extern "C" { extern void spevnt_(Int_t *nret); }; //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t XXSpringBuf::SetPartons() { Int_t iret; spevnt_(&iret); return kTRUE ; } //_____________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t XXSpring::Initialize() { // Make sure to set JSFHadronize::fCopySpringClassDataToBank = kFALSE JSFSpring::Initialize(); JSFHadronizer *had=(JSFHadronizer*)gJSF->FindModule("JSFHadronizer"); if(had) had->SetCopySpringClassDataToBank(kFALSE); return kTRUE; }
XXSpringBuf::SetPartons() is called at every event to create JSFSpringParton class. In the example above, we call spevnt_ instead, where TBS Bank Spring:Parton_List and Spring:Header is created.
The JSFHadronizer class is to hadronize partons of class JSFSpring. But, if it is called with fCopySpringClassDataToBank=FALSE, it uses the data in the TBS bank as an input data.