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What to edit ?

Edit XXSpring.cxx which is created by buildjsf command. A programer has to write following functions.

In XXBases::Func and XXBases::Usrout, the programer can simply call corresponding Fortran subroutines which were used togather with lclib: Bases/Spring program to run with lclib has basically four subroutines;

	REAL FUNCTION*8 FUNC(X) ; Bases user function
	SUBROUTINE USERIN       ; Bases user initialization.
	SUBROUTINE USROUT       ; Bases user termination
	SUBROUTINE BS51CM       ; Get parameter

You can call FUNC and USROUT from XXBases::Func and XXBases::Usrout. To call fortran functions, FUNC and USROUT from XXBases class function, define fortran function name at the begining of XXSpring.cxx as follows,

extern "C" {
extern void usrout_();
extern Double_t func_(double x[]);

Miyamoto AKiya