>I could still not solve my problem with compiled global variables in CINT
>and started to put `print statements' into CINT/ROOT. Doing the builds
>(with egcs 1.1), I noticed many CINT errors, and wonder, whether they are
>normal: e.g. for MAKECINT the definitions like G__MAXFUNCPARA, G__MAXBASE,
>G__UINT32security are skipped (in G__ci.h, I think) but later needed in
>547 char type[G__MAXFUNCPARA];Error: No symbol G__MAXFUNCPARA in
>current scope FILE:common.h LINE:547
>548 int tagnum[G__MAXFUNCPARA];Error: No symbol G__MAXFUNCPARA in
>current scope FILE:common.h LINE:548
common.h must not be read by rootcint nor makecint. common.h is needed only fo
building CINT core library. I wonder why this happens. Rootcint and makecint
does not generate code which require common.h. Is there something special in
your configuration?
Masaharu Goto