class TFndHLmd : public TObject {
TMarker3DBox *hmarker; // Marker for Event Display
TFndHLmd(Int_t a=0, Int_t b=0, Int_t c=0, Int_t e=0);
Your constructor with all optional parameters will act as the
default constructor. When Root will read your Tree, it
invokes the default constructor (via new TFndHLmd()) to create
an instance and then it reads the info into this object
by doing object->Streamer. In TFndHLmd::Streamer, the object
TMarker3DBox is read from the file, but this object was already
created by your constructor. You get an inflation of
TMarker3DBox objects and at some point your program will crash
due to a lack of memory.
We STRONGLY recommend to not allocate objects or arrays
in the default constructor if you want to do I/O, unless you
really control the mechanism.
I would suggest that you change your class in the following way:
class TFndHLmd : public TObject {
TMarker3DBox *hmarker; // Marker for Event Display
TFndHLmd() {} // provide always a default constructor
TFndHLmd(Int_t a, Int_t b=0, Int_t c=0, Int_t e=0);
Rene Brun
Piergiorgio Cerello wrote:
> Dear Rooters,
> I'm running the analysis of a set of data and I get a memory crash after some
> thousands of events. The problem seems to be related to the destructors, but
> there are strange behaviours that I don't understand (that's why I ask for
> help...).
> The code runs under OSF and Linux, showing the same behaviour.
> 1) I have a first stage in which I build for every event, among other objects,
> a TObjArray of hits, described by the Class TFndHLmd.
> This part is run in background by a program (geb2hdt.C) which was
> successfully tested up to more than 50000 events with 200 hits each, and
> doesn't give any memory problem.
> 2) In the second stage, I try to analyze the TObjArrays with root, and there
> comes the memory crash, after about 4000 events, corresponding to about
> 800000 hits.
> Of course, I scanned all my constructors/destructors, but I couldn't find the
> cause of the crash.
> Moreover, I don't understand why the problem comes only with the interactive
> session, since the constructors/destructors are the same.
> In the following, you can find the interactive macro (lmd_adc.C, 2nd stage),
> the geb2hdt.C program (1st stage) and the code for the involved class
> (TFndHLmd.h and TFndHLmd.C)
> Thanks in advance for any help,
> Piergiorgio
> 1. lmd_adc.C
> {
> gROOT->Reset();
> printf("Start lmd_adc.C Macro\n");
> const Int_t kUPDATE = 50;
> const Int_t kCHECK = 100;
> const Int_t ndch = 16;
> TFile *p;
> TFile *f;
> TTree *ftree;
> TObjArray *fHLmd=0;
> Int_t fNHLmd=0;
> TBranch *bhlmd;
> TBranch *bnlmd;
> TFndHLmd *hlmd;
> f1 = new TCanvas("f1","Finuda Monitor",10,10,800,800);
> TH2F *lmdmapadc = new TH2F("lmdmapadc","adc lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);
> TH2F *lmdmapadc0 = new TH2F("lmdmapadc0","adc != 0 lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);
> TH2F *lmdmapadc00 = new TH2F("lmdmapadc00","adc L,R != 0 lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);
> TH2F *lmdmapadcl = new TH2F("lmdmapadcl","adcl lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);
> TH2F *lmdmapadcr = new TH2F("lmdmapadcr","adcr lmd map",20,10.5,30.5,24,0.5,24.5);
> TH1F *lmdadcl[ndch];
> TH1F *lmdadcr[ndch];
> TH1F *lmdcrg[ndch];
> TH2F *lmdadc[ndch];
> Int_t sf;
> Int_t idx = 0;
> for(sf=0; sf<ndch; sf++){
> char sfc[3];
> idx = sf+11;
> if(sf>=ndch/2) idx = sf+13;
> sprintf(sfc,"%d",idx);
> char hname1[8];
> hname1[0] = 'l';
> hname1[1] = 'm';
> hname1[2] = 'd';
> hname1[3] = 'a';
> hname1[4] = 'd';
> hname1[5] = 'c';
> hname1[6] = 'l';
> hname1[7] = '\0';
> char hname2[8];
> hname2[0] = 'l';
> hname2[1] = 'm';
> hname2[2] = 'd';
> hname2[3] = 'a';
> hname2[4] = 'd';
> hname2[5] = 'c';
> hname2[6] = 'r';
> hname2[7] = '\0';
> char hname3[7];
> hname3[0] = 'l';
> hname3[1] = 'm';
> hname3[2] = 'd';
> hname3[3] = 'a';
> hname3[4] = 'd';
> hname3[5] = 'c';
> hname3[6] = '\0';
> char hname4[7];
> hname4[0] = 'l';
> hname4[1] = 'm';
> hname4[2] = 'd';
> hname4[3] = 'c';
> hname4[4] = 'r';
> hname4[5] = 'g';
> hname4[6] = '\0';
> char *hhname = strcat(hname1,sfc);
> printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
> lmdadcl[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"adcl",205,0,4100);
> char *hhname = strcat(hname2,sfc);
> printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
> lmdadcr[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"adcr",205,0,4100);
> char *hhname = strcat(hname3,sfc);
> printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
> lmdadc[sf] = new TH2F(hhname,"adcl vs adcr",205,0,4100,205,0,4100);
> char *hhname = strcat(hname4,sfc);
> printf("hhname %s\n",hhname);
> lmdcrg[sf] = new TH1F(hhname,"charge",410,0,8200);
> lmdadcl[sf]->SetFillColor(6);
> lmdadcr[sf]->SetFillColor(7);
> lmdadc[sf]->SetFillColor(8);
> lmdcrg[sf]->SetFillColor(9);
> }
> char *fpth;
> printf("Path to the main data directory ?\n");
> scanf("%s",&fpth);
> Int_t nsum = 1;
> while(nsum != 0) {
> printf("open the ROOT input file\n");
> char *nrun;
> char *FVMS;
> printf("Run type ?\n");
> scanf("%s",&FVMS);
> printf("Run number (5 digits)? \n");
> scanf("%s",&nrun);
> const char *fdir = "/HDT/";
> const char *sufx = ".hdt";
> Char_t *fRAW = new Char_t[strlen(&fpth)+strlen(fdir)+strlen(&FVMS)+strlen(sufx)+strlen(&nrun)];
> strcpy(fRAW,&fpth);
> fRAW = strcat(fRAW,fdir);
> fRAW = strcat(fRAW,&FVMS);
> fRAW = strcat(fRAW,&nrun);
> fRAW = strcat(fRAW,sufx);
> printf("%s file\n",fRAW);
> f = new TFile(fRAW);
> ftree = (TTree*)f->Get("F");
> bnlmd = ftree->GetBranch("fNHLmd");
> bhlmd = ftree->GetBranch("fHLmd");
> Int_t nbr = ftree->GetNbranches();
> printf("HDT Tree with %d branches ",nbr);
> bnlmd->SetAddress(&fNHLmd);
> bhlmd->SetAddress(&fHLmd);
> Int_t nevent = (Int_t)bnlmd->GetEntries();
> printf("and %d events \n",nevent);
> Int_t goon;
> Int_t firstevt=0;
> Int_t lastevt=0;
> printf("Type initial event number\n");
> scanf("%d",&firstevt);
> if(firstevt<=0) {
> firstevt = 0;
> printf("WARNING: firstevt FORCED to 0\n");
> }
> printf("Type final event number\n");
> scanf("%d",&lastevt);
> if(lastevt>=nevent) {
> lastevt = nevent-1;
> printf("WARNING: lastevt FORCED to (nevent-1)\n");
> }
> if(lastevt<firstevt)
> printf("WARNING: lastevt SMALLER than firstevt\n");
> if(firstevt>=0 || firstevt<lastevt && lastevt<nevent) {
> for (Int_t i=firstevt;i<lastevt;i++) {
> fHLmd = new TObjArray();
> bhlmd->GetEvent(i);
> bnlmd->GetEvent(i);
> if(!(i%kCHECK))printf("Event %d, %d lmd hits\n",i,fNHLmd);
> for (Int_t j=0; j<fNHLmd; j++) {
> hlmd = (TFndHLmd*) fHLmd->At(j);
> Int_t dch = hlmd->GetCham();
> Int_t wire = hlmd->GetWire();
> Int_t sf=0;
> if(dch <= 18 && dch >= 11)
> sf = dch - 11;
> if(dch <= 28 && dch >=21)
> sf = dch - 13;
> lmdmapadc->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
> Int_t al = hlmd->GetAdcL();
> Int_t ar = hlmd->GetAdcR();
> if((al+ar)!= 0)
> lmdmapadc0->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
> if((al*ar) != 0)
> lmdmapadc00->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
> if(al != 0)
> lmdmapadcl->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
> if(ar != 0)
> lmdmapadcr->Fill((Float_t) dch,(Float_t) wire);
> lmdadcl[sf]->Fill(al);
> lmdadcr[sf]->Fill(ar);
> lmdadc[sf]->Fill(ar,al);
> lmdcrg[sf]->Fill(al+ar);
> }
> fHLmd->Delete();
> delete fHLmd;
> }
> }
> printf("new run? "1" yes, "0" no\n");
> scanf("%d",&nsum);
> }
> // OPEN Histogram FILE
> const char *SUFF = "_lmd_adc.hist";
> Char_t *fhist = new Char_t[strlen(&FVMS)+strlen(&nrun)+strlen(SUFF)];
> strcpy(fhist,&FVMS);
> fhist = strcat(fhist,&nrun);
> fhist = strcat(fhist,SUFF);
> printf("write file %s\n",fhist);
> TFile *fist = new TFile(fhist,"RECREATE","Finuda ROOT histograms");
> lmdmapadc->Write();
> lmdmapadcl->Write();
> lmdmapadcr->Write();
> lmdmapadc0->Write();
> lmdmapadc00->Write();
> for(Int_t sf = 0; sf < ndch; sf++){
> lmdadcl[sf]->Write();
> lmdadcr[sf]->Write();
> lmdcrg[sf]->Write();
> lmdadc[sf]->Write();
> }
> fist->Close();
> }
> 2. geb2hdt.C
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <ctype.h>
> #include <iostream.h>
> //******************************************************************/
> //* ROOT include files */
> //******************************************************************/
> #include "TROOT.h"
> #include "TFile.h"
> #include "TH1.h"
> #include "TH2.h"
> #include "TProfile.h"
> #include "TNtuple.h"
> #include "TRandom.h"
> #include "TTree.h"
> #include "TBranch.h"
> #include "TObjArray.h"
> #include "TDirectory.h"
> #include "TServerSocket.h"
> #include "TSocket.h"
> #include "TMessage.h"
> #include "TBuffer.h"
> //******************************************************************/
> //* FINUDA include files */
> //******************************************************************/
> #include "TFndFeeMap.h"
> #include "TFndConst.h"
> #include "TFndHHdr.h"
> #include "TFndRawEqp.h"
> #include "TFndRawSil.h"
> #include "TFndRdt.h"
> #include "TFndHdt.h"
> #include "TFndHSil.h"
> #include "TFndHTof.h"
> #include "TFndHLmd.h"
> #include "TFndHStb.h"
> #include "TFndTrig.h"
> #include "TFndCorbo.h"
> #include "TFndDate.h"
> #include "TFndGenInfo.h"
> //******************************************************************/
> //*-------> UNIX only */
> //******************************************************************/
> #include <fcntl.h>
> #include <sys/file.h>
> #include <sys/ioctl.h>
> #include <sys/types.h>
> #include <sys/socket.h>
> #include <sys/un.h>
> #include <netinet/in.h>
> #include <netdb.h>
> //******************************************************************/
> //*-------> ZEBRA Common Block */
> //******************************************************************/
> #include "cfortran.h"
> #include "TFndZebini.h"
> ZEBINI_DEF Zebini;
> #ifdef __SC__
> long G__globalvarpointer;
> #endif
> TROOT geb2hdt("geb2hdt","FINUDA geb2hdt conversion");
> //******************************************************************/
> //* main */
> //******************************************************************/
> main(Int_t argc, Char_t **argv) {
> //******************************************************************/
> //* Read the mSQL database */
> //******************************************************************/
> // char *host = argv[1];
> // cout << "mSQL host is " << host << endl;
> const Int_t EVHEAD=0x10;
> const Int_t N_DET = 6;
> // build up input file name
> const char *fpth = argv[2];
> const char *fgeb = "/geb/";
> const char *fnam = argv[3];
> const char *fonl = "onl";
> const char *fraw = ".raw";
> Int_t onlflg = 0;
> printf("argv[3] %s\n",fnam);
> cout << fnam << endl;
> if(!strcmp(fnam,fonl)) onlflg = 1;
> //cout << "Online flag is " << onlflg << endl;
> Int_t kSCALE = 1;
> if(onlflg) kSCALE = 10;
> Int_t ilen = strlen(fpth)+strlen(fgeb)+strlen(fnam)+strlen(fraw);
> Char_t *ifn = new Char_t[ilen];
> strcpy(ifn,fpth);
> ifn = strcat(ifn,fgeb);
> ifn = strcat(ifn,fnam);
> ifn = strcat(ifn,fraw);
> // open input file
> FILE *f;
> if(!onlflg) {
> f = fopen(ifn,"rb");
> if (f==NULL) {
> cout << "file " << ifn << " does not exist" << endl;
> exit(0);
> }
> }
> // build up output file name
> const char *frdt = "/HDT/";
> const char *frot = ".hdt";
> Int_t olen = strlen(fpth)+strlen(frdt)+strlen(fnam)+strlen(frot);
> Char_t *ofn = new Char_t[olen];
> strcpy(ofn,fpth);
> ofn = strcat(ofn,frdt);
> ofn = strcat(ofn,fnam);
> ofn = strcat(ofn,frot);
> Int_t fSockId = 0;
> Int_t rawsize = 0;
> Int_t ierr = 0;
> if (onlflg) {
> Int_t port_ev = 1242;
> struct sockaddr_in myaddr;
> bzero((char *) &myaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
> myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
> myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
> myaddr.sin_port = htons(port_ev);
> fSockId = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
> cout << " fSockId = " << fSockId << endl;
> if(fSockId == -1) {
> ierr = -1;
> cout << "ierr from FndRun(socket) is " << ierr << endl;
> }
> rawsize = 32000;
> setsockopt(fSockId,SOL_SOCKET,SO_RCVBUF,(char *) &rawsize,sizeof(rawsize));
> ierr = bind(fSockId, (sockaddr *) &myaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
> if(ierr == -1) {
> ierr = -2;
> cout << "ierr from FndRun(socket) is " << ierr << endl;
> }
> rawsize /= 4;
> }
> if(!onlflg) {
> // read "event 0" header
> UInt_t *raw = new UInt_t[EVHEAD];
> if (fread(raw,sizeof(UInt_t), EVHEAD,f) !=EVHEAD) {
> cout << "file " << ifn << " is shorter than event header" << endl;
> exit(0);
> }
> rewind(f);
> // swap "event 0" header if needed
> for (Int_t j = 0; j< EVHEAD;j++ ) raw[j] = host2net(raw[j]);
> delete [] raw;
> }
> // create RDT & HDT output file and Tree
> cout << "Create Trees" << endl;
> TFile *of = new TFile(ofn,"RECREATE","Finuda ROOT histograms");
> TTree *rdtt = new TTree("RawTree", "FINUDA raw event tree");
> TTree *hdtt = new TTree("F","FINUDA HDT tree");
> hdtt->SetAutoSave(10000000); // autosave when 10 Mbytes written
> rdtt->SetAutoSave(10000000); // autosave when 10 Mbytes written
> cout << "Create RDT" << endl;
> TFndRdt *fndrdt = new TFndRdt();
> TFndHdt *fndhdt = new TFndHdt();
> TFndGenInfo *g = new TFndGenInfo();
> cout << "Create branches " << endl;
> TBranch *Bhdr;
> TBranch *Bdet[N_DET];
> TFndHHdr *hdr = 0;
> TFndRawEqp *gts = 0;
> TFndRawEqp *tof = 0;
> TFndRawSil *ism = 0;
> TFndRawSil *osm = 0;
> TFndRawEqp *lmd = 0;
> TFndRawEqp *stb = 0;
> Bhdr = rdtt->Branch("hdr","TFndHHdr",&hdr,64000,0);
> Bdet[0] = rdtt->Branch("gts","TFndRawEqp",>s,64000,0);
> Bdet[1] = rdtt->Branch("tof","TFndRawEqp",&tof,64000,0);
> Bdet[2] = rdtt->Branch("ism","TFndRawSil",&ism,64000,0);
> Bdet[3] = rdtt->Branch("osm","TFndRawSil",&osm,64000,0);
> Bdet[4] = rdtt->Branch("lmd","TFndRawEqp",&lmd,64000,0);
> Bdet[5] = rdtt->Branch("stb","TFndRawEqp",&stb,64000,0);
> Int_t bsize = 6400;
> Int_t split = 1;
> TBranch *b = hdtt->Branch("fndhdt","TFndHdt",&fndhdt,bsize,split);
> // connect to mSQL database
> char *host = argv[1];
> cout << "mSQL host is " << host << endl;
> TFndFeeMap *fndfeemap = new TFndFeeMap(host);
> if(fndfeemap->IsThere()) fndfeemap->Print();
> UInt_t evlen=-1;
> UInt_t ec=0;
> Int_t istop = 0;
> UInt_t *raw;
> if(onlflg) {
> Int_t one=1,n;
> ioctl(fSockId ,FIONBIO,&one);
> raw = new UInt_t[rawsize];
> }
> Int_t RefRunNumber = 0;
> while (istop == 0) {
> ec++;
> cout << "process event " << ec;
> if(!onlflg) {
> if(fread(&evlen, sizeof(UInt_t), 1 , f)!=1) {
> istop = 1;
> continue;
> }
> evlen = host2net(evlen);
> raw = new UInt_t[evlen];
> raw[0] = evlen;
> cout << ", length " << evlen << endl;
> if (1+fread(raw+1, sizeof(UInt_t), evlen-1, f) !=evlen) break;
> }
> if(onlflg) {
> struct sockaddr_in claddr;
> Int_t addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
> bzero((char *) &claddr,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
> evlen = -1;
> while(evlen == -1) {
> bzero((char *) raw,sizeof(raw));
> evlen = recvfrom(fSockId,raw,rawsize*sizeof(int),0,(struct sockaddr *) &claddr,&addrlen);
> usleep(10000);
> }
> printf(" Socket size %d Event %d addresses %X\n",evlen,raw[0],claddr.sin_addr.s_addr);
> evlen = evlen/sizeof(int);
> }
> for (Int_t j=0; j<evlen; j++) raw[j] = host2net(raw[j]);
> if(raw[13])
> cout << "event 0" << endl; // next cicle if "Event 0"
> // create and fill header branch
> hdr = new TFndHHdr(raw);
> // create GenInfo object (run general information)
> Int_t RunNumber = hdr->GetRun();
> if(RunNumber != RefRunNumber) {
> RefRunNumber = RunNumber;
> if(g) delete g;
> TFndGenInfo *g = new TFndGenInfo(raw);
> g->Print();
> g->Write();
> }
> // create and fill detector branches
> gts = 0;
> tof = 0;
> ism = 0;
> osm = 0;
> lmd = 0;
> stb = 0;
> Bhdr->Fill();
> for (Int_t j=0; j<N_DET; j++) {
> // cout << "detector " << j << endl;
> UInt_t *det = raw[7+j]? raw+raw[7+j] : (UInt_t*) NULL;
> if (det) {
> if(j == 0) {
> gts = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
> // gts->Dump();
> }
> if(j == 1) {
> tof = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
> // tof->Dump();
> }
> if(j == 2) {
> ism = new TFndRawSil(raw,j);
> // ism->Dump();
> }
> if(j == 3) {
> osm = new TFndRawSil(raw,j);
> // osm->Dump();
> }
> if(j == 4) {
> lmd = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
> // lmd->Dump();
> }
> if(j == 5) {
> stb = new TFndRawEqp(raw,j);
> // stb->Dump();
> }
> // cout << "fill branch " << j << " of raw tree" << endl;
> Bdet[j]->Fill();
> }
> }
> // create TFndRdt object
> fndrdt = new TFndRdt(hdr,gts,tof,ism,osm,lmd,stb);
> // fndrdt->Dump();
> // create TFndHdt object
> // cout << "create HDT" << endl;
> TFndHHdr *hdrf = new TFndHHdr(raw);
> TFndTrig *fAgts = new TFndTrig(tof);
> // cout << "HEADER" << hdrf << endl;
> fndhdt = new TFndHdt(ec,hdrf,fAgts);
> // cout << "GTS" << gts << endl;
> if(gts) fndrdt->GtsTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // cout << "TOF" << tof << endl;
> if(tof) fndrdt->TofTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // cout << "ISM " << ism << endl;
> if(ism) fndrdt->IsmTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // cout << "OSM " << osm << endl;
> if(osm) fndrdt->OsmTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // cout << "LMD " << lmd << endl;
> if(lmd) fndrdt->LmdTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // cout << "STB " << stb << endl;
> if(stb) fndrdt->StbTree(fndhdt,fndfeemap);
> // fndhdt->Dump();
> Int_t nhtof = fndhdt->GetNHTof();
> Int_t nhsil = fndhdt->GetNHSil();
> Int_t nhlmd = fndhdt->GetNHLmd();
> Int_t nhstb = fndhdt->GetNHStb();
> Int_t nhtot = fndhdt->GetNHTot();
> cout << nhtot << " hits in event " << ec << ": ";
> cout << nhsil << " sil_hits, " << nhtof << " tof_hits, " << nhlmd << " lmd_hits, " << nhstb << " stb_hits" << endl;
> hdtt->Fill();
> if(!(ec%(TFndConst::kCHECK/kSCALE))) {
> cout << "store on output file at event " << ec << endl;
> hdr->Print();
> hdtt->Print();
> rdtt->Print();
> of->Write();
> of->cd();
> of->Purge();
> }
> // cout << "delete hdt and rdt" << endl;
> delete fndrdt;
> delete fndhdt;
> if(!onlflg) delete [] raw;
> }
> // Write Events & database information
> fndfeemap->Write();
> of->Write();
> of->cd();
> of->Purge();
> // Close output file
> of->Close();
> }
> 3. TFndHLmd.h
> #ifndef FIN_FndHLmd
> #define FIN_FndHLmd
> //_____________________________________________________________________
> //
> // TFndHLmd
> //
> // Description of the hit on Lmd
> //
> #include "TObject.h"
> #include "TMarker3DBox.h"
> #include "TFndConst.h"
> class TFndHLmd : public TObject {
> protected:
> Int_t Cham; // Drift Chamber Identifier
> Int_t Wire; // Wire Number
> Int_t Tdc[2]; // TDC Values ([0]:left [1]:right)
> Int_t Adc[2]; // ADC Values ([0]:left [1]:right)
> Float_t x_c; // x center coordinate
> Float_t y_c; // y center coordinate
> Float_t z_c; // z center coordinate
> Float_t x_l; // x local coordinate
> Float_t y_l; // y local coordinate
> Float_t z_l; // z local coordinate
> Float_t x_g; // x global coordinate
> Float_t y_g; // y global coordinate
> Float_t z_g; // z global coordinate
> TMarker3DBox *hmarker; // Marker for Event Display
> public:
> TFndHLmd(Int_t a=0, Int_t b=0, Int_t c=0, Int_t e=0);
> ~TFndHLmd();
> Int_t GetCham() const { return Cham; } // Get DC Number
> Int_t GetWire() const { return Wire; } // Get Wire Number
> Int_t GetTdcL() const { return Tdc[0]; } // Get Left TDC
> Int_t GetTdcR() const { return Tdc[1]; } // Get Right TDC
> Int_t GetAdcL() const { return Adc[0]; } // Get Left ADC
> Int_t GetAdcR() const { return Adc[1]; } // Get Right ADC
> Float_t GetX() const { return x_g; } // Get X
> Float_t GetY() const { return y_g; } // Get Y
> Float_t GetZ() const { return z_g; } // Get Z
> TMarker3DBox *GetMarker() const { return hmarker; } // Get Marker
> void SetTdcL(Int_t);
> void SetTdcR(Int_t);
> void SetAdcL(Int_t);
> void SetAdcR(Int_t);
> void Draw(char *);
> // void MzBook(); // Book and Fill the FIDARC Zebra bank for Lmd Hits
> void Print(); // Print the Lmd Hit
> ClassDef(TFndHLmd,2) // The LMD hit
> };
> #endif
> 4. TFndHLmd.C
> #include <iostream.h>
> #include "cfortran.h"
> #include "TFndZebini.h"
> #include "TMath.h"
> #include "TFndHLmd.h"
> ClassImp(TFndHLmd);
> TFndHLmd::TFndHLmd(Int_t a, Int_t b, Int_t c, Int_t e) {
> Cham = a;
> Wire = b;
> Tdc[0] = 0;
> Tdc[1] = 0;
> Adc[0] = 0;
> Adc[1] = 0;
> if (e == 3){
> Tdc[0] = c;
> } else if (e == 4){
> Tdc[1] = c;
> } else if (e == 1){
> Adc[0] = c;
> } else if (e == 2){
> Adc[1] = c;
> }
> Int_t n = a/10 -1;
> Double_t rad = TFndConst::kRADLMD[n];
> Double_t fof = (1 - n)*TMath::Pi()*TFndConst::kROTANGLE/180.;
> Double_t angin = TMath::ATan2(TFndConst::kY0[n],TFndConst::kX0[n])+fof;
> Double_t angle = angin + (a - (n+1)*10)*(TMath::Pi()/4.);
> x_c = rad*TMath::Cos(angle);
> y_c = rad*TMath::Sin(angle);
> // Double_t len = 2.5;
> // z_c = 0.5*len*(((float)Adc[0]-Adc[1])/(Adc[0]+Adc[1]));
> z_c = 0.;
> // to be updated
> x_g = x_c;
> y_g = y_c;
> z_g = z_c;
> hmarker = new TMarker3DBox(x_g,y_g,z_g,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.,0.);
> }
> TFndHLmd::~TFndHLmd() {
> delete hmarker;
> }
> void TFndHLmd::SetAdcR(Int_t adcR) {
> Adc[1] = adcR;
> }
> void TFndHLmd::SetAdcL(Int_t adcL) {
> Adc[0] = adcL;
> }
> void TFndHLmd::SetTdcR(Int_t tdcR) {
> Tdc[1] = tdcR;
> }
> void TFndHLmd::SetTdcL(Int_t tdcL) {
> Tdc[0] = tdcL;
> }
> void TFndHLmd::Draw(char *opt) {
> hmarker->SetLineColor(2);
> hmarker->SetFillColor(2);
> hmarker->SetFillStyle(3);
> if (opt == "L"){
> x_g = x_g - x_c;
> y_g = y_g - y_c;
> z_g = z_g - z_c;
> }
> hmarker->SetPosition(x_g,y_g,z_g);
> hmarker->Draw();
> }
> /*
> void TFndHLmd::MzBook() {
> Int_t *lq = &Zebini.jfrdt;
> Int_t *iq = lq+8;
> Int_t *q = lq+8;
> Int_t jb=-4;
> char* chid = "DCH1";
> Int_t nl=0;
> Int_t ns=0;
> Int_t nd=9;
> Int_t iod=2;
> Int_t nz=0;
> Int_t ldch1=0;
> cout << "call MzBooki, lq = " << lq << endl;
> mzbook_(&Zebini.ixdst ,&ldch1 ,&Zebini.jfges ,&jb ,&chid ,&nl ,&ns ,&nd ,&iod,&nz);
> *(iq+ldch1) = Cham;
> *(iq+ldch1+1) = Wire;
> *(iq+ldch1+2) = 0;
> *(iq+ldch1+3) = 0;
> *(iq+ldch1+4) = 0;
> *(iq+ldch1+5) = Tdc[0];
> *(iq+ldch1+6) = Tdc[1];
> *(iq+ldch1+7) = Adc[0];
> *(iq+ldch1+8) = Adc[1];
> for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) cout << "ldch1+" << i << " = " << *(iq+ldch1+i) << endl;
> }
> */
> void TFndHLmd::Print() {
> cout << "LMD Hit: ";
> cout << "DC " << Cham << ", ";
> cout << "Wire " << Wire << endl;
> cout << "L/R ADC: " << Adc[0] << ", " << Adc[1] << ", ";
> cout << "L/R TDC: " << Tdc[0] << ", " << Tdc[1] << endl;
> printf("x_c %f, y_c %f, z_c %f\n",x_c,y_c,z_c);
> printf("x_l %f, y_l %f, z_l %f\n",x_l,y_l,z_l);
> printf("x_g %f, y_g %f, z_g %f\n",x_g,y_g,z_g);
> }
> void TFndHLmd::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b) {
> // Stream an object of class TFndHLmd.
> if (R__b.IsReading()) {
> Version_t R__v = R__b.ReadVersion(); if (R__v) { }
> TObject::Streamer(R__b);
> R__b >> Cham;
> R__b >> Wire;
> R__b.ReadStaticArray(Tdc);
> R__b.ReadStaticArray(Adc);
> R__b >> x_c;
> R__b >> y_c;
> R__b >> z_c;
> if(R__v > 1) {
> R__b >> x_l;
> R__b >> y_l;
> R__b >> z_l;
> R__b >> x_g;
> R__b >> y_g;
> R__b >> z_g;
> }
> R__b >> hmarker;
> } else {
> R__b.WriteVersion(TFndHLmd::IsA());
> TObject::Streamer(R__b);
> R__b << Cham;
> R__b << Wire;
> R__b.WriteArray(Tdc, 2);
> R__b.WriteArray(Adc, 2);
> R__b << x_c;
> R__b << y_c;
> R__b << z_c;
> R__b << x_l;
> R__b << y_l;
> R__b << z_l;
> R__b << x_g;
> R__b << y_g;
> R__b << z_g;
> R__b << hmarker;
> }
> }