RE:Re: cint5.13.69

Masaharu Goto (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:42:00 +0900


There often is this confusion. I need to explain how cint is exposed. The
Web and ftp server is in CERN. It's Fons Rademakers' machine. I copy new
version to that machine and Fons exposes after he verifies it on ROOT.
So, when you see my message, it is copied to CERN but not exposed yet.
If you need urgent access, please send request to Fons.

Masaharu Goto


I could not find the new cint version ,I am looking at .

Do you put it there ?? .

Thank you in advance.

On Sun, 23 Aug 1998, Masaharu Goto wrote:

> Fons,
> I'll copy cint5.13.69. This version has folowing enhancements.
> 1) 64bit 'long long' support in lib/longlong directory
> 2) posix system call (subset) interface in lib/posix
> Those are not compiled by default. A user need to build additional library i
> lib/longlong and lib/posix directory.
> Masaharu Goto