDKRC = (0,1) = (decay RC off, on) KEYA1 = switch for a1 decay treatment (1 for constant widths) XK0DEC = soft/hard photon phase space separator (0.001 usually)are input parameters to be provided by the user.
Then, in the event loop,
CALL TAUDEC(KTO,NPNT,POL,P4TAU)for each tau to decay, where
KTO = (1,2) = (tau+,tau-) NPNT = location in /HEPEVT/ to store this tau POL = helicity (+/-1.) P4TAU(1-4) = (Px,Py,Pz,E) of the tauare all inputs, while outputs (decay daughters) are stored in the common /HEPEVT/. Notice that
CALL LUHEPC(2)to store the contents of /HEPEVT/ in /LUJETS/ so that LUEXEC can take care of the rest.
After the event loop, you are recommended to
CALL TAUTRMto print out a TAUOLA summary of tau decays.