Re: calling CERNLIB routine in a shared library

Rene Brun (
Tue, 25 Aug 1998 09:26:14 +0200

Ye Shuwei wrote:
> Hi,
> I use TTreeFormula to select interested events in a TTree. And to speed
> up, I activates only those variables used in the TTreeFormula. I do it via
> invoking "TTree::SetBranchStatus" one by one. It would be nice and more
> convenient to have a function in TTreeFormula to activate all the variables
> used inside. Thanks in advance.

When you use TTree::Draw function, TTreeFormula objects are created.
As you say these objects know which variables are referenced.
If you look (in the pretty complex!) logic of TTree::EventLoop,
you will see how only referenced branches are read.
I understand that you would like a new function setting automatically
the branch status active for only the branches referenced in all
the expressions.

> BTW, Rene, what is the email address of CERNLIB team ? I want to send
> suggestion on creating CERNLIB with PIC option at HP-UX. Thanks.

I was surprised to see that it took me many clicks on the Web
to find this info. At the end, I believe that I found the right info.

Rene Brun