//* ================
//*  Lockable Class
//* ================
//* (Description)
//*    Lockable class supplies basic functions for lockable objects.
//* (Requires)
//* 	none
//* (Provides)
//* 	class Lockable
//* (Update Recored)
//*    1999/06/05  K.Fujii	Original very primitive version.
#include "Lockable.h"
#include <iostream.h>
//  ------------------------------
//  Base Class for Lockale Objects
//  ------------------------------
//*  Constructors
 Lockable::Lockable() { fStatus = kFALSE; }

//*  Destructors
 Lockable::~Lockable() {}

//*  Getters
 Bool_t Lockable::IsLocked() const { return fStatus; }

//*  Basic services
 void Lockable::Lock() { fStatus = kTRUE; }

 void Lockable::Unlock() { fStatus = kFALSE; }


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