Let's consider the case to generate 10000 two-photon events
and overlap these events to the signal event,
First we need to generate two-photon event data. A sample JSF Configuration file, twogam.conf, is as follows.
JSFGUI.Pythia.Process.ZH:0 JSFGUI.Pythia.Process.twophoton:1 JSFGUI.RunMode:1 JSFGUI.OutputFileName: twogam.root JSFGUI.OutputEventData:1You can set these parameters from JSF Control Panel or use editor to edit directory. We use Pythia to generate two-photon events. Then do,
jsf -b -q -conf=twogam.conf --maxevt=10000 gui.CThis will create a root file, twogam.root, containing 10000 events of two-photon process and cross section data.
Secondly, you generate the signal events,
overlaying two-photon background events.
A sample JSF configuration file is,
JSFGUI.Pythia.Process.ZH:0 JSFGUI.MergeEvent:1 JSFGUI.Pythia.Decay.Z:13 JSFGUI.Pythia.Process.gammaZ:1 JSFMergeEvent.DataFile:twogam.root JSFMergeEvent.LumPerTrain:0.06where, LumPerTrain specifies the integrated luminosity per beam crossing in unit of 1/nb. The value of 0.06 corresponds to the instantaneous luminosity of