/* @(#)root/pythia:$Name: $:$Id: Pcommon.h,v 2000/05/16 17:00:48 rdm Exp $ */ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. * * All rights reserved. * * * * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. * * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. * *************************************************************************/ #ifndef ROOT_PCommon #define ROOT_PCommon #ifndef __CFORTRAN_LOADED #include "cfortran.h" #endif extern "C" { /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYPARS/MSTP(200),PARP(200),MSTI(200),PARI(200) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t mstp[200]; Float_t parp[200]; Int_t msti[200]; Float_t pari[200]; } PyparsCommon; #define PYPARS COMMON_BLOCK(PYPARS,pypars) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(PyparsCommon,PYPARS); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Provides information on latest event generated, */ /* statistics. Contains status codes and parameters */ /* regulating the performance of program. */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYSUBS/MSEL,MSUB(200),KFIN(2,-40:40),CKIN(200) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t msel; Int_t msub[200]; Int_t kfin[81][2]; Float_t ckin[200]; } PysubsCommon; #define PYSUBS COMMON_BLOCK(PYSUBS,pysubs) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(PysubsCommon,PYSUBS); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Allows to run program with desired subset of process, */ /* or restrict flavour and kinematics. */ /* */ /* MSEL - switches between full user-control and pre- */ /* programed alternatives (look at documentation)*/ /* MSUB - selects which subset of subprocesses to include*/ /* in the generation(ordering follows ISUB code) */ /* KFIN[J][I]-provides an option to switch contributions */ /* to the cross-sections ->allows restriction on */ /* final state flavour. I=0->beam side of event; */ /* I=1->target side.J-enumerates flavours: */ /* WARNING!!!:In original F77-version flavours are*/ /* enumerated from -40 to 40 -according to the KF */ /* code. In 'C' there isn't a possibility to have */ /* an array indexes start from number different */ /* from 0. Thus, one have to add 40 to desired KF */ /* code to obtain proper index in 'C'-array. */ /* CKIN - kinematics cuts settings - see documentation. */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYINT1/MINT(400),VINT(400) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t mint[400]; Float_t vint[400]; } Pyint1Common; #define PYINT1 COMMON_BLOCK(PYINT1,pyint1) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Pyint1Common,PYINT1); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Worksapce arrays. */ /* These arrays collects a host of integer and real values*/ /* used internaly during initialization/event generation. */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYINT2/ISET(200),KFPR(200,2),COEF(200,20), */ /* ICOL(40,4,2) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t iset[200]; Int_t kfpr[2][200]; Float_t coef[20][200]; Int_t icol[2][4][40]; } Pyint2Common; #define PYINT2 COMMON_BLOCK(PYINT2,pyint2) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Pyint2Common,PYINT2); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Workspace arrays. */ /* These arrays are necessary to store Jacobians, etc. */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYINT3/XSFX(2,-40:40),ISIG(1000,3),SIGH(1000) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Float_t xsfx[81][2]; Int_t isig[3][1000]; Float_t sigh[1000]; } Pyint3Common; #define PYINT3 COMMON_BLOCK(PYINT3,pyint3) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Pyint3Common,PYINT3); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stores information about crosssections and parton dis- */ /* tribution and relative final state weights */ /* WARNING!!! Values must not be changed by a user!!! */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYINT4/WIDP(21:40,0:40),WIDE(21:40,0:40), */ /* WIDS(21:40,3) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Float_t widp[41][20]; Float_t wide[41][20]; Float_t wids[3][20]; } Pyint4Common; #define PYINT4 COMMON_BLOCK(PYINT4,pyint4) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Pyint4Common,PYINT4); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stores decay wieths for resonances */ /* WARNING!!! Values must not be changed by a user!!! */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/PYINT5/NGEN(0:200,3),XSEC(0:200,3) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t ngen[3][201]; Float_t xsec[3][201]; } Pyint5Common; #define PYINT5 COMMON_BLOCK(PYINT5,pyint5) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Pyint5Common,PYINT5); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stores information necessary for cross-section */ /* calculation. */ /* WARNING!!! Values must not be changed by a user!!! */ /*========================================================*/ /***************************************************************/ /* LUJETS part */ /***************************************************************/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUJETS/N,K(4000,5),P(4000,5),V(4000,5) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t n; Int_t k[5][4000]; Float_t p[5][4000]; Float_t v[5][4000]; } LujetsCommon; #define LUJETS COMMON_BLOCK(LUJETS,lujets) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(LujetsCommon,LUJETS); /***********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* N - number of lines in K,P,V matrices occupied by */ /* current event */ /* K[0][I] - Status Code KS (look at documentation) */ /* K[1][I] - Parton/Particle KF code */ /* K[2][I] - Line number of Parrent Particle */ /* K[3][I] - Line number of first daugher[or internal use]*/ /* K[4][I] - Line number of last daughter[or internal use]*/ /* */ /* P[0][I] - Px - momentum in the x direction [GeV/c] */ /* P[1][I] - Py - momentum in the y direction [GeV/c] */ /* P[2][I] - Pz - momentum in the z direction [GeV/c] */ /* P[3][I] - E - energy [GeV] */ /* P[4][I] - m - mass [Gev/c^2] */ /* */ /* V[0][I] - x position of production vertex [mm] */ /* V[1][I] - y position of production vertex [mm] */ /* V[2][I] - z position of production vertex [mm] */ /* V[3][I] - time of production [mm/c]=[3.33E-12 s] */ /* V[4][I] - proper lifetime of particle [mm/c] */ /*=========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUDAT1/MSTU(200),PARU(200),MSTJ(200),PARJ(200) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t mstu[200]; Float_t paru[200]; Int_t mstj[200]; Float_t parj[200]; } Ludat1Common; #define LUDAT1 COMMON_BLOCK(LUDAT1,ludat1) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Ludat1Common,LUDAT1); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This common regulates the performance of program and */ /* gives access to somea number of status codes. */ /* */ /* MSTU,MPAR - related to utility function and Standard */ /* Model (look at documentation) */ /* MSTJ,PARJ - underlying physics assumptions */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUDAT2/KCHG(500,3),PMASS(500,4),PARF(2000), */ /* VCKM(4,4) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t kchg[3][500]; Float_t pmas[4][500]; Float_t parf[2000]; Float_t vckm[4][4]; } Ludat2Common; #define LUDAT2 COMMON_BLOCK(LUDAT2,ludat2) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Ludat2Common,LUDAT2); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This gives access to a number of flavour treatment */ /* constants/parameters and particle/parton data. */ /* */ /* Look at the documentation for details... */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUDAT3/MDCY(500,3),MDME(2000,2),BRAT(2000), */ /* KFDP(2000,5) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t mdcy[3][500]; Int_t mdme[2][2000]; Float_t brat[2000]; Int_t kfdp[5][2000]; } Ludat3Common; #define LUDAT3 COMMON_BLOCK(LUDAT3,ludat3) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Ludat3Common,LUDAT3); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Gives access to particle decay data and parameters. */ /* Look at the documentation for details... */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUDAT4/CHAF(500) */ /* CHARACTER CHAF*8 */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Char_t chaf[500][8]; } Ludat4Common; #define LUDAT4 COMMON_BLOCK(LUDAT4,ludat4) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(Ludat4Common,LUDAT4); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Gives access to character types variables: */ /* */ /* chaf - particle names(excluding charge) according to */ /* KC-code */ /*========================================================*/ /*========================================================*/ /* COMMON/LUDATR/MRLU(6),RRLU(100) */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct { Int_t mrlu[6]; Float_t rrlu[100]; } LudatrCommon; #define LUDATR COMMON_BLOCK(LUDATR,ludatr) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(LudatrCommon,LUDATR); /**********************************************************/ /* D E S C R I P T I O N : */ /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Contains the state of random number generator. */ /*========================================================*/ } #endif