> Is anyone having trouble with making shared libraries of ROOT
> classes under NT?
Under NT (or any other WIN32 based systems - 95/98/CE) one
may meet two kind of ROOT DLL's:
1. Trivial case
2. "FULL" case
1. The trivial case is described well with Andrew Haas tutorials
This serves well if the user's intention is to create the
ONLY dynamic library and call his/her class('s) from within ROOT
interactive session via CINT interpreter
2. The "trivial" case doesn't work if
One has to call methods of the classes from his/her own DLL
directly (from the C/C++ program) without assistance of
CINT and the calling code (object/class) does belong another
For this case one has to create a so-called "Symbol Definition
Table" and "export/import" libraries.
To create ones his/she may follow either Microsoft "Manuals"
or apply a special utility BINDEXPLIB supplied.
The Root/test subdirectory does contain a Makefile shows how
this utility can be employed.
Coming back to your question, please, can you say what is your case
1. or 2. and what kind of problem you did meant.
The screen "copy" of your session will be appreciated as well.
Anyway myself have no VC++ 6.0 but the past experience with VC++
4.0 and 5.0 proved one should wait the "Service Pack 1" of any MS
product to be safe.
Dr. Valeri Faine (Fine)
------------------- Phone: +1 516 344 7806
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Dr. Valery Fine Telex : 911621 dubna su
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