I have written a short program to excercise the TChain class. Can anyone
see where I am in error. I have included below two short programs, and
their output. One reads a tree, the other, a chain containing the same
file and no other. The latter generates a segmentation violation.
Sean Kelly
This code generates the expected output
TFile f("run2889a.root");
TTree *e896 = (TTree*)f.Get("e896");
Event *event = new Event();
Int_t nevent;
Int_t nb = 0;
e896->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
nevent = e896->GetEntries();
for(Int_t i=0;i<10;i++) {
nb += e896->GetEvent(i);
printf("Run = %i\t Event = %i\tTracks = %i\tTops = %i\tHyps = %i\n",
event->evtHdr->run, event->evtHdr->event, event->nTrk,
event->nTop, event->nPhy);
Float_t mbytes = 0.000001*nb;
printf("%d events and %d bytes read.\n",nevent,nb);
root [3] .x nochain.C
Run = 2889 Event = 8 Tracks = 5 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 944 Tracks = 9 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 2442 Tracks = 6 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 2794 Tracks = 10 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 4480 Tracks = 11 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 5302 Tracks = 13 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 8194 Tracks = 6 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 10382 Tracks = 5 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 11678 Tracks = 9 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
Run = 2889 Event = 12348 Tracks = 4 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
287 events and 6960 bytes read.
The equivalent code with a chain containing a the same file and no others
causes a segmentation violation.
TChain chain("e896");
Event *event = new Event();
Int_t nevent;
Int_t nb = 0;
chain->SetBranchAddress("event", &event);
nevent = chain->GetEntries();
for (Int_t i=0;i<10;i++) {
nb += chain->GetEvent(i,1);
printf("Run = %i\t Event = %i\tTracks = %i\tTops = %i\tHyps = %i\n",
event->evtHdr->run, event->evtHdr->event, event->nTrk,
event->nTop, event->nPhy);
Float_t mbytes = 0.000001*nb;
printf("%d events and %d bytes read.\n",nevent,nb);
root [0] .x load.C
root [1] .x chain.C
Run = 2889 Event = 8 Tracks = 5 Tops = 1 Hyps = 0
*** Break *** segmentation violation