//* ======================
//*  ANLJetFinder Classes
//* ======================
//* (Description)
//*    Jet finder classes for JLC analyses
//* (Requires)
//* 	class TLorentzVector
//* 	class Lockable
//* 	class ANL4DVector
//* (Provides)
//* 	class ANLJet
//* 	class ANLJetFinder
//* 	class ANLJadeJetFinder
//* 	class ANLJadeEJetFinder
//* 	class ANLDurhamJetFinder
//* (Usage)
//*     // Example
//*     Double_t ycut = 0.01;
//*	ANLJadeEJetFinder jclust(ycut);
//*     jclust.Initialize(tracks); // tracks: TObjArray of LVector derivatives.
//*     jclust.FindJets();	   // finds jets with ycut = 0.01.
//*     ycut = 0.015;
//*	jclust.SetYcut(ycut);	   // One can make the ycut "bigger"
//*	jclust.FindJets();	   // and resume with the new ycut.
//*     ycut = 0.05;
//*	ANLJadeEJetFinder jclust2(jclust);
//*	jclust2.SetYcut(ycut);	   // One can copy the previous jet finder
//*	jclust2.FindJets();	   // and resume with the new "bigger" ycut.
//*	Int_t njets = 2;	   // One can also force the event to be
//* 	jclust2.ForceNJets(njets); // "njets" jets.
//* (Caution)
//*	One CANNOT decrease the ycut without restoring track information
//*	by reinvoking the "Initialize" member function.
//*	On the other hand, one can increase the ycut and resume jet
//*	finding starting from the last result, thereby saving CPU time.
//* (Update Recored)
//*    1999/07/30  K.Fujii	Original version derived from Rob Shanks's
//*				LCD version. This version heavily uses
//*				ROOT facilities to simplify algorithm.
//*				It allows one to "increase" the last ycut
//*				and resume jet finding. It also allows one
//*				to force an event to be "n" jets.
//*    1999/08/14  K.Fujii	Modified GetYmass as suggested by M.Iwasaki.
//*    1999/09/05  K.Ikematsu   Replaced LockableLVector with ANL4DVector.
//*    1999/09/14  K.Ikematsu   Added GetYmax method.
//*    2000/03/28  K.Ikematsu   Bug fixed about fYmassMax.
//*    2000/10/12  K.Ikematsu   Added maximum trial in ycut search part
//*                             of ForceNJets method. If binary search
//*                             reaches maximum trial, ForceNJets method
//*                             aborts to find ycut making "n" jets.
//*                             So you have to confirm to be "n" jets in
//*                             your analysis program.
//*    2001/10/22  K.Ikematsu   Added virtual NewJet method
//*                             instead of ANLJet *jet = new ANLJet();
//*                             and changed fEvis member to protected
//*                             to overload in ANLCheatedJetFinder class.
//*    2001/10/22  K.Ikematsu   Changed Merge method to virtual
//*                             for overloading in ANLTaggedJet class.
//*    2001/10/24  K.Ikematsu   Added virtual NewJetFinder method.
//* $Id: ANLJetFinder.cxx,v 1.7 2001/12/17 19:07:26 ikematsu Exp $
#include "ANLJetFinder.h"
//  ------------
//  ANLJet Class
//  ------------

//*  Constructors
ANLJet::ANLJet() : ANL4DVector(0.), fParts(1) {}

ANLJet::ANLJet(const TObjArray &parts) : ANL4DVector(0.), fParts(parts) {
   TIter next(&parts);
   TObject *obj;
   while ((obj = next())) *this += *(ANL4DVector *)obj;

//*  Destructor
ANLJet::~ANLJet() { fParts.Clear(); }

//*  Getters
Int_t ANLJet::GetNparticles() const { return fParts.GetEntries(); }

const TObjArray & ANLJet::GetParticlesInJet() const { return fParts; }

const ANL4DVector & ANLJet::operator()() const { return *this; }

//*  Setters
void ANLJet::Add(TObject *part) {
   *this += *(ANL4DVector *)part;
   // ::operator+=(*(ANL4DVector *)this,*(ANL4DVector *)part);

void ANLJet::Merge(TObject *part) { Add(part); }

void ANLJet::Merge(ANLJet *jet) {
   TIter next(&jet->fParts);
   TObject *obj;
   while ((obj = next())) fParts.Add(obj);
   *this += *jet;

void ANLJet::Remove(TObject *part) {
   *this -= *(ANL4DVector *)part;

//*  Misc. Services
void ANLJet::DebugPrint(const Char_t *opt) const {
   cerr << "Number of particles in jets = " << GetNparticles() << endl;
   if (opt == "Detailed") {
      TIter next(&fParts);
      ANL4DVector *p;
      Int_t np = 0;
      while((p = (ANL4DVector *)next())) {
         cerr << "Particle " << ++np << endl;

//  ------------------
//  ANLJetFinder Class
//  ------------------

//*  Constructors
 ANLJetFinder::ANLJetFinder(Double_t y)
            : fDone(kFALSE), fYcut(y), fJets(1),
              fYmass(0), fYmassMax(0.), fEvis(0.) {}

 ANLJetFinder::ANLJetFinder(const ANLJetFinder &jf)
            : fDone(jf.fDone), fYcut(jf.fYcut), fJets(1),
              fYmass(0), fYmassMax(jf.fYmassMax), fEvis(jf.fEvis) {

//*  Destructor
 ANLJetFinder::~ANLJetFinder() {
   DeleteJets(); 		// clean the array of Jet's
   if (fYmass) delete fYmass;	// clean the pair mass array

//*  Private service methods
 void ANLJetFinder::CopyJets(const TObjArray &jets) {
   TIter next(&jets);
   TObject *obj;
   while ((obj = next())) {
     ANLJet *jet = NewJet();
     jet->Merge((ANLJet *)obj);

 void ANLJetFinder::DeleteJets() {

//*  Getters
 Bool_t   ANLJetFinder::IsInitialized()  const {
   if (fJets.GetEntries() > 0) return kTRUE;
   else return kFALSE;

 Double_t ANLJetFinder::GetYcut() const { return fYcut; }

 Double_t ANLJetFinder::GetYmax() {
   if (!fDone) FindJets();
   return fYmassMax/(fEvis*fEvis);

 Int_t    ANLJetFinder::GetNjets() {
   if (!fDone) FindJets();
   return fJets.GetEntries();

 TObjArray & ANLJetFinder::GetJets() {
   if (!fDone) FindJets();
   return fJets;

//*  Setters
 void ANLJetFinder::SetYcut(Double_t ycut) {
   if (ycut != fYcut) {
      fDone = kFALSE;
      fYcut = ycut;

 void ANLJetFinder::Initialize(const TObjArray &parts) {
   fDone = kFALSE;
   fEvis = 0.;
   // Store each unlocked object as a single jet.
   TIter next(&parts);
   TObject *obj;
   while ((obj = next())) {
      if (!obj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("ANL4DVector")) {
         cerr << "ANLJetFinder::Initialize input is not a ANL4DVector" << endl;
      if (((ANL4DVector *)obj)->IsLocked()) continue;
      ANLJet *jet = NewJet();
      jet->Merge(obj);		// obj can be a jet, instead of being a track.
      fEvis += jet->E();

ANLJetFinder & ANLJetFinder::operator=(const ANLJetFinder & jf) {
   fDone = jf.fDone;
   fYcut = jf.fYcut;
   fEvis = jf.fEvis;
   if (fYmass) { delete fYmass; fYmass = 0; }
   return *this;

//*  Basic Services
 void ANLJetFinder::FindJets() {
   if (fDone) return;
   if (!IsInitialized()) {
      cout << "ANLJetFinder::FindJets : No particles in the stack" << endl
           << "                         Set them and retry." << endl;
   fDone     = kTRUE;
   Int_t np  = fJets.GetEntries();	// There is yet no gap in fJets here.
   if (np < 2) return;
   // Initialize pair mass matrix.
   if (fYmass) delete fYmass;
   fYmass = new TMatrix(np,np);
   TMatrix &ymass = *fYmass;
   Int_t i, j;
   for (i = 0; i < np - 1; i++) {
      for (j = i + 1; j < np; j++) {
         ANLJet &jeti = *(ANLJet *)fJets.UncheckedAt(i);
         ANLJet &jetj = *(ANLJet *)fJets.UncheckedAt(j);
         ymass(i,j) = GetYmass(jeti(),jetj());
   // Start jet clustering
   Double_t masscut  = fYcut*fEvis*fEvis;
   while (kTRUE) {
      Int_t i, im = -1;
      Int_t j, jm = -1;
      Double_t minmass = 1.e+10;
      for (i = 0; i < np - 1; i++) {
         if (!(fJets.UncheckedAt(i))) continue;
         for (j = i + 1; j < np; j++) {
            if (!(fJets.UncheckedAt(j))) continue;
            if (ymass(i,j) > minmass) continue;
	    minmass = ymass(i,j);
	    im = i;
	    jm = j;
      if (minmass > masscut) {
	fYmassMax = minmass;
      // Pair (im,jm) accepted.
      ANLJet *oim = (ANLJet *)fJets.UncheckedAt(im);
      ANLJet *ojm = (ANLJet *)fJets.UncheckedAt(jm);
      oim->Merge(ojm);				// Merge Jet j to i.
      fJets.Remove(ojm);			// Remove jet j from fJets
      delete ojm;				// Delete jet j
      // Update the pair mass array.
      for (j = 0; j < np; j++) {
         if (j == im) continue;
         ANLJet *oj = (ANLJet *)fJets.UncheckedAt(j);
         if (oj == 0) continue;
         ymass(TMath::Min(j,im),TMath::Max(j,im)) = GetYmass(*oim,*oj);
   // Eliminate empty slots.

 void ANLJetFinder::ForceNJets(Int_t njets) {
   if (njets < 1) {
      cout << "ANLJetFinder::ForceNJets : njets = " << njets
           << " invalied" << endl;
   if (!fDone) FindJets();		// Find jets if not yet.
   if (GetNjets() <= njets) return;	// No further clustering necessary.
   // Binary search ycut to make njets Jet's.
   Double_t   ycutLo = fYcut;
   Double_t   ycutHi = 1.0;
   Double_t   ycut;
   ANLJetFinder *jf  = 0;

   Int_t ntrial = 0;
   while (kTRUE) {
      ycut = (ycutLo + ycutHi)/2;
      jf   = NewJetFinder(this);
      Int_t nj = GetNjets();
      if (ntrial > 100) cerr << "ANLJetFinder::ForceNJets : Making "
			     << njets << "Jets was aborted ! Njets = "
			     << nj << endl;
      if (nj == njets || ntrial > 100) { delete jf; break; } // Found a valid ycut, quit looping.
      if (nj > njets) {
         ycutLo = ycut;
      } else {
         ycutHi = ycut;
         *this  = *jf;
      delete jf;

 Double_t ANLJetFinder::GetYmass(const ANL4DVector &p1,
   			        const ANL4DVector &p2) const { return 0; }

//  ----------------------
//  ANLJadeJetFinder Class
//  ----------------------

ANLJadeJetFinder::ANLJadeJetFinder(Double_t y) : ANLJetFinder(y) {}

Double_t ANLJadeJetFinder::GetYmass(const ANL4DVector &p1,
				     const ANL4DVector &p2) const {
   return 2 * p1.E() * p2.E() * ( 1 - p1.CosTheta(p2) );

//  -----------------------
//  ANLJadeEJetFinder Class
//  -----------------------

ANLJadeEJetFinder::ANLJadeEJetFinder(Double_t y) : ANLJetFinder(y) {}

Double_t ANLJadeEJetFinder::GetYmass(const ANL4DVector &p1,
				     const ANL4DVector &p2) const {
   return (p1+p2).GetMass2();

//  ------------------------
//  ANLDurhamJetFinder Class
//  ------------------------

ANLDurhamJetFinder::ANLDurhamJetFinder(Double_t y) : ANLJetFinder(y) {}

Double_t ANLDurhamJetFinder::GetYmass(const ANL4DVector &p1,
				      const ANL4DVector &p2) const {
   Double_t minE = TMath::Min(p1.E(),p2.E());
   return 2 * minE * minE * ( 1 - p1.CosTheta(p2) );

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