// Author: Andrei Gheata 05/03/02
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TView.h"
#include "TAttLine.h"
#include "TAttFill.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TPolyMarker3D.h"
#include "TVirtualGL.h"
#include "TGeoSphere.h"
#include "TGeoPcon.h"
#include "TGeoVolume.h"
#include "TGeoNode.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TGeoTrack.h"
#include "TGeoOverlap.h"
#include "TGeoChecker.h"
#include "TGeoPainter.h"
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Geometry painter default constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ====================================
fNsegments = 20;
fBombX = 1.3;
fBombY = 1.3;
fBombZ = 1.3;
fBombR = 1.3;
fVisLevel = 3;
fVisOption = kGeoVisDefault;
fExplodedView = 0;
fVisBranch = "";
fVisLock = kFALSE;
fTopVisible = kFALSE;
fPaintingOverlaps = kFALSE;
fVisVolumes = new TObjArray();
fOverlap = 0;
fMatrix = 0;
memset(&fCheckedBox[0], 0, 6*sizeof(Double_t));
if (gGeoManager) fGeom = gGeoManager;
else Error("ctor", "No geometry loaded");
fCheckedNode = fGeom->GetTopNode();
fChecker = new TGeoChecker(fGeom);
//*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Geometry painter default destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ===================================
if (fChecker) delete fChecker;
delete fVisVolumes;
void TGeoPainter::AddSize3D(Int_t numpoints, Int_t numsegs, Int_t numpolys)
//--- Add numpoints, numsegs, numpolys to the global 3D size.
gSize3D.numPoints += numpoints;
gSize3D.numSegs += numsegs;
gSize3D.numPolys += numpolys;
TVirtualGeoTrack *TGeoPainter::AddTrack(Int_t id, Int_t pdgcode, TObject *particle)
// Create a primary TGeoTrack.
return (TVirtualGeoTrack*)(new TGeoTrack(id,pdgcode,0,particle));
void TGeoPainter::AddTrackPoint(Double_t *point, Double_t *box, Bool_t reset)
// Average center of view of all painted tracklets and compute view box.
static Int_t npoints = 0;
static Double_t xmin[3] = {0,0,0};
static Double_t xmax[3] = {0,0,0};
Int_t i;
if (reset) {
memset(box, 0, 6*sizeof(Double_t));
memset(xmin, 0, 3*sizeof(Double_t));
memset(xmax, 0, 3*sizeof(Double_t));
npoints = 0;
if (npoints==0) {
for (i=0; i<3; i++) xmin[i]=xmax[i]=0;
Double_t ninv = 1./Double_t(npoints);
for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
box[i] += ninv*(point[i]-box[i]);
if (point[i]<xmin[i]) xmin[i]=point[i];
if (point[i]>xmax[i]) xmax[i]=point[i];
box[i+3] = 0.5*(xmax[i]-xmin[i]);
void TGeoPainter::BombTranslation(const Double_t *tr, Double_t *bombtr)
// get the new 'bombed' translation vector according current exploded view mode
memcpy(bombtr, tr, 3*sizeof(Double_t));
switch (fExplodedView) {
case kGeoNoBomb:
case kGeoBombXYZ:
bombtr[0] *= fBombX;
bombtr[1] *= fBombY;
bombtr[2] *= fBombZ;
case kGeoBombCyl:
bombtr[0] *= fBombR;
bombtr[1] *= fBombR;
bombtr[2] *= fBombZ;
case kGeoBombSph:
bombtr[0] *= fBombR;
bombtr[1] *= fBombR;
bombtr[2] *= fBombR;
void TGeoPainter::CheckGeometry(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz) const
fChecker->CheckGeometry(nrays, startx, starty, startz);
void TGeoPainter::CheckOverlaps(const TGeoVolume *vol, Double_t ovlp, Option_t *option) const
// Check overlaps for the top volume of the geometry, within a limit OVLP.
fChecker->CheckOverlaps(vol, ovlp, option);
void TGeoPainter::CheckPoint(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Option_t *option)
// check current point in the geometry
Int_t TGeoPainter::DistanceToPrimitiveVol(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t px, Int_t py)
// compute the closest distance of approach from point px,py to a volume
const Int_t big = 9999;
const Int_t inaxis = 7;
const Int_t maxdist = 5;
TGeoBBox *box;
Int_t puxmin = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin());
Int_t puymin = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin());
Int_t puxmax = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax());
Int_t puymax = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax());
// return if point not in user area
if (px < puxmin - inaxis) return big;
if (py > puymin + inaxis) return big;
if (px > puxmax + inaxis) return big;
if (py < puymax - inaxis) return big;
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) return big;
Int_t dist = big;
Int_t id;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
TGeoVolume *crt;
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
crt = fOverlap->GetVolume();
fMatrix = gGeoIdentity;
dist = crt->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
box = (TGeoBBox*)crt->GetShape();
fMatrix->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
crt = fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume();
fMatrix = fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetMatrix();
dist = crt->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
box = (TGeoBBox*)crt->GetShape();
fMatrix->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
return big;
crt = fOverlap->GetNode(1)->GetVolume();
fMatrix = fOverlap->GetNode(1)->GetMatrix();
dist = crt->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
box = (TGeoBBox*)crt->GetShape();
fMatrix->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
return dist;
if (fGeom->GetTopVolume() == vol) fGeom->CdTop();
Int_t level = fGeom->GetLevel();
TGeoNode *current = fGeom->GetCurrentNode();
if (vol != current->GetVolume()) return 9999;
Bool_t vis=(current->IsVisible() && (level || (!level && fTopVisible)) && fGeom->IsInPhiRange())?kTRUE:kFALSE;
TGeoNode *node = 0;
Int_t nd = vol->GetNdaughters();
Bool_t last = kFALSE;
fCheckedNode = fGeom->GetTopNode();
switch (fVisOption) {
case kGeoVisDefault:
if (vis && (level<=fVisLevel)) {
dist = vol->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px,py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
fCheckedNode = current;
box = (TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape();
fGeom->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
// check daughters
if (level<fVisLevel) {
if ((!nd) || (!current->IsVisDaughters())) return dist;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
node = vol->GetNode(id);
dist = DistanceToPrimitiveVol(node->GetVolume(),px, py);
if (dist==0) return 0;
case kGeoVisLeaves:
last = ((nd==0) || (level==fVisLevel))?kTRUE:kFALSE;
if (vis && (last || (!current->IsVisDaughters()))) {
dist = vol->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
fCheckedNode = current;
box = (TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape();
fGeom->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
if (last || (!current->IsVisDaughters())) return dist;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
node = vol->GetNode(id);
dist = DistanceToPrimitiveVol(node->GetVolume(),px,py);
if (dist==0) return 0;
case kGeoVisOnly:
dist = vol->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
fCheckedNode = current;
box = (TGeoBBox*)vol->GetShape();
fGeom->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
case kGeoVisBranch:
while (fGeom->GetLevel()) {
if (fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->IsVisible()) {
dist = fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetShape()->DistancetoPrimitive(px, py);
if (dist<maxdist) {
fCheckedNode = current;
box = (TGeoBBox*)fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetShape();
fGeom->LocalToMaster(box->GetOrigin(), &fCheckedBox[0]);
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
return 0;
fCheckedNode = gGeoManager->GetTopNode();
return big;
fCheckedNode = gGeoManager->GetTopNode();
return big;
if ((dist>maxdist) && !fGeom->GetLevel()) gPad->SetSelected(view);
fCheckedNode = gGeoManager->GetTopNode();
return dist;
void TGeoPainter::DefaultAngles()
// Set default angles for the current view.
if (gPad) {
Int_t irep;
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) return;
void TGeoPainter::DefaultColors()
// Set default volume colors according to tracking media
TIter next(fGeom->GetListOfVolumes());
TGeoVolume *vol;
while ((vol=(TGeoVolume*)next()))
if (gPad) {
if (gPad->GetView()) {
void TGeoPainter::Draw(Option_t *option)
TString opt = option;
fPaintingOverlaps = kFALSE;
fOverlap = 0;
if (fVisOption==kGeoVisOnly) fGeom->SetVisOption(kGeoVisDefault);
if (fVisLock) {
fVisLock = kFALSE;
Bool_t has_pad = (gPad==0)?kFALSE:kTRUE;
// Clear pad if option "same" not given
if (!gPad) {
if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;
if (!opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
// append this volume to pad
// Create a 3-D view
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) {
view = new TView(11);
if (has_pad) gPad->Update();
if (!view->IsPerspective()) view->SetPerspective();
fVisLock = kTRUE;
printf("--- number of nodes on screen : %in", fVisVolumes->GetEntriesFast());
void TGeoPainter::DrawOverlap(void *ovlp, Option_t *option)
TString opt = option;
TGeoOverlap *overlap = (TGeoOverlap*)ovlp;
if (!overlap) return;
fPaintingOverlaps = kTRUE;
fOverlap = overlap;
if (fVisLock) {
fVisLock = kFALSE;
Bool_t has_pad = (gPad==0)?kFALSE:kTRUE;
// Clear pad if option "same" not given
if (!gPad) {
if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;
if (!opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
// append this volume to pad
// Create a 3-D view
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) {
view = new TView(11);
PaintOverlap(overlap, "range");
if (has_pad) gPad->Update();
if (!view->IsPerspective()) view->SetPerspective();
fVisLock = kTRUE;
printf("--- number of nodes on screen : %in", fVisVolumes->GetEntriesFast());
void TGeoPainter::DrawOnly(Option_t *option)
TString opt = option;
if (fVisLock) {
fVisLock = kFALSE;
fPaintingOverlaps = kFALSE;
Bool_t has_pad = (gPad==0)?kFALSE:kTRUE;
// Clear pad if option "same" not given
if (!gPad) {
if (!gROOT->GetMakeDefCanvas()) return;
if (!opt.Contains("same")) gPad->Clear();
// append this volume to pad
// Create a 3-D view
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) {
view = new TView(11);
fVisOption = kGeoVisOnly;
if (has_pad) gPad->Update();
if (!view->IsPerspective()) view->SetPerspective();
fVisLock = kTRUE;
void TGeoPainter::DrawCurrentPoint(Int_t color)
// Draw current point in the same view.
if (!gPad) return;
if (!gPad->GetView()) return;
TPolyMarker3D *pm = new TPolyMarker3D();
Double_t *point = fGeom->GetCurrentPoint();
pm->SetNextPoint(point[0], point[1], point[2]);
void TGeoPainter::DrawPanel()
void TGeoPainter::DrawPath(const char *path)
// Draw all volumes for a given path.
void TGeoPainter::EstimateCameraMove(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Double_t *start, Double_t *end)
// Estimate camera movement between tmin and tmax for best track display
if (!gPad) return;
TIter next(gPad->GetListOfPrimitives());
TVirtualGeoTrack *track;
TObject *obj;
Int_t ntracks = 0;
Double_t *point = 0;
AddTrackPoint(point, start, kTRUE);
while ((obj=next())) {
if (strcmp(obj->ClassName(), "TGeoTrack")) continue;
track = (TVirtualGeoTrack*)obj;
if (!track) continue;
track->PaintCollect(tmin, start);
if (!ntracks) return;
AddTrackPoint(point, end, kTRUE);
while ((obj=next())) {
if (strcmp(obj->ClassName(), "TGeoTrack")) continue;
track = (TVirtualGeoTrack*)obj;
if (!track) continue;
track->PaintCollect(tmax, end);
void TGeoPainter::ExecuteVolumeEvent(TGeoVolume *volume, Int_t event, Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/)
// Execute mouse actions on a given volume.
if (!gPad) return;
switch (event) {
case kMouseEnter:
case kMouseLeave:
case kButton1Double:
// volume->Draw();
char *TGeoPainter::GetVolumeInfo(const TGeoVolume *volume, Int_t /*px*/, Int_t /*py*/) const
const char *snull = "";
if (!gPad) return (char*)snull;
static char info[128];
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (!fOverlap) {
sprintf(info, "wrong overlapping flag");
return info;
TString ovtype, name;
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (volume==fOverlap->GetVolume()) name=volume->GetName();
else name=fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetName();
} else {
ovtype = "OVERLAP";
if (volume==fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()) name=fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetName();
else name=fOverlap->GetNode(1)->GetName();
sprintf(info, "%s: %s of %g", name.Data(), ovtype.Data(), fOverlap->GetOverlap());
return info;
else sprintf(info,"%s, shape=%s", fGeom->GetPath(), volume->GetShape()->ClassName());
return info;
TGeoChecker *TGeoPainter::GetChecker()
// Create/return geometry checker.
if (!fChecker) fChecker = new TGeoChecker(fGeom);
return fChecker;
void TGeoPainter::GetViewAngles(Double_t &longitude, Double_t &latitude, Double_t &psi)
if (!gPad) return;
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) return;
longitude = view->GetLongitude();
latitude = view->GetLatitude();
psi = view->GetPsi();
void TGeoPainter::GrabFocus(Int_t nfr, Double_t dlong, Double_t dlat, Double_t dpsi)
// Move focus to current volume
if (!gPad) return;
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!view) return;
if (!fCheckedNode && !fPaintingOverlaps) {
TGeoBBox *box = (TGeoBBox*)fGeom->GetTopVolume()->GetShape();
memcpy(&fCheckedBox[0], box->GetOrigin(), 3*sizeof(Double_t));
fCheckedBox[3] = box->GetDX();
fCheckedBox[4] = box->GetDY();
fCheckedBox[5] = box->GetDZ();
Int_t nvols = fVisVolumes->GetEntriesFast();
Int_t nframes = nfr;
if (nfr==0) {
nframes = 1;
if (nvols<1500) nframes=10;
if (nvols<1000) nframes=20;
if (nvols<200) nframes = 50;
if (nvols<100) nframes = 100;
view->MoveFocus(&fCheckedBox[0], fCheckedBox[3], fCheckedBox[4], fCheckedBox[5], nframes, dlong, dlat, dpsi);
Bool_t TGeoPainter::IsOnScreen(const TGeoNode *node) const
// check if this node is drawn. Assumes that this node is current
TObject *obj = (TObject*)node->GetVolume();
for (Int_t i=0; i<fVisVolumes->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
if (fVisVolumes->At(i)==obj) return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
TH2F *TGeoPainter::LegoPlot(Int_t ntheta, Double_t themin, Double_t themax,
Int_t nphi, Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax,
Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Option_t *option)
// Generate a lego plot fot the top volume, according to option.
return fChecker->LegoPlot(ntheta, themin, themax, nphi, phimin, phimax, rmin, rmax, option);
void TGeoPainter::ModifiedPad() const
// Check if a pad and view are present and send signal "Modified" to pad.
if (!gPad) return;
if (!gPad->GetView()) return;
void TGeoPainter::Paint(Option_t *option)
// Paint current geometry according to option.
if (!fGeom) return;
if (fVisOption==kGeoVisOnly) {
TGeoNode *top = fGeom->GetTopNode();
fVisLock = kTRUE;
void TGeoPainter::PaintOverlap(void *ovlp, Option_t *option)
// Paint an overlap.
if (!fGeom) return;
TGeoOverlap *overlap = (TGeoOverlap *)ovlp;
if (!overlap) return;
if (fOverlap != overlap) fOverlap = overlap;
TGeoHMatrix *hmat = new TGeoHMatrix(); // id matrix
TGeoVolume *vol = overlap->GetVolume();
TGeoNode *node1, *node2;
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
vol->GetShape()->PaintNext(hmat, option);
node1 = overlap->GetNode(0);
*hmat = node1->GetMatrix();
vol = node1->GetVolume();
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
vol->GetShape()->PaintNext(hmat, option);
} else {
node1 = overlap->GetNode(0);
vol = node1->GetVolume();
*hmat = node1->GetMatrix();
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
vol->GetShape()->PaintNext(hmat, option);
node2 = overlap->GetNode(1);
vol = node2->GetVolume();
*hmat = node2->GetMatrix();
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
vol->GetShape()->PaintNext(hmat, option);
delete hmat;
fVisLock = kTRUE;
void TGeoPainter::PaintShape(X3DBuffer *buff, Bool_t rangeView, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
//*-*-*-*-*Paint 3-D shape in current pad with its current attributes*-*-*-*-*
//*-* ==========================================================
// rangeView = kTRUE - means no real painting
// just estimate the range
// of this shape only
//*-* Paint in the pad
//*-* Convert to the master system
if (!buff) return;
if (!fGeom) return;
TGeoVolume *vol = fGeom->GetCurrentVolume();
Float_t *point = &(buff->points[0]);
Double_t dlocal[3];
Double_t dmaster[3];
if (fGeom) {
for (Int_t j = 0; j < buff->numPoints; j++) {
dlocal[0]=point[3*j]; dlocal[1]=point[3*j+1]; dlocal[2]=point[3*j+2];
if (glmat) {
} else {
if (IsExplodedView())
// printf("point %i : %g %g %gn", j,dmaster[0],dmaster[1],dmaster[2]);
point[3*j]=dmaster[0]; point[3*j+1]=dmaster[1]; point[3*j+2]=dmaster[2];
Float_t x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1;
const Int_t kExpandView = 2;
int i0;
x0 = x1 = buff->points[0];
y0 = y1 = buff->points[1];
z0 = z1 = buff->points[2];
if (!rangeView) {
if (!fPaintingOverlaps) {
((TAttLine*)vol)->Modify(); //Change line attributes only if necessary
((TAttFill*)vol)->Modify(); //Change fill area attributes only if necessary
} else {
for (Int_t i = 0; i < buff->numSegs; i++) {
i0 = 3*buff->segs[3*i+1];
Float_t *ptpoints_0 = &(buff->points[i0]);
i0 = 3*buff->segs[3*i+2];
Float_t *ptpoints_3 = &(buff->points[i0]);
if (!rangeView) gPad->PaintLine3D(ptpoints_0, ptpoints_3);
else {
x0 = ptpoints_0[0] < x0 ? ptpoints_0[0] : x0;
y0 = ptpoints_0[1] < y0 ? ptpoints_0[1] : y0;
z0 = ptpoints_0[2] < z0 ? ptpoints_0[2] : z0;
x1 = ptpoints_3[0] > x1 ? ptpoints_3[0] : x1;
y1 = ptpoints_3[1] > y1 ? ptpoints_3[1] : y1;
z1 = ptpoints_3[2] > z1 ? ptpoints_3[2] : z1;
if (rangeView)
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (view->GetAutoRange()) view->SetRange(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,kExpandView);
void *TGeoPainter::MakeBox3DBuffer(const TGeoVolume *vol)
// Create a box 3D buffer for a given shape.
X3DPoints *buff = new X3DPoints;
const Int_t numpoints = 8;
buff->numPoints = 8;
Double_t *points = new Double_t[3*numpoints];
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
buff->points = points;
return buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintBox(TGeoShape *shape, Option_t *option, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
// paint any type of box with 8 vertices
const Int_t numpoints = 8;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
if (!points) return;
Bool_t rangeView = option && *option && strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) gVirtualGL->PaintBrik(points);
//== for (Int_t i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
// gNode->Local2Master(&points[3*i],&points[3*i]);
Int_t c = ((fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (fOverlap->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
} else {
if (fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
//*-* Allocate memory for segments *-*
X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer;
if (buff) {
buff->numPoints = 8;
buff->numSegs = 12;
buff->numPolys = 6;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
buff->points = points;
buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3];
if (buff->segs) {
buff->segs[ 0] = c; buff->segs[ 1] = 0; buff->segs[ 2] = 1;
buff->segs[ 3] = c+1; buff->segs[ 4] = 1; buff->segs[ 5] = 2;
buff->segs[ 6] = c+1; buff->segs[ 7] = 2; buff->segs[ 8] = 3;
buff->segs[ 9] = c; buff->segs[10] = 3; buff->segs[11] = 0;
buff->segs[12] = c+2; buff->segs[13] = 4; buff->segs[14] = 5;
buff->segs[15] = c+2; buff->segs[16] = 5; buff->segs[17] = 6;
buff->segs[18] = c+3; buff->segs[19] = 6; buff->segs[20] = 7;
buff->segs[21] = c+3; buff->segs[22] = 7; buff->segs[23] = 4;
buff->segs[24] = c; buff->segs[25] = 0; buff->segs[26] = 4;
buff->segs[27] = c+2; buff->segs[28] = 1; buff->segs[29] = 5;
buff->segs[30] = c+1; buff->segs[31] = 2; buff->segs[32] = 6;
buff->segs[33] = c+3; buff->segs[34] = 3; buff->segs[35] = 7;
//*-* Allocate memory for polygons *-*
buff->polys = new Int_t[buff->numPolys*6];
if (buff->polys) {
buff->polys[ 0] = c; buff->polys[ 1] = 4; buff->polys[ 2] = 0;
buff->polys[ 3] = 9; buff->polys[ 4] = 4; buff->polys[ 5] = 8;
buff->polys[ 6] = c+1; buff->polys[ 7] = 4; buff->polys[ 8] = 1;
buff->polys[ 9] = 10; buff->polys[10] = 5; buff->polys[11] = 9;
buff->polys[12] = c; buff->polys[13] = 4; buff->polys[14] = 2;
buff->polys[15] = 11; buff->polys[16] = 6; buff->polys[17] = 10;
buff->polys[18] = c+1; buff->polys[19] = 4; buff->polys[20] = 3;
buff->polys[21] = 8; buff->polys[22] = 7; buff->polys[23] = 11;
buff->polys[24] = c+2; buff->polys[25] = 4; buff->polys[26] = 0;
buff->polys[27] = 3; buff->polys[28] = 2; buff->polys[29] = 1;
buff->polys[30] = c+3; buff->polys[31] = 4; buff->polys[32] = 4;
buff->polys[33] = 5; buff->polys[34] = 6; buff->polys[35] = 7;
//*-* Paint in the pad
PaintShape(buff,rangeView, glmat);
if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs)
else {
gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints;
gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs;
gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys;
delete [] points;
if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs;
if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys;
if (buff) delete buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintCompositeShape(TGeoVolume *vol, Option_t *option)
// paint a composite shape
PaintBox(vol->GetShape(), option);
void *TGeoPainter::MakeTube3DBuffer(const TGeoVolume *vol)
// Create a box 3D buffer for a given shape.
X3DPoints *buff = new X3DPoints;
Int_t n = fNsegments;
const Int_t numpoints = 4*n;
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
Double_t *points = new Double_t[3*numpoints];
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
buff->points = points;
return buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintTube(TGeoShape *shape, Option_t *option, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
// paint tubes
Int_t i, j;
Int_t n = fNsegments;
const Int_t numpoints = 4*n;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
if (!points) return;
Bool_t rangeView = option && *option && strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) gVirtualGL->PaintCone(points, n, 2);
//== for (i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
//== gNode->Local2Master(&points[3*i],&points[3*i]);
X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer;
if (buff) {
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
// if (strstr(option, "x3d"))
buff->numSegs = n*8;
// else buff->numSegs = n*6;
buff->numPolys = n*4;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
buff->points = points;
Int_t c = ((fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (fOverlap->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
} else {
if (fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
//*-* Allocate memory for segments *-*
buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3];
if (buff->segs) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3 ] = c;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+1] = i*n+j;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+2] = i*n+j+1;
buff->segs[(i*n+j-1)*3+2] = i*n;
for (i = 4; i < 6; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3 ] = c+1;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+1] = (i-4)*n+j;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+2] = (i-2)*n+j;
// if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
for (i = 6; i < 8; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3 ] = c;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+1] = 2*(i-6)*n+j;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+2] = (2*(i-6)+1)*n+j;
// }
//*-* Allocate memory for polygons *-*
Int_t indx = 0;
buff->polys = new Int_t[buff->numPolys*6];
if (buff->polys) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
indx = 6*(i*n+j);
buff->polys[indx ] = c;
buff->polys[indx+1] = 4;
buff->polys[indx+2] = i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+3] = (4+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+4] = (2+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+5] = (4+i)*n+j+1;
buff->polys[indx+5] = (4+i)*n;
for (i = 2; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
indx = 6*(i*n+j);
buff->polys[indx ] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx+1] = 4;
buff->polys[indx+2] = (i-2)*2*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+3] = (4+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+4] = ((i-2)*2+1)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx+5] = (4+i)*n+j+1;
buff->polys[indx+5] = (4+i)*n;
//*-* Paint in the pad
PaintShape(buff,rangeView, glmat);
if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs)
else {
gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints;
gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs;
gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys;
if (buff->points) delete [] buff->points;
if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs;
if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys;
if (buff) delete buff;
void *TGeoPainter::MakeTubs3DBuffer(const TGeoVolume *vol)
// Create a box 3D buffer for a given shape.
X3DPoints *buff = new X3DPoints;
const Int_t n = fNsegments+1;
const Int_t numpoints = 4*n;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Double_t *points = new Double_t[3*numpoints];
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
buff->points = points;
return buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintTubs(TGeoShape *shape, Option_t *option, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
// paint tubes
Int_t i, j;
const Int_t n = fNsegments+1;
const Int_t numpoints = 4*n;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
if (!points) return;
Bool_t rangeView = option && *option && strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) gVirtualGL->PaintCone(points,-n,2);
//== for (i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
//== gNode->Local2Master(&points[3*i],&points[3*i]);
X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer;
if (buff) {
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
buff->numSegs = 2*numpoints;
buff->numPolys = numpoints-2;
buff->points = points;
Int_t c = ((fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (fOverlap->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
} else {
if (fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
//*-* Allocate memory for segments *-*
buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3];
memset(buff->segs, 0, buff->numSegs*3*sizeof(Int_t));
if (buff->segs) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j-1)*3 ] = c;
buff->segs[(i*n+j-1)*3+1] = i*n+j-1;
buff->segs[(i*n+j-1)*3+2] = i*n+j;
for (i = 4; i < 6; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3 ] = c+1;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+1] = (i-4)*n+j;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+2] = (i-2)*n+j;
for (i = 6; i < 8; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3 ] = c;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+1] = 2*(i-6)*n+j;
buff->segs[(i*n+j)*3+2] = (2*(i-6)+1)*n+j;
//*-* Allocate memory for polygons *-*
Int_t indx = 0;
buff->polys = new Int_t[buff->numPolys*6];
memset(buff->polys, 0, buff->numPolys*6*sizeof(Int_t));
if (buff->polys) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (4+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (4+i)*n+j+1;
for (i = 2; i < 4; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = (i-2)*2*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (4+i)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = ((i-2)*2+1)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (4+i)*n+j+1;
buff->polys[indx++] = c+2;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 6*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = 7*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = 5*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = c+2;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 7*n-1;
buff->polys[indx++] = 5*n-1;
buff->polys[indx++] = 8*n-1;
buff->polys[indx++] = 6*n-1;
//*-* Paint in the pad
PaintShape(buff,rangeView, glmat);
if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs)
else {
gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints;
gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs;
gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys;
delete [] points;
if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs;
if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys;
if (buff) delete buff;
void *TGeoPainter::MakeSphere3DBuffer(const TGeoVolume *vol)
// Create a box 3D buffer for a given shape.
X3DPoints *buff = new X3DPoints;
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
const Int_t n = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetNumberOfDivisions()+1;
Int_t nz = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetNz()+1;
if (nz < 2) return 0;
Int_t numpoints = 2*n*nz;
if (numpoints <= 0) return 0;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Double_t *points = new Double_t[3*numpoints];
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
buff->points = points;
return buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintSphere(TGeoShape *shape, Option_t *option, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
// paint a sphere
Int_t i, j;
const Int_t n = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetNumberOfDivisions()+1;
Double_t ph1 = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetPhi1();
Double_t ph2 = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetPhi2();
Int_t nz = ((TGeoSphere*)shape)->GetNz()+1;
if (nz < 2) return;
Int_t numpoints = 2*n*nz;
if (numpoints <= 0) return;
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
if (!points) return;
Bool_t rangeView = option && *option && strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) gVirtualGL->PaintCone(points, -n, nz);
//== for (i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
//== gNode->Local2Master(&points[3*i],&points[3*i]);
Bool_t specialCase = kFALSE;
if (TMath::Abs(TMath::Sin(2*(ph2 - ph1))) <= 0.01) //mark this as a very special case, when
specialCase = kTRUE; //we have to draw this PCON like a TUBE
X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer;
if (buff) {
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
buff->numSegs = 4*(nz*n-1+(specialCase == kTRUE));
buff->numPolys = 2*(nz*n-1+(specialCase == kTRUE));
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
buff->points = points;
Int_t c = ((fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (fOverlap->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
} else {
if (fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
//*-* Allocate memory for segments *-*
Int_t indx, indx2, k;
indx = indx2 = 0;
buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3];
if (buff->segs) {
//inside & outside spheres, number of segments: 2*nz*(n-1)
// special case number of segments: 2*nz*n
for (i = 0; i < nz*2; i++) {
indx2 = i*n;
for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j-1;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
if (specialCase) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j-1;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2;
//bottom & top lines, number of segments: 2*n
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
indx2 = i*(nz-1)*2*n;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n+j;
//inside & outside spheres, number of segments: 2*(nz-1)*n
for (i = 0; i < (nz-1); i++) {
//inside sphere
indx2 = i*n*2;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c+2;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n*2+j;
//outside sphere
indx2 = i*n*2+n;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c+3;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n*2+j;
//left & right sections, number of segments: 2*(nz-2)
// special case number of segments: 0
if (!specialCase) {
for (i = 1; i < (nz-1); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = 2*i * n + j*(n-1);
buff->segs[indx++] = (2*i+1) * n + j*(n-1);
Int_t m = n - 1 + (specialCase == kTRUE);
//*-* Allocate memory for polygons *-*
indx = 0;
buff->polys = new Int_t[buff->numPolys*6];
if (buff->polys) {
//bottom & top, number of polygons: 2*(n-1)
// special case number of polygons: 2*n
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+3;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j+1;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+j;
if (specialCase) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+3;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+j;
//inside & outside, number of polygons: (nz-1)*2*(n-1)
for (k = 0; k < (nz-1); k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1+2)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j+1;
if (specialCase) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1+2)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n;
//left & right sections, number of polygons: 2*(nz-1)
// special case number of polygons: 0
if (!specialCase) {
indx2 = nz*2*(n-1);
for (k = 0; k < (nz-1); k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+2;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = k==0 ? indx2+i*(n-1) : indx2+2*nz*n+2*(k-1)+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+2*(k+1)*n+i*(n-1);
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+2*nz*n+2*k+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+(2*k+3)*n+i*(n-1);
buff->polys[indx-8] = indx2+n;
buff->polys[indx-2] = indx2+2*n-1;
//*-* Paint in the pad
PaintShape(buff,rangeView, glmat);
if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs)
else {
gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints;
gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs;
gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys;
delete [] points;
if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs;
if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys;
if (buff) delete buff;
void *TGeoPainter::MakePcon3DBuffer(const TGeoVolume *vol)
// Create a box 3D buffer for a given shape.
X3DPoints *buff = new X3DPoints;
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
const Int_t n = ((TGeoPcon*)shape)->GetNsegments()+1;
Int_t nz = ((TGeoPcon*)shape)->GetNz();
if (nz < 2) return 0;
Int_t numpoints = nz*2*n;
if (numpoints <= 0) return 0;
Double_t *points = new Double_t[3*numpoints];
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
buff->points = points;
return buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintPcon(TGeoShape *shape, Option_t *option, TGeoHMatrix *glmat)
// paint a pcon
Int_t i, j;
const Int_t n = ((TGeoPcon*)shape)->GetNsegments()+1;
Int_t nz = ((TGeoPcon*)shape)->GetNz();
if (nz < 2) return;
Int_t numpoints = nz*2*n;
if (numpoints <= 0) return;
Double_t dphi = ((TGeoPcon*)shape)->GetDphi();
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
if (!points) return;
Bool_t rangeView = strcmp(option,"range")==0 ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
if (!rangeView && gPad->GetView3D()) gVirtualGL->PaintCone(points, -n, nz);
//== for (i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
//== gNode->Local2Master(&points[3*i],&points[3*i]);
Bool_t specialCase = kFALSE;
if (dphi == 360) //mark this as a very special case, when
specialCase = kTRUE; //we have to draw this PCON like a TUBE
X3DBuffer *buff = new X3DBuffer;
if (buff) {
buff->numPoints = numpoints;
buff->numSegs = 4*(nz*n-1+(specialCase == kTRUE));
buff->numPolys = 2*(nz*n-1+(specialCase == kTRUE));
//*-* Allocate memory for points *-*
buff->points = points;
Int_t c = ((fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->GetLineColor() % 8) - 1) * 4; // Basic colors: 0, 1, ... 7
if (c < 0) c = 0;
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
if (fOverlap->IsExtrusion()) {
if (fOverlap->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
} else {
if (fOverlap->GetNode(0)->GetVolume()->GetShape()==shape) c=8;
else c=12;
//*-* Allocate memory for segments *-*
Int_t indx, indx2, k;
indx = indx2 = 0;
buff->segs = new Int_t[buff->numSegs*3];
if (buff->segs) {
//inside & outside circles, number of segments: 2*nz*(n-1)
// special case number of segments: 2*nz*n
for (i = 0; i < nz*2; i++) {
indx2 = i*n;
for (j = 1; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j-1;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
if (specialCase) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j-1;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2;
//bottom & top lines, number of segments: 2*n
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
indx2 = i*(nz-1)*2*n;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n+j;
//inside & outside cilindres, number of segments: 2*(nz-1)*n
for (i = 0; i < (nz-1); i++) {
//inside cilinder
indx2 = i*n*2;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c+2;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n*2+j;
//outside cilinder
indx2 = i*n*2+n;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c+3;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+j;
buff->segs[indx++] = indx2+n*2+j;
//left & right sections, number of segments: 2*(nz-2)
// special case number of segments: 0
if (!specialCase) {
for (i = 1; i < (nz-1); i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
buff->segs[indx++] = c;
buff->segs[indx++] = 2*i * n + j*(n-1);
buff->segs[indx++] = (2*i+1) * n + j*(n-1);
Int_t m = n - 1 + (specialCase == kTRUE);
//*-* Allocate memory for polygons *-*
indx = 0;
buff->polys = new Int_t[buff->numPolys*6];
if (buff->polys) {
//bottom & top, number of polygons: 2*(n-1)
// special case number of polygons: 2*n
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+3;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j+1;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+j;
if (specialCase) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+3;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = 2*nz*m+i*n;
buff->polys[indx++] = i*(nz*2-2)*m+j;
//inside & outside, number of polygons: (nz-1)*2*(n-1)
for (k = 0; k < (nz-1); k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n-1; j++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1+2)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j+1;
if (specialCase) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = (2*k+i*1+2)*m+j;
buff->polys[indx++] = nz*2*m+(2*k+i*1+2)*n;
//left & right sections, number of polygons: 2*(nz-1)
// special case number of polygons: 0
if (!specialCase) {
indx2 = nz*2*(n-1);
for (k = 0; k < (nz-1); k++) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
buff->polys[indx++] = c+2;
buff->polys[indx++] = 4;
buff->polys[indx++] = k==0 ? indx2+i*(n-1) : indx2+2*nz*n+2*(k-1)+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+2*(k+1)*n+i*(n-1);
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+2*nz*n+2*k+i;
buff->polys[indx++] = indx2+(2*k+3)*n+i*(n-1);
buff->polys[indx-8] = indx2+n;
buff->polys[indx-2] = indx2+2*n-1;
//*-* Paint in the pad
PaintShape(buff,rangeView, glmat);
if (strstr(option, "x3d")) {
if(buff && buff->points && buff->segs)
else {
gSize3D.numPoints -= buff->numPoints;
gSize3D.numSegs -= buff->numSegs;
gSize3D.numPolys -= buff->numPolys;
delete [] points;
if (buff->segs) delete [] buff->segs;
if (buff->polys) delete [] buff->polys;
if (buff) delete buff;
void TGeoPainter::PaintNode(TGeoNode *node, Option_t *option)
// paint recursively a node and its content accordind to visualization options
TGeoNode *daughter = 0;
TGeoVolume *vol = node->GetVolume();
Int_t nd = node->GetNdaughters();
Bool_t last = kFALSE;
Int_t level = fGeom->GetLevel();
Bool_t vis=(node->IsVisible() && (level || (!level && fTopVisible)) && fGeom->IsInPhiRange())?kTRUE:kFALSE;
Int_t id;
switch (fVisOption) {
case kGeoVisDefault:
if (vis && (level<=fVisLevel)) {
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
// draw daughters
if (level<fVisLevel) {
if ((!nd) || (!node->IsVisDaughters())) return;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
daughter = node->GetDaughter(id);
PaintNode(daughter, option);
case kGeoVisLeaves:
if (level>fVisLevel) return;
last = ((nd==0) || (level==fVisLevel))?kTRUE:kFALSE;
if (vis && (last || (!node->IsVisDaughters()))) {
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
if (last || (!node->IsVisDaughters())) return;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
daughter = node->GetDaughter(id);
PaintNode(daughter, option);
case kGeoVisOnly:
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(vol);
case kGeoVisBranch:
while (fGeom->GetLevel()) {
if (fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->IsVisible()) {
if (!fVisLock) fVisVolumes->Add(fGeom->GetCurrentVolume());
void TGeoPainter::PrintOverlaps() const
void TGeoPainter::RandomPoints(const TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t npoints, Option_t *option)
// Draw random points in the bounding box of a volume.
fChecker->RandomPoints((TGeoVolume*)vol, npoints, option);
void TGeoPainter::RandomRays(Int_t nrays, Double_t startx, Double_t starty, Double_t startz)
// Raytrace nrays in the current drawn geometry
fChecker->RandomRays(nrays, startx, starty, startz);
TGeoNode *TGeoPainter::SamplePoints(Int_t npoints, Double_t &dist, Double_t epsil,
const char* g3path)
// shoot npoints randomly in a box of 1E-5 arround current point.
// return minimum distance to points outside
return fChecker->SamplePoints(npoints, dist, epsil, g3path);
void TGeoPainter::SetBombFactors(Double_t bombx, Double_t bomby, Double_t bombz, Double_t bombr)
//--- Set cartesian and radial bomb factors for translations
fBombX = bombx;
fBombY = bomby;
fBombZ = bombz;
fBombR = bombr;
if (IsExplodedView()) {
if (gPad) {
void TGeoPainter::Sizeof3D(const TGeoVolume *vol) const
// Compute size of the 3d object "vol".
if (fGeom->GetTopVolume() == vol) fGeom->CdTop();
TGeoNode *node = 0;
Int_t nd = vol->GetNdaughters();
TGeoShape *shape = vol->GetShape();
Bool_t last = kFALSE;
Int_t level = fGeom->GetLevel();
TGeoNode *current = fGeom->GetCurrentNode();
Bool_t vis=(current->IsVisible() && (level || (!level && fTopVisible)) && fGeom->IsInPhiRange())?kTRUE:kFALSE;
Int_t id;
switch (fVisOption) {
case kGeoVisDefault:
if (vis && (level<=fVisLevel))
// draw daughters
if (level<fVisLevel) {
if ((!nd) || (!current->IsVisDaughters())) return;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
node = vol->GetNode(id);
case kGeoVisLeaves:
last = ((nd==0) || (level==fVisLevel))?kTRUE:kFALSE;
if (vis && (last || (!current->IsVisDaughters())))
if (last || (!current->IsVisDaughters())) return;
for (id=0; id<nd; id++) {
node = vol->GetNode(id);
case kGeoVisOnly:
case kGeoVisBranch:
while (fGeom->GetLevel()) {
if (fGeom->GetCurrentVolume()->IsVisible())
void TGeoPainter::SetExplodedView(Int_t ibomb)
// set type of exploding view
if ((ibomb<0) || (ibomb>3)) {
Warning("SetExplodedView", "exploded view can be 0-3");
if ((Int_t)ibomb==fExplodedView) return;
Bool_t change = (gPad==0)?kFALSE:kTRUE;
if (ibomb==kGeoNoBomb) {
change &= ((fExplodedView==kGeoNoBomb)?kFALSE:kTRUE);
if (ibomb==kGeoBombXYZ) {
change &= ((fExplodedView==kGeoBombXYZ)?kFALSE:kTRUE);
if (ibomb==kGeoBombCyl) {
change &= ((fExplodedView==kGeoBombCyl)?kFALSE:kTRUE);
if (ibomb==kGeoBombSph) {
change &= ((fExplodedView==kGeoBombSph)?kFALSE:kTRUE);
fExplodedView = ibomb;
if (change && gPad->GetView()) {
void TGeoPainter::SetNsegments(Int_t nseg)
// Set number of segments to approximate circles
if (nseg<3) {
Warning("SetNsegments", "number of segments should be > 2");
if (fNsegments==nseg) return;
fNsegments = nseg;
if (!gPad) return;
if (gPad->GetView()) {
void TGeoPainter::SetVisLevel(Int_t level) {
// set default level down to which visualization is performed
if (level<=0) {
Warning("SetVisLevel", "visualization level should be >0");
if (level==fVisLevel) return;
if (fVisLock) {
fVisLock = kFALSE;
if (!gPad) return;
if (gPad->GetView()) {
void TGeoPainter::SetTopVisible(Bool_t vis)
if (fTopVisible==vis) return;
fTopVisible = vis;
if (!gPad) return;
if (gPad->GetView()) {
void TGeoPainter::SetVisOption(Int_t option) {
// set drawing mode :
// option=0 (default) all nodes drawn down to vislevel
// option=1 leaves and nodes at vislevel drawn
// option=2 path is drawn
if ((fVisOption<0) || (fVisOption>3)) {
Warning("SetVisOption", "wrong visualization option");
if (fVisOption==option) return;
if (fVisLock) {
fVisLock = kFALSE;
if (!gPad) return;
if (gPad->GetView()) {
Int_t TGeoPainter::ShapeDistancetoPrimitive(const TGeoShape *shape, Int_t numpoints, Int_t px, Int_t py) const
// Returns distance between point px,py on the pad an a shape.
Int_t dist = 9999;
TView *view = gPad->GetView();
if (!(numpoints && view)) return dist;
Float_t *points = new Float_t[3*numpoints];
Float_t dpoint2, x1, y1, xndc[3];
Double_t dlocal[3], dmaster[3];
for (Int_t i=0; i<numpoints; i++) {
dlocal[0]=points[3*i]; dlocal[1]=points[3*i+1]; dlocal[2]=points[3*i+2];
if (fPaintingOverlaps) {
fMatrix->LocalToMaster(&dlocal[0], &dmaster[0]);
} else if (IsExplodedView())
fGeom->LocalToMasterBomb(&dlocal[0], &dmaster[0]);
fGeom->LocalToMaster(&dlocal[0], &dmaster[0]);
points[3*i]=dmaster[0]; points[3*i+1]=dmaster[1]; points[3*i+2]=dmaster[2];
view->WCtoNDC(&points[3*i], xndc);
x1 = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(xndc[0]);
y1 = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(xndc[1]);
dpoint2 = (px-x1)*(px-x1) + (py-y1)*(py-y1);
if (dpoint2 < dist) dist=(Int_t)dpoint2;
delete [] points;
return Int_t(TMath::Sqrt(Float_t(dist)));
void TGeoPainter::Test(Int_t npoints, Option_t *option)
// Check time of finding "Where am I" for n points.
fChecker->Test(npoints, option);
void TGeoPainter::TestOverlaps(const char* path)
//--- Geometry overlap checker based on sampling.
Bool_t TGeoPainter::TestVoxels(TGeoVolume *vol)
// Check voxels efficiency per volume.
return fChecker->TestVoxels(vol);
void TGeoPainter::UnbombTranslation(const Double_t *tr, Double_t *bombtr)
// get the new 'unbombed' translation vector according current exploded view mode
memcpy(bombtr, tr, 3*sizeof(Double_t));
switch (fExplodedView) {
case kGeoNoBomb:
case kGeoBombXYZ:
bombtr[0] /= fBombX;
bombtr[1] /= fBombY;
bombtr[2] /= fBombZ;
case kGeoBombCyl:
bombtr[0] /= fBombR;
bombtr[1] /= fBombR;
bombtr[2] /= fBombZ;
case kGeoBombSph:
bombtr[0] /= fBombR;
bombtr[1] /= fBombR;
bombtr[2] /= fBombR;
Double_t TGeoPainter::Weight(Double_t precision, Option_t *option)
return fChecker->Weight(precision, option);
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