Thanks for all your help. I finally found that the system here S.u.S.E
does not use glibc. The system was installed only about a week ago, so the
system manager is also not quite familiar with it and gave me a wrong message
that our system uses glibc.
Now I am using ROOT2.00/09 without glibc to compile my program of AMS
EventDisplay. There is problem with rootcint for more latest version of ROOT.
Thomas, the ROOT without glibc precompiled at can work under
system S.u.S.E(at least 5.3). So I do not think it is necessary to create a
special distribution for S.u.S.E.
Have a nice weekend --Shuwei
On Sun, 30 Aug 1998, Norbert Danneberg wrote:
> HI Ye,
> I had a similar problem with root under S.u.S.E Linux 5.2 (without glibc!) . In
> case you have also installed the libraries from 5.2, recompiling with glibc disabeled
> worked on my machine.
> Norbert